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<meta name="abstract" content="Using the Preferences page, you can define the preferences that the servers use when starting or switching server modes. Switching server modes occurs when you use the Run on Server or Debug on Server commands." />
<meta name="description" content="Using the Preferences page, you can define the preferences that the servers use when starting or switching server modes. Switching server modes occurs when you use the Run on Server or Debug on Server commands." />
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<title>Defining the launching preferences</title>
<body id="twlaunchpref_wst"><a name="twlaunchpref_wst"><!-- --></a>
<h1 class="topictitle1">Defining the launching preferences</h1>
<div><p><span id="shortdesc_ph1"><a name="shortdesc_ph1"><!-- --></a>Using the Preferences
page, you can define the preferences that the servers use when starting
or switching server modes. Switching server modes occurs when you
use the <span class="uicontrol">Run on Server</span></span><span id="shortdesc_ph2"><a name="shortdesc_ph2"><!-- --></a> or <span class="uicontrol">Debug
on Server</span> commands.</span></p>
<div class="section" id="twlaunchpref_wst__context"><a name="twlaunchpref_wst__context"><!-- --></a>To define these preferences, complete the following:</div>
<li id="twlaunchpref_wst__step1"><a name="twlaunchpref_wst__step1"><!-- --></a><span>In the toolbar, select <span class="menucascade"><span class="uicontrol">Window</span>
&gt; <span class="uicontrol">Preferences</span></span>.</span></li>
<li id="twlaunchpref_wst__step2"><a name="twlaunchpref_wst__step2"><!-- --></a><span>In the Preferences window, expand <span class="uicontrol">Server</span> and
then select <span class="uicontrol">Launching</span>.</span></li>
<li><span id="twlaunchpref_wst__step3"><a name="twlaunchpref_wst__step3"><!-- --></a>Specify one or more of the following settings:</span>
<table class="choicetableborder" summary="" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" rules="rows" frame="hsides" border="1">
<thead><tr><th valign="bottom" id="N100BC-option" align="left">Option</th>
<th valign="bottom" id="N100BC-desc" align="left">Description</th></tr></thead>
<tr><td valign="top" headers="N100BC-option" id="N100C7"><strong>Automatically publish when starting servers</strong></td>
<td valign="top" headers="N100BC-desc N100C7">Specifies that all the files should automatically be published
before starting the server.</td>
<tr><td valign="top" headers="N100BC-option" id="N100D8"><strong>Save dirty editors before starting server</strong></td>
<td valign="top" headers="N100BC-desc N100D8">Specify the preference for saving the changes in any open
server editors before starting the server by selecting one of the
following options:<ul>
<li>Always - specifies the workbench will automatically save any changes
in an open server editor before starting the server</li>
<li>Never - specifies the workbench will not save the changes in any
open editors before starting the server</li>
<li>Prompt - specifies the workbench to prompt you before saving any
changes in an open server editor</li>
<tr><td valign="top" headers="N100BC-option" id="choption1"><strong>When switching to a different server
<td valign="top" headers="N100BC-desc choption1"><span id="twlaunchpref_wst__chdesc1_ph1"><a name="twlaunchpref_wst__chdesc1_ph1"><!-- --></a>When
switching the server to run in a different mode, for example using
the <span class="menucascade"><span class="uicontrol">Run As</span> &gt; <span class="uicontrol">Run on Server</span>
</span></span> <span id="twlaunchpref_wst__chdesc1_ph2"><a name="twlaunchpref_wst__chdesc1_ph2"><!-- --></a>or <span class="menucascade"><span class="uicontrol">Debug
As</span> &gt; <span class="uicontrol">Debug on Server</span></span>,
specify the next action of the server by selecting one of the following
options:</span><a name="twlaunchpref_wst__chdesc1_ul1"><!-- --></a><ul id="twlaunchpref_wst__chdesc1_ul1">
<li>Restart - specifies the workbench to stop and restart the server</li>
<li>Continue - specifies to continue running the server in previous
mode and ignore the change request of running in a different server
<li>Prompt - specifies the workbench to prompt you for the next server
action when you switch the server to run in a different mode</li>
<tr><td valign="top" headers="N100BC-option" id="choption2"><strong>When switching the server out of debug
<td valign="top" headers="N100BC-desc choption2"><span id="twlaunchpref_wst__chdesc2_ph1"><a name="twlaunchpref_wst__chdesc2_ph1"><!-- --></a>When
you finish running the server in debug mode and switch out, for example
using the <span class="menucascade"><span class="uicontrol">Run As</span> &gt; <span class="uicontrol">Run
on Server</span></span></span><span id="twlaunchpref_wst__chdesc2_ph2"><a name="twlaunchpref_wst__chdesc2_ph2"><!-- --></a> command,
specify the next action of the server by selecting one of the following
options:</span><a name="twlaunchpref_wst__chdesc2_ul1"><!-- --></a><ul id="twlaunchpref_wst__chdesc2_ul1">
<li>Restart - specifies the workbench to stop and restart the server</li>
<li>Disable breakpoints - specifies to clear all previously set breakpoints
from the application and continue running the application in the newly
selected server mode</li>
<li>Continue - specifies to continue running the server in debug mode
and ignore the change request of running in a different server mode</li>
<li>Prompt - specifies the workbench to prompt you for the next server
action when switching the server out of debug mode</li>
<tr><td valign="top" headers="N100BC-option" id="N10199"><strong>When switching the server into debug
mode, re-enable breakpoints</strong></td>
<td valign="top" headers="N100BC-desc N10199">When you change the server mode into debug mode, for example
using the <span class="menucascade"><span class="uicontrol">Debug As</span> &gt; <span class="uicontrol">Debug
on Server</span></span> command, specify how to handle
the breakpoints currently set in your application by selecting one
of the following options:<ul>
<li>Always - specifies to enable all the currently set breakpoints
in your application and break at them</li>
<li>Never - specifies the workbench to ignore all the breakpoints
previously set in your application and continue running the application
on the server in debug mode. When the workbench ignores all the breakpoints
in your application, the behavior of the server mode is similar to
using the <strong>Run on Server</strong> command. However, because the server
is running in debug mode, you have the opportunity to enable or re-enable
breakpoints in your application.</li>
<li>Prompt - specifies the workbench will prompt you on how to handle
the breakpoints set in your applications</li>
<div class="familylinks">
<div class="parentlink"><strong>Parent topic:</strong> <a href="../topics/tpref.html" title="The server tools allow you to define the following preferences:">Defining server preferences</a></div>