Do not interrupt threads

Date: 29.08.2019




SonarQube RSPEC-2142 complains when we catch InterruptedException and not call Thread.currentThread().interrupt() in the catch block.

Simply calling Thread.currentThread().interrupt() to silence SonarQube is dangerous. Due to the way JUnit reuses threads, a call to Thread.interrupt() breaks the build in unpredictable ways, several tests after the actual site of interruption.


We will ignore RSPEC-2142.


The best way to deal with InterruptedException is not catching it at all. Leave it to Akka to handle low-level concurrency errors. Use Akka's CompletionStage APIs instead of blocking-wait whenever possible. Use CompletableFuture.join() instead of CompletableFuture.get() in tests.

Where blocking-wait cannot be avoided, the actors executing blocking wait should execute in their own dispatcher to not starve the actor system of threads. Use PinnedDispatcher for example to give each blocking actor its own thread.