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<title>Create Useful Documentation with Mylyn Intent : transcript</title>
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<p><p style="direction:ltr;">I would like to conclude with the most important message of this talk : <b>Intent needs you</b> !</p>
<p style="direction:ltr;"></p>
<p style="direction:ltr;">As mylyn is known to be very open to contribution, we would really like to put users and external developers in the heart of Intent development.</p>
<p style="direction:ltr;"></p>
<p style="direction:ltr;">Our purpose is to make developers write doc and enjoy it, and we really think it's possible with the help of the Eclipse community.</p>
<p style="direction:ltr;"></p>
<p style="direction:ltr;">First of all, you can download Intent and <b>give us feedback</b>. Do not hesitate to tell us if you do not believe in this project, and why you don't.</p>
<p style="direction:ltr;">It would be very interesting to provide off-the-shell synchronizers and validators that would help all Eclipse developers.
To do so, we will need to <b>determine together what are the best practices</b> and what constraints do we want to define on our softwares.</p>
<p style="direction:ltr;">We are planning to do very frequent releases, so that you can see that your feature requests were considered.</p>
<p style="direction:ltr;"></p>
<p style="direction:ltr;"></p>
<p style="direction:ltr;">We are also very open on technical contributions :
<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;- define your own synchronization bridges that fit your needs, we will integrate it to intent
<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;- provide custom validation rules, if they are generic we will integrate them to the default validation rules
<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;- implement your own Back-end
<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;- define your own clients (Orion editor...)