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<font class="indextop style">eclipse communication framework</font>
<font class="indexsub">an eclipse technology subproject</font>
<font class="indextop style2">New and Noteworthy</font><br>0.9.3 Stable Release</font>
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NOTE: For brevity, bundles and packages named "<b><b>" will sometimes be referred to as "<b></b>" below.
<TR><TD colSpan=2><H2>ECF API Refactoring</H2></TD>
<TD vAlign=top align=left width="30%">
<P align=left>
<B>ECF Core Bundle Split into 3 Bundles</B>
<TD vAlign=top width="70%">
<p>Previously, there was one core ECF bundle <b>org.eclipse.ecf</b>. This bundle
was approximately 150K of code. In response to <a href="">dev mailing list postings about ECF code size and applicability in multiple runtime environments</a> we
went about refactoring the ECF core plugins so that there was less code, and less code was required for other ECF APIs (like filetransfer, datashare,
discovery, remoteservices).
There are now two core plugins: <b>org.eclipse.ecf.identity</b> and <b>org.eclipse.ecf</b>. <b>org.eclipse.ecf</b> depends upon <b>org.eclipse.ecf.identity</b>.<br></br>
<TH WIDTH=20%>
<P>Plugin/Bundle ID</P>
<TH WIDTH=20%>
<P>New Size (Kbytes)</P>
<TH WIDTH=20%>
<TH WIDTH=20%>
<P>Project Name</P>
<TH WIDTH=20%>
<P><a href="">API Javadocs</a></P>
<TD WIDTH=20%>
<P ALIGN=CENTER>org.eclipse.ecf.identity</P>
<TD WIDTH=20%>
<TD WIDTH=20%>
<P ALIGN=CENTER>(packages) org.eclipse.core.runtime org.osgi.framework</P>
<TD WIDTH=20%>
<P ALIGN=CENTER>org.eclipse.ecf.core.identity</P>
<TD WIDTH=20%>
<P ALIGN=CENTER><a href="">org.eclipse.ecf.core.identity</a></P>
<TD WIDTH=20%>
<P ALIGN=CENTER>org.eclipse.ecf</P>
<TD WIDTH=20%>
<TD WIDTH=20%>
<P ALIGN=CENTER>(bundle) org.eclipse.ecf.identity</P>
<TD WIDTH=20%>
<P ALIGN=CENTER>org.eclipse.ecf</P>
<TD WIDTH=20%>
<P ALIGN=CENTER><a href="">org.eclipse.ecf.core</a>
<a href=""></a>
<a href="">org.eclipse.ecf.core.provider</a>
<a href=""></a>
<a href="">org.eclipse.ecf.core.start</a>
<a href="">org.eclipse.ecf.core.user</a>
<a href="">org.eclipse.ecf.core.util</a>
These are now the only plugins required for use of ECF, so the total code for minimal ECF applications is 73K. The <b>ecf</b> plugin exports the packages
and classes from <b>ecf.identity</b>, so it is not necessary for the <b>ecf.identity</b> plugin to be explicitly added.
There is now also a third core plugin <b>ecf.sharedobject</b>:
<TH WIDTH=20%>
<P>Plugin/Bundle ID</P>
<TH WIDTH=20%>
<P>New Size (Kbytes)</P>
<TH WIDTH=20%>
<TH WIDTH=20%>
<P>Project Name</P>
<TH WIDTH=20%>
<P><a href="">API Javadocs</a></P>
<TD WIDTH=20%>
<P ALIGN=CENTER>org.eclipse.ecf.sharedobject</P>
<TD WIDTH=20%>
<TD WIDTH=20%>
<P ALIGN=CENTER>(plugin) org.eclipse.ecf</P>
<TD WIDTH=20%>
<P ALIGN=CENTER>org.eclipse.ecf.core.sharedobject</a></P>
<TD WIDTH=20%>
<P ALIGN=CENTER><a href="">org.eclipse.ecf.core.sharedobject</a></P>
This plugin is <b>not</b> required for other ECF API plugins (e.g. filetransfer, discovery, remoteservices, datashare), but
is useful as an API...particularly for implementing component-based ECF providers.
<b>NOTE</b>: One consequence of this refactoring is that the shared object API interfaces and classes (ISharedObject, ISharedObjectContainer, etc) that
were present in the <b>org.eclipse.ecf.core</b> package are now no longer in that package. These classes can, however, be found in the <b>org.eclipse.ecf.core.sharedobject</b>
package, which is now in the <b>org.eclipse.ecf.sharedobject</b> plugin (the <b>org.eclipse.ecf.core.sharedobject</b> project). In most cases,
adding the <b>org.eclipse.ecf.sharedobject</b> plugin to list of your plugin's dependencies and then having Eclipse "Add Import" or "Organize Imports"
should fix with new package names.
<TD vAlign=top align=left width="30%">
<P align=left>
<B>ECF Core and API plugins Now Able to Run on CDC 1.0/Foundation 1.0 Execution Environments</B>
<TD vAlign=top width="70%">
<p>The following plugins are now able to run on a minimum of the CDC 1.0/Foundation 1.0 execution environment:
See bug <a href="">#149024</a>.
<TD vAlign=top align=left width="30%">
<P align=left>Package Changes for
<B><a href="">ecf.core.identity</a></B>
<TD vAlign=top width="70%">
<b><a href="">ID</a></b>
<li>toURI() method removed</li>
<li><a href="">toExternalForm()</a> method added</li>
<li>Classes updated to implement ID.toExternalForm():
<a href="">BaseID</a>,
<a href="">Namespace</a>,
<a href="">StringID</a>,
<a href="">GUID</a>,
<a href="">LongID</a></li>
<li><b>ServiceID</b> class moved from <b>core.identity</b> to <a href=""><b>ecf.discovery.identity.ServiceID</b></a>. Previously, the <b>org.eclipse.ecf.core.identity.ServiceID</b> class was present in <b>org.eclipse.ecf.core.identity</b>. Now it is in in
the discovery API plugin (<b>org.eclipse.ecf.discovery</b>) in the <b><a href="">org.eclipse.ecf.discovery.identity</a></b>
<TD vAlign=top align=left width="30%">
<P align=left>
<B>Package Changes for <a href="">ecf.core</a>,
<a href=""></a>,
<a href=""></a>,
<a href="">ecf.core.provider</a>,
<a href="">ecf.core.util</a></b></P>
<TD vAlign=top width="70%">
<p>Many of the classes previously in these packages have moved to the <b>org.eclipse.ecf.sharedobject</b> bundle. The classes are now in the following packages
in that bundle:
<a href=""><b>ecf.core.sharedobject</b></a>,
<a href=""><b></b></a>,
<a href=""><b>ecf.core.sharedobject.provider</b></a>,
<a href=""><b></b></a>,
and <a href=""><b>ecf.core.sharedobject.util</b></a>. To use
the classes it's now necessary to include (via Require-Bundle or Import-Package) from the <b>org.eclipse.ecf.sharedobject</b> bundle.</p>
<TD vAlign=top align=left width="30%">
<P align=left>
<B>Extension Point Changes</B>
<TD vAlign=top width="70%">
<p>Previously there were four extension points defined in the <b>org.eclipse.ecf</b> bundle:
<b>org.eclipse.ecf.namespace</b>, <b>org.eclipse.ecf.containerFactory</b>, <b>org.eclipse.ecf.connectionFactory</b>, <b>org.eclipse.ecf.startup</b>,
and <b>org.eclipse.ecf.sharedObjectFactory</b>.
The following changes have been made to these extention points:
<li>Moved extension point to <b>org.eclipse.ecf.identity</b> bundle</li>
<li>Changed id for extension point to <b>org.eclipse.ecf.identity.namespace</b></li>
<li>Simplified signature for superclass <a href="[])">Namespace.createInstance()</a></li>
<li>Simplified signature for factory interface <a href="">IContainerInstantiator</a></li>
<li><b>org.eclipse.ecf.start</b> -- <b>Unchanged</b></li>
<li><b>org.eclipse.ecf.connectionFactory</b> -- <b>REMOVED</b></li>
<li>Moved extension point to <b>org.eclipse.ecf.sharedobject</b> bundle</li>
<li>Changed id for extension point to <b>org.eclipse.ecf.sharedobject.sharedObjectFactory</b></li>
<li>Simplified signature for factory interface <a href="">ISharedObjectInstantiator</a></li>
<TD vAlign=top align=left width="30%">
<P align=left>
<B>Added org.eclipse.ecf.filetransfer plugin, removed org.eclipse.ecf.fileshare plugin</B>
<TD vAlign=top width="70%">
<p>For filetransfer, the plugin <b>org.eclipse.ecf.filetransfer</b> was created/added. Further,
the <b>org.eclipse.ecf.fileshare</b> plugin was removed from the main distribution and will no longer
be supported. </p>
<TD vAlign=top align=left width="30%">
<P align=left>
<B>NEW ECF CONVENTION</b>: Container adapter interfaces now use common naming
<TD vAlign=top width="70%">
<p>Previously, the container adapter interfaces in the various extension APIs (e.g. discovery) did not have a common naming convention. For
example, <b>org.eclipse.ecf.discovery.IDiscoveryContainer</b>, or <b>org.eclipse.ecf.datashare.IChannelContainer</b>. Now, all of these
adapter interfaces have the convention of <b>I&lt;type&gt;ContainerAdapter.class</b>. So, for example, <b>org.eclipse.ecf.discovery.IDiscoveryContainer.class</b> is now
called <b>org.eclipse.ecf.discovery.IDiscoveryContainerAdapter.class</b>, and <b>org.eclipse.ecf.datashare.IChannelContainer</b> is now
called <b>org.eclipse.ecf.datashare.IChannelContainerAdapter</b>. These interfaces are intended to be used as adapters for <b>org.eclipse.ecf.core.IContainer</b>
instances, e.g.:
IContainer container = ContainerFactory.getDefault().createContainer("type");
IDiscoveryContainerAdapter discovery =
(IDiscoveryContainerAdapter) container.getAdapter(IDiscoveryContainerAdapter.class);
<TD vAlign=top align=left width="30%">
<P align=left>
<B>Moved classes to *.internal* names and fixed other naming conventions</B>
<TD vAlign=top width="70%">
<p>In accord with the Eclipse Platform <a href="">naming conventions</a>, a number of classes and interfaces previously exposed are now
in internal packages with names of the form <b>org.eclipse.ecf.internal.*</b>. These packages are
further marked as <b>x-internal:=true</b> in the <b>Export-Packages</b> section within <b>MANIFEST.MF</b>.
<TD vAlign=top align=left width="30%">
<P align=left>
<B>org.eclipse.ecf.core.util.ECFException now inherits from CoreException</B>
<TD vAlign=top width="70%">
<p><b>org.eclipse.ecf.core.util.ECFException</b> formerly inherited from <b>java.lang.Exception</b>. It now inherits from <b>org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException</b>.
This should allow ECFException to run on the CDC 1.0/Foundation 1.0 execution environment, as that execution environment does not support
java.lang.Exception constructors: Exception(Throwable) and Exception(String,Throwable)</p>
<TD vAlign=top align=left width="30%">
<P align=left>
<B>Add 'removeListener' methods</B>
<TD vAlign=top width="70%">
<p>Added 'removeListener' methods to <b></b> and <b>org.eclipse.ecf.presence.IPresenceContainer</b>. See
bug <a href="">#160968</a>.</p>
<TD vAlign=top align=left width="30%">
<P align=left>
<B>Moved org.eclipse.ecf.presence.IInvitationListener</B>
<TD vAlign=top width="70%">
<p>Moved (in <b>org.eclipse.ecf.presence</b> API) access to <b>IInvitationListener</b> to <b>IChatRoomManager</b> rather than <b>IPresenceContainer</b>. See
bug <a href="">#160137</a>.</p>
<TD vAlign=top align=left width="30%">
<P align=left>
<B>Allowed extending org.eclipse.ecf.provider.generic.ClientSOContainer for authentication</B>
<TD vAlign=top width="70%">
<p>Streamlined handling of creating/passing in connect data for new kind of authentication. See
bug <a href="">#150398</a>.</p>
<TD vAlign=top align=left width="30%">
<P align=left>
<B>Added query methods to org.eclipse.ecf.core.ContainerTypeDescription</B>
<TD vAlign=top width="70%">
<p>Two methods were added to <a href=""><b>org.eclipse.ecf.core.ContainerTypeDescription</b></a>. These two methods are <a href="">ContainerTypeDescription.getSupportedAdapterTypes()</a>, and
<a href="">ContainerTypeDescription.getSupportedParameterTypes()</a>. These two methods are available so that
client code can inspect the adapter types and parameter types appropriate for a given IContainer instance <b>before<b> it is actually created. See bug <a href="">#164154</a>.</p>
<TD vAlign=top align=left width="30%">
<P align=left>
<B>Removed URI references from discovery API</B>
<TD vAlign=top width="70%">
<p>Removed references to <b></b> class from <a href=""><b>org.eclipse.ecf.discovery</b></a> plugin.</p>
<TD vAlign=top align=left width="30%">
<P align=left>
<B>Changed method names in <b>org.eclipse.ecf.presence</b> API</B>
<TD vAlign=top width="70%">
<p>Changed a number of method names in <a href=""><b>org.eclipse.ecf.presence</b></a> API for clarity and consistency. For example,
IPresenceContainerAdapter.removeSubscripionListener -> IPresenceContainerAdapter.removeRosterSubscriptionListener</p>
<TD vAlign=top align=left width="30%">
<P align=left>
<B>Changed exception names</B>
<TD vAlign=top width="70%">
<p>Exception class names from <b>*InstantiationException</b> to <b>*CreateException</b>. For example, <b>IDInstantiation</b> exception
is now <b>IDCreateException</b>. <b>ContainerInstantiationException</b> is now <b>ContainerCreateException</b>.</p>
<TD vAlign=top align=left width="30%">
<P align=left>
<B>Changed method signature for IContainer.addListener</B>
<TD vAlign=top width="70%">
<p>The method signature for <b>IContainer.addListener(IContainerListener listener, String filter)</b> has changed to
<b>IContainer.addListener(IContainerListener listener)</b></p>