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<span class="breadcrumb-link"><a href="../index.html">Jubula Developer Manual</a></span> &gt; <span class="breadcrumb-node">Adding keyboard layout files</span>
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<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h1 class="title">
<a name="keyboardLayout"></a>Chapter 6. Adding keyboard layout files</h1></div></div></div>
For SWT and RCP AUTs, you need to define a keyboard layouts for the
AUT (i.e. which keyboard layout is set for the system on which the AUT
The keyboard layouts for German (Germany) and English (US) are already
present. If you want to use another keyboard layout, follow the
instructions in the next section to create one.
<div class="orderedlist"><ol class="orderedlist" type="1">
<li class="listitem"><p>
The name of the file must be in the following format:<br xmlns:d="">
keyboardmapping_&lt;language&gt;_&lt;COUNTRY&gt;.properties<br xmlns:d="">
e.g. for US English:
<li class="listitem"><p>
In the file, enter the codes for all characters which require you
to press a modifier key.
<li class="listitem"><p>
The format for these codes is:<br xmlns:d="">
&lt;Character&gt;=&lt;Modifier&gt;+&lt;Character without modifier&gt;<br xmlns:d="">
e.g. for the @ character: @=shift+2
<li class="listitem"><p>
The following symbols must be escaped with a backslash:<br xmlns:d="">
<code class="literal">! = : \ ,</code><br xmlns:d="">
e.g. <code class="literal">\!=shift+1</code> for !
<li class="listitem"><p>
There are pictures of various keyboards on the following website:<br xmlns:d="">
<span class="emphasis"><em></em></span>
<li class="listitem">
To add the keyboard layout file, you must create a fragment containing your newly added keyboard layout file(s). The host plugin for the fragment is:<br xmlns:d="">
<span class="emphasis"><em>org.eclipse.jubula.client.core</em></span><br xmlns:d="">
The path within the fragment must be:<br xmlns:d="">
<span class="emphasis"><em>resources/keyboard_mapping/&lt;name&gt;.properties</em></span>
<p xmlns:d=""><table>
<td><img align="bottom" width="100" height="91" src="../images/img2.jpg"></td>
<td class="topbotline"><span class="strong"><strong>If you name the file with the locale code, then the keyboard layout will be displayed in plain text in the AUT configuration dialog.</strong></span></td>
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<address xmlns:d="">Copyright BREDEX GmbH 2015. Made available under the Eclipse Public License v1.0.</address>
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