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<p class='location'>Type Definition MQTTAsync_deliveryComplete</p><p class='location'><a href='index.html'>paho_mqtt3as_sys</a></p><script>window.sidebarCurrent = {name: 'MQTTAsync_deliveryComplete', ty: 'type', relpath: ''};</script><script defer src="sidebar-items.js"></script>
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<h1 class='fqn'><span class='in-band'>Type Definition <a href='index.html'>paho_mqtt3as_sys</a>::<wbr><a class="type" href=''>MQTTAsync_deliveryComplete</a></span><span class='out-of-band'><span id='render-detail'>
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<pre class='rust typedef'>type MQTTAsync_deliveryComplete = <a class="enum" href="" title="enum core::option::Option">Option</a>&lt;unsafe extern &quot;C&quot; fn(_: <a class="primitive" href="">*mut </a><a class="enum" href="" title="enum std::os::raw::c_void">c_void</a>, _: <a class="type" href="../paho_mqtt3as_sys/type.MQTTAsync_token.html" title="type paho_mqtt3as_sys::MQTTAsync_token">MQTTAsync_token</a>)&gt;;</pre><div class='docblock'><p>This is a callback function. The client application
must provide an implementation of this function to enable asynchronous
notification of delivery of messages to the server. The function is
registered with the client library by passing it as an argument to MQTTAsync_setCallbacks().
It is called by the client library after the client application has
published a message to the server. It indicates that the necessary
handshaking and acknowledgements for the requested quality of service (see
MQTTAsync_message.qos) have been completed. This function is executed on a
separate thread to the one on which the client application is running.
@param context A pointer to the <i>context</i> value originally passed to
MQTTAsync_setCallbacks(), which contains any application-specific context.
@param token The ::MQTTAsync_token associated with
the published message. Applications can check that all messages have been
correctly published by matching the tokens returned from calls to
MQTTAsync_send() and MQTTAsync_sendMessage() with the tokens passed
to this callback.</p>
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