blob: 9d611123bd2548f8a2102fa9a067b22cbe4a8a65 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2009, 2021 Stephan Wahlbrink and others.
# This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
# terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
#, or the Apache License, Version 2.0
# which is available at
# SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR Apache-2.0
# Contributors:
# Stephan Wahlbrink <> - initial API and implementation
## StatET help
getHelpFile <- function(file) {
stop("Unsupported operation: getHelpFile");
#' Creates rhelp url, mostly compatible to \code{help}
#' @param topic
#' @param package
#' @param ... for compatibility
#' @returnType character
#' @return URL in rhelp schema
getRHelpUrl <- function(helpObj) {
if (inherits(helpObj, "packageInfo")) {
return (paste("rhelp:///page", helpObj$name, "", sep= "/"));
if (inherits(helpObj, "help_files_with_topic")) {
topic <- attr(helpObj, "topic", exact= TRUE);
if (is.null(topic)) {
topic <- "help";
package <- "utils";
else {
package <- attr(helpObj, "call", exact= TRUE)[["package"]];
if ( <- substitute(package))) {
package <- as.character(y);
if (is.character(package)
&& length(package) == 1 && ! {
return (paste("rhelp:///page", package, topic, sep= "/"));
else {
return (paste("rhelp:///topic", topic, sep= "/"));
stop("Unexpected help information.");
#' Creates HTML help page for the given help page(s).
#' @param x vector of help pages (as returns by original \code{help}
#' @return HTML page for a single page, otherwise \code{NULL}
#' @returnType character
getLiveHelp <- function(x) {
stop("Unsupported operation: getLiveHelp");
showHelp <- function(url) {
if (missing(url) || !is.character(url) || length(url) != 1) {
stop("Illegal argument: url")
.client.execCommand("r/showHelp", list(
url= url ), wait= FALSE)
#' Shows R help in StatET. This is a console command for R help in StatET
#' mainly compatible to the original \code{help}.
#' @seealso help
#' @export <- function(topic, package= NULL, lib.loc= NULL,
verbose= getOption("verbose"),
try.all.packages= getOption("help.try.all.packages"), ...,
live= FALSE ) {
nextCall <- TRUE)
callName <- nextCall[[1]]
if (is.null(nextCall$topic) && !is.null(nextCall$package)) {
packageInfo <- list(name= nextCall$package)
class(packageInfo) <- "packageInfo"
result <- list(value= packageInfo, visible= TRUE)
else {
nextCall[[1]] <- substitute(utils::help)
nextCall$live <- NULL
nextCall$help_type <- "html"
result <- withVisible(eval(nextCall, envir= parent.frame())) <- attr(result$value, "call", exact= TRUE)
if (!is.null( {[[1]] <- callName
attr(result$value, "call") <-
if (live) {
help.statet <- .getLiveHelp(result$value)
if (!is.null(help.statet)) {
help.statet <- paste(help.statet, collapse= "\n")
help.statet <- paste("html:///", help.statet, sep= "")
else if (is.null(.rj.config$help)
|| inherits(result$value, "packageInfo") ) {
help.statet <- getRHelpUrl(result$value)
else {
return (resolveVisible(result))
if (is.character(help.statet) && ! {
return (invisible())
#' Shows the R help start page in StatET. This is a console command for R help in StatET
#' mainly compatible to the original \code{help.start}.
#' At moment no argument functionality is supported.
#' @param ... for compatibility
#' @seealso help.start
#' @export <- function(...) {
return (invisible());
} <- function(x, ...) {
type <- attr(x, "type", exact= TRUE);
if (length(x) == 0
|| (!is.null(type) && type != "html")
|| is.null(.rj.config$help) ) {
# NextMethod ?
return (utils:::print.help_files_with_topic(x, ...));
help.statet <- getRHelpUrl(x);
if (is.character(help.statet)
&& length(help.statet) == 1 && ! {
return (invisible(x));