[250337] [256515] [263107] updates to server tools docs for v3.2
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@@ -23,17 +23,17 @@
 <li>The location where the server configuration files are stored on the workbench.</li>

 <li>The fully qualified DNS name or IP address of the host machine where the

 server is running.</li>

-<li>The name assign to the server.</li>

+<li>The name assigned to the server.</li>

 <li>The name of the installed server runtime environment which defines the

 runtime environment of an application server for compiling your application.</li>

 </ul></p><p id="tmetasrv_wst_p2">By default, the workbench hides the metadata

 of the server to keep the development workspace clean. Displaying the metadata

-of the server on the workbench, allows you to persists the data of the server

-in a <i>serverName</i>.server file, where <i>serverName</i> is the name assigned

-to the server. The <i>serverName</i>.server file is useful when you are working

-in a team development environment and you are required to maintain the metadata

-of the server in a source control repository.</p>To display or hide the metadata

-of the server:</context>

+of the server on the workbench, allows you to persist<?Pub Caret?> the data

+of the server in a <i>serverName</i>.server file, where <i>serverName</i> is

+the name assigned to the server. The <i>serverName</i>.server file is useful

+when you are working in a team development environment and you are required

+to maintain the metadata of the server in a source control repository.</p>To

+display or hide the metadata of the server:</context>

 <steps id="tmetasrv_wst_steps">

 <step id="tmetasrv_step1"><cmd>In the Servers view, right-click the server

 you want to display or hide the metadata and select <b>Properties</b>.</cmd>

@@ -58,3 +58,4 @@



+<?Pub *0000003897?>

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@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
 <li>The fully qualified DNS name or IP address of the host machine where the
 server is running.</li>
-<li>The name assign to the server.</li>
+<li>The name assigned to the server.</li>
 <li>The name of the installed server runtime environment which defines the
 runtime environment of an application server for compiling your application.</li>
@@ -45,13 +45,13 @@
 <p id="tmetasrv_wst__tmetasrv_wst_p2"><a name="tmetasrv_wst__tmetasrv_wst_p2"><!-- --></a>By default, the workbench hides the metadata
 of the server to keep the development workspace clean. Displaying the metadata
-of the server on the workbench, allows you to persists the data of the server
-in a <em>serverName</em>.server file, where <em>serverName</em> is the name assigned
-to the server. The <em>serverName</em>.server file is useful when you are working
-in a team development environment and you are required to maintain the metadata
-of the server in a source control repository.</p>
-To display or hide the metadata
-of the server:</div>
+of the server on the workbench, allows you to persist the data
+of the server in a <em>serverName</em>.server file, where <em>serverName</em> is
+the name assigned to the server. The <em>serverName</em>.server file is useful
+when you are working in a team development environment and you are required
+to maintain the metadata of the server in a source control repository.</p>
+display or hide the metadata of the server:</div>
 <a name="tmetasrv_wst__tmetasrv_wst_steps"><!-- --></a><ol id="tmetasrv_wst__tmetasrv_wst_steps">
 <li class="stepexpand" id="tmetasrv_wst__tmetasrv_step1"><a name="tmetasrv_wst__tmetasrv_step1"><!-- --></a><span>In the Servers view, right-click the server
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+<?Pub Inc?>

 <task id="twcrtins_wst" xml:lang="en-us">

 <title id="title">Creating a server</title>

-<shortdesc><ph id="shortdesc">You can create a server to identify the runtime

-environment that you want to use for testing your project resources. The term <i>creating

-a server</i> defines creating a pointer from the workbench to an existing

-installation of an application server</ph>.</shortdesc>

+<shortdesc><ph id="shortdesc">You can create a server to identify

+the runtime environment that you want to use for testing your project

+resources. The term <i>creating a server</i> defines creating a pointer

+from the workbench to an existing installation of an application server</ph>.</shortdesc>


-<keywords id="index"><indexterm keyref="twcrtins|1|serverscreating" status="new">servers<indexterm>creating</indexterm></indexterm>

+<keywords id="index"><indexterm keyref="twcrtins|1|serverscreating"


 <indexterm keyref="twcrtins|2|serverscreatingapointer" status="new">servers<indexterm>creating

 a pointer</indexterm></indexterm></keywords>


@@ -18,32 +20,35 @@
 <steps id="steps">

 <step id="step1"><cmd>Select any of the following options:</cmd>


-<choice>In the Servers view (<menucascade><uicontrol>Window</uicontrol><uicontrol>Show

-View</uicontrol><uicontrol>Servers</uicontrol></menucascade>), right-click

-and select <menucascade><uicontrol>New</uicontrol><uicontrol>Server</uicontrol>


+<choice>In the Servers view (<menucascade><uicontrol>Window</uicontrol>

+<uicontrol>Show View</uicontrol><uicontrol>Servers</uicontrol>

+</menucascade>),  right-click and select <menucascade><uicontrol>New</uicontrol>


 <choice>In the menu bar, click <uicontrol>File > New > Other</uicontrol>.

-Expand the <uicontrol>Server</uicontrol> folder and then select  <uicontrol>Server</uicontrol>.</choice>

+Expand the <uicontrol>Server</uicontrol> folder, select <uicontrol>Server</uicontrol> and

+click <uicontrol>Next</uicontrol>.</choice>



-<step id="step2"><cmd>Click  <uicontrol>Next</uicontrol>.</cmd><info>The New

-Server wizard opens. This wizard defines a new server, that contains information

-required to point to a specific runtime environment for local or remote testing,

-or for publishing to an application server.</info></step>

+<step id="step2"><cmd>The New Server wizard opens. This wizard defines

+a new server, that contains information required to point to a specific

+runtime environment for local or remote testing, or for publishing

+to an application server.</cmd></step><?Pub Caret1?>

 <step id="step3"><cmd>In the <uicontrol>Server's host name</uicontrol> field,

-you can provide the fully qualified DNS name or IP address of the host machine

-that where the server is running. By default, this field is pre-filled with

-the default address: <userinput>localhost</userinput></cmd></step>

-<step><cmd>In the <uicontrol>Select the server type</uicontrol> list, select

-the type of server or test environment where you want to publish or test your


+you can provide the fully qualified DNS name or IP address of the

+host machine that where the server is running. By default, this field

+is pre-filled with the default address: <userinput>localhost</userinput></cmd>


+<step><cmd>In the <uicontrol>Select the server type</uicontrol> list,

+select the type of server or test environment where you want to publish

+or test your resources.</cmd>


 <substep><cmd>(Optional) Refer to the <uicontrol>Description</uicontrol> section

 for brief details about the server you have selected.</cmd></substep>

-<substep><cmd>(Optional) In the text field under the <uicontrol>Select the

-server type</uicontrol> label, you can replace the text <userinput>type filter

-text</userinput> with keywords to filter the list of available application

-servers.</cmd><info>The following are examples of filter keywords:<dl><dlentry>

+<substep><cmd>(Optional) In the text field under the <uicontrol>Select

+the server type</uicontrol> label, you can replace the text <userinput>type

+filter text</userinput> with keywords to filter the list of available

+application servers.</cmd><info>The following are examples of filter



 <dd>Filters the list of available servers where the vendor is Apache</dd>


@@ -57,8 +62,8 @@
 <dd>Filters the list of available servers that support Web modules</dd>



-<dd>Filters the list of available servers that are at version, 5.0 or supports

-JEE 5 specification level.</dd>

+<dd>Filters the list of available servers that are at version, 5.0

+or supports JEE 5 specification level.</dd>



 <dd>Filters the list of available servers that supports J2EE 1.2 specification

@@ -66,12 +71,13 @@



-<step><cmd>Click <uicontrol>Next</uicontrol> and follow the instructions in

-the wizard to specify the details of the server that you want to create.</cmd>


-<step><cmd>Click  <uicontrol>Finish</uicontrol>.</cmd><info>The new server

-appears in the Servers view under the  <uicontrol>Server</uicontrol> column.</info>

+<step><cmd>Click <uicontrol>Next</uicontrol> and follow the instructions

+in the wizard to specify the details of the server that you want to


+<step><cmd>Click  <uicontrol>Finish</uicontrol>.</cmd><info>The new

+server appears in the Servers view under the  <uicontrol>Server</uicontrol> column.</info>





+<?Pub *0000004019?>

diff --git a/docs/org.eclipse.wst.server.ui.doc.user/topics/twcrtins.html b/docs/org.eclipse.wst.server.ui.doc.user/topics/twcrtins.html
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@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
 <html lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us">
 <meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type" />
-<meta name="copyright" content="Copyright (c) 2000, 2008 IBM Corporation and others. All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html. Contributors: IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation" />
-<meta name="DC.rights.owner" content="(C) Copyright 2000, 2008" />
+<meta name="copyright" content="Copyright (c) 2000, 2009 IBM Corporation and others. All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html. Contributors: IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation" />
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@@ -26,49 +26,52 @@
-<div><p><span id="shortdesc"><a name="shortdesc"><!-- --></a>You can create a server to identify the runtime
-environment that you want to use for testing your project resources. The term <em>creating
-a server</em> defines creating a pointer from the workbench to an existing
-installation of an application server</span>.</p>
+<div><p><span id="shortdesc"><a name="shortdesc"><!-- --></a>You can create a server to identify
+the runtime environment that you want to use for testing your project
+resources. The term <em>creating a server</em> defines creating a pointer
+from the workbench to an existing installation of an application server</span>.</p>
 <div class="section" id="twcrtins_wst__context"><a name="twcrtins_wst__context"><!-- --></a>To create a server:</div>
 <a name="twcrtins_wst__steps"><!-- --></a><ol id="twcrtins_wst__steps">
 <li class="stepexpand" id="twcrtins_wst__step1"><a name="twcrtins_wst__step1"><!-- --></a><span>Select any of the following options:</span>
-<li>In the Servers view (<span class="menucascade"><span class="uicontrol">Window</span> &gt; <span class="uicontrol">Show
-View</span> &gt; <span class="uicontrol">Servers</span></span>), right-click
-and select <span class="menucascade"><span class="uicontrol">New</span> &gt; <span class="uicontrol">Server</span>
+<li>In the Servers view (<span class="menucascade"><span class="uicontrol">Window</span>
+ &gt; <span class="uicontrol">Show View</span> &gt; <span class="uicontrol">Servers</span>
+</span>),  right-click and select <span class="menucascade"><span class="uicontrol">New</span>
+ &gt; <span class="uicontrol">Server</span></span>.</li>
 <li>In the menu bar, click <span class="uicontrol">File &gt; New &gt; Other</span>.
-Expand the <span class="uicontrol">Server</span> folder and then select  <span class="uicontrol">Server</span>.</li>
+Expand the <span class="uicontrol">Server</span> folder, select <span class="uicontrol">Server</span> and
+click <span class="uicontrol">Next</span>.</li>
-<li class="stepexpand" id="twcrtins_wst__step2"><a name="twcrtins_wst__step2"><!-- --></a><span>Click  <span class="uicontrol">Next</span>.</span> The New
-Server wizard opens. This wizard defines a new server, that contains information
-required to point to a specific runtime environment for local or remote testing,
-or for publishing to an application server.</li>
+<li class="stepexpand" id="twcrtins_wst__step2"><a name="twcrtins_wst__step2"><!-- --></a><span>The New Server wizard opens. This wizard defines
+a new server, that contains information required to point to a specific
+runtime environment for local or remote testing, or for publishing
+to an application server.</span></li>
 <li class="stepexpand" id="twcrtins_wst__step3"><a name="twcrtins_wst__step3"><!-- --></a><span>In the <span class="uicontrol">Server's host name</span> field,
-you can provide the fully qualified DNS name or IP address of the host machine
-that where the server is running. By default, this field is pre-filled with
-the default address: <kbd class="userinput">localhost</kbd></span></li>
+you can provide the fully qualified DNS name or IP address of the
+host machine that where the server is running. By default, this field
+is pre-filled with the default address: <kbd class="userinput">localhost</kbd></span>
-<li class="stepexpand"><span>In the <span class="uicontrol">Select the server type</span> list, select
-the type of server or test environment where you want to publish or test your
+<li class="stepexpand"><span>In the <span class="uicontrol">Select the server type</span> list,
+select the type of server or test environment where you want to publish
+or test your resources.</span>
 <ol type="a">
 <li class="substepexpand"><span>(Optional) Refer to the <span class="uicontrol">Description</span> section
 for brief details about the server you have selected.</span></li>
-<li class="substepexpand"><span>(Optional) In the text field under the <span class="uicontrol">Select the
-server type</span> label, you can replace the text <kbd class="userinput">type filter
-text</kbd> with keywords to filter the list of available application
-servers.</span> The following are examples of filter keywords:<dl>
+<li class="substepexpand"><span>(Optional) In the text field under the <span class="uicontrol">Select
+the server type</span> label, you can replace the text <kbd class="userinput">type
+filter text</kbd> with keywords to filter the list of available
+application servers.</span> The following are examples of filter
 <dt class="dlterm"><kbd class="userinput">Apache</kbd></dt>
 <dd>Filters the list of available servers where the vendor is Apache</dd>
@@ -91,8 +94,8 @@
 <dt class="dlterm"><kbd class="userinput">5.0</kbd></dt>
-<dd>Filters the list of available servers that are at version, 5.0 or supports
-JEE 5 specification level.</dd>
+<dd>Filters the list of available servers that are at version, 5.0
+or supports JEE 5 specification level.</dd>
 <dt class="dlterm"><kbd class="userinput">1.2</kbd></dt>
@@ -107,12 +110,12 @@
-<li class="stepexpand"><span>Click <span class="uicontrol">Next</span> and follow the instructions in
-the wizard to specify the details of the server that you want to create.</span>
+<li class="stepexpand"><span>Click <span class="uicontrol">Next</span> and follow the instructions
+in the wizard to specify the details of the server that you want to
-<li class="stepexpand"><span>Click  <span class="uicontrol">Finish</span>.</span> The new server
-appears in the Servers view under the  <span class="uicontrol">Server</span> column.
+<li class="stepexpand"><span>Click  <span class="uicontrol">Finish</span>.</span> The new
+server appears in the Servers view under the  <span class="uicontrol">Server</span> column.
diff --git a/docs/org.eclipse.wst.server.ui.doc.user/topics/twdelins.html b/docs/org.eclipse.wst.server.ui.doc.user/topics/twdelins.html
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-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

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+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

+<!--Arbortext, Inc., 1988-2008, v.4002-->



 <task id="twpub_wst" xml:lang="en-us">

 <title id="twpub_title">Publishing your application</title>

-<shortdesc id="twpub_shortdesc"><i>Publishing</i> involves copying files (projects,

-resource files, and server configurations) to the correct location for the

-server to find and use them. In the test environments, these files may already

-be in the correct location. In some cases, temporary copies of the server

-configurations may be created. You can either publish your application automatically

-or manually.</shortdesc>

+<shortdesc id="twpub_shortdesc"><i>Publishing</i> involves copying

+files (projects, resource files, and server configurations) to the

+correct location for the server to find and use them. In the test

+environments, these files may already be in the correct location.

+In some cases, temporary copies of the server configurations may be

+created. You can either publish your application automatically or



-<keywords id="index"><indexterm>applications<indexterm>publishing to servers</indexterm></indexterm>

-<indexterm>servers<indexterm>publishing applications</indexterm></indexterm>


+<keywords id="index"><indexterm>applications<indexterm>publishing

+to servers</indexterm></indexterm><indexterm>servers<indexterm>publishing




 <context><b id="twpub_autotitle">Automatically publishing to a server</b><p

-id="twpub_auto1">If the <uicontrol>Automatically publish when starting servers</uicontrol> check

-box on the Server preferences page (<menucascade><uicontrol>Window</uicontrol>


-</menucascade>) is selected, the server tools check to see if your project

-and files on the server are synchronized. If they are not, the project and

-the files are automatically updated when the server is either started or restarted.</p><p

-id="twpub_p2">To publish your application manually you can complete one of

-the following in the Servers view:</p><p id="twpub_auto2">In the workbench,

-you have several options to choose for the <i>Publishing</i> settings. You

-can set these <i>Publishing</i> settings by going into the Servers view, right-click

-the server and select <uicontrol>Open</uicontrol>. The Server editor opens.

-In the <i>Overview</i> page of the server editor, under the <uicontrol>Publishing</uicontrol> settings,

+id="twpub_auto1">If the <uicontrol>Automatically publish when starting

+servers</uicontrol> check box on the Server preferences page (<menucascade>



+</menucascade>) is selected, the server tools check to see if your

+project and files on the server are synchronized. If they are not,

+the project and the files are automatically updated when the server

+is either started or restarted.</p><p id="twpub_p2">To publish your

+application manually you can complete one of the following in the

+Servers view:</p><p id="twpub_auto2">In the workbench, you have several

+options to choose for the <i>Publishing</i> settings. You can set

+these <i>Publishing</i> settings by going into the Servers view, right-click

+the server and select <uicontrol>Open</uicontrol>. The Server editor

+opens. In the <i>Overview</i> page of the server editor, under the <uicontrol>Publishing</uicontrol> settings,

 you are going to find the following settings:<ul>

-<li><uicontrol>Never publish automatically</uicontrol>: Specifies the workbench

-should never publish files to the server.</li>

-<li><uicontrol>Automatically publish when resources change<?Pub Caret?></uicontrol>:

-Specifies that when a change is made to the files running on the server, the

-number of <i>seconds</i> specified in the <uicontrol>Publishing interval </uicontrol>control

-will need to pass before the workbench calls a publish to happen on the server.

-However, if you make a subsequent change to the files before this time interval

-has completed, the publish is delayed as the timer is reset. The workbench

-makes a publish to the server only after the full time interval has passed.

- If you set the publishing interval to 0 seconds, a change to the files running

+<li><uicontrol>Never publish automatically</uicontrol>: Specifies

+the workbench should never publish files to the server.</li>

+<li><uicontrol>Automatically publish when resources change</uicontrol>:

+Specifies that when a change is made to the files running on the server,

+the number of <i>seconds</i> specified in the <uicontrol>Publishing

+interval </uicontrol>control will need to pass before the workbench

+calls a publish to happen on the server. However, if you make a subsequent

+change to the files before this time interval has completed, the publish

+is delayed as the timer is reset. The workbench makes a publish to

+the server only after the full time interval has passed.  If you set

+the publishing interval to 0 seconds, a change to the files running

 on the server should automatically request a publish command to occur.</li>

-</ul></p><p id="twpub_auto3">In the workbench, the default setting is the <b>Use

-automatic publishing settings</b> option is enabled with a value set to the

-publishing interval.</p><b id="twpub_manualtitle">Manually publishing to a

-server</b><p id="twpub_manual1">If you do not want to wait for the automatic

-publishing interval to pass, at anytime you can manually request the workbench

-to issue a publish command to the server. Each manual publish command causes

-a single publishing request to the server. To publish your application manually

-you can complete one of the following in the Servers view:</p><p><ul>

-<li><ph id="twpub_steps_ph1">Select the server and then click the  <uicontrol>Publish

-to the server</uicontrol></ph> <image alt="This is an image of the Publish toolbar icon."

-href="../images/launch_publish.gif"><alt>This is an image of the Publish toolbar

-icon.</alt></image> <ph id="twpub_steps_ph2">icon located on the toolbar.</ph></li>

-<li><ph id="twpub_steps_step2">Right-click the server and then select  <uicontrol>Publish</uicontrol>.</ph></li>

+</ul></p><?Pub Caret1?><p id="twpub_auto3">In the workbench, the default

+setting is the <b>Automatically publish when resources change</b> option

+is enabled with a value set in the publishing interval.</p><b

+id="twpub_manualtitle">Manually publishing to a server</b><p

+id="twpub_manual1">If you do not want to wait for the automatic publishing

+interval to pass, at anytime you can manually request the workbench

+to issue a publish command to the server. Each manual publish command

+causes a single publishing request to the server. To publish your

+application manually you can complete one of the following in the

+Servers view:</p><p><ul>

+<li><ph id="twpub_steps_ph1">Select the server and then click the

+ <uicontrol>Publish to the server</uicontrol></ph> <image

+alt="This is an image of the Publish toolbar icon."

+href="../images/launch_publish.gif"><alt>This is an image of the Publish

+toolbar icon.</alt></image> <ph id="twpub_steps_ph2">icon located

+on the toolbar.</ph></li>

+<li><ph id="twpub_steps_step2">Right-click the server and then select

+ <uicontrol>Publish</uicontrol>.</ph></li>


 <result><p id="twpub_p3">All the projects defined in the server configuration

 that are associated with the selected server are published. The resources

-in these projects are transferred to the location that is defined by the server.</p></result>

+in these projects are transferred to the location that is defined

+by the server.</p></result>



-<?Pub *0000004261?>

+<?Pub *0000004271?>

diff --git a/docs/org.eclipse.wst.server.ui.doc.user/topics/twpub.html b/docs/org.eclipse.wst.server.ui.doc.user/topics/twpub.html
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 <html lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us">
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-<meta name="DC.rights.owner" content="(C) Copyright 2000, 2008" />
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@@ -27,56 +27,63 @@
-<div><p><em>Publishing</em> involves copying files (projects,
-resource files, and server configurations) to the correct location for the
-server to find and use them. In the test environments, these files may already
-be in the correct location. In some cases, temporary copies of the server
-configurations may be created. You can either publish your application automatically
-or manually.</p>
+<div><p><em>Publishing</em> involves copying
+files (projects, resource files, and server configurations) to the
+correct location for the server to find and use them. In the test
+environments, these files may already be in the correct location.
+In some cases, temporary copies of the server configurations may be
+created. You can either publish your application automatically or
-<div class="section"><strong id="twpub_wst__twpub_autotitle"><a name="twpub_wst__twpub_autotitle"><!-- --></a>Automatically publishing to a server</strong><p id="twpub_wst__twpub_auto1"><a name="twpub_wst__twpub_auto1"><!-- --></a>If the <span class="uicontrol">Automatically publish when starting servers</span> check
-box on the Server preferences page (<span class="menucascade"><span class="uicontrol">Window</span>
- &gt; <span class="uicontrol">Preferences</span> &gt; <span class="uicontrol">Server</span> &gt; <span class="uicontrol">Launching</span>
-</span>) is selected, the server tools check to see if your project
-and files on the server are synchronized. If they are not, the project and
-the files are automatically updated when the server is either started or restarted.</p>
-<p id="twpub_wst__twpub_p2"><a name="twpub_wst__twpub_p2"><!-- --></a>To publish your application manually you can complete one of
-the following in the Servers view:</p>
-<div class="p" id="twpub_wst__twpub_auto2"><a name="twpub_wst__twpub_auto2"><!-- --></a>In the workbench,
-you have several options to choose for the <em>Publishing</em> settings. You
-can set these <em>Publishing</em> settings by going into the Servers view, right-click
-the server and select <span class="uicontrol">Open</span>. The Server editor opens.
-In the <em>Overview</em> page of the server editor, under the <span class="uicontrol">Publishing</span> settings,
+<div class="section"><strong id="twpub_wst__twpub_autotitle"><a name="twpub_wst__twpub_autotitle"><!-- --></a>Automatically publishing to a server</strong><p id="twpub_wst__twpub_auto1"><a name="twpub_wst__twpub_auto1"><!-- --></a>If the <span class="uicontrol">Automatically publish when starting
+servers</span> check box on the Server preferences page (<span class="menucascade">
+<span class="uicontrol">Window</span> &gt; <span class="uicontrol">Preferences</span>
+ &gt; <span class="uicontrol">Server</span> &gt; <span class="uicontrol">Launching</span>
+</span>) is selected, the server tools check to see if your
+project and files on the server are synchronized. If they are not,
+the project and the files are automatically updated when the server
+is either started or restarted.</p>
+<p id="twpub_wst__twpub_p2"><a name="twpub_wst__twpub_p2"><!-- --></a>To publish your
+application manually you can complete one of the following in the
+Servers view:</p>
+<div class="p" id="twpub_wst__twpub_auto2"><a name="twpub_wst__twpub_auto2"><!-- --></a>In the workbench, you have several
+options to choose for the <em>Publishing</em> settings. You can set
+these <em>Publishing</em> settings by going into the Servers view, right-click
+the server and select <span class="uicontrol">Open</span>. The Server editor
+opens. In the <em>Overview</em> page of the server editor, under the <span class="uicontrol">Publishing</span> settings,
 you are going to find the following settings:<ul>
-<li><span class="uicontrol">Never publish automatically</span>: Specifies the workbench
-should never publish files to the server.</li>
+<li><span class="uicontrol">Never publish automatically</span>: Specifies
+the workbench should never publish files to the server.</li>
 <li><span class="uicontrol">Automatically publish when resources change</span>:
-Specifies that when a change is made to the files running on the server, the
-number of <em>seconds</em> specified in the <span class="uicontrol">Publishing interval </span>control
-will need to pass before the workbench calls a publish to happen on the server.
-However, if you make a subsequent change to the files before this time interval
-has completed, the publish is delayed as the timer is reset. The workbench
-makes a publish to the server only after the full time interval has passed.
- If you set the publishing interval to 0 seconds, a change to the files running
+Specifies that when a change is made to the files running on the server,
+the number of <em>seconds</em> specified in the <span class="uicontrol">Publishing
+interval </span>control will need to pass before the workbench
+calls a publish to happen on the server. However, if you make a subsequent
+change to the files before this time interval has completed, the publish
+is delayed as the timer is reset. The workbench makes a publish to
+the server only after the full time interval has passed.  If you set
+the publishing interval to 0 seconds, a change to the files running
 on the server should automatically request a publish command to occur.</li>
-<p id="twpub_wst__twpub_auto3"><a name="twpub_wst__twpub_auto3"><!-- --></a>In the workbench, the default setting is the <strong>Use
-automatic publishing settings</strong> option is enabled with a value set to the
-publishing interval.</p>
-<strong id="twpub_wst__twpub_manualtitle"><a name="twpub_wst__twpub_manualtitle"><!-- --></a>Manually publishing to a
-server</strong><p id="twpub_wst__twpub_manual1"><a name="twpub_wst__twpub_manual1"><!-- --></a>If you do not want to wait for the automatic
-publishing interval to pass, at anytime you can manually request the workbench
-to issue a publish command to the server. Each manual publish command causes
-a single publishing request to the server. To publish your application manually
-you can complete one of the following in the Servers view:</p>
+<p id="twpub_wst__twpub_auto3"><a name="twpub_wst__twpub_auto3"><!-- --></a>In the workbench, the default
+setting is the <strong>Automatically publish when resources change</strong> option
+is enabled with a value set in the publishing interval.</p>
+<strong id="twpub_wst__twpub_manualtitle"><a name="twpub_wst__twpub_manualtitle"><!-- --></a>Manually publishing to a server</strong><p id="twpub_wst__twpub_manual1"><a name="twpub_wst__twpub_manual1"><!-- --></a>If you do not want to wait for the automatic publishing
+interval to pass, at anytime you can manually request the workbench
+to issue a publish command to the server. Each manual publish command
+causes a single publishing request to the server. To publish your
+application manually you can complete one of the following in the
+Servers view:</p>
 <div class="p"><ul>
-<li><span id="twpub_wst__twpub_steps_ph1"><a name="twpub_wst__twpub_steps_ph1"><!-- --></a>Select the server and then click the  <span class="uicontrol">Publish
-to the server</span></span> <img src="../images/launch_publish.gif" alt="This is an image of the Publish toolbar&#10;icon." /> <span id="twpub_wst__twpub_steps_ph2"><a name="twpub_wst__twpub_steps_ph2"><!-- --></a>icon located on the toolbar.</span></li>
+<li><span id="twpub_wst__twpub_steps_ph1"><a name="twpub_wst__twpub_steps_ph1"><!-- --></a>Select the server and then click the
+ <span class="uicontrol">Publish to the server</span></span> <img src="../images/launch_publish.gif" alt="This is an image of the Publish&#10;toolbar icon." /> <span id="twpub_wst__twpub_steps_ph2"><a name="twpub_wst__twpub_steps_ph2"><!-- --></a>icon located
+on the toolbar.</span></li>
-<li><span id="twpub_wst__twpub_steps_step2"><a name="twpub_wst__twpub_steps_step2"><!-- --></a>Right-click the server and then select  <span class="uicontrol">Publish</span>.</span></li>
+<li><span id="twpub_wst__twpub_steps_step2"><a name="twpub_wst__twpub_steps_step2"><!-- --></a>Right-click the server and then select
+ <span class="uicontrol">Publish</span>.</span></li>
@@ -84,7 +91,8 @@
 <div class="section"><p id="twpub_wst__twpub_p3"><a name="twpub_wst__twpub_p3"><!-- --></a>All the projects defined in the server configuration
 that are associated with the selected server are published. The resources
-in these projects are transferred to the location that is defined by the server.</p>
+in these projects are transferred to the location that is defined
+by the server.</p>
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