blob: c8993123f55bb95e3ae3e08cf4ca2106f37a7267 [file] [log] [blame]
<project name="buckyBuilder" basedir="." default="default">
<property environment="env"/>
This property file name is itself a property, so it
can be overridden on one machine versus another.
We do it this way, instead of just specifying -propertyFile on
command line, so that the property values can be "nested" in
other property values.
<property name="galileoPropertyFile" value="" />
<property file="${galileoPropertyFile}" />
<target name="updateBuckyBuilder" depends="init">
<property name="APP_NAME" value="" />
<property name="OTHER_ARGS" value="-metadataRepository -artifactRepository -installIU" />
usually do not need the version, just to "get the latest" from buckminster builder site
-version 1.0.0.v20090415-1651
<property name="VM_ARGS" value="-vmargs -Xmx256m" />
<exec executable="/bin/sh" dir="${basedir}" failonerror="true">
<arg line="${basedir}/"/>
<exec executable="${eclipseExecutable}" dir="${basedir}" failonerror="true">
<arg line="-data ${eclipseWorkspace} -debug -nosplash --launcher.suppressErrors -vm ${JAVA_EXEC_DIR} -application ${APP_NAME} ${OTHER_ARGS} ${VM_ARGS}" />
<target name="getModel" unless="SKIP_MODEL_RETRIEVE">
<echo message=" removing all of previous project ..." />
<delete dir="${BUILD_HOME}/" />
<cvs failonerror="true" cvsRoot="" package="" dest="${BUILD_HOME}" command="export" tag="HEAD" />
<cvs failonerror="true" cvsRoot="" package="" dest="${BUILD_HOME}" command="export" tag="david_williams_tempBranch1" />
<target name="runBuckyBuild" depends="init,getModel">
If not otherwise set in properties file, use these values. Note
the production machine must override these values
for property values appropriate for it.
<property name="BUILDER_APP_ARGS" value="-buildModel ${BUILD_HOME}/ -buildRoot ${BUILD_RESULTS} -mirrorReferences -packedStrategy verify -brandingContribution Galileo -trustedContributions Eclipse,Equinox -logLevel DEBUG -emailFromName GalileoBuilder -logURL ${logURL}"/>
Important: on any non-production machines it is important to _not_ use eclipse.p2.mirrors=false, so this value should be supplied by calling script's properties.
Note, we include '-vmargs' here, in case there are not any. Not sure if the use of -vmargs _requires_ arguments or not, but probably would.
note: -Declipse.p2.MD5Check=false may be needed as a workaround for bug [253713]
(should not actually be required ... but have left note for historical reference)
note: rememeber that JAVA_6 PPC should not be used for jar processor, see for example,
bug 244603 and bug 279596.
<property name="BUILDER_VM_ARGS" value="-vmargs -Xmx384m -Dorg.eclipse.update.jarprocessor.pack200=${JAVA_5_HOME}/jre/bin" />
<exec executable="${eclipseExecutable}" dir="${basedir}" failonerror="true">
<arg line="-data ${eclipseWorkspace} -debug -nosplash --launcher.suppressErrors -vm ${JAVA_5_HOME}/jre/bin -application -buildId ${buildId} ${BUILDER_APP_ARGS} ${BUILDER_VM_ARGS}" />
<target name="init" depends="getTimestamp">
<!-- I don't think we really need a letter prefix ... break habits! -->
<property name="buildId" value="${buildTimestamp}" />
<!-- if we are not runing in Huson, we some up with a reasonable default -->
property="env.HUDSON_HOME" />
property="env.JOB_NAME" />
property="LOG_URL" />
<property name="eclipseWorkspace" value="${hudsonHome}/jobs/${jobName}/builds/${buildId}/eclipseworkspace" />
<property name="eclipseExecutable" value="${ECLIPSE_EXE}" />
<echo message="galileoPropertyFile: ${galileoPropertyFile}" />
<echo message="buildId: ${buildId}" />
<echo message="hudsonHome: ${hudsonHome}" />
<echo message="user.dir: ${user.dir}" />
<echo message="user.home: ${user.home}" />
<echo message="Hudson WORKSPACE: ${env.WORKSPACE}" />
<echo message="Eclipse WORKSPACE: ${eclipseWorkspace}" />
<echo message="PATH: ${env.PATH}" />
<echo message="JAVA_HOME: ${env.JAVA_HOME}" />
<echo message="HOSTNAME: ${env.HOSTNAME}" />
<echo message="JOB_NAME: ${env.JOB_NAME}" />
<echo message="BUILD_NUMBER: ${env.BUILD_NUMBER}" />
<echo message="logURL: ${logURL}" />
<echo message="ECLIPSE_EXE: ${ECLIPSE_EXE}" />
<echo message="BUILDER_APP_ARGS: ${BUILDER_APP_ARGS}" />
<echo message="BUILDER_VM_ARGS: ${BUILDER_VM_ARGS}" />
<target name="getTimestamp" depends="getHudsonTimestamp" unless="buildTimestamp">
<format property="buildTimestamp" pattern="yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss" timezone="UTC_TIME" />
<echo message="Using ant computed timestamp" />
<target name="getHudsonTimestamp" if="env.BUILD_ID">
<property name="buildTimestamp" value="${env.BUILD_ID}" />
<echo message="Using timestamp from Hudson Build ID" />
<target name="default">
<echo message="There is no default target for this build file" />