blob: e55fbd98ddebdefd281f2b10e4e9d665f22c6a89 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2002-2005 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM - Initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.wst.wsi.internal.profile.impl;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsi.internal.WSIConstants;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsi.internal.WSIException;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsi.internal.profile.EntryTypeList;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsi.internal.profile.ProfileArtifact;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsi.internal.profile.ProfileAssertions;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsi.internal.profile.ProfileAssertionsReader;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsi.internal.profile.TestAssertion;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsi.internal.util.ArtifactType;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsi.internal.util.Utils;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsi.internal.xml.XMLUtils;
import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
import org.xml.sax.XMLReader;
import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler;
* This class ...
* @version 1.0.1
* @author Peter Brittenham (
public class ProfileAssertionsReaderImpl implements ProfileAssertionsReader
* Profile assertions.
protected ProfileAssertions profileAssertions;
* ReportArtifact list.
protected TreeMap artifactList = new TreeMap();
* Create new reader.
public ProfileAssertionsReaderImpl()
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.wsi.test.profile.ProfileAssertionsReader#readProfileAssertions(String)
public ProfileAssertions readProfileAssertions(String assertionsURI)
throws WSIException
return readProfileAssertions(new InputSource(assertionsURI));
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.wsi.test.profile.ProfileAssertionsReader#readProfileAssertions(Reader)
public ProfileAssertions readProfileAssertions(Reader reader)
throws WSIException
return readProfileAssertions(new InputSource(reader));
* Read profile assertions.
private ProfileAssertions readProfileAssertions(InputSource inputSource)
throws WSIException
// Create profile assertions
profileAssertions = new ProfileAssertionsImpl();
// Profile parts are put into a vector
artifactList = new TreeMap();
// Create xml reader
XMLReader reader = XMLUtils.getXMLReader();
// Set content handler to inner class
reader.setContentHandler(new ProfileAssertionsHandler());
// Parse profile definition file
catch (Exception e)
throw new WSIException("Could not read and parse profile definition.", e);
//Check to see if the version of test asssertion document is supported
if (!Utils.isValidProfileTADVersion(profileAssertions))
throw new WSIException(
"\nVersion "
+ profileAssertions.getTADVersion()
+ " of the \""
+ profileAssertions.getTADName()
+ "\"\n"
+ "document is not compatible with this version of"
+ "\n"
+ "the test tools.");
// The assertions from the TAD are reordered for purposes of processing. All
// assertions of an artifact are reordered such that prerequisites occur
// before the assertions they prereq. The assumption is that prerequisites do
// not cross artifact types.
Iterator it = artifactList.keySet().iterator();
// for each artifact type do reordering assertion
while (it.hasNext())
ProfileArtifact art = (ProfileArtifact) artifactList.get(;
// result list of the reordering assertions
LinkedList res = new LinkedList();
Iterator it2 = art.getTestAssertionList().iterator();
// sort the artifact assertions into result list
while (it2.hasNext())
// call for each assertion ,
// if the assertion has the prereq, the prereq will added first into res list
sortTestAssertions(art, (TestAssertion), res);
// replace the original assertions list to the prereq reordering assertions list
// Put the profile parts into the profile definition
return profileAssertions;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.wsi.test.document.DocumentReader#getLocation()
public String getLocation()
return null;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.wsi.test.document.DocumentReader#setLocation(String)
public void setLocation(String documentURI)
* Recursive walk to order assertions so that assertions are
* processed following the ones that prereq them.
* If assertion has prereq, then add it to the result list first.
* @param art profile artifact for call @link ProfileArtifact#getTestAssertion(String)
* @param asrt test assertion
* @param list result list to sort
private void sortTestAssertions(ProfileArtifact art, TestAssertion asrt, List list)
// if assertion is null or does not exist, then exit
if((asrt == null) || list.contains(asrt))
// if it has not prereq, add the asertion and exit
// get list prereq assertion and reqursive call sortTestAssertions this each
Iterator it = asrt.getPrereqIdList().iterator();
while(it.hasNext()) {
String id = (String);
sortTestAssertions(art, art.getTestAssertion(id), list);
* Inner class: ProfileAssertionsHandler
class ProfileAssertionsHandler extends DefaultHandler
private ProfileArtifact artifact = profileAssertions.createArtifact();
private String id;
private StringBuffer context = null;
private StringBuffer assertionDescription = null;
private StringBuffer failureMessage = null;
private StringBuffer failureDetailDescription = null;
private StringBuffer detailDescription = null;
private StringBuffer testAssertionId = null;
// private Vector prereqIdList = new Vector();
private TreeMap assertions = new TreeMap();
private String currentElement = null;
private TestAssertion testAssertion = null;
private StringBuffer logInput = null;
private StringBuffer wsdlInput = null;
private StringBuffer uddiInput = null;
private EntryTypeList entryTypeList = null;
// Process start element event
public void startElement(
String namespaceURI,
String localName,
String qName,
Attributes atts)
if (namespaceURI != null
&& (namespaceURI.equals(WSIConstants.NS_URI_WSI_ASSERTIONS_2003)
|| namespaceURI.equals(WSIConstants.NS_URI_WSI_ASSERTIONS)))
// Save element name
currentElement = localName;
// <artifact>
if (localName.equals(WSIConstants.ELEM_ARTIFACT))
// Create a new profile artifact object
artifact = profileAssertions.createArtifact();
// Set type
// ADD: Get specification list
// Add artifact to list of artifact list
artifactList.put(artifact.getType().getTypeName(), artifact);
// <testAssertion>
else if (localName.equals(WSIConstants.ELEM_TEST_ASSERTION))
// Create test assertion
testAssertion = new TestAssertionImpl();
// Get attribute values
testAssertion.setId(atts.getValue("", WSIConstants.ATTR_ID));
testAssertion.setType(atts.getValue("", WSIConstants.ATTR_TYPE));
atts.getValue("", WSIConstants.ATTR_ENTRY_TYPE));
.valueOf(atts.getValue("", WSIConstants.ATTR_ENABLED))
// Add test assertion to artifact
// <context>
else if (localName.equals(WSIConstants.ELEM_CONTEXT))
context = new StringBuffer();
// <assertionDescription>
else if (localName.equals(WSIConstants.ELEM_ASSERTION_DESCRIPTION))
assertionDescription = new StringBuffer();
// <failureMessage>
else if (localName.equals(WSIConstants.ELEM_FAILURE_MESSAGE))
failureMessage = new StringBuffer();
// <failureDetailDescription>
else if (localName.equals(WSIConstants.ELEM_FAILURE_DETAIL_DESCRIPTION))
failureDetailDescription = new StringBuffer();
// <detailDescription>
else if (localName.equals(WSIConstants.ELEM_DETAIL_DESCRIPTION))
detailDescription = new StringBuffer();
// <testAssertionID>
else if (localName.equals(WSIConstants.ELEM_TEST_ASSERTION_ID))
testAssertionId = new StringBuffer();
// <additionalEntryTypeList>
else if (
// Create entry type list
entryTypeList = new EntryTypeListImpl();
// <messageInput>
else if (localName.equals(WSIConstants.ELEM_MESSAGE_INPUT))
logInput = new StringBuffer();
// <wsdlInput>
else if (localName.equals(WSIConstants.ELEM_WSDL_INPUT))
wsdlInput = new StringBuffer();
// <profileAssertions>
else if (localName.equals(WSIConstants.ELEM_PROFILE_ASSERTIONS))
atts.getValue("", WSIConstants.ATTR_NAME));
atts.getValue("", WSIConstants.ATTR_VERSION));
// <uddiInput>
else if (localName.equals(WSIConstants.ELEM_UDDI_INPUT)) {
uddiInput = new StringBuffer();
} // END startElement
public void endElement(String namespaceURI, String localName, String qname)
// If this is the profile namespace, then check for and process selected elements
if (namespaceURI != null
&& (namespaceURI.equals(WSIConstants.NS_URI_WSI_ASSERTIONS_2003)
|| namespaceURI.equals(WSIConstants.NS_URI_WSI_ASSERTIONS)))
// <context>
if (localName.equals(WSIConstants.ELEM_CONTEXT))
// Set context in test assertion
context = null;
// <assertionDescription>
else if (localName.equals(WSIConstants.ELEM_ASSERTION_DESCRIPTION))
// Set assertion description in test assertion
assertionDescription = null;
// <failureMessage>
else if (localName.equals(WSIConstants.ELEM_FAILURE_MESSAGE))
// Set failure message in test assertion
failureMessage = null;
// <failureDetailDescription>
else if (localName.equals(WSIConstants.ELEM_FAILURE_DETAIL_DESCRIPTION))
// Set failure detail description in test assertion
failureDetailDescription = null;
// <detailDescription>
else if (localName.equals(WSIConstants.ELEM_DETAIL_DESCRIPTION))
// Set detail description in test assertion
detailDescription = null;
// <testAssertionID>
else if (localName.equals(WSIConstants.ELEM_TEST_ASSERTION_ID))
// Set test assertion id in prereq list
testAssertionId = null;
// <addtionalEntryTypeList>
else if (
// Set target list
entryTypeList = null;
// <messageInput>
else if (localName.equals(WSIConstants.ELEM_MESSAGE_INPUT))
// Set test assertion id in prereq list
logInput = null;
// <wsdlInput>
else if (localName.equals(WSIConstants.ELEM_WSDL_INPUT))
// Set test assertion id in prereq list
wsdlInput = null;
// <profileAssertions>
else if (localName.equals(WSIConstants.ELEM_PROFILE_ASSERTIONS))
// a no-op
// <uddiInput>
else if (localName.equals(WSIConstants.ELEM_UDDI_INPUT)) {
// Set test assertion id in prereq list
uddiInput = null;
} // END endElement
public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length)
// <context>
if ((context != null)
&& (currentElement.equals(WSIConstants.ELEM_CONTEXT)))
context.append(ch, start, length);
// <assertionDescription>
else if (
(assertionDescription != null)
&& (currentElement.equals(WSIConstants.ELEM_ASSERTION_DESCRIPTION)))
assertionDescription.append(ch, start, length);
// <failureMessage>
else if (
(failureMessage != null)
&& (currentElement.equals(WSIConstants.ELEM_FAILURE_MESSAGE)))
failureMessage.append(ch, start, length);
// <failureDetailDescription>
else if (
(failureDetailDescription != null) && (
failureDetailDescription.append(ch, start, length);
// <detailDescription>
else if (
(detailDescription != null)
&& (currentElement.equals(WSIConstants.ELEM_DETAIL_DESCRIPTION)))
detailDescription.append(ch, start, length);
// <testAssertionID>
else if (
(testAssertionId != null)
&& (currentElement.equals(WSIConstants.ELEM_TEST_ASSERTION_ID)))
testAssertionId.append(ch, start, length);
// <messageInput>
else if (
(logInput != null)
&& (currentElement.equals(WSIConstants.ELEM_MESSAGE_INPUT)))
logInput.append(ch, start, length);
// <wsdlInput>
else if (
(wsdlInput != null)
&& (currentElement.equals(WSIConstants.ELEM_WSDL_INPUT)))
wsdlInput.append(ch, start, length);
// <uddiInput>
else if ((uddiInput != null) && (currentElement.equals(WSIConstants.ELEM_UDDI_INPUT))) {
uddiInput.append(ch, start, length);