Build documentation!
diff --git a/developers/_building.html b/developers/_building.html
index 5b96dd7..05d25ac 100644
--- a/developers/_building.html
+++ b/developers/_building.html
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-<h2><strong>Building</strong> AMP from source.</h2>
+	<strong>Building</strong> AMP from source.
-<p>Building AMP from source is not as hard as you'd think. If you want to be up on the absolute latest, this is the
-way to go.
+	This page just got a lot shorter -- we've completely revamped the AMP
+	build setup using Buckminster, Hudson and Git. Now you can get your
+	entire workspace populated, <i>and install all of your dependencies</i>
+	in a few easy steps! The only thing you need to have is familiarity
+	with the Eclipse IDE and managing update sites. If you want to be up on
+	the absolute latest, experiment with the framework itself, help with
+	documentation, or -- best of all -- create patches and fixes for the
+	project, building from source is the way to go.
-				<li>Install Dependencies. See <a href="../installing/environment.php">this page</a>.
-				<li>Get the source. You can do that two ways:
-				<ol>
-								<li>(Recommended) Use the Team Project Set at <a href=""></a>,
-								or for committers (extssh): <a href=""></a>.
-								Import the team project set to get all of the sources.</li>
-								<li>(Advanced) If you want to explore and pick the sources yourself, see the <a
-												href="repositoryDetails.php">CVS Page</a> for repository details.
-								<ul>
-												<li>Within the main module, the AMP repository is organized into these components:
-												<ul>
-																<li>org.eclipse.amp.amf</li>
-																<li>org.eclipse.amp.axf</li>
-																<li>org.eclipse.amp.agf</li>
-																<li>org.eclipse.amp.escape</li>
-												</ul>
-												</li>
-												<li>There are also a number of projects in:
-												<ul>
-																<li>dependencies</li>
-																<li>org.ascape</li>
-												</ul>
-												</li>
-												<li>Each module is organized in the standard way:
-												<ul>
-																<li>features</li>
-																<li>plugins</li>
-																<li>examples</li>
-																<li>tests</li>
-												</ul>
-												Grab everything from the plugins directories of each module, except that you only need
-												and org.jdom from dependencies. (Unless you are planning on releasing code, you really only need the
-												contents of the plugin projects to build.)</li>
-												<li>You'll also need some GEF3D dependencies from
-												svn://
-												<ul>
-																<li>org.eclipse.draw3d</li>
-																<li>org.eclipse.draw3d.geometry</li>
-																<li>org.eclipse.draw3d.graphics3d</li>
-																<li>org.eclipse.draw3d.lwjgl</li>
-																<li>org.eclipse.draw3d.ui</li>
-																<li>org.eclipse.gef3d"</li>
-												</ul>
-												</li>
-				</ol>
-				<li>Setup
-				<ol>
-								<li>Make sure you use ISO-8859-1 as default text file encoding: Preferences &rarr; Workspace &rarr; Text
-								file encoding &rarr; Other = ISO-8859-1</li>
-								<li>Do a clean build. Project &rarr; Clean.. &rarr; Clean all Projects.</li>
-								<li>Please report any issues to the AMP newsgroup.</li>
-				</ol>
-				</li>
-				<li>Run it! To run the completed environment, just create an Eclipse Application. See the <a
-								href="">Eclipse
-				documentation</a> for more information.
-				<ol>
-								<li>Select Run &rarr; Run Configurations..</li>
-								<li>Select Eclipse Application and click "New Launch Configuration".</li>
-								<li>The default "All Workspace and Enabled Target Plugins.." option is fine. If you want to specify individual plugins, you will probably need at least:
-								<uL>
-								<li>org.eclipse.amp.amf.ide</li>
-								<li>org.eclipse.amp.escape.amf.ide</li>
-								<li>org.eclipse.amp.amf.ide</li>
-								<li></li>
-								<li>org.eclipse.amp.amf.paramters.ui</li>
-								<li>org.eclipse.amp.amf.testing.ide</li>
-								<li>org.eclipse.sdk</li>
-								</ul>Then, select the "Add Required Plugins" button.</li>
-								<li>Click the Run button.</li>
-								<li>A new Eclipse application should launch. Note that you can also launch using the Debugger which is
-								helpful for debugging issues with AMP models.</li>
-				</ol>
-				</li>
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+	<li>Get the latest Eclipse Indigo release. (Use the Modeling
+		release, or just install the SDK and pick the tools you'll need later.
+		You don't need to worry about dependencies themselves, Buckminster
+		handles that for you!)</li>
+	<li>Install these few features (Help &rarr; Install New
+		Software...)
+		<ul>
+			<li>Buckminster from: <code></code>.
+				(You don't need the Maven feature.)</li>
+			<li>EGit and JGit from the Indigo site Collaboration category.
+				(If you're using Eclipse Modeling download, you'll already have
+				this.)</li>
+			<li>The GEF3D project uses SVN (but not for long!) <code></code>
+				You'll need the Buckminster Subversive support as well from the site
+				above.</li>
+		</ul>
+	</li>
+	<li>[Optional] Create a target platform in your workspace. (The
+		target platform is the set of features needed to <i>build</i> the tool
+		as opposed to the tools needed to <i>develop</i> the tool. There is a
+		difference!)
+		<ul>
+			<li>File&rarr;New&rarr;Other..&rarr;General&rarr; Project. Name
+				it "TP"</li>
+			<li>Eclipse&rarr;Preferences &rarr;Plugin-in Development
+				&rarr;Target Platform.
+			<li>Click Add.., Select "Empty", click Next, and then add the TP
+				directory to the new definition. Name it "TP".</li>
+			<li>Don't forget to activate your TP by clicking the checkbox.</li>
+		</ul>
+	</li>
+	<li>Import the target platform and workspace.
+		<ul>
+			<li>File&rarr;Import..&rarr;Buckminster&rarr;Materialize..</li>
+			<li>In the wizard enter: <code></code>
+				and click "Load".</li>
+			<li>Repeat above steps using: <code></code>
+			</li>
+			<li>Some warnings are expected.</li>
+		</ul></li>
+	<li>Workspace Setup
+		<ul>
+			<li>Set ISO-8859-1 as default text file encoding: Preferences
+				&rarr; Workspace &rarr; Text file encoding &rarr; Other =
+				ISO-8859-1. (XPand relies on this encoding.)</li>
+		</ul></li>
+<p>If you're planning on committing code at some point (you know who
+	you are!) don't forget to change the git push settings to configure git
+	in preferences and change your push configuration to use ssh.</p>
+	To try out your source build, just create an Eclipse Application. See
+	the <a
+		href="">Eclipse
+		documentation</a> for more information.
+	<li>Select Run &rarr; Run Configurations..</li>
+	<li>Select Eclipse Application and click "New Launch
+		Configuration".</li>
+	<li>The default "All Workspace and Enabled Target Plugins.."
+		option is fine. If you want to specify individual plugins, you will
+		probably need at least:
+		<uL>
+			<li>org.eclipse.amp.amf.ide</li>
+			<li>org.eclipse.amp.escape.amf.ide</li>
+			<li>org.eclipse.amp.amf.ide</li>
+			<li></li>
+			<li>org.eclipse.amp.amf.paramters.ui</li>
+			<li>org.eclipse.amp.amf.testing.ide</li>
+			<li>org.eclipse.sdk</li>
+		</ul>Then, select the "Add Required Plugins" button.</li>
+	<li>Click the Run button.</li>
+	<li>A new Eclipse application should launch. Note that you can
+		also launch using the Debugger which is helpful for debugging issues
+		with AMP models.</li>
+<p>Problems? Send a note to the amp-developer list or our newsgroup.</p>
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