TCF Agent: fixed: Windows OS name is always displayed as "Windows 8"

There is no good way to get full OS name on Windows.
Starting with Windows 8.1, GetVersionEx returns same version number,
which is retrieved from the application manifest, or 6.2 by default.
As a workaround, OS name reduced to just "Windows".
1 file changed
tree: e89e3418e3ddf997521cedac8aad5ab47914f332
  1. agent/
  2. docker/
  3. examples/
  4. server/
  5. tests/
  6. .gitignore
  7. .mailmap
  8. cmake-tcf-lib.txt

Target Communication Framework

TCF is a vendor-neutral, lightweight, extensible network protocol mainly for communicating with embedded systems (targets). On top of the protocol specification, which is the core of TCF, the project includes a plain-C implementation of a lightweight extendable target agent, Java client API (usable stand-alone or on top of Eclipse), Python and Lua client APIs, complete debugger UI implementation in Eclipse, integration with CDT, Target Explorer, documentation and usage examples.


agent : The reference agent, implementing debug related services e.g. Memory, RunControl, Registers, Stacktrace, Breakpoints, Symbols, LineNumbers, Expressions.

docker : Dockerfile image for host and cross builds of the debug agent.

examples : Implementation of a daytime service.

server : A proxy server sitting between the client on the host and an agent running/embedded on the target as part of the firmware or RTOS. It implements Symbols and LineNumbers services.

tests : Standalone tools for testing (e.g dwarf, extended commandline client)
