blob: 27030a5f4ce674c208d68e7404264bb34257b796 [file] [log] [blame]
<P>The Accessibility Tools Framework (ACTF) is a subproject of the Eclipse Technology Project.</P>
<P>The ACTF is a software framework which serves as an extensible infrastructure
upon which developers can build a variety of utilities that help to evaluate and
enhance the accessibility of applications and content for people with disabilities.
A collection of example utilities will also be provided which were created on
top of the framework such as compliance validation tools, assistive technology
simulation applications, usability visualization tools, unit-testing utilities,
and alternative accessible interfaces for applications. The ACTF infrastructure
and the utilities will be integrated into a single tooling environment on top of
the Eclipse framework. The framework components will function cooperatively
with each other and with other Eclipse projects to provide a comprehensive
development environment for creating accessible applications and content.