blob: 2264d9914a124576048e68f3b23d5970a1742703 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2005, 2009 IBM Corporation, Embarcadero Technologies, and others.
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# Contributors:
# IBM - initial API and implementation
# Kenn Hussey (Embarcadero Technologies) - 208016, 204200
# $Id:,v 1.9 2009/04/07 18:24:53 jbruck Exp $
pluginName = UML2 Ecore Code Generation UI
providerName = Eclipse Modeling Project
_UI_PropertyDescriptor_description = The {0} of the {1}
_UI_GenCacheAdapterScope_None_literal = None
_UI_GenCacheAdapterScope_Global_literal = Global
_UI_GenCacheAdapterScope_Resource_literal = Resource
_UI_GenCacheAdapterScope_ResourceSet_literal = Resource Set
_UI_Unknown_datatype= Value
_UI_GenModel_cacheAdapterSupport_feature = Cache Adapter Support
_UI_GenModel_editTestsDirectory_feature = Edit Tests Directory
_UI_GenModel_editTestSuiteClass_feature = Edit Test Suite Class
_UI_GenModel_factoryMethods_feature = Factory Methods
_UI_GenModel_invariantPrefix_feature = Invariant Prefix
_UI_GenModel_operationsClasses_feature = Operations Classes
_UI_GenModel_pluralizedGetters_feature = Pluralized Getters
_UI_GenModel_safeStrings_feature = Safe Strings
_UI_GenModel_virtualImplementations_feature = Virtual Implementations
_UI_GenPackage_operationsPackage_feature = Operations Package
_UI_GenPackage_resourceInterfaces_feature = Resource Interfaces
_UI_GenFeature_key_feature = Key
_UI_GenOperation_cacheAdapterScope_feature = Cache Adapter Scope
_UI_Unknown_feature = Unspecified
_UI_UML2PropertyCategory = UML2
#_UI_GenBase_type = Gen Base
#_UI_GenClass_type = Gen Class
#_UI_GenClassifier_type = Gen Classifier
#_UI_GenDataType_type = Gen Data Type
#_UI_GenEnum_type = Gen Enum
#_UI_GenEnumLiteral_type = Gen Enum Literal
#_UI_GenFeature_type = Gen Feature
#_UI_GenModel_type = Gen Model
#_UI_GenOperation_type = Gen Operation
#_UI_GenPackage_type = Gen Package
#_UI_GenParameter_type = Gen Parameter
#_UI_GenTypedElement_type = Gen Typed Element
#_UI_Unknown_type = Object
_UI_GenFeature_pluralizationException_feature = Pluralization Exception