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<font class="indextop style">Eclipse Communication Framework (ECF)</font>
<br> <font class="indexsub">an eclipse runtime project</font> <br>
<br> <font class="indextop style2">New and Noteworthy</font><br>
3.14.0 Release <br> <br>
<br> Return to <a href="downloads.php">ECF download page</a><br>
href="NewAndNoteworthy_3.13.0.html">New and Noteworthy for 3.13.0/Oxygen</a><br>
href="NewAndNoteworthy_3.12.1.html">New and Noteworthy for 3.12.1</a><br>
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<p align="left">
<b>Support for OSGi Remote Services R7</b>
<td valign="top" width="85%"><p>ECF provides implementations of the <a href="">Remote Services</a>
and <a href="">Remote Service Admin OSGi specifications</a>.
OSGi R7 includes some additions to the Remote Services specification, specifically focusing on
the use of <a href="">remote service intents</a>.
ECF Photon fully supports the R7 specification, and implements the OSGi standard intents via
several of the <a href="">ECF distribution providers</a>.</p>
For more information about the use of service intents see
<a href="">ECF Photon supports OSGi Async Intent</a>
and <a href="">ECF Photon supports OSGi R7</a>
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<p align="left">
<b>Support for using Bndtools for Remote Services Development</b>
<td valign="top" width="85%"><p><a href="">Bndtools</a> is a set of Eclipse plugins that
aid the development, testing, and deployment of OSGi bundles. ECF's Photon release has added workspace, project, and bndrun
templates to help the remote service developer define, implement, and test OSGi Remote Services. </p>
See <a href="">here</a> for
a short tutorial on how to use bndtools and the new templates.</p>
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<p align="left">
<b>OSGi Gogo Commands for RSA</b>
<td valign="top" width="85%"><p>
ECF Photon has added a set of console commands for exposing the use and management of remote services
in server environments. For example,
with these new commands it's
possible to export or import a local OSGi service via ECF's implementation of the OSGi-standard RemoteServiceAdmin
service. It's also possible to query/view the existing imported and exported services, as well as the
ECF endpoint. </p>
See <a href="">ECF Photon adds Gogo
Commands</a> for a list of the new commands, their expected/required arguments and example of their output.</p>
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<b>Etcd Discovery Provider</b>
<td valign="top" width="85%"><p>
ECF has an extensible/pluggable approach for discovering remote services on a network.
There are <a href="">several discovery providers</a> available
including JSLP, Zeroconf, Zookeeper, and <a href="">Etcd</a>. ECF now has an
<a href="">etcd discovery provider</a> that use an etcd cluster to publish
and discover remote services.
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<b>Python.Java Remote Service Distribution Provider</b>
<td valign="top" width="85%"><p>
ECF now has <a href="">remote service distribution</a> provider that supports remote services between Java and Python runtimes.
This provider allow OSGi R7 remote services (including async remote services) between Java/OSGi runtimes
and Python runtimes. Services may be exported for consumption/usage by Python components, or exported from Python
for consumption/usage by Java components.
<p>There is a provider based upon call-by-reference (via Py4j) and a provider based upon call-by-value using
Google's protocol buffers for efficient serialization/deserialization</p>
Additionally, the <a href="">Python Ipopo project</a> will be soon (0.8.0) introducing
an implementation of the OSGi RSA (Remote Service Admin) capabilities.