blob: 1dd24768a53ebde0523989f8af81137462bb98d3 [file] [log] [blame]
$pre = "../";
$HTMLTitle = "Eclipse Tools - EMF Download Stats";
$ProjectName = array("EMF","Eclipse Modeling Framework","Download Stats");
// TODO: add cookies to store selections so on return same options are again selected?
// TODO: figure out another way to get at the data - Domain stats are killing the display engine
// if Domain, use for f in `find `; do cat|grep; done to get subset of data? filter by first letter?
ini_set("max_execution_time",300); // increase max duration of script
ini_set("memory_limit", 8388608*2); // increase mem limit
class Timer {
/* thanks to -> ed [at] twixcoding [dot] com */
// Starts, Ends and Displays Page Creation Time
function getmicrotime() {
list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);
function starttime() {
$this->st = $this->getmicrotime();
function displaytime() {
$this->et = $this->getmicrotime();
return round(($this->et - $this->st), 3);
$time = new Timer; $time->starttime();
$debug=$_GET["debug"]; if ($debug) $doHeaderAndFooter=0;
$months=$_GET["month"]-0<0?date("m",strtotime("-1 month")):$_GET["month"];
$weeks=$_GET["week"]-0<0?exec("date --date=\"\$(date +%Y-%m-%d) -1 week\" +%U"):$_GET["week"];
$dates=$_GET["date"]-0<0?date("Ymd",strtotime("-1 day")):$_GET["date"];
$type=$_GET["type"]?$_GET["type"]:"File"; // Domain or File
$groups=$_GET["groups"]?$_GET["groups"]:array(); if (!is_array($groups)) $groups = array($groups);
$thresh=$_GET["thresh"]?$_GET["thresh"]:100; // minimum grouping for "others"
switch ($range) {
case "ym":
if (!$months) {
$rangeLimit = $rangeLimit-0<0?date("m",strtotime("-1 month")):$rangeLimit;
for ($i=0;$i<=11;$i++) {
$months[] = str_pad($rangeLimit-$i>0?$rangeLimit-$i:12+$rangeLimit-$i,2,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT);
case "hm":
if (!$months) {
$rangeLimit = $rangeLimit-0<0?date("m",strtotime("-1 month")):$rangeLimit;
for ($i=0;$i<=5;$i++) {
$months[] = str_pad($rangeLimit-$i>0?$rangeLimit-$i:12+$rangeLimit-$i,2,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT);
case "qm":
if (!$months) {
$rangeLimit = $rangeLimit-0<0?date("m",strtotime("-1 month")):$rangeLimit;
for ($i=0;$i<=2;$i++) {
$months[] = str_pad($rangeLimit-$i>0?$rangeLimit-$i:12+$rangeLimit-$i,2,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT);
case "mm":
if (!$months) {
$rangeLimit = $rangeLimit-0<0?date("m",strtotime("-1 month")):$rangeLimit;
$months = array($rangeLimit);
// case "hw":
// if (!$weeks) {
// $rangeLimit = $rangeLimit-0<0?exec("date --date=\"\$(date +%Y-%m-%d) -1 week\" +%U"):$rangeLimit;
// }
// for ($i=0;$i<=25;$i++) {
// $weeks[] = str_pad($rangeLimit-$i>0?$rangeLimit-$i:52+$rangeLimit-$i,2,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT);
// }
// break;
case "qw":
if (!$weeks) {
$rangeLimit = $rangeLimit-0<0?exec("date --date=\"\$(date +%Y-%m-%d) -1 week\" +%U"):$rangeLimit;
for ($i=0;$i<=12;$i++) {
$weeks[] = str_pad($rangeLimit-$i>0?$rangeLimit-$i:52+$rangeLimit-$i,2,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT);
case "mw":
if (!$weeks) {
$rangeLimit = $rangeLimit-0<0?exec("date --date=\"\$(date +%Y-%m-%d) -1 week\" +%U"):$rangeLimit;
for ($i=0;$i<=3;$i++) {
$weeks[] = str_pad($rangeLimit-$i>0?$rangeLimit-$i:52+$rangeLimit-$i,2,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT);
case "ww":
if (!$weeks) {
$rangeLimit = $rangeLimit-0<0?exec("date --date=\"\$(date +%Y-%m-%d) -1 week\" +%U"):$rangeLimit;
$weeks = array($rangeLimit);
// case "md":
// if (!$dates) {
// $rangeLimit = $rangeLimit-0<0?date("Ymd",strtotime("-1 day")):$rangeLimit;
// }
// for ($i=0;$i<=29;$i++) {
// $dates[] = date("Ymd", strtotime("-".$i." day",strtotime($rangeLimit)));
// }
// break;
case "fd":
if (!$dates) {
$rangeLimit = $rangeLimit-0<0?date("Ymd",strtotime("-1 day")):$rangeLimit;
for ($i=0;$i<=13;$i++) {
$dates[] = date("Ymd", strtotime("-".$i." day",strtotime($rangeLimit)));
case "wd":
if (!$dates) {
$rangeLimit = $rangeLimit-0<0?date("Ymd",strtotime("-1 day")):$rangeLimit;
for ($i=0;$i<=6;$i++) {
$dates[] = date("Ymd", strtotime("-".$i." day",strtotime($rangeLimit)));
case "dd":
if (!$dates) {
$rangeLimit = $rangeLimit-0<0?date("Ymd",strtotime("-1 day")):$rangeLimit;
$dates = array($rangeLimit);
if ($months && !is_array($months)) $months = array($months);
if ($weeks && !is_array($weeks)) $weeks = array($weeks);
if ($dates && !is_array($dates)) $dates = array($dates);
if (!$months && !$weeks && !$dates) {
$months=array(date("m",strtotime("-1 month")));
if (!$doHeaderAndFooter) {
include_once $pre."includes/scripts.php";
$filenames = array();
if ($months) {
foreach ($months as $month) $filenames = array_merge($filenames,getDirContents("./xml/monthly","stats_".$type."_month_".$month));
} else if ($weeks) {
foreach ($weeks as $week) $filenames = array_merge($filenames,getDirContents("./xml/weekly","stats_".$type."_week_".$week));
} else if ($dates) {
foreach ($dates as $date) $filenames = array_merge($filenames,getDirContents("./xml/nightly","stats_".$type."_date_".$date));
$filenames = array_unique($filenames);
if ($debug) {
echo "type=$type, range=$range / rangeLimit=$rangeLimit <hr> ";
echo "month=";wArr($months); echo "<hr> week=";wArr($weeks); echo "<hr> date=";wArr($dates); echo "<hr>";
w(sizeof($filenames)." filenames found:",1);
/** calculate data & summary values, and apply groupings if applicable **/
$data = array();
$summary = array(); $summary[0] = array();
$filelist = getFileList($filenames); // wArr($filelist);
foreach ($filenames as $f => $filename) {
$FID = $filelist[$f];
// open and read file
$xml =& new xmlParser($filename);
// parse document and return rootnode
$doc =& $xml->getDocument(); //echo $doc->nodeName(); // data
// want to get <file count="56308" url="org.eclipse.emf.ecore.edit_2.1.1.jar"/>
// as $data["org.eclipse.emf.ecore.edit_2.1.1.jar"] += 56308;
if ($doc->hasChildren()) {
for ($i=0;$i<count($doc->children());$i++) {
$node = $doc->children[$i];
//echo $i.", ".$node->nodeName()."<br>";
if ($node->nodeName()==strtolower($type)) { // "<file />" only
if (array_key_exists("f",$node->attributes)) {
if (in_array("groupVersion",$groups) && in_array("groupType",$groups)) {
$url = substr($node->getAttribute("f"),0,-4); // remove .jar or .zip
$url = split('[-_]',$url);
$url = $url[sizeof($url)-1]."|".getFileType($node->getAttribute("f"));
} else if (in_array("groupVersion",$groups)) {
$url = substr($node->getAttribute("f"),0,-4); // remove .jar or .zip
$url = split('[-_]',$url); $url = $url[sizeof($url)-1];
} else if (in_array("groupType",$groups)) {
$url = getFileType($node->getAttribute("f"));
} else {
$url = $node->getAttribute("f");
$data[$url] += $node->getAttribute("n");
} else if (array_key_exists("c",$node->attributes) || array_key_exists("d",$node->attributes)) { // "<domain />" or "<country />" only
$tld = $node->getAttribute("c")?$node->getAttribute("c"):$node->getAttribute("d");
if (in_array("groupTLD",$groups)) {
if (array_key_exists("c",$node->attributes)) {
if (strlen($tld)<2) $tld = "Other Unknown (<2)";
else if (strlen($tld)>4) $tld = "Other Non-Standard (>4)";
} else {
$last = explode(".",$tld); $last = $last[sizeof($last)-1];
if ($last-0==0 && $last!="?") $tld = "$last|$tld"; else $tld = "?|?";
$data[$tld] += $node->getAttribute("n");
} else if ($node->nodeName()=="summary") { // "<summary />" only
foreach ($node->attributes as $k => $v) {
if ($k=="n") {
$summary[0]["hits"] += $v;
if (!is_array($summary[$FID])) $summary[$FID] = array();
$summary[$FID]["hits"] += $v;
$summary[0]["count"] += sizeof($data);
ksort($summary); reset($summary);
if ($sortBy=="Hits") { arsort($data); } else { ksort($data); } reset($data);
$data = adjustData($data);
if ($doHeaderAndFooter) { require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/emf/includes/header.php"); }
// include javascript, etc.
echo '
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css"/>
<div id="dhtmltooltip"></div>
displayResults($data, $summary);
echo '<p align=right><small style="font-size:9px">'.$time->displaytime().'s</small></p>'."\n";
function displayNav() {
global $range,$rangeLimit,$type,$dates,$weeks,$months,$sortBy,$groups,$thresh,$threshType;
<script language="javascript">
// hide or show the divs with options that apply ONLY to one type or the other
prevChecked='<?php echo $type; ?>';
function doOptions(field,newVal) {
if (!field.checked && newVal.indexOf(prevChecked)<0) {
servOC('DomainOptions',0); servOC('FileOptions',0);
function doSort() {
document.forms.statsForm.sortBy[0].checked = true;
function showXML(dateStamp,type,range) {
range = range.substr(1,1); //alert("\n"+dateStamp+","+type+","+range);
xmlfile = (range=="d" ?
"nightly/stats_"+type+"_date_"+dateStamp+".xml" :
(range=="w" ?
"weekly/stats_"+type+"_week_"+dateStamp+".xml" :
(range=="m" ?
"monthly/stats_"+type+"_month_"+dateStamp+".xml" :
if (xmlfile) { //alert(xmlfile);"./xml/"+xmlfile,winTarg);
<form method="get" name="statsForm">
<table width="600">
<td width="150"><b>Data Type:</b></td>
<tr><td><input onfocus="doOptions(this,'Domain/Country')" type="radio" <?php echo ($type=='Country'?'checked ':''); ?>value="Country" name="type">By Country</td><td>[Fast!]</td></tr>
<tr><td><input onfocus="doOptions(this,'File')" type="radio" <?php echo ($type=='File'?'checked ':''); ?>value="File" name="type"> By File (Zips &amp; Jars)</td><td>[Medium]</td></tr>
<!-- <tr><td><input onfocus="doOptions(this,'Domain/Country')" type="radio" <?php echo ($type=='Domain'?'checked ':''); ?>value="Domain" name="type"> Domain</td><td>[Very Slow!
- Use Only 1 Month Of Data Or Less]</td></tr> --> <!-- not allowed, see bug 138284 -->
<tr><td colspan="2"><hr noshade="noshade" size="1" width="100%"/></td></tr>
<td><b>Data Sort:</b></td>
<input type="radio" <?php echo ($sortBy=='Key'?'checked ':''); ?>value="Key" name="sortBy"><!-- Domain or --> File
<input type="radio" <?php echo ($sortBy=='Hits'?'checked ':''); ?>value="Hits" name="sortBy"> Hits
<td><b>Hit Grouping:</b></td>
<input type="checkbox" <?php echo (in_array("groupSmall",$groups)?'checked ':''); ?>value="groupSmall" name="groups[]"> If Hits Under <input type="text" size="5" value="<?php echo $thresh; ?>" name="thresh"/>
<input type="radio" <?php echo ($threshType=='Hits'?'checked ':''); ?>value="Hits" name="threshType"> Hits
<input type="radio" <?php echo ($threshType=='Percent'?'checked ':''); ?>value="Percent" name="threshType"> Percent
<tr><td colspan="2"><hr noshade="noshade" size="1" width="100%"/></td></tr>
<tr valign="top" style="display:<?php echo $type!="File"?"none":"show"; ?>" id="ihtrFileOptions">
<td width="150"><b>File Grouping:</b></td>
<input type="checkbox" <?php echo (in_array("groupVersion",$groups)?'checked ':''); ?>value="groupVersion" name="groups[]"> Files By Version (2.2.0, 2.1.2, etc.)<br/>
<input type="checkbox" <?php echo (in_array("groupType",$groups)?'checked ':''); ?>value="groupType" name="groups[]"> Files By Type (UM Jars vs. Zips)<br/>
<tr style="display:<?php echo $type!="File"?"show":"none"; ?>" id="ihtrDomainOptions">
<td width="150"><b><!-- Domain &amp; -->Country Grouping:</b></td>
<input type="checkbox" <?php echo (in_array("groupTLD",$groups)?'checked ':''); ?>value="groupTLD" name="groups[]"> By TLD - best to <a href="javascript:doSort()">sort by Domain</a>, not Hits<br/>
<tr><td colspan="2"><hr noshade="noshade" size="1" width="100%"/></td></tr>
<td width="150"><b>Data Range:</b></td>
<select name="range" onchange="document.statsForm.rangeLimit.selectedIndex=0;document.statsForm.submit()">
$rangeOptions = array(
// yearly-by-month (12), half-by-month (6), quarterly-by-month (3), a specific month (1)
// "1 year (monthly)" => "ym",
// "1 half (monthly)" => "hm",
"1 quarter (monthly)" => "qm",
"1 month" => "mm",
// half-by-week (26), quarterly-by-week (13), monthly-by-week (4 or 5), a specific week (1)
// "1 half (weekly)" => "hw", // server timeout - too much data
"1 quarter (weekly)" => "qw",
"1 month (weekly)" => "mw",
"1 week" => "ww"
// monthly-by-day (30), fortnight-by-day (14), weekly-by-day (7), a specific day (1)
// "1 month (30 days)" => "md", // server timeout - too much data
// "1 fortnight (daily)" => "fd",
// "1 week (daily)" => "wd",
// "1 day" => "dd"
foreach ($rangeOptions as $label => $value) {
echo ' <option '.($range==$value?'selected ':'').'value="'.$value.'">'.$label.'</option>'."\n";
} ?>
$vals = getDirContentsRange($type,$range,true);
echo ' <select name="rangeLimit" onchange="document.statsForm.submit()">'."\n";
echo ' <option value="-1">Choose</option>'."\n";
foreach ($vals as $label) {
echo ' <option '.($rangeLimit==$label?'selected ':'').'value="'.$label.'">'.$label.'</option>'."\n";
echo ' </select>'."\n";
<input type="submit" value="Go!"/>
// Files / Hits / Percent or Domains / Hits / Percent
function displayResults($data, $summary) {
global $type,$filelist,$time,$pre,$thresh,$threshType,$groups,$range;
if ($summary) {
/**** TOTALS ****/
$bgc = array('#FFFFFF','#EEEEEE'); $i=0;
$rowsp = 4;
echo '<p><form name="filelistFrm"><table border="0">'."\n".
'<tr bgcolor="navy"><td colspan="4"><b style="color:white">Totals</b><a name="totals"></a></td></tr>'."\n".
'<tr bgcolor="'.$bgc[(++$i)%2].'"><td colspan="2">Date'.(sizeof($filelist)>1?'s':'').' processed --&gt;</td>'.
'<td valign="top" rowspan="'.$rowsp.'" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">'.
'<select name="filelist" size="'.$rowsp.'">'."\n";
foreach ($filelist as $i => $file) {
echo '<option'.(!$i?' selected':'').'>'.$file.'</option>'."\n";
'</select></td>' ."\n".
'<td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><input name="showxml" value="Show XML" onclick="showXML(document.forms.filelistFrm.filelist.options[document.forms.filelistFrm.filelist.selectedIndex].text,\''.$type.'\',\''.$range.'\')" type="button"></td>' ."\n".
'<tr bgcolor="'.$bgc[(++$i)%2].'"><td>Total Hits</td><td align="right">'.number_format($summary[0]["hits"]).'</td></tr>'."\n".
'<tr bgcolor="'.$bgc[(++$i)%2].'"><td>'.$type.' Groups</td><td align="right">'.number_format($summary[0]["count"]).'</td></tr>'."\n".
'<tr bgcolor="'.$bgc[(++$i)%2].'"><td>Elapsed Time (s)</td><td align="right">'.$time->displaytime().'</td></tr>'."\n".
/**** PLOTS ****/
if ($range!="mm" && $range!="ww" && $range!="dd") { // nothing to plot
$cols = sizeof($filelist);
echo '<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">' . '<tr bgcolor="navy"><td colspan="'.$cols.'"><b style="color:white">Trends &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;</b><a name="plots"></a></td></tr>'."\n";
echo '<tr valign="bottom">'."\n";
$filelistR = $filelist; krsort($filelistR); reset($filelistR);
foreach ($filelistR as $num) { // $num = date stamp
foreach ($summary[$num] as $i => $j) { if ($i=="hits") {
$h = round($j/($summary[0][$i]-0)*10000)/100; $hmax=$hmax>$h?$hmax:$h;
} }
foreach ($filelistR as $num) { // $num = date stamp
$summ = $summary[$num];
$col = "blue";
foreach ($summ as $i => $j) {
if ($i=="hits") {
$h = round($j/($summary[0][$i]-0)*10000)/100;
echo '<td align="center">'
// .'<small style="font-size:9px"">'.
//$j.", ".($summary[0][$i]-0).", ".$hmax.", ".
// vert($h."%").'</small><br/>'
echo '<a href="#plots" onMouseover="ddrivetip(\''.$j. '<br/>'.$h.'%\'); return true;" onMouseout="hideddrivetip(); return true;">' .
'<img border="0" alt="'.$j.'" src="' . $col .
'-vert.png" height="'.round($h/$hmax*100).'" width="8"/></a>';
echo '</td>'."\n";
$r = substr($range,1);
echo '</tr>'."\n";
echo '<tr valign="top">'."\n";
foreach ($filelistR as $num) { // $num = date stamp
$label = "";
echo '<td colspan="1" align="center"><small style="font-size:9px"">';
switch ($r) {
case "d":
echo vert(substr($num,-4)." ".substr(date("D",strtotime($num)),0,1));
$label = "Days";
case "w":
echo $num;
$label = "Weeks";
case "m":
echo $num."<br/>".getMonth($num);
$label = "Months";
echo '</small></td>'."\n";
echo '</tr>'."\n".'<tr valign="top"><td align="center" colspan="'.$cols.'"><small style="font-size:9px"">'.$label.'</small></td>';
echo "</table>\n";
/**** DATA ****/
$header= '<table width="'.$wid.'"><tr bgcolor="navy">' .
'<td colspan='.((in_array("groupType",$groups) && $type=="File")||(in_array("groupTLD",$groups) && $type=="Domain")?3:2).'><b style="color:white">'.$type.'</b></td>' .
'<td><b style="color:white">Hits</b></td>' .
'<td colspan="2"><b style="color:white">Percent</b></td>' .
echo $header;
$hits = $summary[0]["hits"];
$others = 0;
$tldImages = array("ca", "de", "edu", "es", "fr", "gov", "it","jp","nl","uk","us");
foreach ($data as $hit => $count) {
if ($i && $i%100==0) echo '</table>'."\n".$header;
$pc = (round($count/$hits*10000)/100);
if (in_array("groupSmall",$groups) &&
( ($count<=$thresh && $threshType=="Hits") || ($pc<=$thresh && $threshType=="Percent") )
) {
$others += $count;
} else {
echo '<tr bgcolor="'.$bgc[(++$i)%2].'">'."\n";
echo ' <td width="25">'.$i.'</td>'."\n";
if (false!==strpos($hit,"|")) {
$hit2 = explode("|",$hit);
echo ' <td width="10"><nobr>'.
'<img border=0 valign=middle src="" height=12 width=12><img border=0 valign=middle src="" height=1 width=4>':
'<img border=0 valign=middle src="'.$hit2[0].'.png" height=14 width=14><img border=0 valign=middle src="" height=1 width=2>':
'<img border=0 valign=middle src="" height=1 width=16>')).
(strlen($hit2[0])==2?'<a href="'.$hit2[0].'.htm">'.$hit2[0].'</a>':$hit2[0]).
'</nobr></td><td width="'.($wid-195).'">'.$hit2[1].'</td>'."\n";
} else {
echo ' <td width="'.($wid-175).'"><nobr>'.
'<img border=0 valign=middle src="'.$hit.'.png" height=14 width=14><img border=0 valign=middle src="" height=1 width=2>':
'<img border=0 valign=middle src="" height=1 width=16>').
(strlen($hit)==2?'<a href="'.$hit.'.htm">'.$hit.'</a>':$hit).
$col = (false!==strpos($hit,"xsd")?"orange":(false!==strpos($hit,"emf")?"green":"purple"));
echo ' <td width="25" align="right">'.number_format(round($count)).'</td>'."\n";
echo ' <td width="25" align="right">'.$pc.'%</td>' ."\n";
echo ' <td valign="middle" width="100" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">' .
'<img alt="'.$pc.'%" src="' . $col .
'.png" width="'.round($pc).'" height="10"/></td>'."\n";
echo '</tr>'."\n";
// extracted "others" :: Other Files Under $thresh Hits Each
if (in_array("groupSmall",$groups)) {
echo '</table>'."\n".$header;
$hit = "Other ".$type." Under ".$thresh." ".$threshType." Each";
$count = $others;
echo '<tr bgcolor="'.$bgc[(++$i)%2].'">'."\n";
echo ' <td width="25">'.$i.'</td>'."\n";
echo ' <td width="'.($wid-175).'">'.$hit.'</td>'."\n";
$pc = (round($count/$hits*10000)/100);
$col = "purple";
echo ' <td width="25" align="right">'.number_format(round($count)).'</td>'."\n";
echo ' <td width="25" align="right">'.$pc.'%</td>' ."\n";
echo ' <td valign="middle" width="100" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">' .
'<img alt="'.$pc.'%" src="' . $col .
'.png" width="'.round($pc).'" height="10"/></td>'."\n";
echo '</tr>'."\n";
echo "</table>\n";
// move the "Other..." entry to the bottom of the array
function adjustData($data) {
global $type;
$last = array();
$out = array();
foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
if (false!==strpos($k,"Other")) {
$last[$k] = $v;
} else {
$out[$k] = $v;
if (sizeof($last)>0) foreach ($last as $k => $v) $out[$k] = $v;
return $out;
function getFileType($url) {
$matches = array(
"Standalone Zip" => "emf-sdo-xsd-Standalone-",
"Full SDK Zip" => "emf-sdo-xsd-SDK-",
"EMF SDK Zip" => "emf-sdo-SDK-",
"EMF RT Zip" => "emf-sdo-runtime-",
"EMF Update Manager Jar" => "org.eclipse.emf.ecore",
"XSD SDK Zip" => "xsd-SDK-",
"XSD RT Zip" => "xsd-runtime-",
"XSD Update Manager Jar" => "org.eclipse.xsd");
foreach ($matches as $label => $match) {
if (false!==strpos($url,$match)) return $label;
return "Other Files";
function getFileList() {
global $type,$range,$filenames;
$r = substr($range,1); // "m", "w", or "d" //echo $r;
$r1 = array("m" => "monthly", "w" => "weekly", "d" => "nightly");
$r2 = array("m" => "month", "w" => "week", "d" => "date");
$dir = "./xml/".$r1[$r];
$pat = "stats_".$type."_".$r2[$r]."_";
$vals = array();
foreach ($filenames as $k => $value) {
$vals[$k] = str_replace(".xml","",substr($value,strlen($dir."/".$pat)));
return $vals;
function getDirContentsRange($type,$range,$doTrim=false) {
// for a given type, range, and limit, return ONLY the appropriate files
$r = substr($range,1); // "m", "w", or "d" //echo $r;
$r1 = array("m" => "monthly", "w" => "weekly", "d" => "nightly");
$r2 = array("m" => "month", "w" => "week", "d" => "date");
$dir = "./xml/".$r1[$r];
$pat = "stats_".$type."_".$r2[$r]."_";
$vals = getDirContents($dir,$pat);
if ($r=="d") { rsort($vals); } else { sort($vals); } reset($vals);
if ($doTrim) {
$vals2 = array();
foreach ($vals as $k => $value) {
$vals2[$k] = str_replace(".xml","",substr($value,strlen($dir."/".$pat)));
$vals = $vals2;
return $vals;
function getDirContents($dir,$pat) { // array of files including dir prefix
$stuff = array();
if (is_dir($dir) && is_readable($dir)) {
ini_set("display_errors","0"); // suppress file not found errors
while (($file = readdir($handle))!==false) {
// echo $file.", $pat<br>\n";
if ( ($pat=="" || false!==strpos($file,$pat)) && $file!=".." && $file!=".") {
$stuff[] = $dir."/".$file;
ini_set("display_errors","1"); // and turn 'em back on.
return $stuff;
function vert($s,$sep="<br/>") { // return a column of letters from a string $s
foreach (preg_split('//', $s, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY) as $k => $c) {
if ($k) $o .= $sep;
$o .= $c;
return $o;
function getMonth($m) {
$months = array("","Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec");
return $months[$m-0];
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