blob: 2ccf802aaa85b6b52137f3653a6f5cdd0acb5c56 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2014 Fraunhofer FOKUS
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Marc-Florian Wendland
package org.eclipse.upr.utp.impl;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EFactoryImpl;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.plugin.EcorePlugin;
import org.eclipse.upr.utp.*;
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* An implementation of the model <b>Factory</b>.
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* @generated
public class UTPFactoryImpl extends EFactoryImpl implements UTPFactory {
* Creates the default factory implementation.
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* @generated
public static UTPFactory init() {
try {
UTPFactory theUTPFactory = (UTPFactory)EPackage.Registry.INSTANCE.getEFactory(UTPPackage.eNS_URI);
if (theUTPFactory != null) {
return theUTPFactory;
catch (Exception exception) {
return new UTPFactoryImpl();
* Creates an instance of the factory.
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* @generated
public UTPFactoryImpl() {
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* @generated
public EObject create(EClass eClass) {
switch (eClass.getClassifierID()) {
case UTPPackage.TEST_COMPONENT: return createTestComponent();
case UTPPackage.SUT: return createSUT();
case UTPPackage.TEST_CONTEXT: return createTestContext();
case UTPPackage.DETERM_ALT: return createDetermAlt();
case UTPPackage.FINISH_ACTION: return createFinishAction();
case UTPPackage.LOG_ACTION: return createLogAction();
case UTPPackage.TEST_CASE: return createTestCase();
case UTPPackage.VALIDATION_ACTION: return createValidationAction();
case UTPPackage.DEFAULT: return createDefault();
case UTPPackage.DEFAULT_APPLICATION: return createDefaultApplication();
case UTPPackage.TIME_OUT: return createTimeOut();
case UTPPackage.TIME_OUT_MESSAGE: return createTimeOutMessage();
case UTPPackage.TIME_OUT_ACTION: return createTimeOutAction();
case UTPPackage.READ_TIMER_ACTION: return createReadTimerAction();
case UTPPackage.START_TIMER_ACTION: return createStartTimerAction();
case UTPPackage.STOP_TIMER_ACTION: return createStopTimerAction();
case UTPPackage.TIMER_RUNNING_ACTION: return createTimerRunningAction();
case UTPPackage.GET_TIMEZONE_ACTION: return createGetTimezoneAction();
case UTPPackage.SET_TIMEZONE_ACTION: return createSetTimezoneAction();
case UTPPackage.DATA_PARTITION: return createDataPartition();
case UTPPackage.DATA_POOL: return createDataPool();
case UTPPackage.DATA_SELECTOR: return createDataSelector();
case UTPPackage.CODING_RULE: return createCodingRule();
case UTPPackage.MODIFICATION: return createModification();
case UTPPackage.LITERAL_ANY: return createLiteralAny();
case UTPPackage.LITERAL_ANY_OR_NULL: return createLiteralAnyOrNull();
case UTPPackage.TEST_OBJECTIVE_SPECIFICATION: return createTestObjectiveSpecification();
case UTPPackage.TEST_LOG: return createTestLog();
case UTPPackage.TEST_LOG_APPLICATION: return createTestLogApplication();
case UTPPackage.TEST_LOG_ENTRY: return createTestLogEntry();
case UTPPackage.TEST_OBJECTIVE: return createTestObjective();
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The class '" + eClass.getName() + "' is not a valid classifier");
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* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated
public TestComponent createTestComponent() {
TestComponentImpl testComponent = new TestComponentImpl();
return testComponent;
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* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated
public SUT createSUT() {
SUTImpl sut = new SUTImpl();
return sut;
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* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated
public TestContext createTestContext() {
TestContextImpl testContext = new TestContextImpl();
return testContext;
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* @generated
public DetermAlt createDetermAlt() {
DetermAltImpl determAlt = new DetermAltImpl();
return determAlt;
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* @generated
public FinishAction createFinishAction() {
FinishActionImpl finishAction = new FinishActionImpl();
return finishAction;
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* @generated
public LogAction createLogAction() {
LogActionImpl logAction = new LogActionImpl();
return logAction;
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* @generated
public TestCase createTestCase() {
TestCaseImpl testCase = new TestCaseImpl();
return testCase;
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* @generated
public ValidationAction createValidationAction() {
ValidationActionImpl validationAction = new ValidationActionImpl();
return validationAction;
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* @generated
public Default createDefault() {
DefaultImpl default_ = new DefaultImpl();
return default_;
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* @generated
public DefaultApplication createDefaultApplication() {
DefaultApplicationImpl defaultApplication = new DefaultApplicationImpl();
return defaultApplication;
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* @generated
public TimeOut createTimeOut() {
TimeOutImpl timeOut = new TimeOutImpl();
return timeOut;
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* @generated
public TimeOutMessage createTimeOutMessage() {
TimeOutMessageImpl timeOutMessage = new TimeOutMessageImpl();
return timeOutMessage;
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* @generated
public TimeOutAction createTimeOutAction() {
TimeOutActionImpl timeOutAction = new TimeOutActionImpl();
return timeOutAction;
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* @generated
public ReadTimerAction createReadTimerAction() {
ReadTimerActionImpl readTimerAction = new ReadTimerActionImpl();
return readTimerAction;
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* @generated
public StartTimerAction createStartTimerAction() {
StartTimerActionImpl startTimerAction = new StartTimerActionImpl();
return startTimerAction;
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* @generated
public StopTimerAction createStopTimerAction() {
StopTimerActionImpl stopTimerAction = new StopTimerActionImpl();
return stopTimerAction;
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* @generated
public TimerRunningAction createTimerRunningAction() {
TimerRunningActionImpl timerRunningAction = new TimerRunningActionImpl();
return timerRunningAction;
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* @generated
public GetTimezoneAction createGetTimezoneAction() {
GetTimezoneActionImpl getTimezoneAction = new GetTimezoneActionImpl();
return getTimezoneAction;
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* @generated
public SetTimezoneAction createSetTimezoneAction() {
SetTimezoneActionImpl setTimezoneAction = new SetTimezoneActionImpl();
return setTimezoneAction;
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* @generated
public DataPartition createDataPartition() {
DataPartitionImpl dataPartition = new DataPartitionImpl();
return dataPartition;
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* @generated
public DataPool createDataPool() {
DataPoolImpl dataPool = new DataPoolImpl();
return dataPool;
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* @generated
public DataSelector createDataSelector() {
DataSelectorImpl dataSelector = new DataSelectorImpl();
return dataSelector;
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* @generated
public CodingRule createCodingRule() {
CodingRuleImpl codingRule = new CodingRuleImpl();
return codingRule;
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* @generated
public Modification createModification() {
ModificationImpl modification = new ModificationImpl();
return modification;
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* @generated
public LiteralAny createLiteralAny() {
LiteralAnyImpl literalAny = new LiteralAnyImpl();
return literalAny;
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* @generated
public LiteralAnyOrNull createLiteralAnyOrNull() {
LiteralAnyOrNullImpl literalAnyOrNull = new LiteralAnyOrNullImpl();
return literalAnyOrNull;
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* @generated
public TestObjectiveSpecification createTestObjectiveSpecification() {
TestObjectiveSpecificationImpl testObjectiveSpecification = new TestObjectiveSpecificationImpl();
return testObjectiveSpecification;
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* @generated
public TestLog createTestLog() {
TestLogImpl testLog = new TestLogImpl();
return testLog;
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* @generated
public TestLogApplication createTestLogApplication() {
TestLogApplicationImpl testLogApplication = new TestLogApplicationImpl();
return testLogApplication;
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* @generated
public TestLogEntry createTestLogEntry() {
TestLogEntryImpl testLogEntry = new TestLogEntryImpl();
return testLogEntry;
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* @generated
public TestObjective createTestObjective() {
TestObjectiveImpl testObjective = new TestObjectiveImpl();
return testObjective;
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* @generated
public UTPPackage getUTPPackage() {
return (UTPPackage)getEPackage();
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* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @deprecated
* @generated
public static UTPPackage getPackage() {
return UTPPackage.eINSTANCE;
} //UTPFactoryImpl