blob: 8766d37e68812a63a05fdb324059202a62842e89 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2005, 2006 BEA Systems, Inc.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Konstantin Komissarchik - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.internal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProjectDescription;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceChangeEvent;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceChangeListener;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceDelta;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspace;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IConfigurationElement;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IExtension;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IExtensionPoint;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IExtensionRegistry;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.MultiStatus;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.SubProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.preferences.IEclipsePreferences;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.preferences.InstanceScope;
import org.eclipse.osgi.util.NLS;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.IActionDefinition;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.ICategory;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.IConstraint;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.IDefaultVersionProvider;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.IFacetedProject;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.IFacetedProjectTemplate;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.IGroup;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.IPreset;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.IProjectFacet;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.IProjectFacetVersion;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.IVersionExpr;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.IFacetedProject.Action;
import org.osgi.service.prefs.BackingStoreException;
import org.osgi.service.prefs.Preferences;
* The implementation of the {@see ProjectFacetsManager} abstract class.
* @author <a href="">Konstantin Komissarchik</a>
public final class ProjectFacetsManagerImpl
private static final String EXTENSION_ID = "facets"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String ATTR_CLASS = "class"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String ATTR_FACET = "facet"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String ATTR_GROUP = "group"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String ATTR_ID = "id"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String ATTR_NAME = "name"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String ATTR_PROVIDER = "provider"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String ATTR_SOFT = "soft"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String ATTR_TYPE = "type"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String ATTR_VALUE = "value"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String ATTR_VERSION = "version"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String EL_ACTION = "action"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String EL_CATEGORY = "category"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String EL_CONFIG_FACTORY = "config-factory"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String EL_CONSTRAINT = "constraint"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String EL_DEFAULT_VERSION = "default-version"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String EL_DELEGATE = "delegate"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String EL_DESCRIPTION = "description"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String EL_EVENT_HANDLER = "event-handler"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String EL_FIXED = "fixed"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String EL_GROUP = "group"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String EL_GROUP_MEMBER = "group-member"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String EL_LABEL = "label"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String EL_PRESET = "preset"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String EL_PROJECT_FACET = "project-facet"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String EL_PROJECT_FACET_VERSION = "project-facet-version"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String EL_PROPERTY = "property"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String EL_TEMPLATE = "template"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String EL_VERSION_COMPARATOR = "version-comparator"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final Set facetsReportedMissing = new HashSet();
private final IndexedSet facets;
private final IndexedSet actions;
private final IndexedSet categories;
private final IndexedSet presets;
private final IndexedSet templates;
private final IndexedSet groups;
private final Map projects;
public ProjectFacetsManagerImpl()
long activationStart = 0;
if( FacetCorePlugin.isTracingFrameworkActivation() )
final StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
final PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter( sw );
( new Throwable() ).printStackTrace( pw );
String context = sw.getBuffer().toString();
final int endOfFirstLine = context.indexOf( '\n' );
context = context.substring( endOfFirstLine + 1 );
context = context.replaceAll( "\\t", " " ); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
int length = context.length();
if( context.charAt( length - 2 ) == '\r' )
length = length - 2;
length = length - 1;
context = context.substring( 0, length );
final String msg
= NLS.bind( Resources.tracingFrameworkActivationStarting,
context );
System.out.println( msg );
activationStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
this.facets = new IndexedSet();
this.actions = new IndexedSet();
this.categories = new IndexedSet();
this.presets = new IndexedSet();
this.templates = new IndexedSet();
this.groups = new IndexedSet();
this.projects = new HashMap();
( new ResourceChangeListener() ).register();
if( FacetCorePlugin.isTracingFrameworkActivation() )
final long duration
= System.currentTimeMillis() - activationStart;
final String msg
= NLS.bind( Resources.tracingFrameworkActivationFinished,
String.valueOf( duration ) );
System.out.println( msg );
public Set getProjectFacets()
return this.facets.getUnmodifiable();
public boolean isProjectFacetDefined( final String id )
return this.facets.containsKey( id );
public IProjectFacet getProjectFacet( final String id )
final IProjectFacet f
= (IProjectFacet) this.facets.get( id );
if( f == null )
final String msg = NLS.bind( Resources.facetNotDefined, id );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( msg );
return f;
public Set getActionDefinitions()
return this.actions.getUnmodifiable();
public boolean isActionDefined( final String id )
return this.actions.containsKey( id );
public IActionDefinition getActionDefinition( final String id )
final IActionDefinition adef
= (IActionDefinition) this.actions.get( id );
if( adef == null )
final String msg = NLS.bind( Resources.actionNotDefined, id );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( msg );
return adef;
public Set getCategories()
return this.categories.getUnmodifiable();
public boolean isCategoryDefined( final String id )
return this.categories.containsKey( id );
public ICategory getCategory( final String id )
final ICategory category
= (ICategory) this.categories.get( id );
if( category == null )
final String msg = NLS.bind( Resources.categoryNotDefined, id );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( msg );
return category;
public Set getPresets()
return this.presets.getUnmodifiable();
public boolean isPresetDefined( final String id )
return this.presets.containsKey( id );
public IPreset getPreset( final String id )
final IPreset preset = (IPreset) this.presets.get( id );
if( preset == null )
final String msg = NLS.bind( Resources.presetNotDefined, id );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( msg );
return preset;
public IPreset definePreset( final String name,
final Set facets )
return definePreset( name, "", facets, true ); //$NON-NLS-1$
public IPreset definePreset( final String name,
final String description,
final Set facets )
return definePreset( name, description, facets, true );
private IPreset definePreset( final String name,
final String description,
final Set facets,
final boolean save )
synchronized( this.presets )
String id;
int i = 0;
id = ".usr." + i; //$NON-NLS-1$
while( this.presets.containsKey( id ) );
final Preset preset = new Preset();
preset.setId( id );
preset.setLabel( name );
preset.setDescription( description == null ? "" : description ); //$NON-NLS-1$
preset.addProjectFacet( facets );
preset.setUserDefined( true );
this.presets.add( id, preset );
if( save )
return preset;
public boolean deletePreset( final IPreset preset )
synchronized( this.presets )
if( ! preset.isUserDefined() )
return false;
final boolean res = this.presets.delete( preset.getId() );
if( res )
return res;
public Set getTemplates()
return this.templates.getUnmodifiable();
public boolean isTemplateDefined( final String id )
return this.templates.containsKey( id );
public IFacetedProjectTemplate getTemplate( final String id )
final IFacetedProjectTemplate template
= (IFacetedProjectTemplate) this.templates.get( id );
if( template == null )
final String msg = NLS.bind( Resources.templateNotDefined, id );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( msg );
return template;
public Set getGroups()
return this.groups.getUnmodifiable();
public boolean isGroupDefined( final String id )
return this.groups.containsKey( id );
public IGroup getGroup( final String id )
final IGroup group = (IGroup) this.groups.get( id );
if( group == null )
final String msg = NLS.bind( Resources.groupNotDefined, id );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( msg );
return group;
public Set getFacetedProjects()
throws CoreException
return getFacetedProjects( null, null );
public Set getFacetedProjects( final IProjectFacet f )
throws CoreException
return getFacetedProjects( f, null );
public Set getFacetedProjects( final IProjectFacetVersion fv )
throws CoreException
return getFacetedProjects( null, fv );
private Set getFacetedProjects( final IProjectFacet f,
final IProjectFacetVersion fv )
throws CoreException
final IProject[] all
= ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProjects();
final Set result = new HashSet();
for( int i = 0; i < all.length; i++ )
final IProject proj = all[ i ];
final IFacetedProject fproj = create( proj );
if( fproj != null )
if( ( f != null && ! fproj.hasProjectFacet( f ) ) ||
( fv != null && ! fproj.hasProjectFacet( fv ) ) )
result.add( fproj );
return result;
public IFacetedProject create( final IProject project )
throws CoreException
if( project.isAccessible() &&
project.isNatureEnabled( FacetedProjectNature.NATURE_ID ) )
synchronized( this.projects )
FacetedProject fproj
= (FacetedProject) this.projects.get( project.getName() );
if( fproj == null )
fproj = new FacetedProject( project );
this.projects.put( project.getName(), fproj );
return fproj;
return null;
public IFacetedProject create( final IProject project,
final boolean convertIfNecessary,
final IProgressMonitor monitor)
throws CoreException
if( monitor != null )
monitor.beginTask( "", 1 ); //$NON-NLS-1$
if( project.isAccessible() &&
! project.isNatureEnabled( FacetedProjectNature.NATURE_ID ) &&
convertIfNecessary )
IProjectDescription description = project.getDescription();
String[] prevNatures = description.getNatureIds();
String[] newNatures = new String[ prevNatures.length + 1 ];
System.arraycopy( prevNatures, 0, newNatures, 0, prevNatures.length );
newNatures[ prevNatures.length ] = FacetedProjectNature.NATURE_ID;
description.setNatureIds( newNatures );
project.setDescription( description, submon( monitor, 1 ) );
return create( project );
if( monitor != null )
public IFacetedProject create( final String name,
final IPath location,
final IProgressMonitor monitor )
throws CoreException
if( monitor != null )
monitor.beginTask( "", 2 ); //$NON-NLS-1$
final IWorkspace ws = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace();
final IProject project = ws.getRoot().getProject( name );
final IProjectDescription desc
= ws.newProjectDescription( name );
desc.setLocation( location );
project.create( desc, submon( monitor, 1 ) ); IResource.BACKGROUND_REFRESH, submon( monitor, 1 ) );
// This is odd, but apparently nature's configure() method will only
// be called if the setDescription() method is used. It will not be
// called if nature is added to the project description prior to
// calling IProject.create() method.
desc.setNatureIds( new String[] { FacetedProjectNature.NATURE_ID } );
project.setDescription( desc, null );
return create( project );
if( monitor != null )
public IStatus check( final Set base,
final Set actions )
MultiStatus result = Constraint.createMultiStatus();
// Verify that all of the actions are supported.
for( Iterator itr = actions.iterator(); itr.hasNext(); )
final Action action = (Action);
if( ! action.getProjectFacetVersion().supports( base, action.getType() ) )
final ValidationProblem.Type ptype;
if( action.getType() == Action.Type.INSTALL )
ptype = ValidationProblem.Type.INSTALL_NOT_SUPPORTED;
else if( action.getType() == Action.Type.UNINSTALL )
ptype = ValidationProblem.Type.UNINSTALL_NOT_SUPPORTED;
else if( action.getType() == Action.Type.VERSION_CHANGE )
ptype = ValidationProblem.Type.VERSION_CHANGE_NOT_SUPPORTED;
throw new IllegalStateException();
final IProjectFacetVersion fv = action.getProjectFacetVersion();
final ValidationProblem vp
= new ValidationProblem( ptype,
fv.getVersionString() );
result.add( vp );
// Multiple actions on the same facet are not supported in the same
// batch. The only exception is an uninstall of a previosly-installed
// version followed by an install of a new version.
final Map facetToActionsMap = new HashMap();
for( Iterator itr = actions.iterator(); itr.hasNext(); )
final Action action = (Action);
final IProjectFacet f
= action.getProjectFacetVersion().getProjectFacet();
Set group = (Set) facetToActionsMap.get( f );
if( group == null )
group = new HashSet();
facetToActionsMap.put( f, group );
group.add( action );
for( Iterator itr1 = facetToActionsMap.entrySet().iterator();
itr1.hasNext(); )
final Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
final Set group = (Set) entry.getValue();
if( group.size() > 1 )
boolean bad = true;
if( group.size() == 2 )
Action install = null;
Action uninstall = null;
for( Iterator itr2 = group.iterator(); itr2.hasNext(); )
final Action action = (Action);
if( action.getType() == Action.Type.INSTALL )
install = action;
else if( action.getType() == Action.Type.UNINSTALL )
uninstall = action;
if( install != null && uninstall != null )
if( base.contains( uninstall.getProjectFacetVersion() ) )
bad = false;
if( bad )
final ValidationProblem.Type ptype
result.add( new ValidationProblem( ptype ) );
// Check for attempts to uninstall or change version of facets that
// haven't been installed. Also check for attempts to install a facet
// that's already installed.
for( Iterator itr1 = actions.iterator(); itr1.hasNext(); )
final Action action = (Action);
final IProjectFacetVersion fv = action.getProjectFacetVersion();
final IProjectFacet f = fv.getProjectFacet();
ValidationProblem.Type ptype = null;
if( action.getType() == Action.Type.UNINSTALL )
if( ! base.contains( fv ) )
ptype = ValidationProblem.Type.CANNOT_UNINSTALL;
IProjectFacetVersion existing = null;
for( Iterator itr2 = base.iterator(); itr2.hasNext(); )
final IProjectFacetVersion temp
= (IProjectFacetVersion);
if( temp.getProjectFacet() == f )
existing = temp;
if( action.getType() == Action.Type.VERSION_CHANGE &&
existing == null )
ptype = ValidationProblem.Type.CANNOT_CHANGE_VERSION;
else if( action.getType() == Action.Type.INSTALL &&
existing != null )
ptype = ValidationProblem.Type.FACET_ALREADY_INSTALLED;
if( ptype != null )
result.add( new ValidationProblem( ptype, f.getLabel(),
fv.getVersionString() ) );
// Abort at this point if there are any validation problems.
if( ! result.isOK() )
return result;
// Apply all the uninstall actions.
final Set all = new HashSet( base );
for( Iterator itr = actions.iterator(); itr.hasNext(); )
final Action action = (Action);
if( action.getType() == Action.Type.UNINSTALL )
apply( all, action );
// Apply all the install and version change actions.
for( Iterator itr = actions.iterator(); itr.hasNext(); )
final Action action = (Action);
if( action.getType() != Action.Type.UNINSTALL )
apply( all, action );
// Check the contrains on all of the facets.
for( Iterator itr = all.iterator(); itr.hasNext(); )
final IProjectFacetVersion fv
= (IProjectFacetVersion);
final IConstraint constraint = fv.getConstraint();
if( constraint != null )
final IStatus st = constraint.check( all );
if( ! st.isOK() )
result.addAll( st );
// Eliminate symmetric conflicts problem entries.
final Set problems = new HashSet();
IStatus[] children = result.getChildren();
for( int i = 0; i < children.length; i++ )
problems.add( children[ i ] );
final Set toremove = new HashSet();
for( Iterator itr = problems.iterator(); itr.hasNext(); )
final ValidationProblem problem = (ValidationProblem);
if( toremove.contains( problem ) )
if( problem.getType() == ValidationProblem.Type.CONFLICTS )
final Object[] p = problem.getParameters();
final ValidationProblem reverse
= new ValidationProblem( ValidationProblem.Type.CONFLICTS,
new Object[] { p[ 1 ], p[ 0 ] } );
toremove.add( reverse );
if( children.length != problems.size() )
= (IStatus[]) problems.toArray( new IStatus[ problems.size() ] );
result = Constraint.createMultiStatus( children );
// Return the problems to the caller.
return result;
public void sort( final Set base,
final List actions )
final int count = actions.size();
if( count == 0 )
// Before sorting, check that the constraints can be met. Otherwise
// the sort algorithm will not terminate.
final IStatus st = check( base, new HashSet( actions ) );
if( ! st.isOK() )
FacetCorePlugin.log( st );
// Initialize tracing.
List unsorted = null;
int steps = 0;
if( FacetCorePlugin.isTracingActionSorting() )
unsorted = new ArrayList( actions );
// Step 1 : Pre-sort all uninstall actions to the front of the list.
// Within that order, sort actions based on facet id. The
// secondary sort assures a stable sort order among actions on
// unrelated facets.
final Comparator comp = new Comparator()
public int compare( final Object obj1,
final Object obj2 )
final Action a1 = (Action) obj1;
final Action a2 = (Action) obj2;
int res = compare( a1.getType(), a2.getType() );
if( res == 0 )
final String fid1
= a1.getProjectFacetVersion().getProjectFacet().getId();
final String fid2
= a2.getProjectFacetVersion().getProjectFacet().getId();
res = fid1.compareTo( fid2 );
return res;
private int compare( final Action.Type t1,
final Action.Type t2 )
if( t1 == t2 )
return 0;
else if( t1 == Action.Type.UNINSTALL )
return -1;
else if( t2 == Action.Type.UNINSTALL )
return 1;
return 0;
Collections.sort( actions, comp );
// Step 2 : Sort based on the constraints.
final HashSet fnl = new HashSet( base );
for( Iterator itr = actions.iterator(); itr.hasNext(); )
apply( fnl, (Action) );
boolean makeAnotherPass = true;
while( makeAnotherPass )
makeAnotherPass = false;
HashSet state = new HashSet( base );
for( int i = 0; i < count; )
final Action action = (Action) actions.get( i );
final Action.Type type = action.getType();
final IProjectFacetVersion fv = action.getProjectFacetVersion();
final IConstraint constraint = fv.getConstraint();
if( type == Action.Type.UNINSTALL )
if( ! constraint.check( state, true ).isOK() &&
constraint.check( base, true ).isOK() )
moveToFront( actions, i );
makeAnotherPass = true;
apply( state, action );
if( constraint.check( state ).isOK() &&
! ( ! constraint.check( state, true ).isOK() &&
constraint.check( fnl, true ).isOK() ) )
apply( state, action );
moveToEnd( actions, i );
// Output tracing information.
if( FacetCorePlugin.isTracingActionSorting() )
final String text
= Resources.bind( Resources.tracingActionSorting,
toString( base ), toString( unsorted ),
toString( actions ), String.valueOf( steps ) );
System.out.println( text );
static void apply( final Set facets,
final Action action )
final Action.Type type = action.getType();
final IProjectFacetVersion fv = action.getProjectFacetVersion();
if( type == Action.Type.INSTALL )
facets.add( fv );
else if( type == Action.Type.UNINSTALL )
facets.remove( fv );
else if( type == Action.Type.VERSION_CHANGE )
for( Iterator itr = facets.iterator(); itr.hasNext(); )
final IProjectFacetVersion x
= (IProjectFacetVersion);
if( x.getProjectFacet() == fv.getProjectFacet() )
facets.add( fv );
public static void reportMissingFacet( final String fid,
final String plugin )
synchronized( facetsReportedMissing )
if( ! facetsReportedMissing.contains( fid ) )
final String msg
= NLS.bind( Resources.facetNotDefined, fid ) +
NLS.bind( Resources.usedInPlugin, plugin );
FacetCorePlugin.log( msg );
facetsReportedMissing.add( fid );
public static void reportMissingFacet( final String fid,
final IProjectFacetVersion fv )
synchronized( facetsReportedMissing )
if( ! facetsReportedMissing.contains( fid ) )
final String msg
= NLS.bind( Resources.facetNotDefined, fid ) +
NLS.bind( Resources.usedInConstraint,
fv.getVersionString() );
FacetCorePlugin.log( msg );
facetsReportedMissing.add( fid );
private static IProgressMonitor submon( final IProgressMonitor monitor,
final int ticks )
if( monitor == null )
return null;
return new SubProgressMonitor( monitor, ticks );
private static void moveToFront( final List actions,
final int index )
final Action action = (Action) actions.get( index );
for( int i = index; i > 0; i-- )
actions.set( i, actions.get( i - 1 ) );
actions.set( 0, action );
private static void moveToEnd( final List actions,
final int index )
final Action action = (Action) actions.get( index );
for( int i = index + 1, n = actions.size(); i < n; i++ )
actions.set( i - 1, actions.get( i ) );
actions.set( actions.size() - 1, action );
private void readMetadata()
final IExtensionRegistry registry = Platform.getExtensionRegistry();
final IExtensionPoint point
= registry.getExtensionPoint( FacetCorePlugin.PLUGIN_ID,
if( point == null )
throw new RuntimeException( "Extension point not found!" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
final ArrayList cfgels = new ArrayList();
final IExtension[] extensions = point.getExtensions();
for( int i = 0; i < extensions.length; i++ )
final IConfigurationElement[] elements
= extensions[ i ].getConfigurationElements();
for( int j = 0; j < elements.length; j++ )
cfgels.add( elements[ j ] );
for( int i = 0, n = cfgels.size(); i < n; i++ )
final IConfigurationElement config
= (IConfigurationElement) cfgels.get( i );
if( config.getName().equals( EL_CATEGORY ) )
readCategory( config );
for( int i = 0, n = cfgels.size(); i < n; i++ )
final IConfigurationElement config
= (IConfigurationElement) cfgels.get( i );
if( config.getName().equals( EL_PROJECT_FACET ) )
readProjectFacet( config );
final Map fvToConstraint = new HashMap();
final Map fvToActions = new HashMap();
for( int i = 0, n = cfgels.size(); i < n; i++ )
final IConfigurationElement config
= (IConfigurationElement) cfgels.get( i );
if( config.getName().equals( EL_PROJECT_FACET_VERSION ) )
readProjectFacetVersion( config, fvToConstraint, fvToActions );
calculateVersionComparisonTables( fvToConstraint, fvToActions );
for( Iterator itr = fvToConstraint.entrySet().iterator();
itr.hasNext(); )
final Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
final ProjectFacetVersion fv = (ProjectFacetVersion) entry.getKey();
final IConfigurationElement config
= (IConfigurationElement) entry.getValue();
readConstraint( config, fv );
for( Iterator itr1 = fvToActions.entrySet().iterator(); itr1.hasNext(); )
final Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
final ProjectFacetVersion fv = (ProjectFacetVersion) entry.getKey();
final List actions = (List) entry.getValue();
for( Iterator itr2 = actions.iterator(); itr2.hasNext(); )
final IConfigurationElement config
= (IConfigurationElement);
readAction( config, (ProjectFacet) fv.getProjectFacet(),
fv.getVersionString() );
for( int i = 0, n = cfgels.size(); i < n; i++ )
final IConfigurationElement config
= (IConfigurationElement) cfgels.get( i );
if( config.getName().equals( EL_ACTION ) )
readAction( config );
else if( config.getName().equals( EL_EVENT_HANDLER ) )
readEventHandler( config );
for( int i = 0, n = cfgels.size(); i < n; i++ )
final IConfigurationElement config
= (IConfigurationElement) cfgels.get( i );
if( config.getName().equals( EL_PROJECT_FACET ) )
readDefaultVersionInfo( config );
for( int i = 0, n = cfgels.size(); i < n; i++ )
final IConfigurationElement config
= (IConfigurationElement) cfgels.get( i );
if( config.getName().equals( EL_PRESET ) )
readPreset( config );
for( int i = 0, n = cfgels.size(); i < n; i++ )
final IConfigurationElement config
= (IConfigurationElement) cfgels.get( i );
if( config.getName().equals( EL_TEMPLATE ) )
readTemplate( config );
for( int i = 0, n = cfgels.size(); i < n; i++ )
final IConfigurationElement config
= (IConfigurationElement) cfgels.get( i );
if( config.getName().equals( EL_GROUP ) )
readGroup( config );
private void readCategory( final IConfigurationElement config )
final Category category = new Category();
category.setPluginId( config.getContributor().getName() );
final String id = config.getAttribute( ATTR_ID );
if( id == null )
reportMissingAttribute( config, ATTR_ID );
category.setId( id );
final IConfigurationElement[] children = config.getChildren();
for( int i = 0; i < children.length; i++ )
final IConfigurationElement child = children[ i ];
final String childName = child.getName();
if( childName.equals( EL_LABEL ) )
category.setLabel( child.getValue().trim() );
else if( childName.equals( EL_DESCRIPTION ) )
category.setDescription( child.getValue().trim() );
if( category.getLabel() == null )
category.setLabel( category.getId() );
if( category.getDescription() == null )
category.setDescription( "" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
this.categories.add( id, category );
private void readProjectFacet( final IConfigurationElement config )
final String id = config.getAttribute( ATTR_ID );
if( id == null )
reportMissingAttribute( config, ATTR_ID );
final ProjectFacet descriptor = new ProjectFacet();
descriptor.setId( id );
descriptor.setPluginId( config.getContributor().getName() );
final IConfigurationElement[] children = config.getChildren();
for( int i = 0; i < children.length; i++ )
final IConfigurationElement child = children[ i ];
final String childName = child.getName();
if( childName.equals( EL_LABEL ) )
descriptor.setLabel( child.getValue().trim() );
else if( childName.equals( EL_DESCRIPTION ) )
descriptor.setDescription( child.getValue().trim() );
else if( childName.equals( EL_VERSION_COMPARATOR ) )
final String clname = child.getAttribute( ATTR_CLASS );
if( clname == null )
reportMissingAttribute( child, ATTR_CLASS );
descriptor.setVersionComparator( clname );
else if( childName.equals( EL_CATEGORY ) )
final String catname = child.getValue().trim();
final Category category
= (Category) this.categories.get( catname );
if( category == null )
final String msg
= NLS.bind( Resources.categoryNotDefined, catname ) +
NLS.bind( Resources.usedInPlugin,
child.getContributor().getName() );
FacetCorePlugin.log( msg );
descriptor.setCategory( category );
category.addProjectFacet( descriptor );
if( descriptor.getLabel() == null )
descriptor.setLabel( id );
if( descriptor.getDescription() == null )
descriptor.setDescription( "" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
this.facets.add( id, descriptor );
private void readProjectFacetVersion( final IConfigurationElement config,
final Map fvToConstraint,
final Map fvToActions )
final String fid = config.getAttribute( ATTR_FACET );
if( fid == null )
reportMissingAttribute( config, ATTR_FACET );
final String ver = config.getAttribute( ATTR_VERSION );
if( ver == null )
reportMissingAttribute( config, ATTR_VERSION );
final ProjectFacet f = (ProjectFacet) this.facets.get( fid );
if( f == null )
reportMissingFacet( fid, config.getContributor().getName() );
final ProjectFacetVersion fv
= new ProjectFacetVersion();
fv.setProjectFacet( f );
fv.setVersionString( ver );
fv.setPluginId( config.getContributor().getName() );
final List actions = new ArrayList();
fvToActions.put( fv, actions );
final IConfigurationElement[] children = config.getChildren();
for( int i = 0; i < children.length; i++ )
final IConfigurationElement child = children[ i ];
final String childName = child.getName();
if( childName.equals( EL_CONSTRAINT ) )
fvToConstraint.put( fv, child );
else if( childName.equals( EL_GROUP_MEMBER ) )
final String id = child.getAttribute( ATTR_ID );
if( id == null )
reportMissingAttribute( child, ATTR_ID );
Group group = (Group) this.groups.get( id );
if( group == null )
group = new Group();
group.setId( id );
this.groups.add( id, group );
group.addMember( fv );
else if( childName.equals( EL_ACTION ) )
actions.add( child );
f.addVersion( fv );
// This has to happen after facet version is registered.
for( int i = 0; i < children.length; i++ )
final IConfigurationElement child = children[ i ];
final String childName = child.getName();
if( childName.equals( EL_EVENT_HANDLER ) )
readEventHandler( child, f, ver );
* Pre-computes the tables that describe how versions of a facet compare
* to each other. This allows the IProjectFacetVersion.compareTo() operation,
* which is called rather frequently, to be reduced to a hash table lookup
* instead of having to do a parse and comparison of two version strings.
private void calculateVersionComparisonTables( final Map fvToConstraint,
final Map fvToActions )
for( Iterator itr = this.facets.iterator(); itr.hasNext(); )
final IProjectFacet f = (IProjectFacet);
final Set setOfVersions = f.getVersions();
final Comparator comp = f.getVersionComparator();
final ProjectFacetVersion[] versions
= new ProjectFacetVersion[ setOfVersions.size() ];
setOfVersions.toArray( versions );
final Map[] compTables = new Map[ versions.length ];
for( int i = 0; i < compTables.length; i++ )
compTables[ i ] = new HashMap();
for( int i = 0; i < versions.length; i++ )
final IProjectFacetVersion iVer = versions[ i ];
final String iVerStr = iVer.getVersionString();
final Map iCompTable = compTables[ i ];
for( int j = i + 1; j < versions.length; j++ )
final IProjectFacetVersion jVer = versions[ j ];
final String jVerStr = jVer.getVersionString();
final Map jCompTable = compTables[ j ];
final int result = iVerStr, jVerStr );
iCompTable.put( jVer, new Integer( result ) );
jCompTable.put( iVer, new Integer( result * -1 ) );
for( int i = 0; i < versions.length; i++ )
versions[ i ].setComparisonTable( compTables[ i ] );
catch( Exception e )
// The failure here is due to the problem loading the provided
// version comparator or due to the problem comparing the
// version string. In either case, we log the exception and
// remove all traces of this facet from the system to keep a
// faulty facet from dragging down the entire framework.
FacetCorePlugin.log( e );
final Category category = (Category) f.getCategory();
if( category != null )
category.removeProjectFacet( f );
for( Iterator itr2 = setOfVersions.iterator(); itr.hasNext(); )
final IProjectFacetVersion fv = (IProjectFacetVersion);
fvToConstraint.remove( fv );
fvToActions.remove( fv );
private void readDefaultVersionInfo( final IConfigurationElement config )
final String id = config.getAttribute( ATTR_ID );
if( id == null || ! isProjectFacetDefined( id ) )
// The error should have already been reported, don't need to log
// this again.
final ProjectFacet f = (ProjectFacet) getProjectFacet( id );
boolean defaultVersionSpecified = false;
final IConfigurationElement[] children = config.getChildren();
for( int i = 0; i < children.length; i++ )
final IConfigurationElement child = children[ i ];
final String childName = child.getName();
if( childName.equals( EL_DEFAULT_VERSION ) )
final String clname = child.getAttribute( ATTR_PROVIDER );
if( clname != null )
final Class type = IDefaultVersionProvider.class;
final IDefaultVersionProvider defaultVersionProvider
= (IDefaultVersionProvider)
FacetCorePlugin.instantiate( f.getPluginId(),
clname, type );
f.setDefaultVersionProvider( defaultVersionProvider );
defaultVersionSpecified = true;
catch( CoreException e )
FacetCorePlugin.log( e );
final String version = child.getAttribute( ATTR_VERSION );
if( version != null )
if( f.hasVersion( version ) )
f.setDefaultVersion( f.getVersion( version ) );
defaultVersionSpecified = true;
final String msg
= f.createVersionNotFoundErrMsg( version );
FacetCorePlugin.log( msg );
reportMissingAttribute( config, ATTR_VERSION );
if( ! defaultVersionSpecified )
f.setDefaultVersion( f.getLatestVersion() );
catch( Exception e )
FacetCorePlugin.log( e );
private void readAction( final IConfigurationElement config )
final String fid = config.getAttribute( ATTR_FACET );
if( fid == null )
reportMissingAttribute( config, ATTR_FACET );
final ProjectFacet f = (ProjectFacet) this.facets.get( fid );
if( f == null )
reportMissingFacet( fid, config.getContributor().getName() );
String ver = config.getAttribute( ATTR_VERSION );
if( ver == null )
ver = IVersionExpr.WILDCARD_SYMBOL;
readAction( config, f, ver );
private void readAction( final IConfigurationElement config,
final ProjectFacet f,
final String version )
final String pluginId = config.getContributor().getName();
final ActionDefinition def = new ActionDefinition();
def.setPluginId( pluginId );
final String type = config.getAttribute( ATTR_TYPE );
if( type == null )
reportMissingAttribute( config, ATTR_TYPE );
// Backwards compatibility of deprecated functionality.
if( type.equals( "runtime-changed" ) ) //$NON-NLS-1$
final String msg
= NLS.bind( Resources.deprecatedRuntimeChangedAction, pluginId );
FacetCorePlugin.logWarning( msg, true );
readEventHandler( config, f, version );
// End of backwards compatibility code.
def.setActionType( Action.Type.valueOf( type ) );
if( def.getActionType() == null )
final String msg
= NLS.bind( Resources.invalidActionType, type ) +
NLS.bind( Resources.usedInPlugin, pluginId );
FacetCorePlugin.log( msg );
def.setVersionExpr( new VersionExpr( f, version, pluginId ) );
catch( CoreException e )
FacetCorePlugin.log( e );
final IConfigurationElement[] children = config.getChildren();
for( int i = 0; i < children.length; i++ )
final IConfigurationElement child = children[ i ];
final String childName = child.getName();
if( childName.equals( EL_CONFIG_FACTORY ) )
final String clname = child.getAttribute( ATTR_CLASS );
if( clname == null )
reportMissingAttribute( child, ATTR_CLASS );
def.setConfigFactoryClassName( clname );
else if( childName.equals( EL_DELEGATE ) )
final String clname = child.getAttribute( ATTR_CLASS );
if( clname == null )
reportMissingAttribute( config, ATTR_CLASS );
def.setDelegateClassName( clname );
else if( childName.equals( EL_PROPERTY ) )
final String name = child.getAttribute( ATTR_NAME );
if( name == null )
reportMissingAttribute( config, ATTR_NAME );
final String value = child.getAttribute( ATTR_VALUE );
if( value == null )
reportMissingAttribute( config, ATTR_VALUE );
if( name.equals( IActionDefinition.PROP_FROM_VERSIONS ) )
if( def.getActionType() != Action.Type.VERSION_CHANGE )
final String msg
= NLS.bind( Resources.propertyNotApplicable, name,
def.getActionType().name() );
FacetCorePlugin.logWarning( msg );
final VersionExpr vexpr
= new VersionExpr( f, value, pluginId );
def.setProperty( name, vexpr );
catch( CoreException e )
FacetCorePlugin.log( e );
final String msg
= NLS.bind( Resources.unknownProperty, name ) +
NLS.bind( Resources.usedInPlugin, pluginId );
FacetCorePlugin.logWarning( msg );
String id = config.getAttribute( ATTR_ID );
if( id == null )
final StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
buf.append( f.getId() );
buf.append( '#' );
buf.append( version );
buf.append( '#' );
buf.append( def.getActionType().name() );
for( Iterator itr = def.getProperties().entrySet().iterator();
itr.hasNext(); )
final Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
buf.append( '#' );
buf.append( (String) entry.getKey() );
buf.append( '=' );
buf.append( entry.getValue().toString() );
id = buf.toString();
def.setId( id );
if( isActionDefined( id ) )
final String msg
= NLS.bind( Resources.actionAlreadyDefined, id, pluginId );
FacetCorePlugin.logError( msg );
this.actions.add( def.getId(), def );
f.addActionDefinition( def );
private void readEventHandler( final IConfigurationElement config )
final String fid = config.getAttribute( ATTR_FACET );
if( fid == null )
reportMissingAttribute( config, ATTR_FACET );
final ProjectFacet f = (ProjectFacet) this.facets.get( fid );
if( f == null )
reportMissingFacet( fid, config.getContributor().getName() );
String ver = config.getAttribute( ATTR_VERSION );
if( ver == null )
ver = IVersionExpr.WILDCARD_SYMBOL;
readEventHandler( config, f, ver );
private void readEventHandler( final IConfigurationElement config,
final ProjectFacet f,
final String version )
final EventHandler h = new EventHandler();
final String pluginId = config.getContributor().getName();
h.setPluginId( pluginId );
final String type = config.getAttribute( ATTR_TYPE );
if( type == null )
reportMissingAttribute( config, ATTR_TYPE );
if( type.equals( "runtime-changed" ) ) //$NON-NLS-1$
// Backwards compatibility of deprecated functionality.
h.setType( EventHandler.Type.RUNTIME_CHANGED );
h.setType( EventHandler.Type.valueOf( type ) );
if( h.getType() == null )
final String msg
= NLS.bind( Resources.invalidEventHandlerType, type ) +
NLS.bind( Resources.usedInPlugin, pluginId );
FacetCorePlugin.log( msg );
h.setVersionExpr( new VersionExpr( f, version, pluginId ) );
catch( CoreException e )
FacetCorePlugin.log( e );
final IConfigurationElement[] children = config.getChildren();
for( int i = 0; i < children.length; i++ )
final IConfigurationElement child = children[ i ];
final String childName = child.getName();
if( childName.equals( EL_DELEGATE ) )
final String clname = child.getAttribute( ATTR_CLASS );
if( clname == null )
reportMissingAttribute( config, ATTR_CLASS );
h.setDelegate( clname );
if( ! h.hasDelegate() )
reportMissingElement( config, EL_DELEGATE );
f.addEventHandler( h );
private void readConstraint( final IConfigurationElement config,
final ProjectFacetVersion fv )
final IConfigurationElement[] ops = config.getChildren();
final ArrayList parsed = new ArrayList();
for( int j = 0; j < ops.length; j++ )
final IConstraint op = readConstraintHelper( ops[ j ], fv );
if( op != null )
parsed.add( op );
if( parsed.size() == 1 )
fv.setConstraint( (IConstraint) parsed.get( 0 ) );
else if( parsed.size() > 1 )
final IConstraint and
= new Constraint( fv, IConstraint.Type.AND,
parsed.toArray() );
fv.setConstraint( and );
private IConstraint readConstraintHelper( final IConfigurationElement root,
final ProjectFacetVersion fv )
final String pluginId = root.getContributor().getName();
final IConstraint.Type type
= IConstraint.Type.valueOf( root.getName() );
final Object[] operands;
if( type == IConstraint.Type.AND ||
type == IConstraint.Type.OR )
final IConfigurationElement[] children = root.getChildren();
operands = new IConstraint[ children.length ];
for( int i = 0; i < children.length; i++ )
final IConstraint operand
= readConstraintHelper( children[ i ], fv );
if( operand == null )
return null;
operands[ i ] = operand;
else if( type == IConstraint.Type.REQUIRES ||
type == IConstraint.Type.CONFLICTS )
final String gid = root.getAttribute( ATTR_GROUP );
final String fid = root.getAttribute( ATTR_FACET );
String vexprstr = root.getAttribute( ATTR_VERSION );
final String softStr = root.getAttribute( ATTR_SOFT );
Boolean soft = Boolean.FALSE;
if( softStr != null && softStr.equals( Boolean.TRUE.toString() ) )
soft = Boolean.TRUE;
if( gid != null && ( fid != null || vexprstr != null ) )
final String template
= type == IConstraint.Type.REQUIRES
? Resources.invalidRequiresConstraint
: Resources.invalidConflictsConstraint;
final String msg = NLS.bind( template, pluginId );
FacetCorePlugin.logError( msg, true );
return null;
else if( gid != null )
if( ! isGroupDefined( gid ) )
final String msg
= NLS.bind( Resources.groupNotDefined, gid ) +
NLS.bind( Resources.usedInPlugin, pluginId );
FacetCorePlugin.logError( msg, true );
return null;
final IGroup group = getGroup( gid );
if( type == IConstraint.Type.REQUIRES )
operands = new Object[] { group, soft };
operands = new Object[] { group };
else if( fid != null )
final IProjectFacet f;
VersionExpr vexpr = null;
f = getProjectFacet( fid );
if( vexprstr == null || vexprstr.trim().length() == 0 )
vexprstr = IVersionExpr.WILDCARD_SYMBOL;
vexpr = new VersionExpr( f, vexprstr, pluginId );
catch( CoreException e )
FacetCorePlugin.log( e );
return null;
if( type == IConstraint.Type.REQUIRES )
operands = new Object[] { f, vexpr, soft };
operands = new Object[] { f, vexpr };
final String msg
= Resources.bind( Resources.missingOneOfTwoAttributes,
pluginId, root.getName(), ATTR_GROUP,
FacetCorePlugin.logError( msg, true );
return null;
throw new IllegalStateException();
return new Constraint( fv, type, operands );
private void readTemplate( final IConfigurationElement config )
final FacetedProjectTemplate template = new FacetedProjectTemplate();
final String id = config.getAttribute( ATTR_ID );
if( id == null )
reportMissingAttribute( config, ATTR_ID );
template.setId( id );
final IConfigurationElement[] children = config.getChildren();
for( int i = 0; i < children.length; i++ )
final IConfigurationElement child = children[ i ];
final String childName = child.getName();
if( childName.equals( EL_LABEL ) )
template.setLabel( child.getValue().trim() );
else if( childName.equals( EL_FIXED ) )
final String fid = child.getAttribute( ATTR_FACET );
if( fid == null )
reportMissingAttribute( child, ATTR_FACET );
if( ! isProjectFacetDefined( fid ) )
reportMissingFacet( fid, child.getContributor().getName() );
template.addFixedProjectFacet( getProjectFacet( fid ) );
else if( childName.equals( EL_PRESET ) )
final String pid = child.getAttribute( ATTR_ID );
if( pid == null )
reportMissingAttribute( child, ATTR_ID );
if( ! isPresetDefined( pid ) )
final String msg
= NLS.bind( Resources.presetNotDefined, pid ) +
NLS.bind( Resources.usedInPlugin,
child.getContributor().getName() );
FacetCorePlugin.log( msg );
template.setInitialPreset( getPreset( pid ) );
this.templates.add( id, template );
private void readPreset( final IConfigurationElement config )
final Preset preset = new Preset();
final String id = config.getAttribute( ATTR_ID );
if( id == null )
reportMissingAttribute( config, ATTR_ID );
preset.setId( id );
final IConfigurationElement[] children = config.getChildren();
for( int i = 0; i < children.length; i++ )
final IConfigurationElement child = children[ i ];
final String childName = child.getName();
if( childName.equals( EL_LABEL ) )
preset.setLabel( child.getValue().trim() );
else if( childName.equals( EL_DESCRIPTION ) )
preset.setDescription( child.getValue().trim() );
else if( childName.equals( ATTR_FACET ) )
final String fid = child.getAttribute( ATTR_ID );
if( fid == null )
reportMissingAttribute( child, ATTR_ID );
final String fver = child.getAttribute( ATTR_VERSION );
if( fver == null )
reportMissingAttribute( child, ATTR_VERSION );
if( ! isProjectFacetDefined( fid ) )
final String msg
= Resources.bind( Resources.presetUsesUnknownFacet, id,
fid );
FacetCorePlugin.logError( msg );
final IProjectFacet f = getProjectFacet( fid );
if( ! f.hasVersion( fver ) )
final String msg
= Resources.bind( Resources.presetUsesUnknownFacetVersion,
id, config.getContributor().getName(),
fid, fver );
FacetCorePlugin.logError( msg );
final IProjectFacetVersion fv = f.getVersion( fver );
preset.addProjectFacet( fv );
if( preset.getLabel() == null )
preset.setLabel( preset.getId() );
if( preset.getDescription() == null )
preset.setDescription( "" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
this.presets.add( id, preset );
private void readGroup( final IConfigurationElement config )
final String id = config.getAttribute( ATTR_ID );
if( id == null )
reportMissingAttribute( config, ATTR_ID );
if( ! isGroupDefined( id ) )
final Group group = (Group) getGroup( id );
final IConfigurationElement[] children = config.getChildren();
for( int i = 0; i < children.length; i++ )
final IConfigurationElement child = children[ i ];
final String childName = child.getName();
if( childName.equals( EL_LABEL ) )
group.setLabel( child.getValue().trim() );
else if( childName.equals( EL_DESCRIPTION ) )
group.setDescription( child.getValue().trim() );
static void reportMissingAttribute( final IConfigurationElement el,
final String attribute )
final String[] params
= new String[] { el.getContributor().getName(), el.getName(),
attribute };
final String msg = NLS.bind( Resources.missingAttribute, params );
FacetCorePlugin.log( msg );
static void reportMissingElement( final IConfigurationElement el,
final String element )
final String[] params
= new String[] { el.getContributor().getName(), el.getName(),
element };
final String msg = NLS.bind( Resources.missingElement, params );
FacetCorePlugin.log( msg );
private void saveUserPresets()
final Preferences root = getUserPresetsPreferences();
final String[] children = root.childrenNames();
for( int i = 0; i < children.length; i++ )
root.node( children[ i ] ).removeNode();
for( Iterator itr = this.presets.iterator(); itr.hasNext(); )
final IPreset preset = (IPreset);
if( preset.isUserDefined() )
final Preferences pnode = root.node( preset.getId() );
pnode.put( EL_LABEL, preset.getLabel() );
pnode.put( EL_DESCRIPTION, preset.getDescription() );
int counter = 1;
for( Iterator itr2 = preset.getProjectFacets().iterator();
itr2.hasNext(); )
final IProjectFacetVersion f
= (IProjectFacetVersion);
final Preferences fnode
= pnode.node( String.valueOf( counter ) );
fnode.put( ATTR_ID, f.getProjectFacet().getId() );
fnode.put( ATTR_VERSION, f.getVersionString() );
catch( BackingStoreException e )
FacetCorePlugin.log( e );
private void readUserPresets()
final Preferences root = getUserPresetsPreferences();
final String[] pkeys = root.childrenNames();
for( int i = 0; i < pkeys.length; i++ )
final Preferences pnode = root.node( pkeys[ i ] );
final String label = pnode.get( EL_LABEL, null );
if( label == null )
String description = pnode.get( EL_DESCRIPTION, null );
if( description == null )
description = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
final String[] fkeys = pnode.childrenNames();
HashSet facets = new HashSet();
for( int j = 0; j < fkeys.length; j++ )
final Preferences fnode = pnode.node( fkeys[ j ] );
final String id = fnode.get( ATTR_ID, null );
final String version = fnode.get( ATTR_VERSION, null );
if( id == null || version == null )
facets = null;
if( isProjectFacetDefined( id ) )
final IProjectFacet f = getProjectFacet( id );
if( f.hasVersion( version ) )
facets.add( f.getVersion( version ) );
facets = null;
facets = null;
if( facets != null )
definePreset( label, description, facets, false );
catch( BackingStoreException e )
FacetCorePlugin.log( e );
private static Preferences getUserPresetsPreferences()
final InstanceScope scope = new InstanceScope();
final IEclipsePreferences pluginRoot
= scope.getNode( FacetCorePlugin.PLUGIN_ID );
return pluginRoot.node( "user.presets" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
private static String toString( final Collection collection )
final StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
for( Iterator itr = collection.iterator(); itr.hasNext(); )
final Object obj =;
if( buf.length() > 0 )
buf.append( ", " ); //$NON-NLS-1$
if( obj instanceof IProjectFacetVersion )
final IProjectFacetVersion fv = (IProjectFacetVersion) obj;
buf.append( fv.getProjectFacet().getId() );
buf.append( ' ' );
buf.append( fv.getVersionString() );
buf.append( obj.toString() );
return buf.toString();
private final class ResourceChangeListener
implements IResourceChangeListener
public void register()
final IWorkspace ws = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace();
ws.addResourceChangeListener( this, IResourceChangeEvent.POST_CHANGE );
public void resourceChanged( final IResourceChangeEvent event )
final IResourceDelta delta = event.getDelta();
synchronized( ProjectFacetsManagerImpl.this.projects )
for( Iterator itr = ProjectFacetsManagerImpl.this.projects.values().iterator();
itr.hasNext(); )
final FacetedProject fproj = (FacetedProject);
final IResourceDelta subdelta
= delta.findMember( fproj.f.getFullPath() );
if( subdelta != null )
catch( CoreException e )
FacetCorePlugin.log( e );
public static final class Resources
extends NLS
public static String missingAttribute;
public static String missingOneOfTwoAttributes;
public static String missingElement;
public static String categoryNotDefined;
public static String facetNotDefined;
public static String facetVersionNotDefined;
public static String actionNotDefined;
public static String actionAlreadyDefined;
public static String groupNotDefined;
public static String presetNotDefined;
public static String presetUsesUnknownFacet;
public static String presetUsesUnknownFacetVersion;
public static String templateNotDefined;
public static String usedInPlugin;
public static String usedInConstraint;
public static String invalidActionType;
public static String invalidEventHandlerType;
public static String invalidRequiresConstraint;
public static String invalidConflictsConstraint;
public static String deprecatedRuntimeChangedAction;
public static String tracingActionSorting;
public static String tracingFrameworkActivationStarting;
public static String tracingFrameworkActivationFinished;
public static String unknownProperty;
public static String propertyNotApplicable;
initializeMessages( ProjectFacetsManagerImpl.class.getName(),
Resources.class );
public static String bind( final String template,
final Object arg1,
final Object arg2,
final Object arg3 )
return NLS.bind( template, new Object[] { arg1, arg2, arg3 } );
public static String bind( final String template,
final Object arg1,
final Object arg2,
final Object arg3,
final Object arg4 )
return NLS.bind( template, new Object[] { arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 } );