| <reviews> |
| |
| <review> |
| <title>Europa, My Top 10 List</title> |
| <link><![CDATA[http://irbull.blogspot.com/2007/07/europa-my-top-10-list.html]]></link> |
| <author>Ian Bull</author> |
| <date>7/4/2007</date> |
| <language>English</language> |
| <shortDesc><![CDATA[I have had the pleasure of using Europa for the past 8-10 months. Of course it was not called Europa the |
| entire time (Eclipse 3.3 Milestones with several milestone plug-ins attached). I have now come to depend on several of these |
| new features and here is a list of my Top 10 Europa Features that I Cannot Live Without!!!]]></shortDesc> |
| </review> |
| <review> |
| <title>Eclipse Europa Review: For User and Developer</title> |
| <link><![CDATA[http://runnerwhocodes.blogspot.com/2007/07/eclipse-europa-review-for-user-and.html]]></link> |
| <author>Darin Swanson</author> |
| <date>7/4/2007</date> |
| <language>English</language> |
| <shortDesc><![CDATA[or me it is rather hard to accurately review the Eclipse Europa release as it is kinda old news for me. As |
| an Eclipse and Jazz developer, I have been happily absorbing and adapting to the Europa changes and progression for the last |
| year...since the 3.2 release in June 2006. It gets really hard to remember what is new and what is not.]]></shortDesc> |
| </review> |
| <review> |
| <title>Eclipse Europa BIRT</title> |
| <link><![CDATA[http://dev.eclipse.org/blogs/hongchanglin/2007/07/03/eclipse-europa-birt/]]></link> |
| <author>Hongchang (Ken) Lin</author> |
| <date>7/3/2007</date> |
| <language>English</language> |
| <shortDesc><![CDATA[BIRT 2.2.0 is one of 21 open source project releases included in Eclipse Europa. It delivers lots of new features and improvements. Following, I would like to give a review on some of them very briefly.]]></shortDesc> |
| </review> |
| <review> |
| <title>Tour around Europa: Eclipse for Java EE</title> |
| <link><![CDATA[http://www.thescreencast.com/2007/07/tour-around-europe-eclipse-for-java-ee.html]]></link> |
| <author>Vojimir Golem</author> |
| <date>7/3/2007</date> |
| <language>English</language> |
| <shortDesc><![CDATA[The Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers is a simultaneous release of Eclipse Projects for Java Enterprise |
| Edition.<br/> |
| This post is first in the series of screencasts about the Eclipse Europa release. It shows how to use the Eclipse IDE for Java |
| EE Developers to create Java persistent entities from database tables. ]]></shortDesc> |
| </review> |
| <review> |
| <title>Eclipse Tricks - Stavningskontroll med Eclipse 3.3</title> |
| <link><![CDATA[http://jsolutions.se/?p=172]]></link> |
| <author>Markus Wahl</author> |
| <date>7/3/2007</date> |
| <language>Swedish</language> |
| <shortDesc><![CDATA[Med Eclipse 3.3 kan du få stavningskontroll av strängar och kommentarer i dina java-klasser. Själv tycker |
| jag att det även vore önskvärt med stavningskontroll av variabelnamn, metodnamn och klassnamn etc. Än så länge kontrolleras |
| bara strängar och kommentarer.]]></shortDesc> |
| </review> |
| <review> |
| <title>Hooray For Mylyn: Task-focused Devlopment in Eclipse 3.3 (Europa)</title> |
| <link><![CDATA[http://4remembrance.blogspot.com/2007/07/hooray-for-mylyn-task-focused_02.html]]></link> |
| <author>Xiang Li</author> |
| <date>7/2/2007</date> |
| <language>English</language> |
| <shortDesc><![CDATA[Last Friday, Eclipse 3.3 (code name Europa) was released. As an enthusiast for Eclipse Framework, i cannot |
| wait take a first taste. From my point of view, the most attractive feature, besides other numerous improvements, is the |
| integration of Mylyn, a task focus tool.]]></shortDesc> |
| </review> |
| <review> |
| <title>Eclipse Europa</title> |
| <link><![CDATA[http://www.vogella.de/articles/EclipseReview/article.html]]></link> |
| <author>Lars Vogel</author> |
| <date>7/3/2007</date> |
| <language>English</language> |
| <shortDesc><![CDATA[Eclipse community has shipped a major release on schedule.<br> |
| Europa features 21 Eclipse projects for software developers and is more than double the size of last year’s record-setting |
| release.]]></shortDesc> |
| </review> |
| <review> |
| <title>Eclipse Europa: evolution or revolution?</title> |
| <link><![CDATA[http://efford.org/blog/archives/25]]></link> |
| <author>Nick Efford</author> |
| <date>6/30/2007</date> |
| <language>English</language> |
| <shortDesc><![CDATA[Eclipse Europa became available to the world on 29 June, and I’ve spent a few happy hours exploring what |
| it can do.<br> |
| My standard Eclipse set-up consists of the Eclipse SDK, DTP and the Derby plugin for database-related stuff, WTP for web-related |
| stuff, Subversive for version control and PyDev for Python programming. ]]></shortDesc> |
| </review> |
| <review> |
| <title>Eclipse Europa: The next generation IDE</title> |
| <link><![CDATA[http://www.volume4.com/2007/06/30/eclipse-europa-review/]]></link> |
| <author>Schalk Neethling</author> |
| <date>6/30/2007</date> |
| <language>English</language> |
| <shortDesc><![CDATA[When I first heard the news that the next version of Eclipse (Europa) was released I immediately went over |
| to the website to get the download. The great thing I noticed was the variety of versions that has been bundled and I could |
| quickly get to the version I need which was Europa for JEE and web related development.]]></shortDesc> |
| </review> |
| <review> |
| <title>Eclipse Europa Arrived</title> |
| <link><![CDATA[http://blog.csdn.net/alexmajy/archive/2007/07/01/1673029.aspx]]></link> |
| <author>Junyan Ma</author> |
| <date>6/30/2007</date> |
| <language>Chinese</language> |
| <shortDesc><![CDATA[Eclipse Europa is the Eclipse projects' 2007 release version (last year was Callisto).]]></shortDesc> |
| </review> |
| <review> |
| <title>Eclipse Helps Me to Succeed</title> |
| <link><![CDATA[http://blog.csdn.net/yawolf/archive/2007/06/30/1672889.aspx]]></link> |
| <author>Yawolf Chang</author> |
| <date>6/30/2007</date> |
| <language>Chinese</language> |
| <shortDesc><![CDATA[I've been hoping for today, when Eclipse Europa is officially released, for a long time.]]></shortDesc> |
| </review> |
| <review> |
| <title>"Eclipse Europa" released</title> |
| <link><![CDATA[http://www.svenkubiak.de/2007/06/30/eclipse-europa-released/]]></link> |
| <author>Sven Kubiak</author> |
| <date>6/30/2007</date> |
| <language>German</language> |
| <shortDesc><![CDATA[Programmierer von heute brauchen, neben fundierten Kenntnissen, eine visuelle Programmierumgebung, kurz |
| IDE. Für unzählige Programmiersprachen gibt es unzählige verschieden IDE’s, mit unterschiedlichem Funktionsumfang. Wäre es |
| nicht schön, eine IDE für alle zu haben?]]></shortDesc> |
| </review> |
| <review> |
| <title>Eclipse Europa Review</title> |
| <link><![CDATA[http://dertompson.com/index.php/2007/06/29/eclipse-europa-review/]]></link> |
| <author>Thomas Einwaller</author> |
| <date>6/29/2007</date> |
| <language>English</language> |
| <shortDesc><![CDATA[Today Eclipse Europa was released. Eclipse Europa is the name for Eclipse IDE 3.3 and a set of other |
| compatible Eclipse projects. With last years release Callisto the Eclipse team tried to make it easier for users to find |
| the right plugin versions for their Eclipse installation.]]></shortDesc> |
| </review> |
| <review> |
| <title>Eclipse Europa First Impressions</title> |
| <link><![CDATA[http://caffeineinducedcoding.blogspot.com/2007/06/eclipse-europa-first-impressions.html]]></link> |
| <author>Adam Thomas</author> |
| <date>6/29/2007</date> |
| <language>English</language> |
| <shortDesc><![CDATA[The final release of the Eclipse IDE, code named Europa, has just been released today. The blogosphere |
| is buzzing about the new features and functionality that make this release possibly one of the best ever shipped by the |
| Eclipse Foundation.]]></shortDesc> |
| </review> |
| <review> |
| <title>A whirlwind tour of Eclipse Europa</title> |
| <link><![CDATA[http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/opensource/library/os-eclipse-europa/]]></link> |
| <author>Chris Aniszczyk</author> |
| <date>6/29/2007</date> |
| <language>English</language> |
| <shortDesc><![CDATA[With the simultaneous release of 21 projects this year, the Eclipse Europa release marks a significant |
| improvement over last year's release train of 10 projects. Get a brief overview of each of the projects associated with the |
| Europa release.]]></shortDesc> |
| </review> |
| <review> |
| <title>Eclipse 3.3 Europa</title> |
| <link><![CDATA[http://blog.misto.ch/archives/386]]></link> |
| <author>Mirko Stocker</author> |
| <date>6/29/2007</date> |
| <language>German</language> |
| <shortDesc><![CDATA[Endlich ist es so weit: Nach einem Jahr wurde soeben der neuste Eclipse Release namens Europa freigegeben. |
| Den Download gibt es hier, vielleicht braucht es aber ein wenig Geduld, da der Ansturm bestimmt gross sein wird.]]></shortDesc> |
| </review> |
| <review> |
| <title>D-Day: Europa inkl. Eclipse 3.3 zum Donload bereit!</title> |
| <link><![CDATA[http://eclipse-magazin.de/itr/news/psecom,id,35961,nodeid,229.html]]></link> |
| <author>Holger Funke</author> |
| <date>6/29/2007</date> |
| <language>German</language> |
| <shortDesc><![CDATA[Unter dem Namen Europa veröffentlicht die Eclipse Foundation am 29. Juni um 15.30 Uhr europäischer Zeit |
| eine neue Version ihrer offenen Entwicklungsplattform auf ihrer Website.]]></shortDesc> |
| </review> |
| <review> |
| <title>Eclipse 3.3 Europa</title> |
| <link><![CDATA[http://jars.de/java/eclipse/eclipse-33-europa]]></link> |
| <author>Markus Junginger</author> |
| <date>6/29/2007</date> |
| <language>German</language> |
| <shortDesc><![CDATA[Eclipse 3.3 Europa ist am 29. Juni erschienen und steht zum Download bereit. Wie zuvor Callisto, ist |
| Europa das gleichzeitige Release mehrerer auf einander abgestimmter Unterprojekte. Waren es deren 10 bei Callisto, so sind |
| es inzwischen 21 Eclipse Projekte. ]]></shortDesc> |
| </review> |
| <review> |
| <title>What is Eclipse?</title> |
| <link><![CDATA[http://qinma86.spaces.live.com/blog/]]></link> |
| <author>Ma Qin</author> |
| <date>6/27/2007</date> |
| <language>Chinese</language> |
| <shortDesc><![CDATA[My schoolmate compared Eclipse to a nuclear detonation.]]></shortDesc> |
| </review> |
| <review> |
| <title>Eclipse Europa is coming</title> |
| <link><![CDATA[http://jroller.com/page/lucybi?entry=eclipse_europa_is_coming]]></link> |
| <author>Lucy Bi</author> |
| <date>6/27/2007</date> |
| <language>English</language> |
| <shortDesc><![CDATA[Eclipse is my old friend from 2.0 to 3.3 M7. As my tasks are working on Eclipse plug-in project, I use |
| Eclipse everyday. Of course, I witness how Eclipse is more and more powerful.]]></shortDesc> |
| </review> |
| <review> |
| <title>Eclipse 3.3 Platform Experience</title> |
| <link><![CDATA[http://blog.csdn.net/ZiJinShi/archive/2007/06/27/1668587.aspx]]></link> |
| <author>Frank (Xiong) Zhang</author> |
| <date>6/27/2007</date> |
| <language>English</language> |
| <shortDesc><![CDATA[Eclipse 3.3 is near release. As a Java/Eclipse developer, I’ve used Eclipse for almost two years. |
| In this article, I’d like to tell my experience using Eclipse platform. Of course, I’ll only describe the differences |
| between 3.2 and 3.3.]]></shortDesc> |
| </review> |
| <review> |
| <title>Atomic Detonation</title> |
| <link><![CDATA[http://blog.csdn.net/mediumwave/archive/2007/06/26/1667402.aspx]]></link> |
| <author>Zhongbo Li</author> |
| <date>6/26/2007</date> |
| <language>Chinese</language> |
| <shortDesc><![CDATA[In a nuclear detonation, the most magnificent sight is that mushroom cloud.]]></shortDesc> |
| </review> |
| <review> |
| <title>Eclipse kommt nach Europa...</title> |
| <link><![CDATA[http://www.mwiesner.com/index.php/2007/06/24/eclipse-kommt-nach-europa/]]></link> |
| <author>Mike Wiesner</author> |
| <date>6/24/2007</date> |
| <language>German</language> |
| <shortDesc><![CDATA[…oder zumindest gibt es ein simultanes Release verschiedener Eclipse-Projekte, wie das schon zuvor mit |
| Callisto durchgeführt wurde. Es geht dabei hauptsächlich um die Eclipse-IDE, bei der es ja mittlerweile eine vielzahl von |
| Plugins gibt, welche jeweils verschiedene Release-Zyklen haben und daher auch nicht immer zusammen passen.]]></shortDesc> |
| </review> |
| <review> |
| <title>And Now for Something Completely Different…</title> |
| <link><![CDATA[http://divby0.blogspot.com/2007/06/and-now-for-something-completely.html]]></link> |
| <author>Nick Boldt</author> |
| <date>6/23/2007</date> |
| <language>English</language> |
| <shortDesc><![CDATA[Much like Ian's post the other day, I've always wanted to blog that line. Anyway, it's been brought to my |
| attention that of late I've been apparently posting less-than-positive things about Eclipse, so to balance that out, here's my |
| top three cool UI features in Eclipse 3.3, in order from oldest to newest.]]></shortDesc> |
| </review> |
| <review> |
| <title>CDT 4.0 Review</title> |
| <link><![CDATA[http://www.eclipse.org/newsportal/article.php?id=13441&group=eclipse.tools.cdt#13441]]></link> |
| <author>Richard Gobeli</author> |
| <date>6/19/2007</date> |
| <language>English</language> |
| <shortDesc><![CDATA[The Code formatter is a very good adddition to the CDT 4.0 project. It comes with 4 predefined code styles: |
| K&R, BSD/Allman, GNU, Whitesmiths.<br> |
| Starting with one of the predefine styles you can create your own code style.]]></shortDesc> |
| </review> |
| <review> |
| <title>Eclipse Europa sta arrivando</title> |
| <link><![CDATA[http://daubau.it/log/eclipse-europa-sta-arrivando]]></link> |
| <author>Flavio Tordini</author> |
| <date>6/19/2007</date> |
| <language>Italian</language> |
| <shortDesc><![CDATA[Ho scaricato il release candidate della nuova versione di Eclipse, nome in codice: Europa. E’ difficile |
| descrivere Eclipse, data la vastità del progetto.]]></shortDesc> |
| </review> |
| <review> |
| <title>Eclipse Europa Review</title> |
| <link><![CDATA[http://bge-kernel-panic.blogspot.com/2007/06/eclipse-europa-review.html]]></link> |
| <author>Benoit Goudreault-Emond</author> |
| <date>6/18/2007</date> |
| <language>English</language> |
| <shortDesc><![CDATA[OK, so it looks like I can win a t-shirt doing an Eclipse Europa review, and it happens that I've been |
| using it since M7 (the last release before RC0). So, even if I don't get a t-shirt, I'll post this, because I'm a nice guy |
| and I want people to benefit from my living on the bleeding edge.]]></shortDesc> |
| </review> |
| <review> |
| <title>One Europa Experience</title> |
| <link><![CDATA[http://eclipse-debug.blogspot.com/2007/06/one-europa-experience.html]]></link> |
| <author>Curtis Windatt</author> |
| <date>6/18/2007</date> |
| <language>English</language> |
| <shortDesc><![CDATA[I swear I'm not just doing this for the free shirt. With only 2 weeks to go until it is released, I |
| figured it was time for me to get a taste of Europa.<br> |
| The coolest thing about Europa is that it should make it easy to install a large number of tools.]]></shortDesc> |
| </review> |
| <review> |
| <title>Europe kommt nach Europa</title> |
| <link><![CDATA[http://www.fleischle.net/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=6&Itemid=1]]></link> |
| <author>Sam Fleischle</author> |
| <date>6/16/2007</date> |
| <language>German</language> |
| <shortDesc><![CDATA[Klingt nach einem Heimspiel und wenn das kein Erfolg wird: Am 29. Juni ist es soweit: 21 Eclipse Projekte |
| veröffentlichen neue stabile Releases. Darunter zu finden sind Eclipse 3.3, Mylyn 2.0 (ehemals Mylar) und Web Tools Platform |
| 2.0 (WTP). ]]></shortDesc> |
| </review> |
| <review> |
| <title>Europa gehort die Zukunft</title> |
| <link><![CDATA[http://www.inforw.de/inhalt/doku.php/blog/110]]></link> |
| <author>Rainer Weinhold</author> |
| <date>6/16/2007</date> |
| <language>German</language> |
| <shortDesc><![CDATA[Genauer gesagt kommt in 13 Tagen Eclipse Europa, also die Version 3.3 herraus! Noch Fragen?<br> |
| Letztes Semester durfte ich mal wieder kurzzeitig mit Visual Studio 2005 arbeiten und war doch erstaunt wie unproduktiv |
| das ist.]]></shortDesc> |
| </review> |
| <review> |
| <title>Global Europa, global workspace</title> |
| <link><![CDATA[http://jroller.com/page/eclipse2008?entry=global_europa_global_workspace]]></link> |
| <author>Kiu Liu</author> |
| <date>6/16/2007</date> |
| <language>English</language> |
| <shortDesc><![CDATA[Eclipse Europa is coming, and my project will go to the end of game phrase soon,celebrate!! I work with a |
| company which is a parnter of Eclipse community. By leveraging Eclipse, we speed up the simultaneous development of our new |
| product development with Eclipse's release.]]></shortDesc> |
| </review> |
| <review> |
| <title>Eclipse Europa Review</title> |
| <link><![CDATA[http://www.bogner-it.at/blog/?p=6]]></link> |
| <author>Manuel Bogner</author> |
| <date>6/15/2007</date> |
| <language>English</language> |
| <shortDesc><![CDATA[Hello,<br> |
| I’m testing the new Eclipse Europa since version M1. Yesterday I installed version RC4. Herse some comments about the new |
| version. If you want to download an try on your own: http://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/downloads/]]></shortDesc> |
| </review> |
| <review> |
| <title>Eclipse europa unter der Lupe - Was mir besonderes gut gefallen hat...</title> |
| <link><![CDATA[http://pro-pix.de/joomla/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=40&Itemid=1]]></link> |
| <author>Christian Baranowski</author> |
| <date>6/15/2007</date> |
| <language>German</language> |
| <shortDesc><![CDATA[In einigen Tagen wird die neue Eclipse Release erscheinen (ab Heute 15.06.07 noch 14 Tagen). Sie trägt |
| den Codenamen Europa. Bei Europa ist es wieder wie letztes Jahr bei Callisto, eine Menge an Projekten bringen am gleichen |
| Tag ihre Release heraus.]]></shortDesc> |
| </review> |
| <review> |
| <title>Eclipse Europa Release Review</title> |
| <link><![CDATA[http://thecodersblog.blogspot.com/2007/06/eclipse-europa-release-review.html]]></link> |
| <author>Felipe Lang</author> |
| <date>6/15/2007</date> |
| <language>English</language> |
| <shortDesc><![CDATA[Eclipse Platform<br> |
| Improved workspace switching: switching between workspaces is now quickly and more efficient, since it allows to copy the |
| workbench layout and the working sets, keeping the style of the workspaces consistent.]]></shortDesc> |
| </review> |
| <review> |
| <title>Eclipse Europa is coming..</title> |
| <link><![CDATA[http://blog.arunkumarm.com/2007/06/eclipse-eurpoa-is-coming.html]]></link> |
| <author>Arun Kumar</author> |
| <date>6/14/2007</date> |
| <language>English</language> |
| <shortDesc><![CDATA[ 21 Projects... One gathering... Eclipse Europa... One of the huge Annual release is happening 16 days |
| from The Next Total Eclipse now.. Adobe released its Suite of products, Oracle is planning on its Fusion release and Eclipse |
| is bringing up 21 Projects to all of us.. So whats the difference?]]></shortDesc> |
| </review> |
| <review> |
| <title>Keen for WTP 2.0</title> |
| <link><![CDATA[http://radio.javaranch.com/davo/2007/06/01/1180698512171.html]]></link> |
| <author>David O'Meara</author> |
| <date>6/14/2007</date> |
| <language>English</language> |
| <shortDesc><![CDATA[I have never really had the opportunity to be the cutting edge guy. Hey, like to get the latest tool |
| occasionally and have a play, but we usually lag behind in technology at work and are forced to stick with the safe and |
| secure option.]]></shortDesc> |
| </review> |
| </reviews> |