blob: 7287bfb36aede1548525674c1b8608b9c4898c9b [file] [log] [blame]
# script to run update, setting properties, for all projects
ulimit -n 2014
# Include machine-specifc properties from source include.
# The 'source' command can have complicated "lookup" rules,
# that can be effected by various settings (see man pages)
# but in typical cases will find the first file on the users
# path, and if not there, then find the one in the currect
# directory. Hence, users, on non-standard machines can keep
# machine specific settings there and not have to always "hand edit"
# new copies of the script files. If the file is not found, due
# to some odd settings, then the script will simply fail, and
# it's back to hand editing.
source europaProperties.shsource
# Record the start-of-build time
touch ../../out.web/start.time
# Mark the current status web pages as "under construction"
ant -f buildwebgen.xml
scp -r ../../out.web/index.html
if [ "$1" == "-clean" ] ; then
echo " Removing $updateSite/features/, plugins/, and root files"
mkdir $updateSite/
rm -fr $updateSite/features/
rm -fr $updateSite/plugins/
rm -fr $updateSite/*
echo " Updating index and web site files, but not site xml files (yet)"
cp $HOME/europa/org.eclipse.europa.updatesite/WebContent/index.html $updateSite
cp $HOME/europa/org.eclipse.europa.updatesite/WebContent/*.jpg $updateSite
cp $HOME/europa/org.eclipse.europa.updatesite/WebContent/*.gif $updateSite
cp -r $HOME/europa/org.eclipse.europa.updatesite/WebContent/web $updateSite
ant -f updateMirrorAll.xml -Declipse.home=$eclipseLocation -DjvmLocation=$jvmLocation -DlocalUpdateSitePath=$updateSite
# merge authored site.xml files with the most recent auto generated one
echo '[echo] -------- Project: update site.xml Responsible: bfreeman'
#ant -f scanForLicenses.xml -DupdateSite=$updateSite
ant -f createPack200s.xml -Declipse.home=$eclipseLocation -DjvmLocation=$jvmLocation -DupdateSite=$updateSite
# be sure digest created after the zipped jars
ant -f createDigests.xml -Declipse.home=$eclipseLocation -DjvmLocation=$jvmLocation -DupdateSite=$updateSite
ant -f tempFix187396.xml -DupdateSite=$updateSite -DdownloadSite=$downloadSite
ant -f copyToDownload.xml -DupdateSite=$updateSite -DdownloadSite=$downloadSite
# Generate the status web pages
ant -f buildwebgen.xml
scp -r ../../out.web/*