blob: b437399d9c0123542527b759f3c6cf16b58ff52f [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Version: $Id: component.xsd,v 1.1 2005/01/20 12:03:04 ryman Exp $ -->
Copyright (c) 2005 IBM Corp.
All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
Jim des Rivieres <>
Arthur Ryman <>
2005-01-11: Arthur Ryman <>
- created from Jim des Rivieres' api-usage-checking-design.html
<schema xmlns=""
Each component is described via a component description
<element name="component">
Provides information about a component. Child elements
of this element describe the set of plug-ins and
fragments making up the component, and provide
information about the Java packages and types in the
component's code.
<element ref="tns:plugin" minOccurs="0"
<element ref="tns:package" minOccurs="0"
<element ref="tns:component-depends" minOccurs="1"
<attribute name="name" type="string" use="required">
The component name; e.g. "Eclipse Platform
Generic Workbench"; note that this name is used
to refer to the component and distinguish it
from other components (but otherwise has no
official status in Eclipse ontology)
<unique name="plugin-id">
Each &lt;plugin&gt; element must identify a distinct
plug-in or fragment.
<selector xpath="plugin" />
<field xpath="@id"></field>
<unique name="package-name">
Each &lt;package&gt; element must identify a
distinct package relative to that component.
<selector xpath="package" />
<field xpath="@name"></field>
<element name="plugin">
Identifies a plug-in or plug-in fragment that is part of
the component. The list of plug-ins must be complete;
that is, a component contains a plug-in (or fragment) if
and only if a &lt;plugin&gt; element occurs as a child
of the &lt;component&gt; element.
<attribute name="id" type="string" use="required">
The plug-in id or plug-in fragment id; e.g.,
"org.eclipse.core.resources"; note that in the
case of a fragment, this is the id of fragment
<attribute name="fragment" type="boolean" default="false">
State whether this is a plug-in fragment as
opposed to a plug-in (default: plug-in).
<element name="package">
Provides information about a package as used by the
component. In the unusual case where a package is shared
with other components, the &lt;package&gt; element is
understood to apply only to the types the component
actually declares, and has no bearing on the types
declared in the same package in any other component. The
list of packages may be incomplete; if the component
contains code in a package not mentioned in the list,
the package is considered to be internal (equivalent to
being explicitly described as &lt;package name="..."
api="false" /&gt;). The children of the &lt;package&gt;
element provide information about specific types in the
<element ref="tns:type" minOccurs="0"
<attribute name="name" type="string" use="required">
Java package name; e.g., "javax.swing",
<attribute name="exclusive" type="boolean" default="true">
States whether top-level types in this package
are API types by default (default: true);
specify "false" in order to explicitly list API
types found in the package.
<attribute name="api" type="boolean" default="true">
States whether this package is reserved for
exclusive use by this component (default: true);
specify "false" in (rare) cases where a multiple
components declared types in the same package.
Package sharing is only by mutual consent; all
components involved must explicitly declare the
package as exclusive="false" (even if it has no
API types).
<unique name="type-name">
Each &lt;type&gt; element must identify a distinct
name relative to that package.
<selector xpath="type" />
<field xpath="@name"></field>
<element name="type">
Provides information about a top-level type in a
package. (Note: We could extend the schema in the future
to allow &lt;type&gt; elements to provide analogous
information about their members. We could also extend
the &lt;component&gt; element to allow aspects other
than code API to be described.)
<attribute name="name" type="string" use="required">
Simple name of a top-level Java class,
interface, enumeration, or annotation type;
e.g., "String", "IResource".
<attribute name="reference" type="boolean" default="true">
States whether other components are expected to
reference this type by name (default: true);
specify "false" to indicate that the type is
<attribute name="implement" type="boolean" default="true">
States whether other components are expected to
declare a class that implements this interface
(default: true); specify "false" for an
interface that other components are not supposed
to implement directly; this attribute is ignored
for classes, enumerations, and annotation types,
none of which can be meaningfully implemented.
<attribute name="subclass" type="boolean" default="true">
States whether other components are expected to
declare a class that directly subclasses this
class (default: true); specify "false" for a
class that other components are not supposed to
subclass directly; this attribute is ignored for
interfaces, enumerations, and annotation types,
none of which can be meaningfully subclassed.
<attribute name="instantiate" type="boolean"
States whether other components are expected to
create instances of this class or annotation
type (default: true); specify "false" for a type
that other components are not supposed to
instantiate directly; this attribute is ignored
for interfaces and enumerations, neither of
which can be meaningfully instantiated; this
attribute is moot for classes that are declared
final (or ones with no generally accessible
constructors), since the Java compiler and JRE
will block outside attempts to instantiate.
<element name="component-depends">
<element ref="tns:component-ref" minOccurs="0"
maxOccurs="unbounded" />
<attribute name="unrestricted" type="boolean"
States whether this component is allowed to
depend on arbitrary other components, or just
the ones explicitly named by the
&lt;component-ref&gt; children
<element name="component-ref">
<attribute name="name" type="string" use="required">
Name of the referenced component; e.g., "Eclipse
Platform Generic Workbench"