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<font class="indextop style">eclipse communication framework</font>
<font class="indexsub">an eclipse technology project</font>
<font class="indextop style2">New and Noteworthy</font><br>2.0.0 Release</font>
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<a href="NewAndNoteworthy_1.1.0.html">New and Noteworthy for 1.1.0</a><br>
<a href="NewAndNoteworthy_1.2.0.html">New and Noteworthy for 1.2.0</a><br>
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<img src="../images/Idea.jpg" width="120" height="86" hspace="50" align="middle">
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<B>Real-Time Shared Editing</B>
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In ECF 2.0.0/Ganymede, we introduce <a href="">Real-Time Shared Editing</a> that works over
public IM protocols like Google Talk/XMPP and Skype. This allows two developers
to work collaboratively in real-time to edit source code and/or documents with change conflicts resolved in real time. Usage documentation as well as links to technical
documentation and source code are available <a href="">here</a>. There is also <a href="">a video showing the
usage of the technology available</a>.
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<B>Adding Real-Time Shared Editing to Other Text Editors</B>
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<p>It's possible to add real-time shared editing capabilities to other editors, and documentation on how to do this
is now available <a href="">here</a>.
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<B>r-OSGi added as ECF Remote Services provider</B>
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We have added an implementation of the <a href="">ECF remote services API</a> based upon <a href="">r-OSGi</a>. This
implementation allows clients to access and use distributed OSGi services.
Remote services may be accessed in either of two ways:
<li>Transparently, via the
OSGi service registry. With transparent remote service access, clients can access both local and remote services in exactly the same way, by looking up
ServiceReferences and the underlying service via the BundleContext.getServiceReference(..) or by using a ServiceTracker.</li>
<li>Explicitly, via the <a href="">ECF remote services API</a>. This
way of accessing the remote service allows clients to have greater control over how they invoke remote methods and handing
of partial failure. For example, the ECF <a href="" class="external text" title="" rel="nofollow">IRemoteService</a> interface allows clients to use
advanced asynchronous and asynchronous-with-listener remote method invocation, as well as create and use future results.</li>
This provider includes consists of two bundles
<li>r-OSGi RC 2 itself in plugin <b>ch.ethz.iks.r_osgi.remote</b>. Click <a href="">here to browse source</a>.</li>
<li>An implementation of the ECF remote services API based upon 1. In plugin org.eclipse.ecf.provider.r_osgi. Click <a href="">here to browse source</a>.</li>
There is example and test code available for the r-OSGi provider (and the ECF generic provider) available <a href="">here</a>.
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<B>Discovery API</B>
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The discovery API has been simplified and extended. See <a href="">bug #209774</a> and the
<a href="">ECF Discovery API</a> documentation.
<b>IMPORTANT NOTE:</b>The discovery API has undergone a number of simplifications that make it easier to use, but have broken backward compatibility. Applications
that have been written to a previous version of the discovery API will have to be changed to use the new API. See the <a href="">IDiscoveryContainerAdapter</a>
class for more information.
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<B>ECF Core and Filetransfer plugins added to Eclipse Platform for P2</B>
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ECF's core (org.eclipse.ecf, org.eclipse.ecf.identity) and filetransfer (org.eclipse.ecf.filetransfer, org.eclipse.ecf.provider.filetransfer, org.eclipse.ecf.ssl, org.eclipse.ecf.provider.filetransfer.ssl) have
been added to the Eclipse Platform distribution for usage in P2, the new Equinox Provisioning system.
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<B>Service Locator Protocol</B>
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We have added a <a href="">jSLP-based</a> implementation of the <a href="">ECF discovery API</a>. See <a href="">bug 200804</a> for details.
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<B>Peer-to-Peer Updatesite Discovery</B>
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There is now an example of using the <a href="">ECF discovery API</a> for peer-to-peer update site discovery. <a href="">See here screenshots and for details.</a>.
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<B>Peer-to-Peer Remote Services</B>
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There is an example of using the <a href="">ECF discovery API</a> for peer-to-peer discovery of remote OSGi services. The example remote service (in this case remote access to the EnvironmentInfo Equinox Service) can then be accessed
in several ways:
<ul><li>(s) = synchronously -- block calling thread until service host responds
</li><li>(a) = asynchronously -- calling thread does not block and result is provided via notification to a listener
</li><li>(f) = future -- calling thread does not block, and an instance of IAsynchResult is returned immediately Receiver can inspect IAsynchResult for completion.
</li><li>(p) = proxy -- calling thread calls a proxy instance of service interface) with normal call/return semantics
<p>These access methods are made available via the ECF <a href="" class="external text" title="" rel="nofollow">IRemoteService</a>.
</p><p><b>Note that the proxy can also be accessed directly in the OSGi service registry via BundleContext.getServiceReference() or a ServiceTracker.</b> In this way, if complete API transparency is desired by the programmer, then the remote service can be transparently accessed.
Note also that we currently have provider implementations of the remote services API based upon ECF generic (included in ECF), XMPP (included in ECF), <a href="">ActiveMQ</a> and <a href="">BEA Weblogic</a>-based <a href="">JMS</a> implementations (<a href="">found here</a>), and a <a href="">Javagroups</a>-based implementation (<a href="">found here</a>). We also have a pending contribution
of the <a href="">r-OSGI</a>-based provider, expected to be included in ECF milestone 6 pending Eclipse Foundation IP approval (CQs <a href="">2063</a> and <a href="">2064</a>).
<a href="">See here for screen shots and details</a>.
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<B>URL and Eclipse View sharing</B>
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It's now possible to immediately share URLs and to remotely open Eclipse views via ECF the XMPP/Google Talk and/or Skype providers.
To do so, open the context menu (right click) on the buddy of your choice in the contacts list:
<img src="images/screens/showurl.png"></li>
Then the receiver will see a notification like this
<img src="images/screens/showurlreceive.png"></li>
And if they accept the request will then see
<img src="images/screens/showurlreceive1.png"></li>
The 'Send Show View Request...' has a similar sequence.
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<B>Screen Captures sent through IM</B>
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Screen captures can now be made and sent via ECF Datashare API directly to buddies on the users Contacts List. See <a href="">Screen Captures over IM Wiki Page</a> for more information.
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<TR><TD colSpan=2><H2>ECF API Changes</H2></TD>
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<B>FileTransfer API Enhanced</B>
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Added support improvided simplified outgoing file transfer. Added new provider for SCP-based file retrieve (download)
and file send (upload). See documentation for <a href="">ECF File Transfer API</a>.
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<B>P2/Eclipse Platform used ECF Filetransfer</B>
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ECF's <a href="">File Transfer API</a> is now being used by the <a href="">Equinox P2</a> effort and so along the ECF core plugins are included
in the Eclipse SDK (org.eclipse.ecf.*.jar).
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<B>Discovery API</B>
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The discovery API has been simplified and extended. See <a href="">bug #209774</a> and the
<a href="">ECF Discovery API</a> documentation.
<b>IMPORTANT NOTE:</b>The discovery API has undergone a number of simplifications that make it easier to use, but have broken backward compatibility. Applications
that have been written to a previous version of the discovery API will have to be changed to use the new API. See the <a href="">IDiscoveryContainerAdapter</a>
class for more information.