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<title>Server Tools</title>
<p class="ueberschrift">Server Tools</p>
<p>The server component contains the J2EE Server Tools framework and
adapters for selected popular J2EE servers such as Apache Tomcat. The
component leads are Naci Dai and Tim deBoer.</p>
<p class="ueberschrift">JST Server Plugins</p>
<li>J2EE server utilities
<li>Generic Server support
<li>Adds support for J2EE servers to be defined using plain XML files
<li>No code required, add support for a new server in minutes</li>
<li>.serverdefinition plugin contains adapters for WebLogic, JONaS,
and JBoss</li>
<li>Apache Tomcat Server support
<li>Apache Geronimo Server support
<p class="ueberschrift">API<a name="API"></a> Status</p>
<li>API is basically ready to go. Based on past experience we?re
reasonably comfortable with the current content</li>
<li>Reasonable validation through several servers and API users in WTP</li>
<li>BEA and IBM are both in the process of validating the API
<li>Provisional APIs:
<li>TCP/IP Monitor</li>
<li>Parts of server tools relating to features</li>
<p class="ueberschrift">For more information</p>
<li>Component overviews
<li>Overviews exist for all three components (wst.internet,
wst.server, jst.server) on the WTP website</li>
<li>Some documentation about specific function:
<li>Run on Server</li>
<li>Generic servers</li>
<li>EclipseCon presentation</li>
<li>API ? javadoc in code or in online help</li>
<li>Feel free to open enhancement requests for unclear javadoc,
further documentation you?d like to see, etc.</li>