Applies Virgo standard format
diff --git a/org.eclipse.virgo.web.enterprise.persistence.openejb.classloading.hook/src/test/java/org/eclipse/virgo/web/enterprise/persistence/openejb/classloading/hook/ b/org.eclipse.virgo.web.enterprise.persistence.openejb.classloading.hook/src/test/java/org/eclipse/virgo/web/enterprise/persistence/openejb/classloading/hook/
index 7dd862c..8b7589b 100755
--- a/org.eclipse.virgo.web.enterprise.persistence.openejb.classloading.hook/src/test/java/org/eclipse/virgo/web/enterprise/persistence/openejb/classloading/hook/
+++ b/org.eclipse.virgo.web.enterprise.persistence.openejb.classloading.hook/src/test/java/org/eclipse/virgo/web/enterprise/persistence/openejb/classloading/hook/
@@ -18,316 +18,325 @@
 import java.util.Dictionary;

 import java.util.Hashtable;


-import org.junit.After;

-import org.junit.Assert;

-import org.junit.Test;

 import org.easymock.EasyMock;

-import org.eclipse.osgi.baseadaptor.BaseData;

 import org.eclipse.osgi.baseadaptor.loader.BaseClassLoader;

 import org.eclipse.osgi.baseadaptor.loader.ClasspathEntry;

 import org.eclipse.osgi.baseadaptor.loader.ClasspathManager;

-import org.eclipse.osgi.framework.adaptor.FrameworkAdaptor;

-import org.eclipse.osgi.framework.log.FrameworkLog;

+import org.junit.After;

+import org.junit.Assert;

+import org.junit.Test;


 public class AppLoaderClasspathExtenderClassLoadingHookTests {

-	private static final String TESTAPP = "testapp";

-	private static final String SOME_FAKE_FILE = "some.fake.file";

-	private static final String PERSISTENCE_INTEGRATION_JAR = "org.apache.openejb.jpa.integration.jar";

-	private static final String PERSISTENCE_INTEGRATION_JAR_NAME = "org.apache.openejb.jpa.integration";

-	private static final String PERSISTENCE_INTEGRATION_JAR_PROP_NAME = "";

-	private static final String CONFIGURATION_DIR = "configuration";

-	private static final String FILE_SCHEME = "file:";

-	private static final String CONFIG_AREA = "osgi.configuration.area";

-	private static final String LIB_DIR = "lib";

-	private static final String PERSISTENCE_DIR = "persistence";

-	private static final String WEB_CONTEXTPATH_HEADER = "Web-ContextPath";

-	private static final String PERSISTENCE_INTEGRATION_JAR1 = "org.apache.openejb.jpa.integration.jar_v1.1";


-	@Test

-	public void testAddClassPathEntryPositive() throws IOException {

-		File jpaIntegrationFile = prepare();

-		ArrayList<ClasspathEntry> cpEntries = new ArrayList<ClasspathEntry>();

-		BaseClassLoader classloader = EasyMock.createMock(BaseClassLoader.class);

-		BaseDataStub data = new BaseDataStub(0, null);

-		Dictionary<String, String> manifest = new Hashtable<String, String>();


-		data.setManifest(manifest);

-		ClasspathManager classpathmanager = new ClasspathManagerStub(data, new String[]{}, classloader);

-		AppLoaderClasspathExtenderClassLoadingHook hook = new AppLoaderClasspathExtenderClassLoadingHook();

-		boolean result = hook.addClassPathEntry(cpEntries, "", classpathmanager, data, new ProtectionDomain(null, null));

-		Assert.assertTrue("Classpath entry should be added successfully but it is not", result);

-		Assert.assertTrue("There should be added only one classapth entry, but they are " + cpEntries.size(), cpEntries.size() == 1);

-		ClasspathEntry entry = cpEntries.get(0);

-		String classpath = ((BundleFileStub)entry.getBundleFile()).getClassPath();

-		Assert.assertEquals("Classpath entry created with wrong path: ", jpaIntegrationFile.getAbsolutePath(), classpath);

-	}


-	@Test

-	public void testAddClassPathEntryNegativeNotAppBundle() {

-		ArrayList<ClasspathEntry> cpEntries = new ArrayList<ClasspathEntry>();

-		BaseClassLoader classloader = EasyMock.createMock(BaseClassLoader.class);

-		BaseDataStub data = new BaseDataStub(0, null);

-		Dictionary<String, String> manifest = new Hashtable<String, String>();

-		data.setManifest(manifest);

-		ClasspathManager classpathmanager = new ClasspathManagerStub(data, new String[]{}, classloader);

-		AppLoaderClasspathExtenderClassLoadingHook hook = new AppLoaderClasspathExtenderClassLoadingHook();

-		boolean result = hook.addClassPathEntry(cpEntries, "", classpathmanager, data, new ProtectionDomain(null, null));

-		Assert.assertFalse("Classpath entry should not be added because this is not an application bundle but it is", result);

-	}


-	@Test

-	public void testAddClassPathEntryNegativeAlreadyAdded() {

-		ArrayList<ClasspathEntry> cpEntries = new ArrayList<ClasspathEntry>();

-		BaseClassLoader classloader = EasyMock.createMock(BaseClassLoader.class);

-		BaseDataStub data = new BaseDataStub(0, null);

-		Dictionary<String, String> manifest = new Hashtable<String, String>();

-		data.setManifest(manifest);

-		ClasspathManager classpathmanager = new ClasspathManagerStub(data, new String[]{}, classloader);

-		File libDir = new File(new File("."), LIB_DIR);

-		File libPersistenceDir = new File(libDir, PERSISTENCE_DIR);

-		String classpath = new File(libPersistenceDir, PERSISTENCE_INTEGRATION_JAR).getAbsolutePath();

-		ClasspathEntry entry = new ClasspathEntry(new BundleFileStub(classpath), null);

-		cpEntries.add(entry);

-		AppLoaderClasspathExtenderClassLoadingHook hook = new AppLoaderClasspathExtenderClassLoadingHook();

-		boolean result = hook.addClassPathEntry(cpEntries, "", classpathmanager, data, new ProtectionDomain(null, null));

-		Assert.assertFalse("Classpath entry should not be added because it is already added", result);

-	}


-	@Test

-	public void testAddClassPathEntryNegativeExceptionThrown() {

-		ArrayList<ClasspathEntry> cpEntries = new ArrayList<ClasspathEntry>();

-		BaseClassLoader classloader = EasyMock.createMock(BaseClassLoader.class);

-		BaseDataStub data = new BaseDataStub(0, null);

-		Dictionary<String, String> manifest = new Hashtable<String, String>();


-		data.setManifest(manifest);

-		ClasspathManager classpathmanager = new ClasspathManagerStub(data, new String[]{}, classloader);

-		AppLoaderClasspathExtenderClassLoadingHook hook = new AppLoaderClasspathExtenderClassLoadingHook();

-		boolean result = hook.addClassPathEntry(cpEntries, "", classpathmanager, data, new ProtectionDomain(null, null));

-		Assert.assertFalse("Classpath entry should not be added because the persistence integration jar is not found", result);

-	}


-	private File prepare() throws IOException {

-		File configDir = new File(new File("."), CONFIGURATION_DIR);

-		configDir.mkdir();

-		File libDir = new File(new File("."), LIB_DIR);

-		libDir.mkdir();

-		File libPersistenceDir = new File(libDir, PERSISTENCE_DIR);

-		libPersistenceDir.mkdir();

-		File jpaIntegrationFile = new File(libPersistenceDir, PERSISTENCE_INTEGRATION_JAR);

-		jpaIntegrationFile.createNewFile();

-		String configurationFilePath = FILE_SCHEME + configDir.getAbsolutePath();

-		System.setProperty(CONFIG_AREA, configurationFilePath);


-		return jpaIntegrationFile;

-	}


-	@After

-	public void cleanUp() {

-		if(System.getProperty(CONFIG_AREA) != null) {

-			System.getProperties().remove(CONFIG_AREA);

-		}

-		File configDir = new File(new File("."), CONFIGURATION_DIR);

-		if (configDir.exists()) {

-			configDir.delete();

-		}


-		File libDir = new File(new File("."), LIB_DIR);

-		File libPersistenceDir = new File(libDir, PERSISTENCE_DIR); 

-		File jpaIntegrationFile = new File(libPersistenceDir, PERSISTENCE_INTEGRATION_JAR);


-		if (jpaIntegrationFile.exists()) {

-			jpaIntegrationFile.delete();

-		}


-		File jpaIntegrationFile1 = new File(libDir, PERSISTENCE_INTEGRATION_JAR1);

-		if (jpaIntegrationFile1.exists()) {

-			jpaIntegrationFile1.delete();

-		}


-		if (libPersistenceDir.exists()) {

-			libPersistenceDir.delete();

-		}


-		if (libDir.exists()) {

-			libDir.delete();

-		}

-	}


-	@Test

-	public void testShouldAddPositive() {

-		boolean result = checkForFile(SOME_FAKE_FILE);

-		Assert.assertTrue("Check should succeed since the classpath entries list does not contain one for the jpa integration jar", result);

-	}


-	@Test

-	public void testShouldAddNegative() {

-		boolean result = checkForFile(PERSISTENCE_INTEGRATION_JAR);

-		Assert.assertFalse("Check should fail since the classpath entries list already contains one for the jpa integration jar", result);

-	}


-	private boolean checkForFile(String filename) {

-		ArrayList<ClasspathEntry> cpEntries = new ArrayList<ClasspathEntry>();

-		File libDir = new File(new File("."), LIB_DIR);

-		File libPersistenceDir = new File(libDir, PERSISTENCE_DIR);

-		String classpath = new File(libPersistenceDir, filename).getAbsolutePath();

-		ClasspathEntry entry = new ClasspathEntry(new BundleFileStub(classpath), null);

-		cpEntries.add(entry);

-		AppLoaderClasspathExtenderClassLoadingHook hook = new AppLoaderClasspathExtenderClassLoadingHook();

-		return hook.shouldAdd(cpEntries);

-	}


-	@Test

-	public void testIsAppBundlePositive() {

-		boolean result = checkForApp(TESTAPP, false);

-		Assert.assertTrue("Check should succeed since the manifest contains Web-ContextPath header", result);

-	}


-	@Test

-	public void testIsAppBundleNegative() {

-		boolean result = checkForApp(null, false);

-		Assert.assertFalse("Check should fail since the manifest does not contain Web-ContextPath header", result);

-	}


-	@Test

-	public void testIsAppBundleThrowsException() {

-		boolean result = checkForApp(TESTAPP, true);

-		Assert.assertFalse("Check should fail because exception is thrown", result);

-	}


-	private boolean checkForApp(String contextpathHeaderValue, boolean shouldThrowException) {

-		BaseDataStub baseData = new BaseDataStub(0, null);

-		Dictionary<String, String> manifest = new Hashtable<String, String>();

-		if (contextpathHeaderValue != null) {

-			manifest.put(WEB_CONTEXTPATH_HEADER, contextpathHeaderValue);

-		}

-		baseData.setManifest(manifest);

-		baseData.setShouldThrowException(shouldThrowException);

-		AppLoaderClasspathExtenderClassLoadingHook hook = new AppLoaderClasspathExtenderClassLoadingHook();

-		return hook.isAppBundle(baseData);

-	}


-	@Test

-	public void testNormalizeActual() {

-		String filepath = FILE_SCHEME + SOME_FAKE_FILE;

-		checkNormalize(filepath);

-	}


-	@Test

-	public void testNormalizeIdentity() {

-		checkNormalize(SOME_FAKE_FILE);

-	}


-	private void checkNormalize(String filepath) {

-		AppLoaderClasspathExtenderClassLoadingHook hook = new AppLoaderClasspathExtenderClassLoadingHook();

-		String normalizedFilepath = hook.normalize(filepath);

-		Assert.assertEquals("Normalized path should be [" + SOME_FAKE_FILE + "] but it is [" + normalizedFilepath + "] instead", SOME_FAKE_FILE, normalizedFilepath);

-	}


-	@Test

-	public void testFindPersistenceIntegrationJarPositive() throws IOException {

-		File jpaIntegrationFile = prepare();

-		AppLoaderClasspathExtenderClassLoadingHook hook = new AppLoaderClasspathExtenderClassLoadingHook();

-		try {

-			hook.findPersistenceIntegrationJar();

-			Assert.assertEquals("Jpa integration jar not discovered correctly", hook.persistenceIntegrationJar.getAbsolutePath(), jpaIntegrationFile.getAbsolutePath());

-		} catch (ClasspathExtenderClassLoadingHookException e) {

-"No exception should be thrown here");

-		}

-	}


-	@Test

-	public void testFindPersistenceIntegrationJarNoConfigurationPropertyDefined() {

-		checkForException("Property [" + CONFIG_AREA + "] is missing");

-	}


-	@Test 

-	public void testFindPersistenceIntegrationJarMissingLibFolder() {

-		File configDir = new File(new File("."), CONFIGURATION_DIR);

-		String configurationFilePath = FILE_SCHEME + configDir.getAbsolutePath();

-		System.setProperty(CONFIG_AREA, configurationFilePath);

-		checkForException("lib folder is missing");

-	}


-	@Test 

-	public void testFindPersistenceIntegrationJarMissingIntegrationJar() {

-		File configDir = new File(new File("."), CONFIGURATION_DIR);

-		configDir.mkdir();

-		File libDir = new File(new File("."), LIB_DIR);

-		libDir.mkdir();

-		File libPersistenceDir = new File(libDir, PERSISTENCE_DIR);

-		libPersistenceDir.mkdir();

-		String configurationFilePath = FILE_SCHEME + configDir.getAbsolutePath();

-		System.setProperty(CONFIG_AREA, configurationFilePath);

-		checkForException("No file with name starting with [" + PERSISTENCE_INTEGRATION_JAR_NAME + "] was found in lib/persistence folder");

-	}


-	@Test

-	public void testFindPersistenceIntegrationJarMultipleIntegrationJars() throws IOException {

-		File jpaIntegrationFile = prepare();

-		File libDir = new File(new File("."), LIB_DIR);

-		File libPersistenceDir = new File(libDir, PERSISTENCE_DIR);

-		File jpaIntegrationFile1 = new File(libPersistenceDir, PERSISTENCE_INTEGRATION_JAR1);

-		AppLoaderClasspathExtenderClassLoadingHook hook = new AppLoaderClasspathExtenderClassLoadingHook();

-		try {

-			hook.findPersistenceIntegrationJar();

-			String actualPath = hook.persistenceIntegrationJar.getAbsolutePath();

-			Assert.assertTrue("Jpa integration jar not discovered correctly", actualPath.equals(jpaIntegrationFile.getAbsolutePath()) || 

-					actualPath.equals(jpaIntegrationFile1.getAbsolutePath()));

-		} catch (ClasspathExtenderClassLoadingHookException e) {

-"No exception should be thrown here");

-		}

-	}


-	private void checkForException(String exceptionMessage) {

-		AppLoaderClasspathExtenderClassLoadingHook hook = new AppLoaderClasspathExtenderClassLoadingHook();

-		try {

-			hook.findPersistenceIntegrationJar();

-"This code should not be reached - an exception is expected");

-		} catch (ClasspathExtenderClassLoadingHookException e) {

-			Assert.assertEquals(exceptionMessage, e.getMessage());

-		}

-	}


-	@Test

-	public void determinePersistenceIntegrationPathPositive() throws IOException {

-		File jpaIntegrationFile = prepare();

-		BaseClassLoader classloader = EasyMock.createMock(BaseClassLoader.class);

-		BaseDataStub data = new BaseDataStub(0, null);

-		Dictionary<String, String> manifest = new Hashtable<String, String>();


-		data.setManifest(manifest);

-		ClasspathManager classpathmanager = new ClasspathManagerStub(data, new String[]{}, classloader);

-		AppLoaderClasspathExtenderClassLoadingHook hook = new AppLoaderClasspathExtenderClassLoadingHook();

-		ClasspathEntry entry;

-		try {

-			entry = hook.determinePersistenceIntegrationPath(classpathmanager, data, new ProtectionDomain(null, null));

-			String classpath = ((BundleFileStub)entry.getBundleFile()).getClassPath();

-			Assert.assertEquals("Classpath entry created with wrong path: ", jpaIntegrationFile.getAbsolutePath(), classpath);

-		} catch (ClasspathExtenderClassLoadingHookException e) {

-"No exception should be thrown here");

-		}

-	}


-	@Test

-	public void determinePersistenceIntegrationPathThrowsException() throws IOException {

-		prepare();

-		BaseClassLoader classloader = EasyMock.createMock(BaseClassLoader.class);

-		BaseDataStub data = new BaseDataStub(0, null);

-		Dictionary<String, String> manifest = new Hashtable<String, String>();


-		data.setManifest(manifest);

-		ClasspathManagerStub classpathmanager = new ClasspathManagerStub(data, new String[]{}, classloader);

-		classpathmanager.setShouldReturnNull(true);

-		AppLoaderClasspathExtenderClassLoadingHook hook = new AppLoaderClasspathExtenderClassLoadingHook();

-		try {

-			hook.determinePersistenceIntegrationPath(classpathmanager, data, new ProtectionDomain(null, null));

-"This code should not be reached - an exception is expected");

-		} catch (ClasspathExtenderClassLoadingHookException e) {

-			Assert.assertEquals("Failed to create classpath entry for file [" + PERSISTENCE_INTEGRATION_JAR_NAME + "]", e.getMessage());

-		}

-	}




+    private static final String TESTAPP = "testapp";


+    private static final String SOME_FAKE_FILE = "some.fake.file";


+    private static final String PERSISTENCE_INTEGRATION_JAR = "org.apache.openejb.jpa.integration.jar";


+    private static final String PERSISTENCE_INTEGRATION_JAR_NAME = "org.apache.openejb.jpa.integration";


+    private static final String PERSISTENCE_INTEGRATION_JAR_PROP_NAME = "";


+    private static final String CONFIGURATION_DIR = "configuration";


+    private static final String FILE_SCHEME = "file:";


+    private static final String CONFIG_AREA = "osgi.configuration.area";


+    private static final String LIB_DIR = "lib";


+    private static final String PERSISTENCE_DIR = "persistence";


+    private static final String WEB_CONTEXTPATH_HEADER = "Web-ContextPath";


+    private static final String PERSISTENCE_INTEGRATION_JAR1 = "org.apache.openejb.jpa.integration.jar_v1.1";


+    @Test

+    public void testAddClassPathEntryPositive() throws IOException {

+        File jpaIntegrationFile = prepare();

+        ArrayList<ClasspathEntry> cpEntries = new ArrayList<ClasspathEntry>();

+        BaseClassLoader classloader = EasyMock.createMock(BaseClassLoader.class);

+        BaseDataStub data = new BaseDataStub(0, null);

+        Dictionary<String, String> manifest = new Hashtable<String, String>();

+        manifest.put(WEB_CONTEXTPATH_HEADER, TESTAPP);

+        data.setManifest(manifest);

+        ClasspathManager classpathmanager = new ClasspathManagerStub(data, new String[] {}, classloader);

+        AppLoaderClasspathExtenderClassLoadingHook hook = new AppLoaderClasspathExtenderClassLoadingHook();

+        boolean result = hook.addClassPathEntry(cpEntries, "", classpathmanager, data, new ProtectionDomain(null, null));

+        Assert.assertTrue("Classpath entry should be added successfully but it is not", result);

+        Assert.assertTrue("There should be added only one classapth entry, but they are " + cpEntries.size(), cpEntries.size() == 1);

+        ClasspathEntry entry = cpEntries.get(0);

+        String classpath = ((BundleFileStub) entry.getBundleFile()).getClassPath();

+        Assert.assertEquals("Classpath entry created with wrong path: ", jpaIntegrationFile.getAbsolutePath(), classpath);

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testAddClassPathEntryNegativeNotAppBundle() {

+        ArrayList<ClasspathEntry> cpEntries = new ArrayList<ClasspathEntry>();

+        BaseClassLoader classloader = EasyMock.createMock(BaseClassLoader.class);

+        BaseDataStub data = new BaseDataStub(0, null);

+        Dictionary<String, String> manifest = new Hashtable<String, String>();

+        data.setManifest(manifest);

+        ClasspathManager classpathmanager = new ClasspathManagerStub(data, new String[] {}, classloader);

+        AppLoaderClasspathExtenderClassLoadingHook hook = new AppLoaderClasspathExtenderClassLoadingHook();

+        boolean result = hook.addClassPathEntry(cpEntries, "", classpathmanager, data, new ProtectionDomain(null, null));

+        Assert.assertFalse("Classpath entry should not be added because this is not an application bundle but it is", result);

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testAddClassPathEntryNegativeAlreadyAdded() {

+        ArrayList<ClasspathEntry> cpEntries = new ArrayList<ClasspathEntry>();

+        BaseClassLoader classloader = EasyMock.createMock(BaseClassLoader.class);

+        BaseDataStub data = new BaseDataStub(0, null);

+        Dictionary<String, String> manifest = new Hashtable<String, String>();

+        data.setManifest(manifest);

+        ClasspathManager classpathmanager = new ClasspathManagerStub(data, new String[] {}, classloader);

+        File libDir = new File(new File("."), LIB_DIR);

+        File libPersistenceDir = new File(libDir, PERSISTENCE_DIR);

+        String classpath = new File(libPersistenceDir, PERSISTENCE_INTEGRATION_JAR).getAbsolutePath();

+        ClasspathEntry entry = new ClasspathEntry(new BundleFileStub(classpath), null);

+        cpEntries.add(entry);

+        AppLoaderClasspathExtenderClassLoadingHook hook = new AppLoaderClasspathExtenderClassLoadingHook();

+        boolean result = hook.addClassPathEntry(cpEntries, "", classpathmanager, data, new ProtectionDomain(null, null));

+        Assert.assertFalse("Classpath entry should not be added because it is already added", result);

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testAddClassPathEntryNegativeExceptionThrown() {

+        ArrayList<ClasspathEntry> cpEntries = new ArrayList<ClasspathEntry>();

+        BaseClassLoader classloader = EasyMock.createMock(BaseClassLoader.class);

+        BaseDataStub data = new BaseDataStub(0, null);

+        Dictionary<String, String> manifest = new Hashtable<String, String>();

+        manifest.put(WEB_CONTEXTPATH_HEADER, TESTAPP);

+        data.setManifest(manifest);

+        ClasspathManager classpathmanager = new ClasspathManagerStub(data, new String[] {}, classloader);

+        AppLoaderClasspathExtenderClassLoadingHook hook = new AppLoaderClasspathExtenderClassLoadingHook();

+        boolean result = hook.addClassPathEntry(cpEntries, "", classpathmanager, data, new ProtectionDomain(null, null));

+        Assert.assertFalse("Classpath entry should not be added because the persistence integration jar is not found", result);

+    }


+    private File prepare() throws IOException {

+        File configDir = new File(new File("."), CONFIGURATION_DIR);

+        configDir.mkdir();

+        File libDir = new File(new File("."), LIB_DIR);

+        libDir.mkdir();

+        File libPersistenceDir = new File(libDir, PERSISTENCE_DIR);

+        libPersistenceDir.mkdir();

+        File jpaIntegrationFile = new File(libPersistenceDir, PERSISTENCE_INTEGRATION_JAR);

+        jpaIntegrationFile.createNewFile();

+        String configurationFilePath = FILE_SCHEME + configDir.getAbsolutePath();

+        System.setProperty(CONFIG_AREA, configurationFilePath);


+        return jpaIntegrationFile;

+    }


+    @After

+    public void cleanUp() {

+        if (System.getProperty(CONFIG_AREA) != null) {

+            System.getProperties().remove(CONFIG_AREA);

+        }

+        File configDir = new File(new File("."), CONFIGURATION_DIR);

+        if (configDir.exists()) {

+            configDir.delete();

+        }


+        File libDir = new File(new File("."), LIB_DIR);

+        File libPersistenceDir = new File(libDir, PERSISTENCE_DIR);

+        File jpaIntegrationFile = new File(libPersistenceDir, PERSISTENCE_INTEGRATION_JAR);


+        if (jpaIntegrationFile.exists()) {

+            jpaIntegrationFile.delete();

+        }


+        File jpaIntegrationFile1 = new File(libDir, PERSISTENCE_INTEGRATION_JAR1);

+        if (jpaIntegrationFile1.exists()) {

+            jpaIntegrationFile1.delete();

+        }


+        if (libPersistenceDir.exists()) {

+            libPersistenceDir.delete();

+        }


+        if (libDir.exists()) {

+            libDir.delete();

+        }

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testShouldAddPositive() {

+        boolean result = checkForFile(SOME_FAKE_FILE);

+        Assert.assertTrue("Check should succeed since the classpath entries list does not contain one for the jpa integration jar", result);

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testShouldAddNegative() {

+        boolean result = checkForFile(PERSISTENCE_INTEGRATION_JAR);

+        Assert.assertFalse("Check should fail since the classpath entries list already contains one for the jpa integration jar", result);

+    }


+    private boolean checkForFile(String filename) {

+        ArrayList<ClasspathEntry> cpEntries = new ArrayList<ClasspathEntry>();

+        File libDir = new File(new File("."), LIB_DIR);

+        File libPersistenceDir = new File(libDir, PERSISTENCE_DIR);

+        String classpath = new File(libPersistenceDir, filename).getAbsolutePath();

+        ClasspathEntry entry = new ClasspathEntry(new BundleFileStub(classpath), null);

+        cpEntries.add(entry);

+        AppLoaderClasspathExtenderClassLoadingHook hook = new AppLoaderClasspathExtenderClassLoadingHook();

+        return hook.shouldAdd(cpEntries);

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testIsAppBundlePositive() {

+        boolean result = checkForApp(TESTAPP, false);

+        Assert.assertTrue("Check should succeed since the manifest contains Web-ContextPath header", result);

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testIsAppBundleNegative() {

+        boolean result = checkForApp(null, false);

+        Assert.assertFalse("Check should fail since the manifest does not contain Web-ContextPath header", result);

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testIsAppBundleThrowsException() {

+        boolean result = checkForApp(TESTAPP, true);

+        Assert.assertFalse("Check should fail because exception is thrown", result);

+    }


+    private boolean checkForApp(String contextpathHeaderValue, boolean shouldThrowException) {

+        BaseDataStub baseData = new BaseDataStub(0, null);

+        Dictionary<String, String> manifest = new Hashtable<String, String>();

+        if (contextpathHeaderValue != null) {

+            manifest.put(WEB_CONTEXTPATH_HEADER, contextpathHeaderValue);

+        }

+        baseData.setManifest(manifest);

+        baseData.setShouldThrowException(shouldThrowException);

+        AppLoaderClasspathExtenderClassLoadingHook hook = new AppLoaderClasspathExtenderClassLoadingHook();

+        return hook.isAppBundle(baseData);

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testNormalizeActual() {

+        String filepath = FILE_SCHEME + SOME_FAKE_FILE;

+        checkNormalize(filepath);

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testNormalizeIdentity() {

+        checkNormalize(SOME_FAKE_FILE);

+    }


+    private void checkNormalize(String filepath) {

+        AppLoaderClasspathExtenderClassLoadingHook hook = new AppLoaderClasspathExtenderClassLoadingHook();

+        String normalizedFilepath = hook.normalize(filepath);

+        Assert.assertEquals("Normalized path should be [" + SOME_FAKE_FILE + "] but it is [" + normalizedFilepath + "] instead", SOME_FAKE_FILE,

+            normalizedFilepath);

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testFindPersistenceIntegrationJarPositive() throws IOException {

+        File jpaIntegrationFile = prepare();

+        AppLoaderClasspathExtenderClassLoadingHook hook = new AppLoaderClasspathExtenderClassLoadingHook();

+        try {

+            hook.findPersistenceIntegrationJar();

+            Assert.assertEquals("Jpa integration jar not discovered correctly", hook.persistenceIntegrationJar.getAbsolutePath(),

+                jpaIntegrationFile.getAbsolutePath());

+        } catch (ClasspathExtenderClassLoadingHookException e) {

+  "No exception should be thrown here");

+        }

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testFindPersistenceIntegrationJarNoConfigurationPropertyDefined() {

+        checkForException("Property [" + CONFIG_AREA + "] is missing");

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testFindPersistenceIntegrationJarMissingLibFolder() {

+        File configDir = new File(new File("."), CONFIGURATION_DIR);

+        String configurationFilePath = FILE_SCHEME + configDir.getAbsolutePath();

+        System.setProperty(CONFIG_AREA, configurationFilePath);

+        checkForException("lib folder is missing");

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testFindPersistenceIntegrationJarMissingIntegrationJar() {

+        File configDir = new File(new File("."), CONFIGURATION_DIR);

+        configDir.mkdir();

+        File libDir = new File(new File("."), LIB_DIR);

+        libDir.mkdir();

+        File libPersistenceDir = new File(libDir, PERSISTENCE_DIR);

+        libPersistenceDir.mkdir();

+        String configurationFilePath = FILE_SCHEME + configDir.getAbsolutePath();

+        System.setProperty(CONFIG_AREA, configurationFilePath);

+        checkForException("No file with name starting with [" + PERSISTENCE_INTEGRATION_JAR_NAME + "] was found in lib/persistence folder");

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testFindPersistenceIntegrationJarMultipleIntegrationJars() throws IOException {

+        File jpaIntegrationFile = prepare();

+        File libDir = new File(new File("."), LIB_DIR);

+        File libPersistenceDir = new File(libDir, PERSISTENCE_DIR);

+        File jpaIntegrationFile1 = new File(libPersistenceDir, PERSISTENCE_INTEGRATION_JAR1);

+        AppLoaderClasspathExtenderClassLoadingHook hook = new AppLoaderClasspathExtenderClassLoadingHook();

+        try {

+            hook.findPersistenceIntegrationJar();

+            String actualPath = hook.persistenceIntegrationJar.getAbsolutePath();

+            Assert.assertTrue("Jpa integration jar not discovered correctly",

+                actualPath.equals(jpaIntegrationFile.getAbsolutePath()) || actualPath.equals(jpaIntegrationFile1.getAbsolutePath()));

+        } catch (ClasspathExtenderClassLoadingHookException e) {

+  "No exception should be thrown here");

+        }

+    }


+    private void checkForException(String exceptionMessage) {

+        AppLoaderClasspathExtenderClassLoadingHook hook = new AppLoaderClasspathExtenderClassLoadingHook();

+        try {

+            hook.findPersistenceIntegrationJar();

+  "This code should not be reached - an exception is expected");

+        } catch (ClasspathExtenderClassLoadingHookException e) {

+            Assert.assertEquals(exceptionMessage, e.getMessage());

+        }

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void determinePersistenceIntegrationPathPositive() throws IOException {

+        File jpaIntegrationFile = prepare();

+        BaseClassLoader classloader = EasyMock.createMock(BaseClassLoader.class);

+        BaseDataStub data = new BaseDataStub(0, null);

+        Dictionary<String, String> manifest = new Hashtable<String, String>();

+        manifest.put(WEB_CONTEXTPATH_HEADER, TESTAPP);

+        data.setManifest(manifest);

+        ClasspathManager classpathmanager = new ClasspathManagerStub(data, new String[] {}, classloader);

+        AppLoaderClasspathExtenderClassLoadingHook hook = new AppLoaderClasspathExtenderClassLoadingHook();

+        ClasspathEntry entry;

+        try {

+            entry = hook.determinePersistenceIntegrationPath(classpathmanager, data, new ProtectionDomain(null, null));

+            String classpath = ((BundleFileStub) entry.getBundleFile()).getClassPath();

+            Assert.assertEquals("Classpath entry created with wrong path: ", jpaIntegrationFile.getAbsolutePath(), classpath);

+        } catch (ClasspathExtenderClassLoadingHookException e) {

+  "No exception should be thrown here");

+        }

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void determinePersistenceIntegrationPathThrowsException() throws IOException {

+        prepare();

+        BaseClassLoader classloader = EasyMock.createMock(BaseClassLoader.class);

+        BaseDataStub data = new BaseDataStub(0, null);

+        Dictionary<String, String> manifest = new Hashtable<String, String>();

+        manifest.put(WEB_CONTEXTPATH_HEADER, TESTAPP);

+        data.setManifest(manifest);

+        ClasspathManagerStub classpathmanager = new ClasspathManagerStub(data, new String[] {}, classloader);

+        classpathmanager.setShouldReturnNull(true);

+        AppLoaderClasspathExtenderClassLoadingHook hook = new AppLoaderClasspathExtenderClassLoadingHook();

+        try {

+            hook.determinePersistenceIntegrationPath(classpathmanager, data, new ProtectionDomain(null, null));

+  "This code should not be reached - an exception is expected");

+        } catch (ClasspathExtenderClassLoadingHookException e) {

+            Assert.assertEquals("Failed to create classpath entry for file [" + PERSISTENCE_INTEGRATION_JAR_NAME + "]", e.getMessage());

+        }

+    }

