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| <p> |
| <h3>CHESS Profile</h3> |
| <p>The CHESS UML profile: |
| <ul class="listInTabs"> |
| <li>restricts the set of MARTE, SysML and UML entities that |
| can be created in the CHESS model,</li> |
| <li>provides the set of stereotypes required to enable the |
| user to work with the CHESS component model,</li> |
| <li>provides some MARTE stereotypes extensions to allow the |
| specification of computation-independent real-time properties,</li> |
| <li>defines a new set of stereotypes for the support of |
| dependability modeling and contract-based design.</li> |
| </ul> |
| <p></p> |
| <p> |
| <h3>CHESS Editor</h3> |
| <p> |
| The CHESS editor extends the Papyrus UML editor and is activated |
| when a CHESS model is created or opened (see <a href="#figure1">Figure |
| 1</a>). |
| </p> |
| <p>A CHESS model is a UML model with the CHESS profile applied |
| to it; creating a CHESS model and applying the CHESS profile can |
| be done using a dedicated wizard.</p> |
| <p>The CHESS editor allows working with the Papyrus UML by |
| using the CHESS design views. Each design view applies specific |
| constraints on the UML diagrams and entities that can be created, |
| viewed or edited in that view.</p> |
| <p>The CHESS editor allows switching between views. It also |
| keeps the status of the current view and during the modeling |
| activity prevents the modeler from violating the constraints |
| defined for the current diagram-view pair.</p> |
| <p>The native Papyrus palettes have been customized in order |
| to show only the entities that are allowed to be created in the |
| current diagram view.</p> |
| <p> |
| <h4>CHESS Views</h4> |
| <p>The views defined in CHESS are the requirement, system, |
| component, deployment and analysis views.</p> |
| <p>The requirement view is used to model requirements by using |
| the standard requirement diagram from SysML.</p> |
| <p></p> |
| <p>The system view is used to model system entities by using |
| SysML; it is an ongoing development that has been recently |
| introduced in CHESS in order to support the system to software |
| co-engineering phase.</p> |
| <p>The component view is used to model CHESS software |
| components (also called the PIM model): is actually composed by |
| two sub-views, the functional and the extra-functional ones, |
| according to the CHESS separation of concerns principle.</p> |
| <p> |
| The functional view allows the functional specification of the |
| CHESS components (see <a href="#figure1">Figure 1</a> and <a |
| href="#figure2">Figure 2</a>). |
| </p> |
| <p> |
| |
| <a id="figure1"><img |
| style="background: #fff; box-shadow: 0px 0px 6px #111;" |
| alt="CHESS Component View Types" |
| src="images/compFunViewTypes.png" width="85%" class="center"/></a> |
| <div class="caption">Figure 1: Component View - Functional |
| View - Component Types</div> |
| </p> |
| <p> |
| <a id="figure2"><img |
| style="background: #fff; box-shadow: 0px 0px 6px #111;" |
| alt="CHESS Component View Instances" |
| src="images/compFunViewInstances.png" width="85%" class="center"/></a> |
| <div class="caption">Figure 2: Component View - Functional |
| View - Component Instances</div> |
| </p> |
| <p> |
| The extra functional view (see <a href="#figure3">Figure 3</a>) |
| allows the specification of real time properties like periodic |
| and sporadic activation patterns, worst-case execution time and |
| deadline. Regarding dependability it supports the specification |
| of error models (i.e. fault-error-failure chains) for software |
| and offers the possibility for the user to specify probabilistic |
| values related to fault occurrence and failure propagation |
| between components. |
| </p> |
| <p> |
| <a id="figure3"><img |
| style="background: #fff; box-shadow: 0px 0px 6px #111;" |
| alt="CHESS Component View Extra Functional View" |
| src="images/compExtraFunViewInstances.jpg" width="85%" class="center"/></a> |
| <div class="caption">Figure 3: Component View - Extra |
| Functional View - Component Instances</div> |
| </p> |
| <p> |
| The deployment view (<a href="#figure4">Figure 4</a>) is used to |
| describe the hardware platform where the software runs (i.e. |
| CPUs, buses) and software to hardware components allocation. |
| Dependability properties can be provided for the hardware as for |
| the software components. Moreover failures propagation from |
| hardware to software can be specified. |
| </p> |
| <p> |
| <a id="figure4"><img |
| style="background: #fff; box-shadow: 0px 0px 6px #111;" |
| alt="CHESS Deployment View" src="images/deplView.jpg" |
| width="85%" class="center"/></a> |
| <div class="caption">Figure 4: Deployment View - HW |
| Component instance and SW allocation</div> |
| </p> |
| <p> |
| The analysis view (<a href="#figure5">Figure 5</a>) is used to |
| provide information needed to run the specific analysis; in |
| particular it is currently useful to set the information about |
| the dependability measure of interest (i.e. reliability or |
| availability) that needs to be evaluated. |
| </p> |
| <p> |
| <a id="figure5"><img |
| style="background: #fff; box-shadow: 0px 0px 6px #111;" |
| alt="CHESS Analysis View" src="images/analView.jpg" width="85%" class="center"/></a> |
| <div class="caption">Figure 5: Analysis View</div> |
| </p> |
| <p> |
| <h3>Contract-based design</h3> |
| <p>The contract-based design enriches the system architecture |
| model with expressions asserting the expected properties of the |
| system, its components and environment. In order to allow |
| compositional reasoning, the property of a component are |
| restricted to its interface considering the component as a black |
| box (without constraining the internal variables of the |
| component) and are structured into contracts, pairs of properties |
| representing an assumption and a guarantee of the component: an |
| assumption is an assertion on the behaviour of the component |
| environment, while a guarantee is an assertion on the behaviour |
| of the component provided that the entire set of assumptions |
| holds.</p> |
| <p>The contract specification can further be enriched by |
| categorising contracts into strong and weak to allow for better |
| support for specification of reusable components behaviour. Such |
| components are intended to work in different environments, and |
| often exhibit environment-specific behaviours and assumptions.</p> |
| <h3>Model validator</h3> |
| <p>For reasons of practicality, not all the constraints posed |
| by the CHESS methodology on the model formalisms and contents can |
| be enforced on the fly during user modeling; some of them must be |
| checked in a batch mode. To this end the CHESS editor extends the |
| standard UML model validator which ad-hoc checks that the user |
| model conforms with the constraints imposed by the CHESS |
| methodology, for example the well-formedness of entities, |
| attributes, relations.</p> |
| <p> |
| <a id="figure6"><img |
| style="background: #fff; box-shadow: 0px 0px 6px #111;" |
| alt="Invoking CHESS model validator" |
| src="images/callModelValidator.png" width="85%" class="center"/></a> |
| <div class="caption">Figure 6: Invoking CHESS model |
| validator</div> |
| </p> |
| <p> |
| <h3>Model transformations</h3> |
| <p>CHESS supports model-based analysis of the systems for |
| schedulability, dependability, as well as code generation from |
| model. Both features are implemented through model |
| transformations which are invoked through the CHESS editor menu. |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| <p>Dependability analysis currently supported are: |
| <ul class="listInTabs"> |
| <li>failure propagation analysis,</li> |
| <li>state-based quantitative analysis.</li> |
| </ul> |
| </p> |
| Integration with OCRA external tool for formal verification of |
| contract refinement is implemented. |
| </p> |
| <h4>Schedulability Analysis and Ada 2005 Code Generation</h4> |
| <p> |
| Schedulability analysis allows the calculation of the worst case |
| response time for each declared periodic or sporadic activity. |
| The analysis results are back propagated to the proper PIM |
| components, also a summary report is provided to the user (see <a |
| href="#figure7">Figure 7</a>). The intent of the |
| back-propagation feature is that the user need not be concerned |
| with the specifics of the analysis tool and need not learn its |
| input and output formats: back-propagation decorates the user |
| model with the relevant information that results from the |
| analysis in full transparency from the analysis engine and its |
| actual operation. |
| </p> |
| <p></p> |
| <a id="figure7"><img |
| style="background: #fff; box-shadow: 0px 0px 6px #111;" |
| alt="CHESS Schedulability Analysis Report" |
| src="images/schedAnalReport.png" width="85%" class="center"/></a> |
| <div class="caption">Figure 7: Schedulability Analysis |
| Report</div> |
| <p></p> |
| <p>The real-time properties of interest like period, offset |
| and minimal inter-arrival time are specified in the model through |
| a dedicated declarative language defined in the CHESS profile. |
| The aforementioned properties are then automatically applied to |
| the model implementation through model transformation in accord |
| with the computational model chosen by the user. At the present |
| time, CHESS supports the Ravenscar Computational Model [1] which |
| meets the requirements of a large spectrum of real-time |
| application domains. The generated implementation (called the |
| PSM, for platform-specific model) is then given in input to the |
| schedulability analysis and it also used during the code |
| generation phase:</p> |
| <p>The preservation of other real-time properties related to |
| the execution time like WCET and deadline is also enforced in the |
| generated code through dedicated checks by using specific API of |
| the target run-time environment (this feature is an on-going |
| development).</p> |
| <p>This approach guarantees the preservation of the real-time |
| properties statically assumed in the PIM and PSM models, and |
| verified by the analysis down to the code.</p> |
| <p>The schedulability analysis is performed by using an |
| adaptation of the third-party MAST tool developed and distributed |
| by the University of Cantabria [2].</p> |
| <p> |
| Regarding the transformation chain (<a href="#figure8">Figure |
| 8</a>), first the CHESS PIM is transformed into the PSM model by |
| using QVT-o. Then the PSM is transformed into the MAST input by |
| using Acceleo and Java. Regarding the back propagation, Java is |
| used first to load the MAST results into the PSM, then QVT-o |
| traces are used to propagate the results back to the PIM model. |
| </p> |
| <p> |
| <a id="figure8"><img |
| style="background: #fff; box-shadow: 0px 0px 6px #111;" |
| alt="CHESS Transformation chain" src="images/transChain.png" |
| width="85%" class="center"/></a> |
| <div class="caption">Figure 8: Transformation chain</div> |
| <p></p> |
| <p> |
| [1]A. Burns, B. Dobbing, T. Vardanega. Guide to the Use of the |
| Ada Ravenscar Profile in High Integrity Systems. Technical Report |
| YCS-2003-348. University of York (UK), 2003. Available at <a |
| href="http://www.sigada.org/ada_letters/jun2004/ravenscar_article.pdf"> |
| http://www.sigada.org/ada_letters/jun2004/ravenscar_article.pdf.</a> |
| <br> [2]Universidad de Cantabria. Mast: Modeling and |
| Analysis Suite for Real-Time Applications. <a |
| href="http://mast.unican.es/"> http://mast.unican.es/</a> |
| |
| </p></li> |
| |
| <li><input name="tabs" id="tab2" type="radio"> <label |
| for="tab2">System-Level Design</label> |
| <div id="tab-content2" class="tab-content"> |
| <h2>System Design</h2> |
| <h3>System Definition</h3> |
| <h4>Requirements Specification</h4> |
| <p>Requirements can be represented in the model by using the |
| SysML standard support, i.e. by using the Requirements Diagram |
| and Requirement SysML construct. CHESS comes with a dedicated |
| view/package called “RequirementView”, where the SysML |
| Requirement Diagram and then the requirements can be created. |
| |
| Requirements available in the CHESS model can then be linked to |
| other architectural entities by using the standard SysML support, |
| so in particular by allocating requirements to components using |
| the Satisfy relationships.</p> |
| <h4>System Component Definition</h4> |
| <p>During this activity, the architecture of the system, i.e. |
| its constituent components and their relationships, is produced. |
| The definition of the system architecture foresees the design of |
| components in isolation, i.e. components designed out of any |
| particular context (to exploit their reuse), or the |
| identification (reuse) of the components from existing |
| libraries/models. The hierarchical modelling of the entire system |
| architecture is supported to be able to manage the complexity of |
| the system itself, where the hierarchy can be obtained by using a |
| top-down or bottom-up design process, where the later in |
| particular can be realized by following a design by reuse |
| approach.</p> |
| <p>A component must come with typed input/output ports |
| representing the boundary of the component itself, where ports |
| represent interaction points through which the component can |
| exchange information with the context. It is worth noting that |
| the modelling of the component boundary cannot be limited to the |
| identification of the input/output ports of the component itself; |
| additional information about the possible (functional and |
| extra-functional) behaviours of the component and the expected |
| behaviours of the context must be provided, e.g. to be able to |
| evaluate if a given component can collaborate in a given |
| scenario. This relevant part of the specification of the |
| component boundary can be performed by using the contract-based |
| approach. When a component has been defined, then it can be |
| instantiated as part of the given system under design and |
| connected to the other instances already identified.</p> |
| <p>The system is modelled, i.e. it is decomposed, as a |
| collaboration of instances of components. The decomposition of |
| the architecture can proceed at any level, i.e. a system |
| component can be also decomposed, according to its complexity. |
| Different instances of the same component (and different ports |
| with the same type) can be represented as a single instance with |
| multiplicity greater than 1. SysML, the OMG general-purpose |
| modelling language for systems engineering, is proposed in CHESS |
| for the modelling of the system and its constituent components. |
| In particular, SysML Block Definition Diagram is used to model |
| the system and its components, while a SysML Internal Block |
| Diagram can be associated to the system or component and used to |
| model its input/output ports, its decomposition into parts and |
| how the parts are connected.</p> |
| |
| <h3>Requirements Formalization</h3> |
| <p>This activity has the goal of translating the informal |
| requirements allocated to system components into formal |
| properties. Formal properties are textual expressions specified |
| in a restricted grammar so that their semantics is formally |
| defined (in rigorous mathematical terms). Such expressions refer |
| to the elements of the system component interface defined in the |
| previous activity. CHESS supports the specification of |
| well-formed formal properties with the help of an automated |
| completion feature that suggests the possible continuations of a |
| partial specification. Formal properties can be further |
| structured into contracts.</p> |
| |
| <a id="figure1"><img |
| style="background: #fff; box-shadow: 0px 0px 6px #111;" |
| alt="Property Editor with “completion assistance”" |
| src="images/contract-editor.png" width="85%" class="center"/></a> |
| <div class="caption">Property Editor with “completion |
| assistance”</div> |
| |
| <h3>Requirements Early Validation</h3> |
| <p>This validation is done by checking if a specific guarantee |
| of the contract satisfies the assumption of another contract.</p> |
| |
| <h3>Functional Refinement</h3> |
| <p>The architectural refinement defines in detail how the |
| different parts of the system are connected and interact to |
| fulfill the system requirements. To refine the architecture, the |
| sub-requirements and sub-components of the system must be |
| identified. Allocation of requirements/sub-requirements to |
| sub-components must be managed, as well as formalization of |
| sub-requirements. In case of reuse of components (as |
| sub-components), associated satisfied requirements and |
| implemented contracts are reused. Information about requirements |
| refinement can be managed in CHESS by using the SysML standard |
| support.</p> |
| |
| <h4>Parameters and Configurations</h4> |
| <p>The parameterization of an architecture is the procedure to |
| define and use a (possibly infinite) set of parameters to set the |
| number of components, the number of ports, the connections, and |
| the static attributes of components. The instantiation of an |
| architecture is the procedure to assign the values of the |
| parameters used in the input parameterized architecture. The |
| outcome is an architecture with a fixed number of components, |
| ports, connections, and static attributes of components.</p> |
| |
| <h4>Contract Refinement</h4> |
| <p>The contract refinement requires one prior phase, the |
| definition of the contract. Contracts refinement must follow the |
| requirements refinement. Indeed, a contract is implicitly linked |
| to the formalized requirements (via its assumption and guarantee |
| properties); so, the requirements referred by contracts appearing |
| in a refinement relationship should also have a corresponding |
| refinement traced.</p> |
| <h3>Component’s Nominal and Faulty Behaviour Definition</h3> |
| <p>System component static definition, i.e. its properties, |
| ports, contracts, can be enriched with behavioural models by |
| means of UML state machine diagrams. In CHESS, state machine |
| diagrams can be used to model the nominal and the faulty |
| behaviour of the component. Nominal state machine are basically |
| standard UML ones. In CHESS, by using a subset of the UML support |
| for state machine modelling, it is also possible to use model |
| transformation to automatically generate an SMV (the input |
| language of nuXmv) representation of the modelled nominal state |
| machines, together with the components structure definition (this |
| is then used to perform automatic generation of fault tree. In |
| nominal state machines, each transition comes with a guard and an |
| effect. The guard is a boolean condition upon the values of |
| components properties. The effect must be expressed by using the |
| SMV language, to model component properties assignment.</p> |
| |
| <a id="figure1"><img |
| style="background: #fff; box-shadow: 0px 0px 6px #111;" |
| alt="Example of nominal state machine" src="images/chess-FSM.png" |
| width="85%" class="center"/></a> |
| <div class="caption">Example of nominal state machine (using |
| SMV as action language)</div> |
| |
| <p>The behavioural model of the component can be enriched with |
| the faulty behaviour. Faulty behaviour is modelled in CHESS by |
| using the dedicated dependability profile. The CHESS |
| dependability profile enables dependability architects to model |
| dependability information necessary to conduct dependability |
| analysis, basically by allowing the modelling of failure modes |
| and criticality, the failure behaviours for a component in |
| isolation (so how events can lead to components failure modes) |
| and the failure modes propagation between connected components |
| (via components ports).</p> |
| |
| <h3>Functional Early Verification</h3> |
| <h4>Contract-Based Verification of Refinement</h4> |
| |
| <p>If assumptions and guarantees are formal properties, which |
| means they are specified in a formal language such as some |
| specific kind of temporal logic, the architectural decomposition |
| can be verified by checking that the contract refinement is |
| correct: this consists of checking that, for all composite |
| components, the contract of the composite component is ensured by |
| the contracts of the subcomponents –considering their |
| interconnection as described by the architecture -and that the |
| assumption of each subcomponent is ensured by the contracts of |
| the other sibling subcomponents and the assumption of the |
| composite component.</p> |
| <a id="figure2"><img |
| style="background: #fff; box-shadow: 0px 0px 6px #111;" |
| alt="An example of the result of the check |
| contract refinement shown in the Trace View." |
| src="images/contract-refinement.png" width="85%" class="center"/></a> |
| <div class="caption">An example of the result of the check |
| contract refinement shown in the Trace View. In this case, it is |
| possible to see that one refinement is failed, and the counter |
| example.</div> |
| |
| <h4>Contract-based Verification of Refinement for Strong and |
| Weak Contracts</h4> |
| |
| <p>Strong and weak contracts are introduced to support |
| out-of-context reasoning and component reuse across variety of |
| environments. While strong contracts must hold in all |
| environments, the weak ones are environment-specific. Prior to |
| performing the refinement check using strong and weak contracts, |
| contracts must be created and allocated to the component types, |
| which represent out-of-context components. At the component type |
| level, the user indicates if a contract is strong or weak. When |
| the component type is instantiated in a particular system to a |
| component instance, all the strong, and a subset of weak |
| contracts can be identified as relevant in the particular system |
| in which the component is instantiated. Identifying which are |
| those relevant weak contracts can be done manually on the |
| component instance level.</p> |
| |
| <h4>Contract-Based Verification of State Machines</h4> |
| |
| |
| <p>As a further verification step, CHESS enables to verify |
| whether the behavioural specification of the system, specified by |
| state machines, is compliant with the contract specification.</p> |
| <p> |
| <a id="figure3"><img |
| style="background: #fff; box-shadow: 0px 0px 6px #111;" |
| alt="An example of the result of the check contract implementation shown in the “Trace” view. " |
| src="images/contract-implementation.png" width="85%" class="center"/></a> |
| <div class="caption">An example of the result of the check |
| contract implementation shown in the “Trace” view. It is possible |
| to see that four contracts are not satisfied by the state |
| machines of their associated component and one contract not.</div> |
| |
| <h4>Model Checking</h4> |
| |
| <p>Besides the verification of contracts, the user may want to |
| verify other properties on the state machine. The specifications |
| to be checked on the FSM can be expressed in temporal logics like |
| Computation Tree Logic (CTL), Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) |
| extended with Past Operators, and Property Specification Language |
| (PSL) that includes CTL and LTL with Sequential Extended Regular |
| Expressions (SERE), a variant of classical regular expressions. |
| It is also possible to analyse quantitative characteristics of |
| the FSM by specifying real-time CTL specifications.</p> |
| <p>CTL and LTL specifications are evaluated by nuXmv to |
| determine their truth or falsity in the FSM. When a specification |
| is discovered to be false, nuXmv constructs and prints a |
| counterexample, i.e. a trace of the FSM that falsifies the |
| property.</p> |
| <p>There are three possible model checking available:</p> |
| <ul class="listInTabs"> |
| <li>check ctlspec: it performs fair CTL model checking. A |
| CTL specification is given as a formula in the temporal logic |
| CTL. A CTL formula is true if it is true in all initial states. |
| </li> |
| <li>check invar: it performs model checking of invariants. |
| Invariants are propositional formulas which must hold |
| invariantly in the model.</li> |
| <li>check ltlspec: it performs LTL model checking. An LTL |
| formula is true if it is true at the initial time.</li> |
| </ul> |
| <h2>Safety Analysis</h2> |
| <h3>Model-Based Safety Analysis</h3> |
| <h4>Fault injection</h4> |
| <p>The faulty behaviour for a component is provided through a |
| state machine, the latter tagged with the |
| <<ErrorModel>> stereotype defined in the CHESS |
| dependability profile13. In the error model, the information |
| about the error states can be provided by using the |
| <<ErrorState>> stereotype. Then, for a given error |
| state, the effect upon a property of the component, and so the |
| effect on its nominal behaviour, can be also provided by using |
| pre-defined effects:</p> |
| <ul class="listInTabs"> |
| <li>StuckAt: models the effect of being stuck at a fixed |
| value. |
| <li>StuckAtFixed: models the effect of being stuck at a |
| fixed random value.</li> |
| <li>Inverted: models the effect of being stuck at the |
| inverted last value.</li> |
| <li>RampDown: models the effect of decreasing the value of a |
| property by a certain value.</li> |
| </ul> |
| <a id="figure1"><img |
| style="background: #fff; box-shadow: 0px 0px 6px #111;" |
| alt="State machine modelling faulty behaviour" |
| src="images/chess-fault-injection.png" width="85%" class="center"/></a> |
| <div class="caption">State machine modelling faulty |
| behaviour</div> |
| <h4>Fault-tree generation and FMEA generation</h4> |
| <p>Once the system architecture has been provided, by mean of |
| components definition and their nominal and error models, the |
| fault tree generation can be obtained by invoking the xSAP |
| symbolic model checker through the CHESS environment. Please |
| refer to the CHESS User Manual for instructions on how to |
| configure the analysis.</p> |
| <p>Once the analysis is executed, the fault tree is |
| automatically shown in a dedicated panel in the frontend. If |
| fault probabilities have been specified during the configuration |
| of the error model, the fault tree will report their combination. |
| The fault tree can be examined, in particular the minimal cut-set |
| and so the basic fault conditions which can led to the top-level |
| failure.</p> |
| <a id="figure1"><img |
| style="background: #fff; box-shadow: 0px 0px 6px #111;" |
| alt="A fault tree visualized in the CHESS Editor View" |
| src="images/chess-FTA.png" width="85%" class="center"/></a> |
| <div class="caption">A fault tree visualized in the CHESS |
| Editor View; note the probabilities associated to the top and |
| basic events</div> |
| <p>Along with the fault-tree generation, it is possible to |
| generate the FMEA table. FMEA analysis is configured in a similar |
| mode as the fault-tree analysis, see the CHESS User Manual for |
| details.</p> |
| <h3>Contract-Based Safety Analysis</h3> |
| <p>The contract-based safety analysis identifies the component |
| failures as the failure of its implementation in satisfying the |
| contract. When the component is composite, its failure can be |
| caused by the failure of one or more subcomponents and/or the |
| failure of the environment in satisfying the assumption. As |
| result, this analysis produces a fault tree in which each |
| intermediate event represents the failure of a component or its |
| environment and is linked to a Boolean combination of other |
| nodes; the top-level event is the failure of the system |
| component, while the basic events are the failures of the leaf |
| components and the failure of the system environment.</p> |
| |
| <h2>Safety Case</h2> |
| <p>In most industries, a well-structured Safety-Case, i.e. a |
| concluding argument that the system to be released for public |
| usage is sufficiently safe, is required by safety standards and |
| certification authorities. Standards mentioning the obligation |
| for a Safety Case include IEC 61508, ISO 26262 and many more. The |
| notion of a Safety Case is not formally defined by the standards |
| and therefore varies among different standards, regions and |
| industry branches – it can even depend on the company who creates |
| it or on the safety assessor or local certification authority. |
| Where this term is in use, it refers at least to a collection of |
| all relevant output documents from the safety process, from which |
| an external assessor can conclude that everything has been done |
| to assure that the product is safe in its practical application.</p> |
| |
| <h3>Document Generation</h3> |
| <p>As part of the evidences to be used at support of the |
| safety case, the tool can generate a document summarizing the |
| modelling of the system components and the verification, |
| validation, and analysis results. The generated document is |
| composed by a list of sections. The first section includes the |
| diagrams that are not associated to a specific component, such as |
| the block definition diagrams.</p> |
| </div></li> |
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| CHESS model example |
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| <li><a href="http://www.unipd.it">University of Padova</a></li> |
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