Bug 568689 - Add the RunControl getMinState command

This command is meant as a "minimal" alternative to the more costly
getState command which also returns the program counter and other
context state data. The command and reply syntax:

C <token> RunControl getMinState <string: context ID>
R <token> <error> <boolean: suspended> <string: state change reason> <object: state data>

This could be used as an optimization by clients (e.g. Eclipse GUI) that
need only minimal information about the run control state of a context,
i.e. running/suspended and a reason for the latter.

Signed-off-by: David Ludwig Wilson <david.wilson@intel.com>
Signed-off-by: Eugene Tarassov <eugenet@xilinx.com>
1 file changed
tree: b09aacecdc7d06ad25e18ae6fdd6da99e8edd5a7
  1. agent/
  2. docker/
  3. examples/
  4. server/
  5. tests/
  6. .gitignore
  7. .mailmap
  8. cmake-tcf-lib.txt
  9. README.md

Target Communication Framework

TCF is a vendor-neutral, lightweight, extensible network protocol mainly for communicating with embedded systems (targets). On top of the protocol specification, which is the core of TCF, the project includes a plain-C implementation of a lightweight extendable target agent, Java client API (usable stand-alone or on top of Eclipse), Python and Lua client APIs, complete debugger UI implementation in Eclipse, integration with CDT, Target Explorer, documentation and usage examples.


agent : The reference agent, implementing debug related services e.g. Memory, RunControl, Registers, Stacktrace, Breakpoints, Symbols, LineNumbers, Expressions.

docker : Dockerfile image for host and cross builds of the debug agent.

examples : Implementation of a daytime service.

server : A proxy server sitting between the client on the host and an agent running/embedded on the target as part of the firmware or RTOS. It implements Symbols and LineNumbers services.

tests : Standalone tools for testing (e.g dwarf, extended commandline client)
