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<td valign="top" style="padding: 10px"><h1 style="padding: 0; margin: 0; border-bottom: 1px solid #000000;">Generating the SWT JNI Code</h1>
<p>All of the C code used by SWT is generated by the <b>JNIGeneratorApp</b>
application from the <i></i> project in Eclipse CVS.
This page describes how to use this tool when fixing bugs or adding
features to SWT.</p>
<h3>Adding native methods</h3>
<li>Add the function prototype in <tt></tt>, copying the style and structure
of the other functions in that file.
<li>Run <b>JNIGeneratorAppUI</b> from <i></i>. This
is a GUI application for editing the metadata and a front end to the
generation phase. Select the appropriate class in the list and then
find the method you added in <tt></tt>.
<center><img src="images/jnigen.png" alt="JNIGeneratorAppUI"></center>
<li>Set any flags and modify the casts for any primitive types.
<li>Hit <i>Generate All</i> to generate the C code and metadata files.
<li>Refresh the <i>org.eclipse.swt</i> project to tell Eclipse about the C
changes, and refresh the <i></i> project to see the
metadata changes.
<li>Compile the new C code and copy the new libraries to the appropriate
fragment. To compile the code, use the <tt>build.xml</tt> file in the
<tt>Eclipse SWT PI/ws/library</tt> directory for your window system.
Refresh your workspace after running the build to ensure Eclipse
picks up the fresh binaries.
<center><img src="images/buildxml.png" alt="build.xml"></center>
<h3>Adding structs</h3>
<p>Often, methods return values or require parameters as a C struct. To
add a new structure, simply add a new class in the same package as
the file which matches the definition of the C structure.
This will be picked up and correctly handled by <i>JNIGeneratorApp</i>.</p>
<p>If a struct is input-only or output-only, this information can be used
by <i>JNIGeneratorApp</i> to generate more efficient C code. Use the
<b>flags</b> attribute of the native function to indicate this in the
<h3>More Hints</h3>
<li>For GTK+ and Motif, all native functions must be wrapped in locking
code. When adding functions, simply copy the style and structure of the
other native functions.
<li>Many functions on Mac OS X return structs which use <b>unions</b>. For
an example of how to add the markup for a union, see the
<b>ControlFontStyleRec</b> structure and its metadata.
<p>And there you go! If you're having trouble, please post to the SWT
mailing list or file a new bug in bugzilla.</p>