blob: b88224a804c552e246605ab88cd80ca91e75b75f [file] [log] [blame]
"$schema": "./download.schema.json",
"versionBranch": "5.1.x",
"lang": {
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"dropin": { "text": "Drop-in", "icon": "fa fa-download" },
"updateSite": { "text": "Update Site", "icon": "fa fa-download" },
"userManual": { "text": "User manual", "icon": "fa fa-book" },
"notes": { "text": "Installation notes" },
"installNotes": { "text": "Download and Installation", "icon": "fa fa-level-down", "target":"_expand" },
"product": { "text": "Product", "icon": "fa fa-download" },
"installAddon": { "text": "Installation procedure", "icon": "fa fa-external-link-square", "target":"_blank" },
"dandi": { "text": "Download and Installation", "icon": "fa fa-download" },
"learnMore": { "text": "Learn More", "icon": "fa fa-arrow-circle-right", "target":"_blank" },
"windows": { "text": "Windows", "icon": "fa fa-windows", "key":"WIN" },
"linux": { "text": "Linux*", "icon": "fa fa-linux", "key":"LINUX" },
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"main": { "text": "64-bit" },
"mirror": { "text": "Mirror" },
"compatibility": { "text": "This addon is not yet compatible with the new Capella version." }
"capella": {
"name": "Capella",
"key": "Capella",
"version": "5.1.0",
"links": {
"windows": {
"main": "",
"mirror": ""
"linux": {
"main": "",
"mirror": ""
"mac": {
"main": "",
"mirror": ""
"capellaStudio": {
"name": "Capella Studio",
"key": "CapellaStudio",
"version": "5.1.0",
"links": {
"windows": {
"main": "",
"mirror": ""
"linux": {
"main": "",
"mirror": ""
"mac": {
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"mirror": ""
"addons": [
{ "name":"System to Subsystem Transition",
"showOnMainPage": true,
"compatibleWithCurrentVersion": true,
"contact":"<a href='industry-consortium/thales.html' target='_blank'>Thales</a>",
"description": "<p>This addon is a System to SubSystem Transition. It initializes a new Capella project from existing model. This transition extracts suitable model information from a selected Capella Component and manage top/down update propagation.</p><p>The automated and iterative transition between system and subsystems is a great help for managing several levels of engineering. The contract and model of the subsystems are computed from the system. Ideally, subsystems stakeholders are involved in co-engineering activities at system level before the transition occurs.</p>",
"download": {
"release": "",
"userManual": "",
"installAddon": ""
{ "name":"XHTML Documentation Generation",
"showOnMainPage": true,
"compatibleWithCurrentVersion": true,
"contact":"<a href='industry-consortium/thales.html' target='_blank'>Thales</a>",
"description": "<p>This addon enables the end-user to generate an HTML website from a Capella project (e.g: <a href='resources/doc/IFE_XHTML_DocGen_5.1.0_for_capella_5.1.0/output/index.html' target='_blank'>In-Flight Entertainment (IFE)</a>).</p><p>Sharing models with all stakeholders is essential in model-based systems engineering. Publishing and sharing HTML versions of models helps make models The reference of all engineering activities.</p><p>For more information, please install the addon within Capella and check online help then dedicated section for the addon.</p>",
"download": {
"dropin": "",
"updateSite": "",
"installAddon": ""
{ "name":"Filtering",
"showOnMainPage": true,
"compatibleWithCurrentVersion": true,
"contact":"<a href='industry-consortium/thales.html' target='_blank'>Thales</a>",
"description": "<p>Filtering is an addon to filter capella models. It provides several capabilities:</p><ul><li>Definition of filtering criteria to be associated with model elements</li><li>Definition of results containing criteria</li><li>Visualization of criteria and results in diagrams</li><li>Creation of filtered models</li></ul>",
"download": {
"release": "",
"userManual": "",
"installAddon": ""
{ "name":"Property Values Management Tools (PVMT)",
"showOnMainPage": true,
"compatibleWithCurrentVersion": true,
"contact":"<a href='industry-consortium/thales.html' target='_blank'>Thales</a>",
"description": "<p>This add-on allows end-users to easily define their own specific properties on Arcadia concepts, value these properties for each elements, and automatically change the graphical aspect of model elements in diagrams.</p><p>This add-on is developed by a Thales business unit (DMS-FR) and is distributed under the Eclipse Public License. It is not hosted by the Eclipse Foundation and it is not developped under the Eclipse Development Process.</p>",
"download": {
"installNotes": {
"notes": "<h4>Materials description</h4><ul><li><b>PVMT (Property Values Management Tools)</b>:<br/>Provides the core mechanisms to enrich Capella elements with additional properties.</li><li><b>DS (DiagramStyler)</b>:<br/>The companion addon to PVMT to take into account these additional properties and customize the rendering of the diagrams. </li></ul><p>To install these add-ons, just follow the usual <a href=\"\">Installation procedure</a> for both addons (PVMT and DS)</p><h4>Notice</h4><p>Please note that using DiagramStyler will create a dependence of all models in your environment towards this add-on.<br/>To remove this dependence, you will have to use the <a href=\"\">Capella Model Detachment feature</a>.</p>",
"dropin": [
{ "name": "PVMT", "url": "" },
{ "name": "DS", "url": "" }
"updateSite": [
{ "name": "PVMT", "url": "" },
{ "name": "DS", "url": "" }
{ "name":"DESS (Dynamic Execution and System Simulation)",
"contact":"<a href='' target='_blank'>PGM</a>",
"description": "<p>Dynamic Execution and System Simulation (DESS) Add-On can make mode and state machines executable. A control panel can be used to interact with the state machine, and the execution process can be automatically recorded as a scenario. During state machine execution, M code embedded in functions can be directly invoked to simulate the operation effect of the architecture.</p>",
"download": {
"learnMore": ""
"tags":["simulation","modes & states"]
{ "name":"MapleMBSE for Capella",
"contact":"<a href='' target='_blank'>Maplesoft</a>",
"description": "<p>MapleMBSE provides an intuitive, Excel®-based interface to the systems model with optimized, task-specific views for editing the model directly, all while keeping the central model updated for use by all stakeholders.</p><p>Organizations using Capella can now edit models within MapleMBSE, allowing them to simplify tasks and increase engagement with MBSE processes by non-SE stakeholders across the organization.</p>",
"download": {
"learnMore": ""
{ "name":"Publication for Capella",
"contact":"<a href='' target='_blank'>Obeo</a>",
"description": "<p>Publication for Capella provides fine-grained integration between the model-based systems engineering workbench Capella and OSLC-compliant repositories (Polarion, Doors Next, Jazz platform, ...).<br>It enables to manage traceability from Requirements, Tasks, Issues, Change Requests, Test Cases, Releases, ...</p>",
"download": {
"learnMore": ""
"tags":["ALM", "requirements", "bridge"]
{ "name":"M2Doc",
"showOnMainPage": true,
"compatibleWithCurrentVersion": true,
"contact":"<a href='industry-consortium/obeo.html' target='_blank'>Obeo</a>",
"description": "<p>M2Doc generates MS-Word documents from Capella models. M2Doc uses wysiwyg and customable Word templates to extract data and diagrams from your models and display them in a docx file.</p>",
"download": {
"dandi": "",
"learnMore": ""
{ "name":"pure::variants Connector for Capella",
"contact":"<a href=' Connector for Capella' target='_blank'>pure-systems</a>",
"description": "<p>Variant management is required in all stages of product line development. However, traditional software development tools are often focused on single system development. pure::variants closes this gap by providing a model-based infrastructure for variability modelling and variant definition in all phases of system and software development.</p><p>The pure::variants connector for Capella enables engineers to systematically reuse their Capella models across multiple product variants and projects based on the mature technologies of feature modeling and feature model-based variant configuration",
"download": {
"learnMore": ""
{ "name":"RAT – Authoring Tools",
"contact":"<a href='' target='_blank'>The Reuse Company</a>",
"description": "<p>This add-on assists users when writing requirements statements, hence improving the overall quality of the requirements or even the model elements, diagrams etc of the projects.</p><p>RAT – Authoring Tools supports AI and Natural Language Processing to provide the following functionalities:</p><ul><li>Real-time Quality Analysis</li><li>Smart Authoring</li><li>Patterns based Authoring</li><li>On-the-fly Requirements-Models consistency checking and traceability</li><li>RMS Synchronization</li><li>Requirements aggregation in a SMART Grid</li></ul>",
"download": {
"learnMore": ""
{ "name":"Reqtify for Capella",
"contact":"<a href='' target='_blank'>Dassault Systèmes</a>",
"description": "<p>This add-on enables user to trace objects from a Capella Project (e.g. In-Flight Entertainment) in Reqtify tool which provides Requirements Traceability capabilities to a wide range of connectors. Once traced in Reqtify user can create traceability links with High & Low Level Requirements defined in variety of other applications which are also connected with Reqtify.</p><p>Reqtify add-on can also export High-Level Requirements to a Capella project to enable user to create cover links in Capella itself. This add-on will be able to work with only basic Capella requirements not with Requirements add-on. It is also possible to navigate from Reqtify to Capella and vice-versa.</p><p>This add-on works with Capella 5.0 and Reqtify 2021x Refresh1 and upper versions.</p><p>For more information, please refer to the documentation.</p>",
"download": {
"learnMore": ""
{ "name":"Safety Viewpoint & MBSE-MBSA bridge for Safety Architect",
"fragment": "safetyarchitect",
"contact":"<a href=' Architect' target='_blank'>All4tec</a>",
"description": "<p>This add-on provides to Capella a new viewpoint dedicated to safety analysis. Thus, the user can locate the feared events in the model, define the safety scope of the analysis and build critical chains. User can consider the whole model or focus on any architecture level: physical, logical or functional. You can even go further with a efficient bridge with Safety Architect, to perform a complete safety analysis from the Capella model, using the standard methods such as FMEA or FTA and generate the corresponding fault trees. Finally, user can export its safety data to dedicated tools like FaultTree+, or reimport them into Capella to enrich the original model.</p>",
"download": {
"learnMore": ""
{ "name":"SCADE Architect importer for Capella",
"contact":"<a href=' Architect importer for Capella' target='_blank'>ANSYS</a>",
"description": "<p>SCADE Architect is a SysML based tool that supports several gateways to eg. medini analyze for system functional safety, SCADE Suite for certified embedded software development, FACE or AUTOSAR modeling, etc.</p><p>This add-on , still in beta version for SCADE 2019Rx, allows for importing Capella Logical and Physical Architecture of a model, including the graphical block diagrams, as a SCADE Architect model, thus offering a path to medini analyze or SCADE Suite tools.</p>",
"download": {
"learnMore": ""
{ "name":"System Modeling Workbench (SMW) for Teamcenter",
"fragment": "smw",
"contact":"<a href='' target='_blank'>Siemens Digital Industries Software</a> &amp; <a href='industry-consortium/obeo.html' target='_blank'>Obeo</a>",
"description": "<p>System Modeling Workbench is a supported and complete integration of best of breed Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) tools based on Capella.</p><p>Integrated with Teamcenter this solution allows to link systems models with requirements in a multi-domain product integrated environment.</p>",
"download": {
"learnMore": ""
"tags":["PLM", "Requirements", "bridge"]
{ "name":"Team for Capella",
"contact":"<a href='industry-consortium/thales.html' target='_blank'>Thales</a> &amp; <a href='' target='_blank'>Obeo</a>",
"description": "<p>This add-on allows users to collaborate on remotely shared models and representations</p><ul><li>All changes on the models and representations are automatically propagated across all users’ views.</li><li>Only the necessary objects are automatically locked and released. On-demand locks can also be created.</li><li>Data is stored in a shared server hosting the whole models with their representations.</li></ul>",
"download": {
"learnMore": ""
{ "name":"VISIONEER",
"contact":"<a href='' target='_blank'>VISIONEER</a>",
"description": "<p>VISIONEER has developed a tool for object-oriented requirement engineering as part of a tool chain with Polarion and Capella. Any Capella System Model can be imported and extended with System Kit Elements for Embedded Systems to generate complete textual specifications, SW code and test cases.</p>",
"download": {
"learnMore": ""
{ "name":"Yuzu for Capella",
"fragment": "yuzu4capella",
"contact":"<a href='industry-consortium/artal.html' target='_blank'>Artal</a>",
"description": "<p>Built on top of proven big-data technologies, Yuzu stores and keeps tracks of all your Capella projects, libraries and dependencies.</p>",
"download": {
"learnMore": ""
"tags":["assets management"]
{ "name":"Requirements",
"showOnMainPage": true,
"isViewpoint": true,
"compatibleWithCurrentVersion": true,
"contact":"<a href='industry-consortium/thales.html' target='_blank'>Thales</a>",
"description": "<p>This add-on allows importing a set of requirements from a ReqIF file (Requirement Interchange Format / OMG Standard).</p><p>The import is iterative (diff/merge based) and a set of tools is provided to link the model elements to the requirements.</p><p>For more information, please install the addon within Capella and check online help then dedicated section for the addon.</p>",
"download": {
"release": "",
"userManual": "",
"installAddon": ""
{ "name":"Basic Mass",
"showOnMainPage": true,
"isViewpoint": true,
"isSample": true,
"compatibleWithCurrentVersion": true,
"contact":"<a href='industry-consortium/thales.html' target='_blank'>Thales</a>",
"description": "<p>The Mass viewpoint enables to simply describe the non-functional aspect of mass in Capella. </p><p>For more information, please visit <a href=''>wiki page</a>.</p>",
"download": {
"dropin": "",
"updateSite": "",
"installAddon": ""
{ "name":"Basic Price",
"showOnMainPage": true,
"isViewpoint": true,
"isSample": true,
"compatibleWithCurrentVersion": true,
"contact":"<a href='industry-consortium/thales.html' target='_blank'>Thales</a>",
"description": "<p>The Price viewpoint enables to simply describe the non-functional aspect of price in Capella.</p><p>For more information, please visit <a href=''>wiki page</a>.</p>",
"download": {
"dropin": "",
"updateSite": "",
"installAddon": ""
{ "name":"Basic Performance",
"showOnMainPage": true,
"isViewpoint": true,
"isSample": true,
"compatibleWithCurrentVersion": true,
"contact":"<a href='industry-consortium/thales.html' target='_blank'>Thales</a>",
"description": "<p>The Performance viewpoint enables to simply describe the non-functional aspect of performance in Capella.</p><p>For more information, please visit <a href=''>wiki page</a>.</p>",
"download": {
"dropin": "",
"updateSite": "",
"installAddon": ""
{ "name":"Capella-TASTE-Plugin",
"compatibleWithCurrentVersion": true,
"contact":"<a href='' target='_blank'>N7 Space</a>",
"description": "<p>The plugin allows to export Capella data and physical architecture models into ASN.1 and AADL models compatible with the TASTE toolchain maintained by the European Space Agency, making it possible to further concretize the model and generate executable code that can be compiled and deployed onto an embedded target platform. Data packages, classes, enumerations, collections, numeric types and similar are transformed into the corresponding ASN.1 constructs. Architecture models are transformed into TASTE Interface and Deployment Views. Additionally, on a Linux platform (e.g. within TASTE Virtual Machine), the plugin provides several convenience actions enabling to partially replace TASTE GUI and facilitate model refinement and compilation directly from Capella.</p><p>The plugin was developed under a programme of, and funded by, the European Space Agency. Any views expressed within the plugin or its documentation can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Space Agency.</p>",
"download": {
"installAddon": ""