blob: 05f99b4413c46a5d4ebb46b18f3859ae2ad32458 [file] [log] [blame]
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<h2>Developers, want to contribute ?</h2>
<a href="">Download</a> Gemini Blueprint and take it for a spin.
Read the <a href="">docs</a>. Check out and build the code. Then tweet, blog, or post to the
<a href=""> developer mailing list</a> It's as simple as that.
Maybe later you'll want to file
<a href=";order=Importance;product=Gemini.Blueprint">
bugs</a> or send in patches to the docs and code.
All of our source code resides in git:
Web access: <a href=""></a>
Anonymous: git clone git://
Committers: git clone ssh://
Note that this git repository should also be mirrored in the future at github: <a href=""></a>.