blob: 512fe7acc316b256054ebcb4b6809ba85664af3d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2000-2019 Ericsson Telecom AB Telecom AB //
// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the //
// terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at //
// //
function CView_SVGDisplay(p_viewmodels, p_objId, p_parentId, p_data) {
"use strict";
/** constructor */
var v_viewmodels = ViewUtils.getViewmodelsFromExpectedInterface(p_viewmodels, CView_SVGDisplay);
var v_viewmodel = v_viewmodels[0];
var v_conditionViewmodel = v_viewmodels[1];
var v_writableViewmodel = v_viewmodels[2];
var v_objId = p_objId;
var v_parentId = p_parentId;
var v_customData = p_data;
var v_SVGDisplayLabel;
var v_currentSVG = "";
/** public functions */
this.applicationCreated = function() {
$("#" + v_parentId).append(getHtml());
if (v_customData.isElementLabelPresent) {
v_SVGDisplayLabel = ViewUtils.addLabel(v_objId, v_customData.elementText);
if (v_customData.class != undefined) {
$("#" + v_objId).addClass(v_customData.class);
} else {
$("#" + v_objId).addClass("BasicSVGDisplay");
ViewUtils.addTooltip(v_objId, v_customData);
this.refresh = function(p_fullRefresh) {
if (ViewUtils.checkVisibility(v_conditionViewmodel, v_objId) && v_viewmodel != undefined) {
var dataObject = v_viewmodel.getListWithElementInfo();
if (v_customData.text != undefined || dataObject == undefined || dataObject.values[0] == undefined) {
if (p_fullRefresh && v_customData.isElementLabelPresent && v_customData.elementText == undefined) {
if (v_customData.text == undefined) {
var text = "";
if(dataObject.values[0].val != undefined) {
$("#" + v_objId + " > *").css("display", "");
$("#" + v_objId).removeClass("NoData");
text = dataObject.values[0].val;
} else {
$("#" + v_objId + " > *").css("display", "none");
$("#" + v_objId).addClass("NoData");
if (text != v_currentSVG)
v_currentSVG = text;
try {
var dectext = window.atob(text);
dectext = dectext.replace("style=\"", "style=\"transform:scale(0.75);");
$("#" + v_objId).html(dectext);
} catch (e) {
text = text.replace("style=\"", "style=\"transform:scale(0.75);");
$("#" + v_objId).html(text);
if (v_customData.disabled !== true && dataObject.values[0] != undefined && dataObject.values[0].isWritable && (v_writableViewmodel == undefined || v_writableViewmodel.isWritable())) {
} else {
/** private functions */
function getHtml() {
return '<div id="' + v_objId + '"></div>';
CView_SVGDisplay.getHelp = function() {
return "Simple SVG display. Expected interface: \n" + JSON.stringify(CView_SVGDisplay.expectsInterface(), null, 4);
CView_SVGDisplay.expectsInterface = function() {
return [
"optional": ["getListWithElementInfo"]
"optional": ["getState"]
"optional": ["isWritable"]
CView_SVGDisplay.getCustomDataSchema = function() {
var schema = {
"$schema": "",
"title": "Custom data for CView_SVGDisplay",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"class": {
"type": "string",
"description": "the css class of the view",
"default": "BasicSVGDisplay"
"text": {
"type": "string",
"description": "the SVGDisplay text"
"additionalProperties": false
$.extend(true, schema, ViewUtils.commonViewSchema, ViewUtils.commonElementSchema);
return schema;
//# sourceURL=WebApplicationFramework\Views\View_SVGDisplay.js