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<title>What's New for 3.1?</title>
<p class="ueberschrift">What's New for 3.1?</p>
<p>This document describes the API changes that have been made in the Faceted Project Framework for
the WTP 3.1 release. Both Java API and extension point changes are covered.</p>
<li><a href="#framework-exception">FacetedProjectFrameworkException</a></li>
<li><a href="#batching-validate-edit">Batching Validate Edit Calls</a></li>
<li><a href="#basic-wizard">Improvements to BasicFacetedProjectWizard</a></li>
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<p><font size="+1"><a name="#framework-exception">1. FacetedProjectFrameworkException</a></font></p>
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<p>A framework-specific subclass of CoreException has been introduced in order to allow IDelegate implementations
a way to signal that an exception is expected. An example of an expected exception is when a user
declines to make a necessary file writable. Marking an exception as expected can be used as a signal
by handlers to alter the way the exception is presented to the user (perhaps not displaying the
stack trace and/or not logging it).</p>
<p><u>Java API Additions</u></p>
<table cellpadding="10"><tr><td width="10">&nbsp;</td><td bgcolor="#E2E2E2">
interface FacetedProjectFrameworkException extends CoreException
FacetedProjectFrameworkException( IStatus status );
boolean isExpected();
void setExcpeted( boolean expected );
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<p><font size="+1"><a name="#batching-validate-edit">2. Batching Validate Edit Calls</a></font></p>
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<p>It is often desirable to batch IWorkspace.validateEdit() calls in order to reduce the number
of prompts to the user. An API has been added to allow a facet action to specify the files that
it intends to operate on. The framework will make a batched call to validateEdit prior to running
any of the actions.</p>
<p><u>Java API Additions</u></p>
<table cellpadding="10"><tr><td width="10">&nbsp;</td><td bgcolor="#E2E2E2">
<font color="#7B7B7B">abstract class ActionConfig
Set<IFile> getValidateEditFiles();
<font color="#7B7B7B">}</font>
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<p><font size="+1"><a name="#basic-wizard">3. Improvements to BasicFacetedProjectWizard</a></font></p>
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<p>The generic New Faceted Project wizard now allows the project to be added to working
sets via UI on the first page.</p>
<p><u>Java API Additions</u></p>
<table cellpadding="10"><tr><td width="10">&nbsp;</td><td bgcolor="#E2E2E2">
<font color="#7B7B7B">class BasicFacetedProjectWizard
IWorkbench getWorkbench();
IStructuredSelection getSelection();
<font color="#7B7B7B">}</font>
class BasicFacetedProjectWizardFirstPage extends WizardNewProjectCreationPage