blob: 69d21db857bce832da44ff25d0703adf8834009c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2002-2005 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM - Initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.wst.wsi.internal.xml;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Vector;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import org.apache.xml.serialize.OutputFormat;
import org.apache.xml.serialize.XMLSerializer;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsi.internal.WSIException;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsi.internal.WSITag;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsi.internal.util.NullUtil;
import org.w3c.dom.Attr;
import org.w3c.dom.CharacterData;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import org.xml.sax.SAXParseException;
import org.xml.sax.XMLReader;
* Set of XML related utilities.
* @version 1.0.1
* @author Peter Brittenham
public final class XMLUtils
* Some sax features that need to be set.
public static final String FEATURE_NAMESPACE_PREFIXES = "";
public static final String FEATURE_NAMESPACES = "";
public static final String FEATURE_VALIDATION_SCHEMA = "";
public static final String JAXP_SCHEMA_LANGUAGE = "";
public static final String W3C_XML_SCHEMA = "";
public static final String W3C_SOAP_12_SCHEMA = "";
public static final String JAXP_SCHEMA_SOURCE = "";
public static final String PROPERTY_EXTERNAL_SCHEMA_LOCATION = "";
public static final String SOAP_ELEM_ENVELOPE = "Envelope";
public static final String SOAP_ELEM_HEADER = "Header";
public static final String SOAP_ELEM_BODY = "Body";
public static final String SOAP_ELEM_FAULT = "Fault";
public static final String SOAP_ELEM_FAULT_CODE = "faultcode";
public static final String SOAP_ELEM_FAULT_STRING = "faultstring";
public static final String SOAP_ELEM_FAULT_DETAIL = "detail";
public static final String SOAP_ELEM_FAULT_ACTOR = "faultactor";
public static final String SOAP_ATTR_MUST_UNDERSTAND = "mustUnderstand";
public static final String SOAP_ATTR_ACTOR = "actor";
* Get XMLReader.
* @return the XMLReader value
* @throws WSIException if there are problems getting the XMLReader
* implementation.
public static XMLReader getXMLReader() throws WSIException {
XMLReader xmlReader = null;
xmlReader = (new org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserFactoryImpl())
// Set namespace aware
xmlReader.setFeature(FEATURE_NAMESPACE_PREFIXES, true);
xmlReader.setFeature(FEATURE_NAMESPACES, true);
catch (Exception e)
throw new WSIException("Could not get XMLReader implementation.", e);
return xmlReader;
* Parse text string as an XML document and return the document element.
* @param text XML document text.
* @param validate true if the document will be validate, false otherwise
* @return a Document object.
* @throws WSIException if there is a problem parsing the XML document.
public static Document parseXML(String text, boolean validate)
throws WSIException {
return parseXML(new StringReader(text), validate);
* Parse text string as an XML document and return the document element.
* @param text XML document text.
* @return a Document object.
* @throws WSIException if there is a problem parsing the XML document.
public static Document parseXML(String text) throws WSIException {
return parseXML(new StringReader(text));
* Parse the XML document and return the document element.
* @param uri the location of the XML document.
* @return a Document object.
* @throws WSIException if there is a problem parsing the XML document.
* @throws IOException if an I/O exception of some sort has occurred.
public static Document parseXMLDocument(String uri)
throws WSIException, IOException
return parseXMLDocument(uri, null);
* Parse the XML document and return the document element.
* @param uri the location of the XML document.
* @param schema a String identifying related schema document.
* @return a Document object.
* @throws WSIException if there is a problem parsing the XML document.
* @throws IOException if an I/O exception of some sort has occurred.
public static Document parseXMLDocument(String uri, String schema)
throws WSIException, IOException
URL url = StringUtils.getURL(null, uri);
InputStream inputStream = StringUtils.getContentAsInputStream(url);
InputSource inputSource = new InputSource(inputStream);
if (schema == null)
return parseXML(inputSource, false);
return parseXML(inputSource, schema);
* Parses an XML document from a reader and returns the document object.
* @param url a String locating the XML document.
* @param schema a String identifying related schema document.
* @param baseURI a base url to assist in locating the XML document.
* @return Document.
* @throws WSIException if there is a problem parsing the XML document.
public static Document parseXMLDocumentURL(String url, String schema,
String baseURI) throws WSIException {
Document document = null;
document = parseXMLDocumentURL(createURL(url, baseURI), schema);
catch (Exception e)
throw new WSIException(e.getMessage(), e);
return parseXMLDocumentURL(url, schema);
* Parses an XML document from a reader and returns the document object.
* @param url a URL object identifying the XML document.
* @param schema a String identifying related schema document.
* @return Document.
* @throws WSIException if there is a problem parsing the XML document.
public static Document parseXMLDocumentURL(URL url, String schema)
throws WSIException {
InputStream inputStream = StringUtils.getContentAsInputStream(url);
InputSource inputSource = new InputSource(inputStream);
Document doc = null;
if (schema == null)
doc = parseXML(inputSource);
doc = parseXML(inputSource, schema);
return doc;
catch (WSIException e)
throw e;
catch (Throwable t)
throw new WSIException(t.getMessage());
* Parses an XML document from a reader and returns the document object.
* @param urlString a String locating the XML document.
* @param baseURI a base url to assist in locating the XML document.
* @return Document object.
* @throws WSIException if there is a problem parsing the XML document.
public static Document parseXMLDocumentURL(String urlString, String baseURI)
throws WSIException {
Document document = null;
URL url = createURL(urlString, baseURI);
document = parseXMLDocumentURL(url);
catch (WSIException we)
throw we;
catch (Exception e)
throw new WSIException(e.getMessage(), e);
return document;
* Parses an XML document from a reader and returns the document object.
* @param url a URL object identifying the XML document.
* @return Document.
* @throws WSIException if there is a problem parsing the XML document.
public static Document parseXMLDocumentURL(URL url) throws WSIException {
Document document = null;
Reader reader = new InputStreamReader(url.openStream());
InputSource source = new InputSource(reader);
document = parseXML(source);
catch (Exception e)
throw new WSIException(e.getMessage(), e);
return document;
* Parse an XML document from a reader and return the document object.
* @param reader a Reader object.
* @param validate true if the document will be validate, false otherwise
* @return a Document object.
* @throws WSIException if there is a problem parsing the XML document.
public static Document parseXML(InputSource source, boolean validate)
throws WSIException {
Document doc = null;
// Get the document factory
DocumentBuilderFactory factory = new org.eclipse.wst.wsi.internal.xml.jaxp.DocumentBuilderFactoryImpl();
// Set namespace aware, but for now do not validate
// ADD: This should be set to true when we have access to the schema
// document
// Parse the document
DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
doc = builder.parse(source);
// workaround for compatibility Xerces 2.2.1 with Xerces 2.6.2,
// Xerces 2.6.2 supported XML 1.1 but WSI-tool and Xerces 2.2.1
// supported only XML 1.0
if (doc instanceof org.apache.xerces.dom.DocumentImpl)
if (((org.apache.xerces.dom.DocumentImpl) doc).getXmlVersion().equals(
throw new WSIException("Fatal Error: XML version "1.1" "
+ "is not supported, only XML 1.0 is supported.");
catch (Exception e)
throw new WSIException("Could not parse XML document.", e);
// Return document
return doc;
* Parse an XML document from a reader and return the document object.
* @param reader a Reader object.
* @param validate true if the document will be validate, false otherwise
* @return a Document object.
* @throws WSIException if there is a problem parsing the XML document.
public static Document parseXML(Reader reader, boolean validate)
throws WSIException {
Document doc = null;
ClassLoader currentLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
ClassLoader tempLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
// Create input source
InputSource inputSource = new InputSource(reader);
// Get the document factory
DocumentBuilderFactory factory = new org.eclipse.wst.wsi.internal.xml.jaxp.DocumentBuilderFactoryImpl();
// Set namespace aware, but for now do not validate
// ADD: This should be set to true when we have access to the schema
// document
// Parse the document
DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
doc = builder.parse(inputSource);
// workaround for compatibility Xerces 2.2.1 with Xerces 2.6.2,
// Xerces 2.6.2 supported XML 1.1 but WSI-tool and Xerces 2.2.1
// supported only XML 1.0
if (doc instanceof org.apache.xerces.dom.DocumentImpl)
if (((org.apache.xerces.dom.DocumentImpl) doc).getXmlVersion().equals(
throw new WSIException("Fatal Error: XML version "1.1" "
+ "is not supported, only XML 1.0 is supported.");
catch (Exception e)
throw new WSIException("Could not parse XML document.", e);
// Return document
return doc;
* Parse an XML document from a input source and return the document object.
* @param source a InputSource object.
* @return a Document object.
* @throws WSIException if there is a problem parsing the XML document.
public static Document parseXML(Reader reader) throws WSIException {
return parseXML(reader, false);
* Parse an XML document from a input source and return the document object.
* @param source a InputSource object.
* @return a Document object.
* @throws WSIException if there is a problem parsing the XML document.
public static Document parseXML(InputSource source) throws WSIException {
return parseXML(source, false);
* Parse text string as an XML document and return the document element.
* @param text XML document text.
* @param schema a String identifying related schema document.
* @return a Document object.
* @throws WSIException if there is a problem parsing the XML document.
public static Document parseXML(String text, String schema)
throws WSIException {
return parseXML(new StringReader(text), schema);
* Parse text string as an XML document and return the document element.
* @param text XML document text.
* @param schemas a collection of related schema documents.
* @return a Document object.
* @throws WSIException if there is a problem parsing the XML document.
public static Document parseXML(String text, Collection schemas)
throws WSIException {
return parseXML(new StringReader(text), schemas);
* Parse the XML document and return the document element.
* @param text XML document text.
* @param schemaString a StringReader object.
* @return a Document object.
* @throws WSIException if there is a problem parsing the XML document.
* @throws IOException if an I/O exception of some sort has occurred.
public static Document parseXML(String text, StringReader schemaString)
throws WSIException, IOException {
return parseXML(new StringReader(text), schemaString);
* Parse the XML document and return the document element.
* @param reader a Reader object.
* @param schema a String identifying related schema document.
* @return a Document object.
* @throws WSIException if there is a problem parsing the XML document.
public static Document parseXML(Reader reader, String schema)
throws WSIException {
Document doc = null;
ClassLoader currentLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
// Create input source
InputSource inputSource = new InputSource(reader);
// Get the document factory
DocumentBuilderFactory factory = new org.eclipse.wst.wsi.internal.xml.jaxp.DocumentBuilderFactoryImpl();
// Set namespace aware, but for now do not validate
catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
String errMessage = "Error: JAXP DocumentBuilderFactory attribute not recognized: "
+ "\n"
+ "Check to see if parser conforms to JAXP 1.2 spec.";
throw new WSIException(errMessage, e);
factory.setAttribute(JAXP_SCHEMA_SOURCE, new InputSource(schema));
// Parse the document
DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
builder.setErrorHandler(new ErrHandler());
doc = builder.parse(inputSource);
// workaround for compatibility Xerces 2.2.1 with Xerces 2.6.2,
// Xerces 2.6.2 supported XML 1.1 but WSI-tool and Xerces 2.2.1
// supported only XML 1.0
if (doc instanceof org.apache.xerces.dom.DocumentImpl)
if (((org.apache.xerces.dom.DocumentImpl) doc).getXmlVersion().equals("1.1"))
throw new WSIException("Fatal Error: XML version "1.1" "
+ "is not supported, only XML 1.0 is supported.");
catch (Exception e)
throw new WSIException("Could not parse XML document.", e);
// Return document
return doc;
* Parse the XML document and return the document element.
* @param reader a Reader object.
* @param schema a String identifying related schema document.
* @return a Document object.
* @throws WSIException if there is a problem parsing the XML document.
public static Document parseXML(InputSource source, String schema)
throws WSIException {
Document doc = null;
// Get the document factory
DocumentBuilderFactory factory = new org.eclipse.wst.wsi.internal.xml.jaxp.DocumentBuilderFactoryImpl();
// Set namespace aware, but for now do not validate
catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
String errMessage = "Error: JAXP DocumentBuilderFactory attribute not recognized: "
+ "\n"
+ "Check to see if parser conforms to JAXP 1.2 spec.";
throw new WSIException(errMessage, e);
factory.setAttribute(JAXP_SCHEMA_SOURCE, new InputSource(schema));
// Parse the document
DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
builder.setErrorHandler(new ErrHandler());
doc = builder.parse(source);
// workaround for compatibility Xerces 2.2.1 with Xerces 2.6.2,
// Xerces 2.6.2 supported XML 1.1 but WSI-tool and Xerces 2.2.1
// supported only XML 1.0
if (doc instanceof org.apache.xerces.dom.DocumentImpl)
if (((org.apache.xerces.dom.DocumentImpl) doc).getXmlVersion().equals(
throw new WSIException("Fatal Error: XML version "1.1" "
+ "is not supported, only XML 1.0 is supported.");
catch (Exception e)
throw new WSIException("Could not parse XML document.", e);
// Return document
return doc;
* Parse the XML document and return the document element.
* @param filename a Reader object.
* @param schemaString a StringReader object.
* @return a Document object.
* @throws WSIException if there is a problem parsing the XML document.
public static Document parseXML(Reader filename, StringReader schemaString)
throws WSIException {
Document doc = null;
// Create input source
InputSource inputSource = new InputSource(filename);
// Get the document factory
DocumentBuilderFactory factory = new org.eclipse.wst.wsi.internal.xml.jaxp.DocumentBuilderFactoryImpl();
// Set namespace aware, but for now do not validate
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
String errMessage = "Error: JAXP DocumentBuilderFactory attribute not recognized: "
+ "\n"
+ "Check to see if parser conforms to JAXP 1.2 spec.";
throw new WSIException(errMessage, e);
factory.setAttribute(JAXP_SCHEMA_SOURCE, new InputSource(schemaString));
// Parse the document
DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
builder.setErrorHandler(new ErrHandler());
doc = builder.parse(inputSource);
} catch (Exception e)
throw new WSIException("Could not parse XML document.", e);
// Return document
return doc;
* Parse the XML document and return the document element.
* @param filename a Reader object
* @param schemaStrings a collection of related schema documents.
* @return a Document object.
* @throws WSIException if there is a problem parsing the XML document.
public static Document parseXML(Reader filename, Collection schemaStrings)
throws WSIException {
Document doc = null;
// Create input source
InputSource inputSource = new InputSource(filename);
// Get the document factory
DocumentBuilderFactory factory = new org.eclipse.wst.wsi.internal.xml.jaxp.DocumentBuilderFactoryImpl();
// Set namespace aware, but for now do not validate
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
String errMessage = "Error: JAXP DocumentBuilderFactory attribute not recognized: "
+ "\n"
+ "Check to see if parser conforms to JAXP 1.2 spec.";
throw new WSIException(errMessage, e);
// convert schema strings to array of InputSources
Iterator i = schemaStrings.iterator();
Vector readers = new Vector();
while (i.hasNext())
String nextSchema = (String);
readers.add(new InputSource(new StringReader(nextSchema)));
InputSource[] inputSources = (InputSource[]) readers
.toArray(new InputSource[]{});
// pass an array of schema strings (each of which contains a schema)
factory.setAttribute(JAXP_SCHEMA_SOURCE, inputSources);
// Parse the document
DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
builder.setErrorHandler(new ErrHandler());
doc = builder.parse(inputSource);
} catch (Exception e)
throw new WSIException("Could not parse XML document.", e);
// Return document
return doc;
* Get attribute value with the given name defined for the specified element.
* @param element an Element object.
* @param attrName a name of an attribute
* @return the attribute value.
public static String getAttributeValue(Element element, String attrName) {
String attrValue = null;
Attr attr = null;
// Get the attribute using its name
if ((attr = element.getAttributeNode(attrName)) != null)
attrValue = attr.getValue().trim();
// Return attribute value
return attrValue;
* Get attribute value.
* @param element an Element object.
* @param attrName a name of an attribute
* @param defaultValue a default value for the specified attribute.
* @return the attribute value if found. Otherwise the specified default
* value.
public static String getAttributeValue(Element element, String attrName,
String defaultValue) {
String returnValue = defaultValue;
String attrValue = null;
if ((attrValue = getAttributeValue(element, attrName)) != null)
returnValue = attrValue;
return returnValue;
* Get attribute value.
* @param element an Element object.
* @param namespace a namespace.
* @param attrName a name of an attribute
* @return the attribute value.
public static String getAttributeValueNS(Element element, String namespace,
String attrName) {
String attrValue = null;
Attr attr = null;
// Get the attribute using its name
if ((attr = element.getAttributeNodeNS(namespace, attrName)) != null)
attrValue = attr.getValue().trim();
// Return attribute value
return attrValue;
* Get the first child element from the input elment.
* @param element an Element object.
* @return the firstchild element.
public static Element getFirstChild(Element element) {
// Return the first child element
return findNextSibling(element.getFirstChild());
* Get the next sibling element.
* @param element - an Element object.
* @return the next sibling element.
public static Element getNextSibling(Element element) {
// Return next sibling element
return findNextSibling(element.getNextSibling());
* Find the next sibling element.
* @param startNode XML start node.
* @return the next sibling element.
protected static Element findNextSibling(Node startNode) {
Node node = null;
Element returnElement = null;
// Find the next sibling element
for (node = startNode; node != null && returnElement == null; node = node
// If this node is an element node, then return it
if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE)
returnElement = (Element) node;
// Return next sibling element
return (Element) returnElement;
* Find the previous sibling element.
* @param startNode XML start node.
* @return the previous sibling element.
public static Element findPreviousSibling(Node startNode) {
if (startNode == null)
return null;
while (startNode != null)
startNode = startNode.getPreviousSibling();
if (startNode == null)
return null;
if (startNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE)
return (Element) startNode;
return null;
* Get the text that is associated with this element.
* @param element an Element object.
* @return the text that is associated with this element.
public static String getText(Element element) {
String text = null;
// Get first child element
Node node = element.getFirstChild();
// NodeList nodeList = element.getChildNodes();
// int length = nodeList.getLength();
// Process while there are nodes and the text hasn't been found
while ((node != null) && (text == null))
// If a text node or cdata section is found, then get text
if ((node.getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE)
|| (node.getNodeType() == Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE))
text = ((CharacterData) node).getData();
// Get next sibling
node = node.getNextSibling();
if (text != null)
text = text.trim();
return text;
* Determine if an element is represented by the QName.
* @param qname a QName object.
* @param element an Element object.
* @return true if an element is represented by the QName.
public static boolean equals(QName qname, Element element) {
boolean equals = false;
// If both the namespace URI and local name are the same, then they are
// equal
if ((qname.getNamespaceURI().equals(element.getNamespaceURI()))
&& (qname.getLocalPart().equals(element.getLocalName())))
equals = true;
return equals;
* XML encode a text string.
* @param text - a String.
* @return an XML encoded text string.
public static String xmlEscapedString(String text)
if (text == null) return text;
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(text.length()*2);
int size = text.length();
for (int i=0; i<size; i++)
char c = text.charAt(i);
switch (c)
case '<':
case '>':
case '&':
case '"':
case '\'':
case '\r':
return sb.toString();
* XML encode a text string.
* @param text - a String.
* @return an XML encoded text string.
public static String xmlRemoveEscapedString(String text)
if (text == null) return text;
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(text);
int i = sb.indexOf("&#xd;");
while(i != -1)
sb.replace(i, i+5, "\r");
i = sb.indexOf("&#xd;");
i = sb.indexOf("&lt;");
while(i != -1)
sb.replace(i, i+4, "<");
i = sb.indexOf("&lt;");
i = sb.indexOf("&gt;");
while(i != -1)
sb.replace(i, i+4, ">");
i = sb.indexOf("&gt;");
i = sb.indexOf("&quot;");
while(i != -1)
sb.replace(i, i+6, "\"");
i = sb.indexOf("&quot;");
i = sb.indexOf("&apos;");
while(i != -1)
sb.replace(i, i+6, "\'");
i = sb.indexOf("&apos;");
i = sb.indexOf("&amp;");
while(i != -1)
sb.replace(i, i+5, "&");
i = sb.indexOf("&amp;");
return sb.toString();
* Get the specified element from a parent element.
* @param elementName the element tag to serach for.
* @param parentElement the parent element.
* @return an element given the name and the parent element.
public static Element getElement(String elementName, Element parentElement) {
Element returnElement = null;
NodeList nl;
// Get the list of elements
if ((nl = parentElement.getElementsByTagName(elementName)) != null)
// Return first element found
returnElement = (Element) nl.item(0);
// Return element
return returnElement;
* Determine if this element matches specified local name in the specified
* namespace.
* @param element an Element object.
* @param namespaceURI a namespace.
* @param localName a local name.
* @return true if this element matches specified local name in the specified
* namespace.
public static boolean isElement(Element element, String namespaceURI,
String localName) {
boolean isElement = false;
if (element != null)
// Check is
if (element.getNamespaceURI().equals(namespaceURI)
&& element.getLocalName().equals(localName))
isElement = true;
return isElement;
* Determine if this element matches specified local name in the specified
* namespace.
* @param element an Element object.
* @param namespaceURIs a list of valid namespaces.
* @param localName a local name.
* @return true if this element matches specified local name in the specified
* namespace.
public static boolean isElement(Element element, List namespaceURIs,
String localName) {
boolean isElement = false;
if (element != null)
// Check is
if (namespaceURIs.contains(element.getNamespaceURI())
&& element.getLocalName().equals(localName))
isElement = true;
return isElement;
* Get element text as a boolean.
* @param element an Element object.
* @param defaultValue a boolean to be used as a default value.
* @return element text as a boolean value.
public static boolean getBooleanValue(Element element, boolean defaultValue) {
boolean returnValue = defaultValue;
String booleanValue = null;
// Get value as a string
if ((booleanValue = XMLUtils.getText(element)) != null)
returnValue = Boolean.valueOf(booleanValue).booleanValue();
// Return boolean
return returnValue;
* Get attribute value as a boolean.
* @param element an Element object.
* @param attrName a name of an attribute.
* @param defaultValue a boolean to be used as a default value.
* @return attribute value as a boolean.
public static boolean getBooleanValue(Element element, String attrName,
boolean defaultValue) {
boolean returnValue = defaultValue;
String booleanValue = null;
// Get value as a string
if ((booleanValue = XMLUtils.getAttributeValue(element, attrName)) != null)
returnValue = Boolean.valueOf(booleanValue).booleanValue();
// Return boolean
return returnValue;
* Create QName.
* @param qnameString a qualified name.
* @return a QName object.
public static QName createQName(String qnameString) {
QName qname = null;
// Locate local part
int index = qnameString.lastIndexOf(":");
// Create new QName
if (index != -1)
qname = new QName(qnameString.substring(0, index), qnameString
.substring(index + 1));
qname = new QName(qnameString);
return qname;
* Error Handler
private static class ErrHandler implements ErrorHandler
* Warning
public void warning(SAXParseException spe) throws SAXException {
String message = "Warning: " + spe.getMessage();
throw new SAXException(message);
* Error
public void error(SAXParseException spe) throws SAXException {
String message = "Error: " + spe.getMessage();
throw new SAXException(message);
* Fatal Error
public void fatalError(SAXParseException spe) throws SAXException {
String message = "Fatal Error: " + spe.getMessage();
throw new SAXException(message);
* Determine if the string is a NMTOKEN data type.
* @param text a string value.
* @return true if the string is a NMTOKEN data type.
public static boolean isNmtoken(String text) {
boolean nmtoken = true;
// ADD: Need to find a utility function that does this or write it from
// scratch
return nmtoken;
* The method searches the first direct descendant element with the given
* qname.
* @param parent parent DOM element.
* @param elementName QName of the element to be searched.
* @return DOM element if the required element found, and null otherwise.
static public Element findChildElement(Element parent, QName elementName) {
if (parent == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parent element can not be NULL");
if (elementName == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Element name can not be NULL");
if (elementName.getLocalPart() == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Local part of the element name can not be NULL");
Node n = parent.getFirstChild();
String local = elementName.getLocalPart();
String ns = elementName.getNamespaceURI();
while (n != null)
if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == n.getNodeType()
&& local.equals(n.getLocalName())
&& NullUtil.equals(ns, n.getNamespaceURI()))
return (Element) n;
n = n.getNextSibling();
return null;
* The method searches the first sibling element with the given qname.
* @param active DOM element.
* @param elementName QName of the element to be searched.
* @return DOM element if the required element found, and null otherwise.
static public Element findElement(Element active, QName elementName) {
if (active == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Active element can not be NULL");
if (elementName == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Element name can not be NULL");
if (elementName.getLocalPart() == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Local part of the element name can not be NULL");
Node n = active.getNextSibling();
String local = elementName.getLocalPart();
String ns = elementName.getNamespaceURI();
while (n != null)
if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == n.getNodeType()
&& local.equals(n.getLocalName())
&& NullUtil.equals(ns, n.getNamespaceURI()))
return (Element) n;
n = n.getNextSibling();
return null;
* The method returns attribute node by the given qname.
* @param el owner element.
* @param attributeName QName of the attribute node to be searched.
* @return attribute node by the given qname.
static public Attr getAttribute(Element el, QName attributeName) {
if (el == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Element can not be NULL");
if (attributeName == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attribute name can not be NULL");
if (attributeName.getLocalPart() == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Local part of the attribute name can not be NULL");
Attr a = el.getAttributeNodeNS(attributeName.getNamespaceURI(),
if (a == null)
// try to get with null namespace
a = el.getAttributeNodeNS(null, attributeName.getLocalPart());
return a;
* The method compares node's name to the given qname.
* @param n a node.
* @param name a QName object.
* @return true if the node's name is the same as the given qname.
static public boolean equals(Node n, QName name) {
if (n == null || name == null)
return false;
return (NullUtil.equals(name.getLocalPart(), n.getLocalName()) && NullUtil
.equals(name.getNamespaceURI(), n.getNamespaceURI()));
* The method searches namespace URI for the given prefix. The searching
* mechanism is implemented according to the "XML Namespaces resolution"
* algorithm ('
* Core-20030226/namespaces-algorithms.html').
* @param n a node.
* @param prefix a prefix.
* @return the namespace URI for the given prefix.
static public String findNamespaceURI(Node n, String prefix) {
if (prefix == null)
return null;
while (n != null)
if (prefix.equals(n.getPrefix()))
return n.getNamespaceURI();
if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == n.getNodeType())
NamedNodeMap m = n.getAttributes();
if (m != null)
for (int i = 0; i < m.getLength(); i++)
Node a = m.item(i);
if (WSITag.NS_URI_XMLNS.equals(a.getNamespaceURI())
&& prefix.equals(a.getLocalName()))
return a.getNodeValue();
n = n.getParentNode();
return null;
* Serializes element.
* @param n a DOM element.
* @return the serialized element.
public static String serialize(Element n) {
String value = null;
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
XMLSerializer s = new XMLSerializer(writer, new OutputFormat("xml",
"UTF-8", true));
value = writer.toString();
} catch (Throwable t)
// nothing
value = "EXCEPTION : " + t.getMessage();
return value;
* The method return list of child elements.
* @param parent an org.w3c.dom.Element object.
* @return list of child elements.
static public Vector getChildElements(Element parent) {
if (parent == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Element can not be NULL");
Vector vect = new Vector();
Element elem = getFirstChild(parent);
while (elem != null)
elem = getNextSibling(elem);
return vect;
* Serializes document.
* @param doc an org.w3c.dom.Document object.
* @param writer a object.
* @throws Exception if unable to serialize the document.
public static void serializeDoc(Document doc, Writer writer)
throws java.lang.Exception {
XMLSerializer s = new XMLSerializer(writer, new OutputFormat("xml",
"UTF-8", true));
* Serealizes element.
* @param elem an org.w3c.dom.Element object.
* @param writer a object.
* @throws Exception if unable to serialize the DOM element.
public static void serializeElement(Element elem, Writer writer)
throws java.lang.Exception {
XMLSerializer s = new XMLSerializer(writer, new OutputFormat("xml",
"UTF-8", true));
* Remove all elements from list without namespace.
* @param vect a list of elements.
public static void removeAllElementsWithoutNS(Vector vect) {
for (int i = 0; i < vect.size();)
if (((Element) vect.get(i)).getNamespaceURI() == null
|| ((Element) vect.get(i)).getNamespaceURI().equals(""))
* Create URL using base URI.
* @param url a URL string.
* @param baseURI a base url string to assist in creating a URL.
* @return newly created URL.
* @throws MalformedURLException if a malformed URL has occurred.
public static URL createURL(String url, String baseURI)
throws MalformedURLException {
URL returnURL = null;
URI uri = null;
returnURL = new URL(url);
uri = new URI(url);
returnURL = new URL(uri.toString());
catch (Exception mue)
int i = baseURI.lastIndexOf('/');
int j = baseURI.lastIndexOf('\\');
if (j > i)
i = j;
uri = new URI(baseURI.substring(0, i + 1) + url);
returnURL = uri.toURL();
catch (Exception e)
return new URL(baseURI.substring(0, i + 1) + url);
return returnURL;
* Create URL using base URI.
* @param url a URL string.
* @param baseURI a base url string to assist in creating a URL.
* @return newly created URL string.
* @throws MalformedURLException if a malformed URL has occurred.
public static String createURLString(String url, String baseURI)
throws MalformedURLException {
return createURL(url, baseURI).toExternalForm();
* This method is used only for unit testing.
* @param args arguments for main.
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Filename: " + args[0] + ", schema: " + args[1]);
Document doc = parseXMLDocument(args[0], args[1]);
catch (Exception e)