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<font class="indextop style">eclipse communication framework</font>
<font class="indexsub">an eclipse technology subproject</font>
<font class="indextop style2">New and Noteworthy</font><br>0.6.0 Stable Release</font>
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<a href="NewAndNoteworthy_0.5.4.html">New and Noteworthy for 0.5.4</a>
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<TR><TD colSpan=2><H2>ECF API Additions and Changes</H2></TD>
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<B>New Extension Point: sharedObjectFactory</B>
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<P>There is now a new ECF extension point: sharedObjectFactory. This extension point allows plugins to define extensions to the
<a href="">SharedObjectFactory</a>.
Here's an example extension definition for this extension point:
This extension sets up the class <b>org.eclipse.ecf.test.provider.TestSharedObjectInstantiator</b> as
the extension factory associated with the name "ecf.test.sharedobjectfactory".
Note that the given class must implement the <a href="">ISharedObjectInstantiator</a> interface.
See also documentation in the sharedObjectFactory extension point schema.
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<B>Factory method name changes</B>
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<P>For consistency with Eclipse Platform conventions, all ECF factory method names previously of the form 'makeX' have
been changed to to 'createX'. So, for example, in the <a href="">IContainerFactory</a>
the <b>makeContainer</b> methods have been changed to <b>createContainer</b>. In the <a href="">IIDFactory</a> <b>makeID</b> has been changed to <b>createID</b>.
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<B>ContainerDescription class renamed to ContainerTypeDescription</B>
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<P>The <b>ContainerDescription</b> class has been renamed to <b>ContainerTypeDescription</b> to be more descriptive of the description's function.</p>
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<B>SharedObjectDescription class refactored</B>
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<P>The <b>SharedObjectDescription</b> class has been refactored into three (super and sub) classes:
<a href="">SharedObjectTypeDescription</a>
for describing the type of a given shared object,
<a href="">SharedObjectDescription</a>
for describing shared object instances,
and <a href="">ReplicaSharedObjectDescription</a>.
SharedObjectDescription instances are used (e.g.) for creating instances within a container, as in <a href="">ISharedObjectManager.createSharedObject()</a>.
ReplicaSharedObjectDescription instances are used to send messages to remote containers for creating replicas of a given shared in
<a href=",%20org.eclipse.ecf.core.ReplicaSharedObjectDescription)">ISharedObjectContext.sendCreate()</a>.</p>
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<B>Generic Server Changes</B>
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<P>The ECF 'generic' server available in the <b>org.eclipse.ecf.provider</b> plugin has a number of changes, which make it
incompatible with clients previous to 0.6.0. Users of the ecftcp:// collaboration group will
need to upgrade to 0.6.0 version of clients. See <a href="">here</a> to get the 0.6.0 code.</p>
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<B>JmDNS Discovery Provider Implementation</B>
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<P>The JmDNS discovery provider plugin is now available as the primary implementation of the <b>org.eclipse.ecf.discovery</b> API.
Several bugs in the underlying Zeroconf/Bonjour protocol implementation were fixed for the 0.6.0 release, including a bug that
would cause the plugin to hang on shutdown.</p>