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<h1 class="wow fadeInUp animated" data-wow-delay=".4s">Add-Ons</h1> | |
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<h2 class="wow fadeInUp animated" data-wow-delay=".6s"> | |
Beyond Eclipse Capella, the ecosystem offers extensions <br>to | |
unleash the power of your MBSE workbench | |
</h2> | |
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<p><i>To install Capella extensions have a look to the <a href="https://github.com/eclipse/capella/blob/master/doc/plugins/org.polarsys.capella.ui.doc/html/Installation%20Guide/How%20to%20install%20Capella%20and%20Addons.mediawiki#Configuration_and_Extensibility" target="_blank">installation procedure</a></i></p> | |
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<div id="accordion-labs-addons"><h1>Labs add-ons</h1></div> | |
It is the place where Capella users, as well as tool providers, can collaborate and create synergies to develop Capella add-ons | |
<a class="btn btn-default" href="https://labs4capella.github.io">Discover Labs for Capella <i class="fa fa-external-link"></i></a> | |
<br/><br/> | |
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<p class="underline"><b><u>Compatibility and integration</u></b></p> | |
<p><i>Each author is responsible for the compatibility of his add-ons with different versions of Capella. See the Add-ons <a href="https://wiki.eclipse.org/Capella/Roadmap#Add-ons" target="_blank">releases and compatibility matrix</a></i> | |
<br><i>Additional integration may be needed between two add-ons provided by different authors.</i></p> | |
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<script> | |
$.getJSON('json/downloads.json', function(data) { | |
let eplAddons = data.addons.filter(function(a) { return a.licence == 'EPL' && !a.isSample }); //Open-source add-ons | |
let commercialAddons = data.addons.filter(function(a) { return a.licence == 'Commercial' }); //Commercial add-ons | |
let sampleAddons = data.addons.filter(function(a) { return a.isSample }); | |
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addAddonSection(data, eplAddons[addon], "accordion-opensource-addons"); | |
} | |
} | |
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addTitleToDiv("accordion-commercial-addons", "Commercial Add-ons"); | |
for (addon in commercialAddons) { | |
addAddonSection(data, commercialAddons[addon], "accordion-commercial-addons"); | |
} | |
} | |
if (sampleAddons.length != 0) { | |
addTitleToDiv("accordion-sample-addons", "Sample Add-ons", "Add-ons that show how to start developing add-ons for Capella using Capella Studio"); | |
for (addon in sampleAddons) { | |
addAddonSection(data, sampleAddons[addon], "accordion-sample-addons"); | |
} | |
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function addTitleToDiv(divId, title, description) { | |
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} | |
function createKeysLinks(data, addon, download, icons) { | |
let keys = Object.keys(download).filter(function(x) { return x != "notes" }); | |
let links = keys.map(function(k) { | |
let icon = icons == undefined && data.lang[k].icon ? '<i class="pl-2 {0}" aria-hidden="true"></i>'.format(data.lang[k].icon) : ""; | |
if (data.lang[k].target == "_expand") { | |
return '<a data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#collapse-notes-{3}">{4}{5}</a>'.format(download[k], data.lang[k].target, data.versionBranch, addon.key, data.lang[k].text, icon); | |
} else if (Array.isArray(download[k])) { | |
let value = download[k]; | |
return data.lang[k].text + "s"+ icon + " (" + value.map(function(x) { return '<a href="{0}" onClick="ga(\'send\', \'event\', \'Capella\', \'{1}\', \'{2}\');">{3}</a>'.format(x.url, data.versionBranch, addon.key, x.name) }).join(" + ")+")"; | |
} | |
return '<a href="{0}" {1} onClick="ga(\'send\', \'event\', \'Capella\', \'{2}\', \'{3}\');">{4}{5}</a>'.format(download[k], data.lang[k].target == undefined ? "" : 'target="'+data.lang[k].target+'}"', data.versionBranch, addon.key, data.lang[k].text, icon); | |
}).join(" - "); | |
return links; | |
} | |
function addAddonSection(data, addon, divId) { | |
let keys = Object.keys(addon.download); | |
let links = createKeysLinks(data, addon, addon.download); | |
let header = []; | |
if (addon.contact) { | |
header.push("Contact: "+addon.contact); | |
} | |
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header.push("License: "+addon.licence); | |
} | |
if (addon.tags) { | |
let tags=''; | |
for (tag in addon.tags) { | |
tags+=' <button class="tag">'+addon.tags[tag]+'</button>'; | |
} | |
header.push(tags); | |
} | |
header=header.join(" - "); | |
let compatible = addon.compatibleWithCurrentVersion === false ? '<button role="button" class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle btn-link btn-xs alert-compatibility" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="bottom" title="{0}" ></button>'.format(data.lang.compatibility.text) : ""; | |
let addonName = addon.isViewpoint ? addon.name + " Viewpoint" : addon.name; | |
let fragment = addon.fragment != undefined ? addon.fragment : addon.key; | |
let dropdown = '<div class="accordion-heading"><a class="accordion-toggle collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#accordion2" href="#{0}"><h3>{1}</h3><span class="fa fa-caret-down txt_yellow"> </span><span class="descr txt_lightest_grey">{2}</span></a></div>'.format(fragment, addonName, header); | |
let sections = keys.filter(function(k) { return data.lang[k].target == "_expand" }).map(function(k) { | |
let div = '<div class="collapse notes-section" id="collapse-notes-'+addon.key+'"><h3>'+data.lang[k].text+'</h3>'+createKeysLinks(data, addon, addon.download[k])+addon.download[k]["notes"]+'</div>'; | |
return div; | |
}).join(""); | |
let content = '<div id="{0}" class="accordion-body collapse" style="height: 0px;"><div class="accordion-inner">{1}<p>{2}{3}</p>{4}</div></div>'.format(fragment, addon.description, compatible, links, sections); | |
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