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Google IO 2012 HTML5 Slide Template
Authors: Eric Bidelman <>
Luke Mahé <>
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<slide class="title-slide segue nobackground partTitle" style="background: url(images/Intent/doc/rtfm_car.jpg);background-position:-220px 0px; background-size: 140%;">
<h2 style="left:100px;top:0px;"> Documentation Driven Testing</h2>
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<br/><br/><br/> <br/><br/><br/><br/>
<p style="font-size:27px" class="stroke white">Goulwen Le Fur <br/>Alex Lagarde (Morel)<br/>Software Engineers, Obeo</p>
<p style="font-size:27px;width:300px;margin-top:-70px; margin-left:860px"><img src="images/DDT/ec_boston.png" style="width:70%" /></p>
<slide class="intro">
My <b>Problem</b>
<article class="noBullets">
<h3>Developer of the EEF project</h3>
<li>A presentation framework for EMF</li>
<li>Based on SWT</li>
<li>An Eclipse Project</li>
<h3 >As all software developers, need to create tests</h3>
<ul > <li>Especially functional tests</li></ul>
<h3>GUI testing is never an easy task</h3>
<h3 >Last stumbling block:</h3>
<ul > <li> The need for an Open Source solution</li>
<slide class="intro" style="background: url(images/DDT/robot.jpg);background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:545px 0px;">
First steps toward the solution
<article class="noBullets" >
<h3>First event leading to the solution</h3>
<li> <b>SWTBot</b> project creation</b></li>
<h3 >Allows creation of a Bot</h3>
<ul > <li>Able to handle SWT GUIs</li></ul>
<h3>A fluent syntax enabling users to define the scenario performed by the bot</h3>
<img src="images/DDT/first swtbot.png" style="margin-left:-20px"/>
<slide class="nobackground">
Great! I have my tests <b>but...</b>
<h3 style="padding-top:20px">Despite of the fluent syntax</h3>
<li>Tests require many source code</li>
<li>Test code is complicated, only developers can write it</li>
<li>The tests understanding is only based on JavaDoc</li>
<h3 ><b>Maintenance</b> remains very complicated</h3>
<img src="images/DDT/SWTBot_complicated1.png" style="padding-left:30px;margin-top:-10px"/>
<slide class="segue nobackground partTitle" style="background: url(images/DDT/luther.jpg); background-size: 100%;">
<h2 style="top:35px;paddingleft:0px;">I had a dream</h2>
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<br/> <br/> <br/>
<h3 class="stroke" style="color:white;margin-left:-40px;">A Test framework</h3>
<ul class="stroke" style="margin-left:0px;color:white;margin-left:-40px;">
<li>Allowing abstraction upon tests scenario (no code)</li>
<li>Not only dedicated to developers</li>
<li>Ensuring a good documentation level</li>
<slide class="segue nobackground partTitle" style="background: url(images/DDT/army.jpg); background-size: 100%;">
<h2 style="margin-top:-130px;padding-left:0px;color:black;text-shadow:none">Obeo is a software toolmaker!</h2>
<h2 style="margin-top:80px;margin-left:-50px;">So let's make a tooling<br/> above SWTBot!</h2>
<slide class="segue nobackground partTitle" style="background: url(images/DDT/easy.jpg); background-size: 100%;">
<h2>1. Simplify tests development <span style="font-size:0px;">_</span></h2>
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<slide class="part1">
First approach: <b>Code generation</b>
<h3>The idea</h3>
<ul><li>Ease the creation of tests with an <b>Acceleo generator</b></li></ul>
<h3>Maintenance is partly ensured by</h3>
<img src="images/DDT/Image-Acceleo.png" style="float:right;width:55%;padding-right:100px"/>
<ul><li>Generator updates</li></ul>
<ul><li>Tests regeneration</li></ul>
<h3>With this solution</h3>
<ul><li>we are able to produce tests more quickly</li>
<li>And updating the code generator allows to synchronize all tests with a regeneration</li> </ul>
<slide class="title-slide segue nobackground partTitle" style="background: url(images/DDT/hurray.jpg);background-size:100%;">
<h2 style="margin-top:400px;margin-left:450px;font-size:120px">Hurray!</h2>
<slide class="part1">
But this <b>isn't </b>the end of the story!
<img src="images/DDT/not-the-end.jpg" style="float:left;width:35%;margin-right:60px"/>
<h3>The increasing tests amount</h3>
<h3>The increasing functional coverage</h3>
<h3>=> a code generator <b>hard to maintain</b></h3>
<slide class="part1">
<h2>We need a plan B</h2>
<img src="images/DDT/graph.png" style="padding-top:60px; padding-left:150px;width:74%"/>
<slide class="part1">
<h2>Second approach: Tests <b>modeling</b></h2>
<h3>3 required steps:</h3>
<ol style="color:black;padding-left:50px">
<li><br/>1. Create a DSL describing functional tests<br/></li>
<li><br/>2. Implement it with the Eclipse Modeling Project<br/></li>
<li><br/>3. Create a SWTBot interpreter for these test models<br/></li>
<slide class="title-slide segue nobackground partTitle" style="background: url(images/DDT/pen.jpg);background-size:100%;">
<h2 style="margin-top:350px;margin-left:80px;font-size:60px">What does a Functional Test Model look like ?</h2>
<slide class="part1">
<h2>Modeling Bot <i>(I)</i></h2>
<img src="images/DDT/ModelingBotPartI.png"/>
<slide class="part1">
<h2>Modeling Bot <i>(II)</i></h2>
<img src="images/DDT/ModelingBotPartII.png"/>
<slide class="part1">
<h2>Modeling Bot <i>(III)</i></h2>
<img src="images/DDT/ModelingBotPartIII.png"/>
<slide class="part1">
<h2>A Test <b>model</b></i></h2>
<img src="images/DDT/Test-model.png" style="float:left;padding-right:80px"/>
<li>Create a project
<li>Create a model</li>
<li>Ensure env. Ready</li>
<li>In a details page</li>
<li>Add a new concept</li>
<li>Edit property of this one</li>
<li>Ensure editing well performed</li>
<li>Delete the project</li>
<slide class="part1">
<img src="images/DDT/awesome.jpg" style="float:right;padding-right:80px"/>
<h2>Awesome but...<br/><br/>How can I use that?</h2>
<span style="margin-left:0px" >Using a Treeview to create tests model isn't the best way...</span>
<slide class="segue nobackground partTitle" style="background: url(images/DDT/open.png); background-size: 100%;">
<h2 style="font-size:50px">2. Open the tooling to functional users <span style="font-size:0px;">_</span></h2>
<aside style="width:1005px" class="gdbar" ></aside>
<slide class="part2">
<h2>Toward an accessible tooling</h2>
<h3>This kind of model is well suited for a <b>textual syntax</b></h3>
<h3>Let's use the <img src="images/DDT/Xtext.png" style="width:15%"> project to create a textual syntax for our test DSL</h3>
<slide class=" nobackground">
<h2>A <b>Grammar</b> for textual syntax</h2>
<img src="images/DDT/XText grammar.png" style="float:left"/>
<img src="images/DDT/TextualModel.png" style="padding-top:100px;float:right"/>
<slide class="segue nobackground partTitle" style="background: url(images/DDT/understand.jpg); background-size: 100%;">
<h2 style="font-size:50px">3. Understand intents behind tests <span style="font-size:0px;">_</span></h2>
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<slide class="part3">
Mylyn <b>Intent</b>
<article class="auto-fadein noBullets">
<img src="images/Intent/doc/doc_monster.png" style="float:left;padding-right:15px;width:25%"/>
<h3 style="color:black"><b>Keeping doc synchronized</b> with Software is a burden</h3>
So you keep breaking specifications without realizing it
<div style="clear:both"/>
<img style="float:left;padding-right:25px;width:23%" src="images/Intent/Image-Intent_logo.png">
<h3 style="color:black">Clear <b>lack of tooling</b> to react to changes</h3>
That is exactly what Intent is about
<slide class="partNONE" style="background: url(images/DDT/instead_of_v2.png); background-size: 90%;background-position:30px 30px;background-color:white; background-repeat : no-repeat;">
<slide class="part3">
One <b>Intent Document</b> mixing both
<p style="padding-left:50px;padding-top:10px;color:black">
<span style="">- Pure documentation zones<br/></span>
<span style">- Formal links zones<br/></span>
<div class="intent_content">
<b class="kw">Chapter</b> <b>Standard EEF SWT Toolkit</b> {
<div class="intent_subsectioncontainer">
<div class="du"><br/>
The SWT is composed of 7 main widgets:<br/>
* Text<br/>
* TextArea<br/>
* Checkbox<br/>
* Radio<br/>
* Combo<br/>
* Group<br/>
* Hbox<br/>
<br/><b class="kw">Section</b> <b>The Text widget</b> {
<div class="intent_subsectioncontainer">
<div class="du"><br/>
The text widget allows users to edit <i>_EAttributes_</i> by entering a String value.<br/>
The standard use case is to edit an <i>_EAttribute_</i> as an <b>*EString*</b>. <br/>
For instance, in this scenario, an user is able do defines the firstname of conference participant using a text widget:
<div class="intent_modelingunit">
<b class="kw">@M</b><br/>
<div class="intent_subsectioncontainer">
<b class="kw">@ref</b><i style="color:blue"> "org.eclipse.emf.eef.scenarios/models/setAttributeText.modelingbot"</i>
<b class="kw">M@</b>
<slide class="part3">
One <b>Intent Document</b> mixing both
<p style="padding-left:50px;padding-top:10px;color:black">
<span style="">- Pure documentation zones<br/>
<span style="padding-left:30px;">Explanations in Natural language<br/></span>
<span style="padding-left:30px;">Use the <b>Textile</b> syntax<br/><br/></span>
<div class="intent_content">
<b class="kw">Chapter</b> <b>Standard EEF SWT Toolkit</b> {
<div class="intent_subsectioncontainer">
<div class="du"><br/>
The SWT is composed of 7 main widgets:<br/>
* Text<br/>
* TextArea<br/>
* Checkbox<br/>
* Radio<br/>
* Combo<br/>
* Group<br/>
* Hbox<br/>
<br/><b class="kw">Section</b> <b>The Text widget</b> {
<div class="intent_subsectioncontainer">
<div class="du"><br/>
The text widget allows users to edit <i>_EAttributes_</i> by entering a String value.<br/>
The standard use case is to edit an <i>_EAttribute_</i> as an <b>*EString*</b>. <br/>
For instance, in this scenario, an user is able do defines the firstname of conference participant using a text widget:
<div class="greyed">
<div class="intent_modelingunit" style="background-color:#F8F8F8;color:grey;font-size: 14px;">
<div class="intent_subsectioncontainer">
@ref "org.eclipse.emf.eef.scenarios/models/setAttributeText.modelingbot"
<slide class="part3">
One <b>Intent Document</b> mixing both
<p style="padding-left:50px;padding-top:10px;color:black">
<span style="">- Formal links zones<br/>
<span style="padding-left:30px;">Reference to technical artifacts (Java, models, Manifests...)<br/></span>
<span style="padding-left:30px;">Extensible behavior (display, hyperlinks, validation...)<br/><br/></span>
<div class="intent_content greyed">
Chapter Standard EEF SWT Toolkit</b> {
<div class="intent_subsectioncontainer">
<div class="du"><br/>
The SWT is composed of 7 main widgets:<br/>
* Text<br/>
* TextArea<br/>
* Checkbox<br/>
* Radio<br/>
* Combo<br/>
* Group<br/>
* Hbox<br/>
<br/>Section The Text widget {
<div class="intent_subsectioncontainer">
<div class="du"><br/>
The text widget allows users to edit _EAttributes_ by entering a String value.<br/>
The standard use case is to edit an _EAttribute_ as an *EString*. <br/>
For instance, in this scenario, an user is able do defines the firstname of conference participant using a text widget:
<div class="intent_modelingunit">
<b class="kw">@M</b><br/>
<div class="intent_subsectioncontainer">
<b class="kw">@ref</b><i style="color:blue"> "org.eclipse.emf.eef.scenarios/models/setAttributeText.modelingbot"</i>
<b class="kw">M@</b>
<slide class="segue nobackground partTitle" style="background: url(images/DDT/learn.jpg); background-size: 100%;background-position:0px -700px;">
<h2 style="top:360px">4. Lessons learned</h2>
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<slide class="part4">
Lessons learned
<article style="padding-top:80px;padding-right:30px;">
1. SWTBot is cool, but tests can be <b>hard to maintain & understand</b><br/>
<br/>2. Capturing scenarios through models instead of code makes test <b>easier to maintain</b><br/>
<br/>3. Providing a textual syntax to edit those models <b>improves user experience</b><br/>
<br/>4. Using Intent to tie doc, models & code makes sure <b>intention is never lost</b><br/>
<slide class="part4">
Improvements & Issues to tackle (I)
</h2> </hgroup>
<article style="padding-top:50px;padding-right:30px;">
<h3> Conceptual concerns </h3>
1. Apply the Doc-Driven Testing approach on more use cases<br/><br/>
2. Improve <i>checking</i> definition
<slide class="part4">
Improvements & Issues to tackle (II)
</h2> </hgroup>
<article style="padding-top:50px;padding-right:30px;">
<h3> Design concerns </h3>
1. Extensibility: allow to provide new Actions sets<br/><br/>
2. Extensibility: what about non SWTBot-based tests? (Jubula, Q7...)
<slide class="part4">
Improvements & Issues to tackle (III)
</h2> </hgroup>
<article style="padding-top:50px;padding-right:30px;">
<h3> Tooling concerns: textual syntax </h3>
1. Need for an extensible grammar is it possible with Xtext ?<br/>
<br/><h3>Tooling concerns: Mylyn Intent bridge</h3>
1. JUnit tests should be automatically generated (instead of using quick-fix)<br/>
2. Generated tests should be hidden: launch TestSuite directly from document<br/>
3. Improve junit failures: directly open related documentation
<slide class="thanks">
Thank You!
<article style="margin-top :30px">
<img class="reflect" src="images/contact/website.png" style="width:50px"/>
<a href=""></a> <span style="margin-left:100px">
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<br/> <img class="reflect" src="images/Intent/Image-Intent_logo_cropped.png" style="width:50px"/>
<a href=""></a><span style="margin-left:100px">
<a href=""></a></span>
<h2><br/>Don't miss Intent & EEF talks tomorrow:</h2>
<ul><li>11h - Stop throwing your doc away: Agile Documentation with Mylyn Intent</li></ul>
<ul><li>15h - EMF Community, time for moving on Eclipse4 thanks to the EEF 2.0!</li></ul>
Don't forget to give Feedback <br/>
<img class="reflect" style="padding-top:20px" src="images/Intent/feedback.png"/>
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