Replace the uneven-streams trace

The previous trace did have streams of different ranges, but all the
actual events were part of the intersection of all streams, so it was
not very useful for testing it event-wise.

Replace it with another trace that has a very different event count
between all streams and the intersection range (for reference, this
trace was taken by hot-plugging a CPU while tracing).

Version 1.7.1
("breaking" change, but nothing committed depended on the previous trace
so it should be safe to just do a minor bump).

Signed-off-by: Alexandre Montplaisir <>
10 files changed
tree: 74b201fd58681c0acb4ab4f0969a26717b56fa44
  1. ctf/
  2. update-site/
  3. .gitignore
  5. pom.xml

Trace Compass Test Traces

This tree contains a set of CTF test traces, primarily for use in Trace Compass.

To build the package and install it in your local Maven repo, simply isssue

mvn clean install

You can also use the deploy target to populate both a standard Maven repo and a p2 update site. The -Dmaven-deploy-destination and -Dp2-deploy-destination properties can be used to specify their respective deploy locations. For example:

mvn clean deploy -Dmaven-deploy-destination=file:///var/www/traces/maven -Dp2-deploy-destination=/var/www/traces/repository

(Note that the first property needs a file:/// scheme, but the second does not.)

You can then point depending projects to these locations.

Adding a new CTF test trace

The modules follow the Maven standard directory layout.

To add a new CTF test trace, add it to the ctf/src/main/resources directory. Make sure it is not archived or anything, as this will be exposed as-is to the users.

Then update the ctf/src/main/java/.../ file accordingly to include the new trace.

Make sure the parameters (event count, etc.) are correct! This project does not check those at the moment, but if they are incorrect they will fail some Trace Compass unit tests. This is a known issue.

Finally, bump the project's minor version (1.1.0 -> 1.2.0) in the main pom.xml and related <parent> blocks.

Deploying the repo and update site

The default mvn deploy goal, when run from the Eclipse CI servers, will deploy to the following locations:

When pushing a new version, some extra work is required on the server to update the p2 update site. The /repository/ is directory a actually a p2 composite repository. But since the deploy simply overwrites the contents of /repository/latest/, you need to do the following steps manually:

  • Copy the /latest/ directory to a new directory named after the new version, like /1.2.0/ (copy not move, please keep /latest/ available too).
  • Add a new entry in the compositeArtifacts.xml and compositeContent.xml files to point to the new directory. Do not delete existing entries, other projects or git branches may still be using those.

No extra steps are required for the Maven repo, since the Maven plugin handles multi-version deploying automatically.