blob: 21d28810f6c5e1d322a33a5a39ee90c86849a8f8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2005-2007 BEA Systems, Inc.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Konstantin Komissarchik
package org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.internal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.MultiStatus;
import org.eclipse.osgi.util.NLS;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.IConstraint;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.IGroup;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.IProjectFacet;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.IProjectFacetVersion;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.IVersionExpr;
* @author <a href="">Konstantin Komissarchik</a>
public final class Constraint
implements IConstraint
private final IProjectFacetVersion fv;
private final Type type;
private final List<Object> operands;
Constraint( final IProjectFacetVersion fv,
final Type type,
final Object[] operands )
this.fv = fv;
this.type = type;
final List<Object> temp = new ArrayList<Object>();
for( int i = 0; i < operands.length; i++ )
temp.add( operands[ i ] );
this.operands = Collections.unmodifiableList( temp );
public Type getType()
return this.type;
public List<Object> getOperands()
return this.operands;
public Object getOperand( final int index )
return this.operands.get( index );
public IStatus check( final Collection<IProjectFacetVersion> facets )
return check( facets, false );
public IStatus check( final Collection<IProjectFacetVersion> facets,
final boolean validateSoftDeps )
final MultiStatus result = createMultiStatus();
if( this.type == Type.AND )
for( Object operand : this.operands )
final IConstraint childConstraint = (IConstraint) operand;
final IStatus st = childConstraint.check( facets, validateSoftDeps );
if( st.getSeverity() != IStatus.OK )
result.addAll( st );
else if( this.type == Type.OR )
boolean someBranchWorks = false;
for( Object operand : this.operands )
final IConstraint childConstraint = (IConstraint) operand;
if( childConstraint.check( facets, validateSoftDeps ).isOK() )
someBranchWorks = true;
if( ! someBranchWorks )
ValidationProblem p = null;
if( this.operands.size() == 2 && containsOnlyRequires() )
final ProjectFacetRef[] frefs = new ProjectFacetRef[ 2 ];
for( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
final IConstraint c = (IConstraint) this.operands.get( i );
final IProjectFacet rf = (IProjectFacet) c.getOperand( 0 );
final IVersionExpr vexpr = (IVersionExpr) c.getOperand( 1 );
frefs[ i ] = new ProjectFacetRef( rf, vexpr );
p = new ValidationProblem( ValidationProblem.Type.REQUIRES_ONE_OF_TWO,
this.fv, frefs[ 0 ],
frefs[ 1 ] );
if( p == null )
p = new ValidationProblem( ValidationProblem.Type.COMPLEX,
this.fv );
result.add( p );
else if( this.type == Type.REQUIRES )
final Boolean soft
= ( (Boolean) this.operands.get( this.operands.size() - 1 ) );
if( ! soft.equals( Boolean.TRUE ) || validateSoftDeps )
final Object firstOperand = this.operands.get( 0 );
if( firstOperand instanceof IGroup )
final IGroup group = (IGroup) firstOperand;
if( ! containsAny( facets, group.getMembers() ) )
final ValidationProblem.Type ptype
= ValidationProblem.Type.REQUIRES_GROUP;
final ValidationProblem problem
= new ValidationProblem( ptype, this.fv, group );
result.add( problem );
final IProjectFacet rf = (IProjectFacet) firstOperand;
final IVersionExpr vexpr = (IVersionExpr) this.operands.get( 1 );
boolean found = false;
for( IProjectFacetVersion fv : facets )
if( fv.getProjectFacet() == rf )
if( vexpr.check( fv ) )
found = true;
if( ! found )
final ValidationProblem.Type ptype = ValidationProblem.Type.REQUIRES;
final ProjectFacetRef fref = new ProjectFacetRef( rf, vexpr );
final ValidationProblem problem
= new ValidationProblem( ptype, this.fv, fref );
result.add( problem );
else if( this.type == Type.CONFLICTS )
final Object firstOperand = this.operands.get( 0 );
if( firstOperand instanceof IGroup )
final IGroup group = (IGroup) firstOperand;
for( IProjectFacetVersion member : group.getMembers() )
if( member.getProjectFacet() != this.fv.getProjectFacet() &&
facets.contains( member ) )
final ValidationProblem.Type t
= ValidationProblem.Type.CONFLICTS;
final ValidationProblem problem
= new ValidationProblem( t, this.fv, member );
result.add( problem );
final IProjectFacet f = (IProjectFacet) firstOperand;
final IVersionExpr vexpr
= this.operands.size() == 2 ? (IVersionExpr) this.operands.get( 1 ) : null;
for( IProjectFacetVersion fver : facets )
if( fver.getProjectFacet() == f )
if( vexpr == null || vexpr.check( fver ) )
final ValidationProblem.Type t
= ValidationProblem.Type.CONFLICTS;
final ValidationProblem problem
= new ValidationProblem( t, this.fv, fver );
result.add( problem );
throw new IllegalStateException();
return result;
* Prunes the constraint by removing parts that are not relevant or satisfied by default
* in the context of the provided fixed facets.
* <ol>
* <li>An AND or an OR operator with no children is eliminated.</li>
* <li>An AND or an OR operator with one child is replaced by that child.</li>
* <li>A REQUIRES_FACET operator is eliminated if all applicable versions of
* that facet are incompatible with the fixed facets.</li>
* <li>A REQUIRED_FACET operator is eliminated if it will accept every version
* of a fixed facet.</li>
* <li>A CONFLICTS_WITH_FACET operator is eliminated if none of the matched versions
* of that facet are compatible with the fixed facets.</li>
* <li>A CONFLICTS_WITH_GROUP operator is eliminated if all members of the group
* (not counting this facet) are incompatible with the fixed facets.</li>
* </ol>
public static IConstraint pruneConstraint( final IProjectFacetVersion facet,
final Set<IProjectFacet> fixedFacets )
return pruneConstraint( facet, facet.getConstraint(), fixedFacets );
private static IConstraint pruneConstraint( final IProjectFacetVersion facet,
final IConstraint constraint,
final Set<IProjectFacet> fixedFacets )
final IConstraint.Type type = constraint.getType();
if( type == IConstraint.Type.AND || type == IConstraint.Type.OR )
final List<IConstraint> newOperands = new ArrayList<IConstraint>();
boolean changed = false;
for( Object operand : constraint.getOperands() )
final IConstraint newOperand
= pruneConstraint( facet, (IConstraint) operand, fixedFacets );
if( newOperand == null )
changed = true;
else if( operand != newOperand )
changed = true;
newOperands.add( newOperand );
newOperands.add( (IConstraint) operand );
final int newOperandCount = newOperands.size();
if( newOperandCount == 0 )
return null;
else if( newOperandCount == 1 )
return newOperands.get( 0 );
else if( changed )
return new Constraint( ( (Constraint) constraint ).fv, type,
newOperands.toArray() );
else if( type == IConstraint.Type.REQUIRES )
final Object firstOperand = constraint.getOperand( 0 );
if( firstOperand instanceof IProjectFacet )
final IProjectFacet f = (IProjectFacet) firstOperand;
final IVersionExpr vexpr = (IVersionExpr) constraint.getOperand( 1 );
int acceptableVersionCount = 0;
for( IProjectFacetVersion fv : f.getVersions() )
if( vexpr.check( fv ) && fv.isValidFor( fixedFacets ) )
if( acceptableVersionCount == 0 )
return null;
if( fixedFacets.contains( f ) &&
f.getVersions().size() == acceptableVersionCount )
return null;
else if( type == IConstraint.Type.CONFLICTS )
final Object firstOperand = constraint.getOperand( 0 );
if( firstOperand instanceof IProjectFacet )
final IProjectFacet f = (IProjectFacet) firstOperand;
final IVersionExpr vexpr = (IVersionExpr) constraint.getOperand( 1 );
boolean isValidForContext = false;
for( IProjectFacetVersion fv : f.getVersions() )
if( vexpr.check( fv ) && fv.isValidFor( fixedFacets ) )
isValidForContext = true;
if( ! isValidForContext )
return null;
else if( firstOperand instanceof IGroup )
final IGroup group = (IGroup) firstOperand;
boolean atLeastOneIsValid = false;
for( IProjectFacetVersion member : group.getMembers() )
if( member.getProjectFacet() != facet.getProjectFacet() &&
member.isValidFor( fixedFacets ) )
atLeastOneIsValid = true;
if( ! atLeastOneIsValid )
return null;
return constraint;
private boolean containsOnlyRequires()
for( Object operand : this.operands )
if( ( (IConstraint) operand ).getType() != Type.REQUIRES )
return false;
return true;
private static boolean containsAny( final Collection<? extends Object> a,
final Collection<? extends Object> b )
for( Object x : a )
if( b.contains( x ) )
return true;
return false;
static MultiStatus createMultiStatus()
return createMultiStatus( new IStatus[ 0 ] );
public static MultiStatus createMultiStatus( final IStatus[] children )
return new MultiStatus( FacetCorePlugin.PLUGIN_ID, 0, children,
Resources.validationProblems, null );
private static final class Resources
extends NLS
public static String validationProblems;
initializeMessages( Constraint.class.getName(),
Resources.class );