blob: de3fb582750de389c8be2fe5c107d8fb3a1b9495 [file] [log] [blame]
- Copyright (c) 2013, 2014 The Eclipse Scout Team and UT-Battelle, LLC.
- All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- Contributors:
- Initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation: The Eclipse
- Scout Team
- Modifications for the Eclipse ICE website: Jay Jay Billings
- Author Note:
- This page was largely developed by copying code from
- and from In both cases, style files and html were
- modified. Some parts of the code may be taken from the original Eclipse ICE
- website, which was developed by Christopher Guindon and Taylor Patterson.
- Jay Jay Billings, 20161016
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<div class="intro-content">
<h1>Eclipse ICE</h1>
<p>The Integrated Computational Environment</p>
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<!-- All of the "real" content of the site below the central image starts here. -->
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<div class="content">
<!-- Start the "What is ICE?" section -->
<section class="section-whatis">
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<div class="section-head">
<h3>What is ICE?</h3>
<p>The Eclipse Integrated Computational Environment (ICE) is
a scientific workbench and workflow environment developed to
improve the user experience for computational scientists. ICE
makes it possible for developers to deploy rich, graphical,
interactive capabilities for their science codes and software,
and integrate many different scientific computing technologies
in one common, cross-platform user environment.</p>
<!-- End section-head -->
<!-- Start the "Define Problems" section -->
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<div class="section-imagine-on-right-content">
<p>Use rich forms to interactively define problems and edit
input files for scientific problems. You can even extend ICE
to support your own code through the friendly developer API.</p>
<!-- End section-define-problems-content -->
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<!-- The is the right side of the row where the image goes -->
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<div class="section-imagine-on-right-image">
<img class="img-responsive"
src="images/define-problems_150x150.png" alt="" />
<!-- End section-define-problems-image -->
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<!-- End section define problems -->
<!-- Start the "Run Simulations" section -->
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<img class="img-responsive"
src="images/run-simulations_150x150.png" alt="" />
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<!-- This is the left side of the row where the text goes -->
<div class="col-md-9">
<div class="section-imagine-on-right-content">
<p>ICE can run simulations locally or remotely. It can even
push your jobs to supercomputers! You can monitor resources or
the queue while your at it. If you add a plugin for you code,
you can even stream back results while it runs.</p>
<!-- End section-define-problems-content -->
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<!-- End section define problems -->
<!-- Start the "Analyze Outputs" section -->
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<div class="section-imagine-on-right-content">
<p>Whether your data is simply plottable or requires big 3D
visualization tools like Paraview and Visit, ICE can help you
analyze it!</p>
<!-- End section-define-problems-content -->
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<div class="section-imagine-on-right-image">
<img class="img-responsive"
src="images/analyze-outputs_150x150.png" alt="" />
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<!-- End section define problems -->
<!-- Start the "Analyze Outputs" section -->
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<img class="img-responsive"
src="images/archive-data_150x150.png" alt="" />
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<div class="col-md-9">
<div class="section-imagine-on-right-content">
<p>Use ICE to remotely connect to your servers to store
data you just generated or to pull down new data for your next
problem. If you made changes to your code, you can even
interact with your repository using Eclipse's built-in tools.</p>
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