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| <h1>Business Applications Made Easy</h1> |
| <p><strong>Eclipse Scout</strong> is a one-stop framework with straight concepts, |
| a strong application model and a versatile UI. It enables you to develop professional |
| software in Java or JavaScript.</p> |
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| <!-- **** FEATURES **** --> |
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| <h2><a id="features-and-highlights">Features and Highlights</a></h2> |
| <p>Hundreds of commercial projects rely on Eclipse Scout. It is a mature, stable, open-source framework |
| with active development, backed by a successful software company. Here are some of the benefits you |
| get when working with Scout. Check the <a href="features.html">Features</a> page for more details.</p> |
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| <div>Powerful Widgets</div> |
| <p>Scout provides a mature widget library to build beautiful and stable web-based user interfaces.</p> |
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| <a href="features.html#web"> |
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| <div>Web Toolstack</div> |
| <p>Modern web toolstack with ES6+, Webpack and Babel</p> |
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| <div>Responsive UI</div> |
| <p>Build responsive applications for desktop and mobile devices.</p> |
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| <div>Full Stack</div> |
| <p>From front end to back end to database: Scout helps you with every tier.</p> |
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| <a href="features.html#tools"> |
| <img src="img/light/outdoors-swiss-knife.svg"> |
| <div>Comprehensive Tools</div> |
| <p>Dependency management, i18n, Transaction handling, Testing, REST, Web services, Authentication...</p> |
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| <a href="features.html#programming-language"> |
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| <div>Java and JavaScript</div> |
| <p>Choose your favorite language to develop in Scout.</p> |
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| <!-- **** DEMO-APPS **** --> |
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| <h2><a id="demo-apps">Scout Demo Apps</a></h2> |
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| Scout Classic<br/>Widgets |
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| Scout JS<br/>Widgets |
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| <div class="demo-app-description"> |
| <div>Contacts</div> |
| <p>This lean business application written in <span class="tooltip" data-tooltip-text="scout.classic">Scout Classic</span> features patterns and best practices used in Scout applications.</p> |
| <a href="https://scout.bsi-software.com/contacts/" target="_blank" class="launch-app-link">Launch app</a> |
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| <!-- Scout Classic Widgets --> |
| <div class="demo-app-container hidden" id="scout-classic-widgets"> |
| <div class="demo-app-description"> |
| <div>Scout Classic Widgets</div> |
| <p>A Java application featuring all available widgets in <span class="tooltip" data-tooltip-text="scout.classic">Scout Classic</span>.</p> |
| <a href="https://scout.bsi-software.com/widgets/" target="_blank" class="launch-app-link">Launch app</a> |
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| <a href="https://scout.bsi-software.com/widgets/" target="_blank"><img src="img/screenshot/demo-app-scout-classic-preview.png"></a> |
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| <!-- Scout JS Widgets --> |
| <div class="demo-app-container hidden" id="scout-js-widgets"> |
| <div class="demo-app-description"> |
| <div>Scout JS Widgets</div> |
| <p>A JavaScript application featuring all available widgets in <span class="tooltip" data-tooltip-text="scout.js">Scout JS</span>.</p> |
| <a href="https://scout.bsi-software.com/jswidgets/" target="_blank" class="launch-app-link">Launch app</a> |
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| <h3><a id="getting-started-java">Java Developers</a></h3> |
| <p>Learn how to build a <span class="tooltip inverted" data-tooltip-text="scout.classic">Scout Classic</span> application written in Java |
| with a server-side application model.</p> |
| <a href="https://eclipsescout.github.io/11.0/helloscout.html" class="get-started-link" target="_blank">Get started</a> |
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| <p>Learn how to build a <span class="tooltip inverted" data-tooltip-text="scout.js">Scout JS</span> application written in JavaScript.<br/><br/></p> |
| <a href="https://eclipsescout.github.io/11.0/helloscout-js.html" class="get-started-link" target="_blank">Get started</a> |
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| <h3><a id="try-scout-js">Try Scout JS</a></h3> |
| <p>See how simple it is to develop in Scout: Change the code in this |
| CodePen and click the "Rerun" button to update the Hello World app.</p> |
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| <span>See the Pen <a href="https://codepen.io/eclipse-scout/pen/BaQPjom"> |
| Scout JS Hello World</a> by Eclipse Scout (<a href="https://codepen.io/eclipse-scout">@eclipse-scout</a>) |
| on <a href="https://codepen.io">CodePen</a>.</span> |
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