blob: 6a7000c202546d011d5035a8468b53379b251d1c [file] [log] [blame]
<?php # Script for retrieving IP log information.
# for database schema, see:
require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); $App = new App(); $Nav = new Nav(); $Menu = new Menu(); include($App->getProjectCommon());
if (is_file("$bugClass")) require_once "$bugClass";
$showobsolete = isset($_GET["showobsolete"]);
$isFormatted = !isset($_GET["unformatted"]);
$debug = isset($_GET["debug"]);
$sortBy = isset($_GET["sortBy"]) && preg_match("#component|bugid|contact|size#", $_GET["sortBy"], $m) ? $m[0] : "bugid";
$components = !isset($components) ? array() : $components;
if (isset($_GET["component"]) && $_GET["component"])
$components = array(strtolower(preg_replace("#[%\\\"\';]+#", "", urldecode($_GET["component"]))));
else if (isset($_GET["components"]))
$components = $_GET["components"];
foreach ($components as $i => $c)
if ($c)
$components[$i] = strtolower(preg_replace("#[%\\\"\';]+#", "", urldecode($c)));
$committers = filterCommitters($committers, $components);
$showbuglist = isset($_GET["showbuglist"]);
if ($showbuglist)
$sortBy = "bugid";
function getComponentQueryString()
global $components;
$componentQueryString = "";
foreach ($components as $component)
$componentQueryString .= "&amp;components[]=" . urlencode($component);
return $componentQueryString;
function doIPQuery()
global $bugClass, $product_id, $sortBy, $components, $showbuglist, $showobsolete;
$data = array();
if (!is_file($bugClass))
print "<li><b style='color:red'>Error: could not query Bugzilla database.</b></li>";
$componentSQL = "";
foreach ($components as $component)
$componentSQL .= $componentSQL ? "OR " : "";
$componentSQL .= " = '$component' ";
$componentSQL = $componentSQL ? "(" . $componentSQL . ") AND " : "";
# Connect to database
$dbc = new DBConnectionBugs();
$dbh = $dbc->connect();
# NOTE: bug_status = 5 is RESOLVED, resolution = 2 is FIXED, 'contributed' keyword id = 22
# for product_id, use:
# 8, EMF
# 12, GMT
# 29, GMF
# 40, MDDi
# 42, EMFT
# 63, Modeling
# 67, MDT
# 71, M2M
# 87, M2T
# 105, Amalgam
# 106, TMF
$order = "$sortBy ASC";
$queries = array(
LENGTH(attach_data.thedata) AS size,
bugs.bug_id AS bugid,
bugs.short_desc, as component,
profiles.login_name AS contact
attachments, attach_data, bugs, components, keywords, profiles
attachments.ispatch = 1 AND
" . (!$showobsolete ? "attachments.isobsolete = 0 AND " : "") . "
attachments.bug_id = bugs.bug_id AND
attachments.attach_id = AND = bugs.component_id AND
" . $componentSQL . "
bugs.bug_id = keywords.bug_id AND
keywords.keywordid = 22 AND
profiles.userid = attachments.submitter_id AND
bugs.product_id = $product_id)
longdescs.thetext AS description,
1 AS ispatch,
0 AS isobsolete,
0 AS size,
bugs.bug_id AS bugid,
bugs.short_desc, AS component,
longdescs.thetext AS contact
longdescs, bugs, components, keywords, profiles
WHERE = bugs.component_id AND
" . $componentSQL . "
bugs.bug_id = keywords.bug_id AND
keywords.keywordid = 22 AND
bugs.product_id = $product_id AND
profiles.userid = longdescs.who AND
longdescs.bug_id = bugs.bug_id AND
longdescs.thetext like '%[contrib %email=%]%')
foreach ($queries as $query)
$rs = mysql_query($query, $dbh);
if(mysql_errno($dbh) > 0) {
echo "<li><b style='color:red'>There was an error processing this request: " . $query . " : " . mysql_error($dbh) . "</b></li>\n";
while($myrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs))
$data[] = $myrow;
$rs = null;
$dbh = null;
$dbc = null;
return $data;
function printIPQuery($data, $isFormatted = true)
global $sortBy, $showobsolete, $components, $PR;
$componentQueryString = getComponentQueryString();
$cnt = 0;
if ($isFormatted)
print " <table>\n <tr>" .
"<th><acronym title=\"click to sort\"><a" . ($sortBy == "component" ? " style='text-decoration:underline'" : "") . " href='?sortBy=component" . $componentQueryString . ($showobsolete ? "&amp;showobsolete" : "") . "'>Component</a></acronym></th>" .
"<th><acronym title=\"click to sort\"><a" . ($sortBy == "bugid" ? " style='text-decoration:underline'" : "") . " href='?sortBy=bugid" . $componentQueryString . ($showobsolete ? "&amp;showobsolete" : "") . "'>Bug #</a></acronym></th>" .
"<th><acronym title=\"click to sort\"><a" . ($sortBy == "contact" ? " style='text-decoration:underline'" : "") . " href='?sortBy=contact" . $componentQueryString . ($showobsolete ? "&amp;showobsolete" : "") . "'>Contributor</a></acronym></th>" .
"<th><acronym title=\"click to sort\"><a" . ($sortBy == "size" ? " style='text-decoration:underline'" : "") . " href='?sortBy=size" . $componentQueryString . ($showobsolete ? "&amp;showobsolete" : "") . "'>Size</a></acronym></th>" .
$bgcol = "#FFFFEE";
$prevDesc = "";
foreach ($data as $myrow)
if ($isFormatted)
if ($myrow['short_desc'] != $prevDesc)
$bgcol = $bgcol == "#EEEEFF" ? "#FFFFEE" : "#EEEEFF";
list($shortname, $email) = getContributor($myrow['contact']);
print "<tr bgcolor=\"$bgcol\" align=\"top\">" .
"<td><acronym title=\"click to filter/unfilter this component\">" .
"<a style=\"font-size:8px\" href=\"?" . 'sortBy=' . $sortBy . ($showobsolete ? "&amp;showobsolete" : ""). (sizeof($components) == 1 && strtolower($components[0]) == strtolower($myrow['component']) ? "" : "&amp;component=" . strtolower($myrow['component'])) . "\">" . $myrow['component'] . "</a></acronym>&#160;" .
"<a href=\"$PR/?project=" . strtolower($myrow['component']) . "\"><img src=\"/modeling/images/link-out.png\"/></a>" .
"</td>" .
"<td nowrap=\"nowrap\">" . doBugLink($myrow['bugid']) . "</td>" .
"<td><acronym title=\"" . $email . "\">$shortname</acronym></td>" .
"<td>" . (isset($myrow['size']) && $myrow['size'] ? pretty_size($myrow['size']) : "") . "</td>" .
"<td width=\"99%\">" . "<small style=\"font-size:8px\">" .
($myrow['short_desc'] != $prevDesc ? preg_replace("#(\d{5,6})#", doBugLink("$1"), str_replace(",", " ", $myrow['short_desc'])) : "") .
(isset($myrow['description']) && $myrow['description'] ? ($myrow['short_desc'] != $prevDesc ? "<br/>" : "") . "&#160;&#160;&#149;&#160;" . (isset($myrow['isobsolete']) && $myrow['isobsolete'] ? "<strike>" : "") . preg_replace("#(\d{5,6})#", doBugLink("$1"), str_replace(",", " ", $myrow['description'])) : "") .
(isset($myrow['isobsolete']) && $myrow['isobsolete'] ? "</strike> (obsolete patch)" : "") . "</small></td>" .
$prevDesc = $myrow['short_desc'];
list($shortname, $email) = getContributor($myrow['contact']);
print $myrow['component'] . "," . $myrow['bugid'] . "," . $email .
"," . (isset($myrow['size']) && $myrow['size'] ? $myrow['size'] : "") .
"," . str_replace(",", " ", $myrow['short_desc']) .
(isset($myrow['description']) && $myrow['description'] ? " (" . preg_replace("/[,\n]+/", " ", $myrow['description']) . ")" : "") .
(isset($myrow['isobsolete']) && $myrow['isobsolete'] ? " [obsolete patch]" : "") .
if ($isFormatted)
print " </table>\n";
return $cnt;
function doBugLink($id)
return "<a href=\"/modeling/searchcvs.php?q=" . $id . "\"><img src=\"/modeling/images/delta.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Search CVS for bug " . $id . "\"></a>&#160;" .
"<a href=\"" . $id . "\">" . $id . "</a>";
function getContributor($in)
global $debug;
if ($debug) echo "Processing {{ $in }}<br/>";
if (strpos($in, "@") !== false && strpos($in, "[") === false)
$email = $in;
if ($debug) print "Got \$email = $email<br/>";
$chunks = explode(" ", str_replace("\n", " ", $in));
foreach ($chunks as $chunk)
if ($debug) echo "Processing {$chunk}<br/>";
if (strpos($chunk, "email=") !== false)
$email = explode("=", $chunk); $email = $email[1];
$email = preg_replace("#[/\"\]]+#","",$email); # trim out "/]
if ($debug) print "<b style='color:green'>Got \$email = $email</b><br/>";
$shortname = explode("@", $email); $shortname = $shortname[0];
if ($debug) print "<b style='color:green'>Got \$shortname = $shortname</b><br/>";
return array($shortname, $email);
function doProductIDQuery()
# Connect to database
$dbc = new DBConnectionBugs();
$dbh = $dbc->connect();
$query = "SELECT,
$rs = mysql_query($query, $dbh);
if(mysql_errno($dbh) > 0) {
echo "There was an error processing this request: " . $query . " : ";
# For debugging purposes - don't display this stuff in a production page.
echo mysql_error($dbh);
# Mysql disconnects automatically, but I like my disconnects to be explicit.
while($myrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs)) {
print $myrow['id'] . ", " . $myrow['name'] . "\n";
$rs = null;
$dbh = null;
$dbc = null;
function doIPQueryPage()
global $incubating, $isFormatted, $showbuglist, $components, $showobsolete, $sortBy, $committers, $product_id, $extra_IP, $third_party, $third_party_works_with, $theme, $PR, $App, $Menu, $Nav;
ksort($committers); reset($committers);
$componentQueryString = getComponentQueryString();
if ($showbuglist)
header("Content-type: text/plain\n\n");
$bugs = array();
foreach (doIPQuery() as $myrow)
$pair = array($myrow['bugid'], $myrow['short_desc']);
if (!in_array($pair, $bugs))
$bugs[] = $pair;
foreach ($bugs as $bug)
print $bug[0] . "\t" . $bug[1] . "\n";
print "\n" . sizeof($bugs) . " bugs total.\n";
if (!$isFormatted)
header("Content-type: text/plain\n\n");
print "Committers (Section 1)\n";
foreach ($committers as $committer => $componentList)
print $committer."\n";
print "\n";
print "Developers (Section 2)\n";
printIPQuery(doIPQuery(), false);
print "\n";
if (isset($extra_IP) && is_array($extra_IP) && sizeof($extra_IP) > 0)
print "Additional IP\n";
foreach ($extra_IP as $ip)
print "$ip\n";
$third_parties = array(
"Third Party Software (Section 3)" => $third_party,
"Third Party \"Works-With\" Software (Non-EPL, Non-Distributed)" => $third_party_works_with
foreach ($third_parties as $label => $third_party_arr)
print "\n";
print "$label\n";
if (isset($third_party_arr) && is_array($third_party_arr) && sizeof($third_party_arr) > 0)
foreach ($third_party_arr as $tp)
$bits = explode(",", $tp);
if (sizeof($components) < 1 || (isset($bits[5]) && in_array(trim($bits[5]), $components)))
print "$tp\n";
$projct= preg_replace("#.+/#", "", $PR);
$projectName = $projct != "modeling" ? strtoupper($projct) : "Modeling Project";
<div id="midcolumn">
<h1><?php print $projectName; ?> IP Log</h1>
<div class="homeitem3col">
<a name="section1"></a><h3>Committers (Section 1)</h3>
<li>See list at right.</li>
<div class="homeitem3col">
<a name="section2"></a><h3>Developers (Section 2)</h3>
<?php $cnt = printIPQuery(doIPQuery(), true); ?>
<p align="right"><?php echo $cnt; ?> records found.</p>
<?php if (isset($extra_IP) && is_array($extra_IP) && sizeof($extra_IP) > 0)
print "<a name=\"section2a\"></a><b>Additional IP</b>\n";
print "<ul>\n";
foreach ($extra_IP as $ip)
print "<li>$ip</li>\n";
print "</ul>\n";
} ?>
<?php $third_parties = array (
"Third Party Software (Section 3)" => $third_party,
"Third Party \"Works-With\" Software (Non-EPL, Non-Distributed)" => $third_party_works_with
foreach ($third_parties as $label => $third_party_arr)
if (isset($third_party_arr) && is_array($third_party_arr) && sizeof($third_party_arr) > 0)
$cnt = 0; ?>
<div class="homeitem3col">
<a name="section3"></a><h3><?php print $label; ?></h3><?php
$hasComponent = false;
foreach ($third_party_arr as $tp)
$bits = explode(",", $tp);
if (isset($bits[5]))
$hasComponent = true;
print "<table>\n" .
"<tr>" . ($hasComponent ? "<th>Component</th>" : "") . "<th>Name &amp; Version</th><th>Location</th><th>License</th><th>Usage</th><th><acronym title=\"Contribution Questionnaires, if known\">CQ</acronym></tr>\n";
$bgcol = "#FFFFEE";
foreach ($third_party_arr as $tp)
$bits = explode(",", $tp);
$bits[4] = trim($bits[4]);
$bits[5] = trim($bits[5]);
$bgcol = $bgcol == "#EEEEFF" ? "#FFFFEE" : "#EEEEFF";
if (sizeof($components) < 1 || (isset($bits[5]) && in_array($bits[5], $components)))
print "<tr bgcolor=\"$bgcol\" align=\"top\">" .
($hasComponent ? "<td>" . (isset($bits[5]) && $bits[5] ?
"<acronym title=\"click to filter/unfilter this component\"><a style=\"font-size:8px\" href=\"?" . 'sortBy=' . $sortBy . ($showobsolete ? "&amp;showobsolete" : ""). (sizeof($components) == 1 && $components[0] == $bits[5] ? "" : "&amp;component=" . strtolower($bits[5])) . "\">" . $bits[5] . "</a></acronym>&#160;" .
"<a href=\"$PR/?project=" . strtolower($bits[5]) . "\"><img src=\"/modeling/images/link-out.png\"/></a>" : "") . "</td>" : "") .
"<td>" . cqlink(isset($bits[4]) && $bits[4] ? $bits[4] : "", $bits[0]) . "</td>" .
"<td>" . pretty_print($bits[1], "/", 1) . "</td>" .
"<td>" . $bits[2] . "</td>" .
"<td>" . (isset($bits[3]) ? pretty_print($bits[3], " ", 2) : "") . "</td>" .
"<td align=\"right\">" . (isset($bits[4]) && $bits[4] ? cqlink($bits[4]) : "?") . "</td>" .
print "</table>";
print '<p align="right">' . $cnt . ' records found.</p>';
print '</div>' . "\n\n";
} ?>
<div id="rightcolumn">
<?php if (isset($incubating)) { ?>
<div class="sideitem">
<p>Some components are currently in their <a href="">Validation (Incubation) Phase</a>.</p>
<div align="center"><a href=""><img
align="center" src=""
border="0" /></a></div>
<?php } ?>
<div class="sideitem">
<h6>Committers (Section 1)</h6>
<?php foreach ($committers as $committer => $componentList)
print "<li>" . ($componentList ? "<acronym title=\"$componentList\">" : "") .
"<a href=\"/$PR/searchcvs.php?q=author:$committer\">$committer</a>" . ($componentList ? "</acronym>" : ""). "</li>\n";
} ?>
<p align="right"><?php print sizeof($committers); ?> committers found</p>
<div class="sideitem">
<h6>Developers (Section 2)</h6>
<li><a href="#section2">Developers (Section 2)</a></li>
<?php if (isset($extra_IP) && is_array($extra_IP) && sizeof($extra_IP) > 0) {
print '<li><a href="#section2a">Additional IP</a></li>'."\n";
} ?>
<div class="sideitem">
<h6>Third Party Software (Section 3)</h6>
<li><a href="#section3">Third Party Software (Section 3)</a></li>
<div class="sideitem">
<a name="Note"></a><h6>Data Filters</h6>
<li><a href="?<?php print $componentQueryString . '&amp;sortBy=' . $sortBy . (!$showobsolete ? '&amp;showobsolete">Show' : '">Hide') ?> Obsolete Patches</a></li>
<li><a href="?unformatted<?php print ($showobsolete ? "&amp;showobsolete" : "") . $componentQueryString . '&amp;sortBy=' . $sortBy; ?>">View unformatted data</a></li>
<li><a href="?showbuglist<?php print ($showobsolete ? "&amp;showobsolete" : "") . $componentQueryString . '&amp;sortBy=' . $sortBy; ?>">View bugs only</a></li>
<li><a href="?<?php print ($showobsolete ? "showobsolete&amp;" : "") . 'sortBy=' . $sortBy . (isset($_GET["ganymede"]) ? '">Show all components' : '&amp;ganymede">Show Ganymede components'); ?></a></li>
<div class="sideitem">
<a name="Note"></a><h6>Data Inclusion</h6>
<p>Note that this data is only as accurate as the
<a href="">process used to collect it</a>.
To appear in this list, a contribution must: (1) have a related bug, (2) include a <i>patch</i> type attachment, and (3) bear the <i>contributed</i> keyword.
<p>For older bugs that do not follow the above convention, you can also tag a contribution by entering a <i>[contrib email="..."/]</i> comment in a bug, or add some <i>Additional IP</i> <a href="">like this</a>.
<p>If you see an omission and cannot correct it yourself,
<a href="">please report it</a>.
$html = ob_get_contents();
$pageTitle= "Eclipse Modeling - " . ($projectName && $projct != "modeling" ? $projectName . " -" : "") . " IP Log";
$pageKeywords = "eclipse,project,modeling,IP";
$pageAuthor = "Nick Boldt";
$App->AddExtraHtmlHeader('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/modeling/includes/index.css"/>' . "\n");
$App->generatePage($theme, $Menu, $Nav, $pageAuthor, $pageKeywords, $pageTitle, $html);
function filterCommitters($committers, $components)
if (!isset($components) || sizeof($components) < 1)
return $committers;
$out = array();
$components[] = "PMC";
$components[] = "releng";
foreach ($components as $component)
foreach ($committers as $committer => $componentList)
if (preg_match("#$component#", $componentList))
$out[$committer] = $componentList;
return $out;
# return a string condensed down the the last $num pieces, split by $split, and wrapped with its full value as an <acronym>
function pretty_print($in, $split, $num)
$bits = explode($split, $in);
$out = "";
for ($i=sizeof($bits) - $num; $i<sizeof($bits); $i++)
if ($out)
$out .= $split;
$out .= $bits[$i];
return "<acronym title=\"$in\">$out</acronym>";
function cqlink($num, $label = "")
return $num ?
"<acronym title=\"Contribution Questionnaire #$num\"><a href=\"$num\">" . ($label ? $label : $num) . "</a></acronym>" :
($label ? "<acronym title=\"Contribution Questionnaire Search\"><a href=\"" . urlencode($label) . "&long_desc_type=substring&long_desc=&bug_file_loc_type=allwordssubstr&bug_file_loc=&keywords_type=allwords&keywords=&emailassigned_to1=1&emailtype1=substring&email1=&emailassigned_to2=1&emailreporter2=1&emailcc2=1&emailtype2=substring&email2=&bugidtype=include&bug_id=&chfieldfrom=&chfieldto=Now&chfieldvalue=&cmdtype=doit&order=Reuse+same+sort+as+last+time&field0-0-0=noop&type0-0-0=noop&value0-0-0=\">" . $label . "</a></acronym>" : $num);