| Eclipse Trace Compass |
| ===================== |
| |
| This source tree contains the source code for the Trace Compass plugins for |
| Eclipse. |
| |
| The plugins are categorized as follows: |
| |
| analysis/ | Generic extensions to the base framework |
| btf/ | Best Trace Format (BTF) integration |
| common/ | Generic utilities that can be used by other plugins |
| ctf/ | Common Trace Format (CTF) reader library |
| doc/ | Documentation and code examples |
| gdbtrace/ | Support for reading and viewing GDB traces |
| lttng/ | LTTng integration |
| pcap/ | libpcap integration |
| rcp/ | Code specific to the RCP version |
| releng/ | Releng-related plugins |
| statesystem/ | State System library |
| tmf/ | Core framework |
| |
| See the `components.svg` file for a diagram showing the dependencies between the |
| different components. |
| |
| |
| Setting up the development environment |
| -------------------------------------- |
| |
| To set up the environment to build Trace Compass from within Eclipse, see this |
| wiki page: |
| <http://wiki.eclipse.org/Trace_Compass/Development_Environment_Setup> |
| |
| |
| Compiling manually |
| ------------------ |
| |
| The Maven project build requires version 3.3 or later. It can be downloaded from |
| <http://maven.apache.org> or from the package management system of your distro. |
| |
| To build the project manually using Maven, simply run the following command from |
| the top-level directory: |
| |
| mvn clean install |
| |
| The default command will compile and run the unit tests. Running the tests can |
| take some time, to skip them you can append `-Dmaven.test.skip=true` to the |
| `mvn` command: |
| |
| mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true |
| |
| Stand-alone application (RCP) packages will be placed in |
| `rcp/org.eclipse.tracecompass.rcp.product/target/products`. |
| |
| The p2 update site, used for installation as plugins inside Eclipse, will be |
| placed in `releng/org.eclipse.tracecompass.releng-site/target/repository`. |
| |
| To generate the javadoc from the Trace Compass source code, run the following |
| command from the top-level directory: |
| |
| mvn clean package javadoc:aggregate |
| |
| The javadoc html files will be under `target/site/apidocs`. |
| |
| Maven profiles and properties |
| ----------------------------- |
| |
| NOTE: if you want to build the RCP with older platforms than 4.12 you need to |
| copy the legacy `tracing.product`: |
| `cp rcp/org.eclipse.tracecompass.rcp.product/legacy/tracing.product rcp/org.eclipse.tracecompass.rcp.product/` |
| |
| The following Maven profiles and properties are defined in |
| the build system. You can set them by using `-P[profile name]` and |
| `-D[property name]=[value]` in `mvn` commands. |
| |
| * `-Dtarget-platform=[target]` |
| |
| Defines which target to use. This is used to build against various versions of |
| the Eclipse platform. Available ones are in |
| `releng/org.eclipse.tracecompass.target`. The default is usually the latest |
| stable platform. To use the staging target for example, use |
| `-Dtarget-platform=tracecompass-eStaging`. |
| |
| * `-Dskip-tc-core-tests` |
| |
| Skips the automated core tests. Not required when using |
| `-Dmaven.test.skip=true` or `-DskipTests=true` , which already skips |
| all the tests. |
| |
| * `-Dskip-short-tc-ui-tests` |
| |
| Skips the short UI integration tests. Not required when using |
| `-Dmaven.test.skip=true` or `-DskipTests=true`, which already skips |
| all the tests. |
| |
| * `-Dskip-long-tc-ui-tests` |
| |
| Skips the long UI integration tests. Not required when using |
| `-Dmaven.test.skip=true` or `-DskipTests=true`, which already skips |
| all the tests. |
| |
| * `-Dskip-rcp` |
| |
| Skips building the RCP archives and related deployment targets. Only works in |
| conjunction with `-Dskip-tc-long-ui-tests`, due to a limitation in Maven. |
| |
| * `-Pctf-grammar` |
| |
| Re-compiles the CTF grammar files. This should be enabled if you modify the |
| `.g` files in the `ctf.parser` plugin. |
| |
| * `-Prun-custom-test-suite` |
| |
| Runs a test suite present in `releng/org.eclipse.tracecompass.alltests`. The |
| test suite to run has to be defined by `-DcustomTestSuite=[name]`, for example |
| `-DcustomTestSuite=RunAllPerfTests`. |
| |
| * `-Pdeploy-rcp` |
| |
| Mainly for use on build servers. Copies the generated RCP archives, as well as |
| the RCP-specific update site, to the paths specified by |
| `-DrcpDestination=/absolute/path/to/destination` and |
| `-DrcpSiteDestination=/absolute/path/to/destination`, respectively. |
| |
| * `-Pdeploy-update-site` |
| |
| Mainly for use on build servers. Copies the standard update site (for the |
| Eclipse plugin installation) to the destination specified by |
| `-DsiteDestination=/absolute/path/to/destination`. |
| |
| * `-Psign-update-site` |
| |
| Mainly for use on build servers. Signs all the generated update sites using |
| the Eclipse signing server. |
| |
| * `-Pdeploy-doc` |
| |
| Mainly for use on build servers. Copies the generated HTML documentation to |
| the destination specified by `-DdocDestination=/absolute/path/to/destination`. |
| Some directories may need to already exist at the destination (or Maven will |
| throw related errors). |
| |