blob: e2be0b495e4c3c26e2eadde37bee8af216972bde [file] [log] [blame]
* Database Migration 1.0.0
* This script migrates the suffixed journals and snapshot stores of things and policies before 1.0.0 to
* non-suffixed journals and snapshot stores post 1.0.0.
* === Prerequisite ===
* - Backup your database.
* - Enable server-side-scripting for your MongoDB:
* This script uses server-side scripting to avoid transferring near the entire database across a network interface.
* === Usage: Multi-database setup ===
* 1. Connect to the MongoDB by Mongo Shell.
* 2. Paste this script into Mongo Shell.
* 3. Type the following into Mongo Shell:
* use things # replace 'things' by the name of your things-service database
* migrateThings();
* use policies # replace 'policies' by the name of your policies-service database
* migratePolicies();
* === Usage: Single-database setup ===
* 1. Connect to t he MongoDB by Mongo Shell.
* 2. Use the single database of your Ditto installation.
* 3. Type the following into Mongo Shell:
* migrate();
* === Revert ===
* If there is an exception before suffixed collections are dropped (i. e., before the line
* "Dropping suffixed collections" show up in the log), migration can be reverted by calling the function
* revert()
* in things- or policies-database, or in the single database of a single-database setup.
* === Index creation ===
* Indexes are created by the persistence plugin of Ditto after creating a thing and a policy and after writing a thing-
* and a policy-snapshot. Expect unresponsive persistence or sporadic circuit-breaker errors for some time after service
* startup. To trigger journal and snapshot writes, create a new V2 thing without specifying a policy: journal writes
* happen immediately and snapshot writes happen 15 minutes later under the default configuration.
const THINGS_JOURNAL = 'things_journal';
const THINGS_SNAPS = 'things_snaps';
const POLICIES_JOURNAL = 'policies_journal';
const POLICIES_SNAPS = 'policies_snaps';
function reduceStep(key, values) {
return values;
function finalizeStep(key, values) {
let value = values;
if (Array.isArray(values)) {
if (values.length !== 1) {
throw JSON.stringify(values);
value = values[0];
return value;
function checkOk(result) {
if (result.ok !== 1) {
throw JSON.stringify(result);
* Copy all documents of source collection into target collection by map-reduce.
* Due to the fixed output schema of map-reduce, the original document is under the field 'value'.
* The target collection retains its previous documents.
* Duplicate IDs abort the operation with an error.
* @param sourceCollection Name of the source collection.
* @param targetCollection Name of the target collection.
function copyDocuments(sourceCollection, targetCollection) {
const sourceJournal = db.getCollection(sourceCollection);
const targetExists = db.getCollection(targetCollection).count() !== 0;
const out = targetExists ? { reduce: targetCollection } : targetCollection;
print(`Copy ${sourceJournal.count()} documents from ${sourceCollection} to ${targetCollection} ...`);
mapReduce: sourceCollection,
map: function() { emit(this._id, this); },
reduce: reduceStep,
finalize: finalizeStep,
out: out
function checkEmpty(collectionName) {
const collection = db.getCollection(collectionName);
if (collection.count() !== 0) {
throw "Target collection " + collection + " is not empty!";
return collection;
* Prefix of collections to delete.
* @type {string}
const TO_DELETE = 'z_delete_';
function renameToDelete(collection) {
const c = db.getCollection(collection);
checkOk(c.renameCollection(TO_DELETE + collection));
* Convert a journal collection from map-reduce format to event journal format.
* @param collection The journal collection name.
function unmapJournal(collection) {
_id: 1,
pid: '$',
from: '$value.from',
to: '$',
events: '$',
v: '$value.v',
_tg: '$value._tg'
{$out: collection}
* Convert a snapshot store from map-reduce format to snapshot store format.
* @param collection The snapshot store collection name.
function unmapSnaps(collection) {
_id: 1,
pid: '$',
sn: '$',
ts: '$value.ts',
s2: '$value.s2'
{$out: collection}
* Migrate journal and snapshot store for things or policies
* @param targetJournalName Name of the target journal collection---must be empty.
* @param targetSnapsName Name of the target snapshot store collection---must be empty.
function migrateThingsOrPolicies(targetJournalName, targetSnapsName) {
const targetJournal = checkEmpty(targetJournalName);
const targetSnaps = checkEmpty(targetSnapsName);
.filter(name => name.includes(targetJournalName + '@'))
.forEach(collectionName => {
copyDocuments(collectionName, targetJournalName);
.filter(name => name.includes(targetSnapsName + '@'))
.forEach(collectionName => {
copyDocuments(collectionName, targetSnapsName);
print(`Unmapping ${targetJournal.count()} events ...`);
print(`Unmapping ${targetSnaps.count()} snapshots ...`);
function migratePolicies() {
function migrateThings() {
migrateThingsOrPolicies(THINGS_JOURNAL, THINGS_SNAPS);
function dropAllToDelete() {
print("Dropping all suffixed collections...")
.filter(name => name.includes(TO_DELETE))
.forEach(collectionName => db.getCollection(collectionName).drop());
* Migrate things and policies.
* If any error aborts the migration, run 'revert()' to restore to previous state.
function migrate() {
* Revert the migration.
function revert() {
.filter(name => name.includes(TO_DELETE))
.forEach(collectionName => db.getCollection(collectionName)
.renameCollection(collectionName.substring(TO_DELETE.length, collectionName.length)));
// Choose one of 'migrate()' or 'revert()'.
// migrate();
// revert();
// Expect high database resource consumption on service startup due to index creation.