blob: 8b67d17077f3e34d0cc0f61db10fcd32b5fdcb9a [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2005-2014 Obeo
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# Contributors:
# Obeo - initial API and implementation
## NOTE TO TRANSLATORS : apostrophes (') need to be doubled if you need one displayed
## General keys
UnresolvedExtensionPoint = Extension-point {0} could not be resolved
ENodeError.BooleanRequired = Boolean expression required while detected type is {0}
ENodeError.EmptyEvaluation = Empty feature evaluation
ENodeError.UnresolvedTemplate = Template {0} does not exist
ENodeError.UnresolvedRoot = Root template does not exist
TemplateSyntaxError.DuplicateEntry.Text = Duplicate text template entry detected : {0}
TemplateSyntaxError.DuplicateEntry.File = Duplicate file template entry detected : {0}
TemplateSyntaxError.DuplicateValue = The {0} value is duplicated
TemplateSyntaxError.EmptyUserTag = User tag line cannot be empty
TemplateSyntaxError.EmptyValue = The {0} value is required
TemplateSyntaxError.InvalidCharacter = Character {0} is invalid
TemplateSyntaxError.InvalidImportSequence = The import sequence is invalid
TemplateSyntaxError.InvalidKey = The key {0} is invalid
TemplateSyntaxError.InvalidKeyValue = Value of the key {0} is invalid
TemplateSyntaxError.InvalidLitteral = Litteral element is not valid
TemplateSyntaxError.InvalidSequence = Sequence is not valid
TemplateSyntaxError.MissingCloseBracket = Closing bracket not found
TemplateSyntaxError.MissingCloseIf = "If" statement must be closed
TemplateSyntaxError.MissingCloseParenthesis = Closing parenthesis not found
TemplateSyntaxError.MissingCommentEndTag = Comment end tag not found
TemplateSyntaxError.MissingElement = Required element not found
TemplateSyntaxError.MissingKeyValue = Value of the key {0} is missing
TemplateSyntaxError.MissingKeyWord = The {0} keyword is required
TemplateSyntaxError.MissingName = Name is missing
TemplateSyntaxError.MissingScriptEndTag = Script end tag not found
TemplateSyntaxError.MissingType = Type is missing
TemplateSyntaxError.RecursiveDependency = Recursive dependency detected
TemplateSyntaxError.RecursiveImport = Recursive import detected
TemplateSyntaxError.UnresolvedCall = Unresolved call "{0}"
TemplateSyntaxError.UnresolvedClassifier = Classifier {0} not found in the metamodel
TemplateSyntaxError.UnresolvedImport = Unresolved import {0}
TemplateSyntaxError.UnresolvedMetamodel = Unresolved metamodel
TemplateSyntaxError.BadOverride = Import {0} should be moved up in the import list.
## org.eclipse.sirius.query.legacy.gen.phantom
ChainPhantomProvider.InvalidFile = file content is invalid
## org.eclipse.sirius.query.legacy.gen.template
Template.UnclosedTag = {0} is required to close {1}
Template.RecursiveCall = Recursive template call detected in template {0}
TemplateSyntaxExceptions.ErrorInFile = Compilation error in the file : {0}
TemplateSyntaxExceptions.ErrorUnknownFile = Compilation error
TemplateSyntaxExceptions.ErrorExportFile = Export issue for the file : {0}
## org.eclipse.sirius.query.legacy.gen.template.eval
ENode.InvalidAdapterType = {0} is not a valid adapter type.
ENode.AdapterNotFound = {0} adapter not found for node {1}
ENode.ENodeCastExceptionMessage = Type {0} found when {1} was required
# NOTE : These allow the redefinition of an exception message. They will for the most part be
# concatened one after the other and thus need to stay separated (comma-separated in english).
# as an exemple, we could end with a final String looking like (XXX being the {x}
# substitutions) :
# XXX, in file XXX, at line : XXX, at column : XXX, for object : fragment=XXX file=XXX
ENodeException.ExtendedErrorMessage.KnownFile = {0}, in file : {1}, at line : {2}, at column : {3}
ENodeException.ExtendedErrorMessage.UnknownFile = {0}, at position [{1},{2}]
ENodeException.ExtendedErrorMessage.NodeFragment = , for node "{0}"
ENodeException.ExtendedErrorMessage.ObjectFragmentKnownResource = , for object : fragment={0} file={1}
ENodeException.ExtendedErrorMessage.ObjectFragmentUnknownResource = , for object : fragment={0} type={1} value={2}
## org.eclipse.sirius.query.legacy.gen.template.eval.log
# NOTE : This is displayed as the error message when a template evaluation fails. "EVAL" are
# the first four letters of "evaluation", translate as you would translate "evaluation" if
# there are no abbreviation counterpart in your target language.
EvalFailure.FailureMessage = EVAL : {0}
EvalFailure.FailurePosition = Position {0}
## org.eclipse.sirius.query.legacy.gen.template.eval.merge
MergeTools.MovedCode = This part of the code has been moved from "{0}" to "{1}"
MergeTools.DuplicatedTag = Duplicated tag "{0}"
## org.eclipse.sirius.query.legacy.gen.template.expressions
ExpressionTools.InvalidExpression = Expression {0} is not valid.
ExpressionTools.ZeroDivide = Cannot divide by 0.
ExpressionTools.AdapterNotFound = Double adapter not found for operation "{0}" : {1}
TemplateCallExpression.UnresolvedCall = Unresolved call "{0}"
TemplateCallSetExpression.UnresolvedArgument = The argument {0} does not exist
TemplateCallSetExpression.InvalidArgument = Type of the argument isn't valid
## org.eclipse.sirius.query.legacy.gen.template.scripts
SpecificScript.ErroneousTemplate = The template contains errors.
## org.eclipse.sirius.query.legacy.gen.template.scripts.imports
# NOTE : "Runtime" refers to a "runtime error". Translate as needed.
EvalJavaService.RuntimeException = Runtime : Java service [{0}] throws : {1}
EvalJavaService.RuntimeType = Runtime : Java service [{0}] returns wrong type : {1}
EvalJavaService.UnresolvedService = Java service issue : {0}
EvalModel.EvaluationEmptyNaming = Evaluating {0} on {1} because {2}.naming is empty
ENodeServices.TraceMessage = type={0} value={1}
## org.eclipse.sirius.query.legacy.gen.runner
AcceleoGenerate.Task.OpeningModel = Open Model {0}
AcceleoGenerate.Task.Generate = Generating file : {0}
AcceleoGenerate.MissingModel = Model {0} does not exist
AcceleoGenerate.MissingTemplate = Template {0} does not exist
AcceleoGenerate.MissingTarget = Target folder {0} does not exist
AcceleoGenerate.MissingAcceleoIni = The file {0} does not exist in your install location
AcceleoGenerate.UnresolvedTemplate = Generator template not found
AcceleoGenerate.ErrorReport = Errors in file : {0}
AcceleoGenerate.LostCode = Lost Code
AcceleoGenerate.UnresolvedProperties = Properties container not found : {0}
AcceleoGenerate.AcceleoIniLineIssue = Line {0} not valid in the file {1}
# do not translate values beyond this point #
## org.eclipse.sirius.query.legacy.gen.template.eval.merge
MergeTools.UserCodeStart = Start of user code
MergeTools.UserCodeEnd = End of user code