blob: 7f73b2163af4c3e183fbed03d497f1521be4619a [file] [log] [blame]
<?php require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); $App = new App(); $Nav = new Nav(); $Menu = new Menu(); include($App->getProjectCommon()); # All on the same line to unclutter the user's desktop'
$pageTitle = "Modellierungskonferenz 2014 - Submission 40";
$pageKeywords = "EMF, Refactor, model refactoring, refactoring";
$pageAuthor = "Thorsten Arendt";
$html = <<<EOHTML
<div id="maincontent">
<div id="midcolumn">
This area is dedicated to the research paper <b><i>Comparing Model-Driven and Custom Development
Approaches for Optimizing the Energy Consumption of ITC-Systems in the Cloud</i></b>
submitted to the conference <b><a href="" target="_blank">
Modellierung 2014</a></b>. It contains various material concerning the installation and evaluation of
the approach respectively its prototype implementation.
<h2>Installation Guide</h2>
<!-- ol class="midlist">
<li>Please download the <b><i>Juno Eclipse Modeling Tools</i></b> from <a href="" target="_blank"></a></li>. Unzip and start Eclipse and update the system (<i>Help > Check for Updates</i>).</li>
<li>Restart Eclipse and install the EMF model transformation language <b><i>Henshin</i></b> (<i>Help > Install New Software... >
Work with: <a href="" target="_blank"></a> > next > ...</i>).</li>
<li>Restart Eclipse and install the prototype implementation (branch of <b><i>EMF Refactor</i></b>):
<i>Help > Install New Software... > Work with:
<a href="" target="_blank"></a> > next > ...</i>.</li>
<li>Restart Eclipse.</li>
</ol -->
<!-- ul class="midlist">
<li><a href="downloads/" target="_blank">fase2014_projects</a></li>
For evaluation purposes please download <b></b> from above and import
the example projects <b>pdfsam_code</b>, <b>pdfsam_model</b>, and <b>VehicleRentalCompany</b>
into your workspace (<i>File > Import... > General > Existing Projects into Workspace > Next
> Select archive file > Browse (to the zip file) > Select all > Finish</i>).
<br/><br/ -->
<h2>Test results</h2>
The following pages summarize the results oof our tests concerning the correctness of both implementations:
<ul class="midlist">
<li>Test Case 01: <a href="mok2014/Test01_Substitute_ClientNode/Results.html" target="_blank">Substitute Client Node</a></li>
<li>Test Case 02: <a href="mok2014/Test02_Substitute_ServerNode/Results.html" target="_blank">Substitute Server Node</a></li>
<li>Test Case 03: <a href="mok2014/Test03_Substitute_NetworkNode/Results.html" target="_blank">Substitute Network Node</a></li>
<li>Test Case 04: <a href="mok2014/Test04_Substitute_UPS/Results.html" target="_blank">Substitute Uninterruptible Power Supply</a></li>
<li>Test Case 05: <a href="mok2014/Test05_Substitute_Cooling/Results.html" target="_blank">Substitute Cooling</a></li>
<li>Test Case 06: <a href="mok2014/Test06_Downscale_UPS/Results.html" target="_blank">Downscale Uninterruptible Power Supply</a></li>
<li>Test Case 07: <a href="mok2014/Test07_Downscale_Cooling/Results.html" target="_blank">Downscale Cooling</a></li>
<li>Test Case 08: <a href="mok2014/Test08_Delete_UPS/Results.html" target="_blank">Delete Uninterruptible Power Supply</a></li>
<li>Test Case 09: <a href="mok2014/Test09_Delete_Cooling/Results.html" target="_blank">Delete Cooling</a></li>
<li>Test Case 10: <a href="mok2014/Test10_Split_UPS/Results.html" target="_blank">Split Uninterruptible Power Supply</a></li>
<li>Test Case 11: <a href="mok2014/Test11_Split_Cooling/Results.html" target="_blank">Split Cooling</a></li>
<li>Test Case 12: <a href="mok2014/Test12_Split_NetworkNode/Results.html" target="_blank">Split Network Node</a></li>
<li>Test Case 13: <a href="mok2014/Test13_Merge_UPS/Results.html" target="_blank">Merge Uninterruptible Power Supplies</a></li>
<li>Test Case 14: <a href="mok2014/Test14_Merge_Cooling/Results.html" target="_blank">Merge Coolings</a></li>
<li>Test Case 15: <a href="mok2014/Test15_Merge_NetworkNode/Results.html" target="_blank">Merge Network Nodes</a></li>
<div id="rightcolumn">
<div class="sideitem">
<p>This component is currently in its <a href="">Validation (Incubation) Phase</a>.</p>
<div align="center"><a href="/projects/what-is-incubation.php"><img align="center" src="/images/egg-incubation.png" border="0" alt="Incubation" /></a></div>
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