Updating the virgo-build submodule to use https instead of git
1 file changed
tree: 5ae55206d361b81a5fbe61eb001de16777a8d112
  1. build-bundlor/
  2. org.eclipse.virgo.bundlor/
  3. org.eclipse.virgo.bundlor.ant/
  4. org.eclipse.virgo.bundlor.blint/
  5. org.eclipse.virgo.bundlor.commandline/
  6. org.eclipse.virgo.bundlor.diff/
  7. org.eclipse.virgo.bundlor.maven/
  8. samples/
  9. user-guide/
  10. .gitignore
  11. .gitmodules
  12. build.properties
  13. build.versions
  14. README.md

Virgo Build Git Submodule

The Bundlor project uses a Git submodule to include the virgo-build engine for building. To get this submodule, run the following commands after cloning the repository.

git submodule init git submodule update