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<h1>Henshin Example: Sierpinski Triangle</h1>
<img src="" width="150px" align="right" />
This is a very simple example which we use to do some benchmarking for the Henshin interpreter.
The <a href="">Sierpinski triangle</a> is a fractal
which is constructed by iteratively dividing triangles into sub-triangles.
The number of nodes in the triangle grows exponentially with the number of iterations.
The transformation consists of a single rule, which divides and adds new triangles.
The screenshot below shows this rule in the graphical editor.
<a href="examples/sierpinski/addtriangle.png"><img width="500" src="examples/sierpinski/addtriangle.png" /></a>
The Java code for conducting the benchmark is shown at the
<a href="">Interpreter wikipage</a>.
The following benchmark was conducted on a Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.50GHz with 4 cores and 8GB of main memory.
The benchmark was run using these JVM parameters: "-Xms7G -Xmx7G". All times are in milliseconds.
<th>&nbsp; Level &nbsp;</th>
<th>&nbsp; Rule applications &nbsp;</th>
<th>&nbsp; Matching Time &nbsp;</th>
<th>&nbsp; Application Time &nbsp;</th>
<th>&nbsp; Total Time &nbsp;</th>
<th>&nbsp; Nodes &nbsp;</th>
For level 15, we get an out of memory exception.