blob: 88d7414580edda3e89fc8c7e44a619e10fb3e28c [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2005, 2010 Orangevolt (
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# Contributors:
# Lars Gersmann ( - XSL UI support
# David Carver - STAR - bug 215126, 213853
providerName=Eclipse Web Tools Platform
pluginName=XSL Editor and Validation = XSL
editorName = XSL Editor
wizardNameXSL = XSL
wizardDescriptionXSL = Create a new XSL Stylesheet
contextTypeNewXSL = New XSL
pageNameTemplates = Templates
pageNameValidation = Validation
commandOpenSelection = Open Selection
commandTooltipOpenSelection = Open Selection
commandTooltipNewXMLFile = New XML File
commandTooltipNewDTDFile = New DTD File
commandTooltipNewXSDFile = New XML Schema File
commandTooltipNewXSLFile = New XSL File
viewNameStylesheet = Stylesheet Model
pageSyntaxColoring = Syntax Coloring
XSL_Property_validation = XSLT Validation
specification.label.0 = Override
XSLContentAssistExtension = XSL Content Assistance
contextTypeXSLTag = XSL Tag
contextTypeXSLAttr = XSL Attribute
preferenceKeywords.severity=severity error warning ignore