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<p class="ueberschrift">What Is The Common Component?</p>
<p>Actually, its three components &ndash; wst.common, jst.common,
<p><em>&quot;The common components contain plugins that provide generic
functionality that are applicable in several different contexts. Plugins
in the common component should not have dependencies on plugins outside
of the Eclipse base.&rdquo;</em></p>
<p>Some conceptual tests to decide what should go into common&hellip;</p>
<li>Is it destined for API ?
<li>if it has no API story, its should be moved into a different
component specific to those who need it</li>
<li>Should it ultimately live in base Eclipse ?
<li>common is often used as a temporary staging ground for generic
function that will eventually be absorbed into base Eclipse</li>
<li>What are the dependencies?
<li>if the function has dependencies on more than base eclipse,
that&rsquo;s a red flag that it might not be &lsquo;common&rsquo;</li>
<li>Is it generic?
<li>Is this function generically applicable to multiple domains in
practice (not just theory</li>
<p class="ueberschrift">Development - WTP 1.0</p>
<li>One of our main goals in the common area is to ?Work with the
platform? to help integrate existing frameworks delivered by both
<li>Common Navigator (Move down to Platform/UI in 3.2)</li>
<li>Undoable commands (Integrate, and push down requirements)</li>
<li>Converged environment / command / data frameworks</li>
<li>Flexible Projects (Integrate, Drive requirements)</li>
<li>Logical resources (Integrate)</li>
<li>Tabbed properties sheet (Move down)</li>
<p class="ueberschrift">Common - Evolution</p>
<li>Existing plugins may migrate to base Eclipse (or other projects)</li>
<li>tabbes properities sheet</li>
<li>project navigator</li>
<li>Existing plugins may not be 'common' enough
<li>in practice function is less 'common' than we initial thought...
who's actually using it?</li>
<p>We need to collectively scrutinize the 'common' components to rnsure
things lives in the right place</p>
<p class="ueberschrift">Plugins - Dependencies</p>
<li>Java Model (Reflective EMF Model)</li>
<li>EMF Extensions (Shared by JEM and WTP)
<li>Project scoped Resources</li>
<li>Primary metamodel framework</li>
<p class="ueberschrift">API<a name="API"></a> - Status</p>
<li>Provisional API
<li>Flexible Project API</li>
<li>Data model wizard/commands</li>
<li>Environment framework</li>
<li>Common Navigator</li>
<li>Internal frameworks
<li>EMF extensions ? base function shared with JEM to be pushed to
<li>Proposed API is relatively young</li>
<p class="ueberschrift">Bugzilla - Queries</p>
<li>Query for wst.common, wst.validation:
wst.validation </a></li>
<li>Query for wst.command: