blob: 14ee7d989cb5eb6f1dabbef47fa14188f3089fd1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2013, 2019 IBH SYSTEMS GmbH and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBH SYSTEMS GmbH - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.tycho.extras.docbundle;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.maven.execution.MavenSession;
import org.apache.maven.model.Dependency;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.AbstractMojo;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Component;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.LifecyclePhase;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Mojo;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Parameter;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.ResolutionScope;
import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;
import org.apache.maven.toolchain.ToolchainManager;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.FileUtils;
import org.eclipse.tycho.classpath.ClasspathEntry;
import org.eclipse.tycho.core.BundleProject;
import org.eclipse.tycho.core.TychoProject;
import org.eclipse.tycho.core.osgitools.BundleReader;
* Create the javadoc based API reference for this bundle <br/>
* This mojo creates the javadoc documentation by calling the javadoc application from the command
* line. In addition it creates a ready to include toc-xml file for the Eclipse Help system. <br/>
* The sources for creating the javadoc are generated automatically based on the dependency that
* this project has. As dependency you can specify any other maven project, for example the feature
* project that references you other bundles. Included features will be added to the list.
* @since 0.20.0
@Mojo(name = "javadoc", defaultPhase = LifecyclePhase.PROCESS_CLASSES, requiresDependencyResolution = ResolutionScope.COMPILE_PLUS_RUNTIME, threadSafe = false)
public class JavadocMojo extends AbstractMojo {
* The directory where the javadoc content will be generated
@Parameter(property = "outputDirectory", defaultValue = "${}/reference/api", required = true)
private File outputDirectory;
* The base output directory
@Parameter(property = "basedir", required = true, readonly = true)
private File basedir;
* The build directory where temporary build files will be placed
@Parameter(property = "", required = true)
private File buildDirectory;
* An option to clean out the whole outputDirectory first.
@Parameter(property = "cleanFirst", defaultValue = "true")
private boolean cleanFirst;
private ToolchainManager toolchainManager;
@Parameter(property = "session", required = true, readonly = true)
private MavenSession session;
@Parameter(property = "reactorProjects", required = true, readonly = true)
protected List<MavenProject> reactorProjects;
* The scopes that the dependencies must have in order to be included
@Parameter(property = "scopes", defaultValue = "compile,provided")
private Set<String> scopes = new HashSet<>();
* Maven module types that will be used to include the source
@Parameter(property = "sourceTypes", defaultValue = "eclipse-plugin")
private Set<String> sourceTypes = new HashSet<>();
* Options for calling the javadoc application. Possible options are (all options are optional):
* <ul>
* <li><tt>ignoreError</tt>, specifies if errors calling javadoc should be ignored</li>
* <li><tt>doclet</tt>, used as javadoc <tt>-doclet</tt> parameter</li>
* <li><tt>docletArtifacts</tt>, dependencies will be resovled and added as <tt>-docletpath</tt>
* parameter</li>
* <li><tt>encoding</tt>, used as javadoc <tt>-encoding</tt> parameter (default:
* <tt>${}</tt></li>
* <li><tt>additionalArguments</tt>, a list of additional arguments passed to javadoc</li>
* <li><tt>includes</tt>/<tt>excludes</tt>, the list of names of packages to be included in or
* excluded from JavaDoc processing; use '<tt>*</tt>' character as wildcard</li>
* </ul>
* Example configuration:
* <pre>
* &lt;configuration&gt;
* &lt;javadocOptions&gt;
* &lt;ignoreError&gt;false&lt;/ignoreError&gt;
* &lt;encoding&gt;UTF-8&lt;/encoding&gt;
* &lt;doclet&gt;;/doclet&gt;
* &lt;docletArtifacts&gt;
* &lt;docletArtifact&gt;
* &lt;groupId&gt;;/groupId&gt;
* &lt;artifactId&gt;;/artifactId&gt;
* &lt;version&gt;1.0&lt;/version&gt;
* &lt;/docletArtifact&gt;
* &lt;/docletArtifacts&gt;
* &lt;includes&gt;
* &lt;include&gt;com.example.*&lt;/include&gt;
* &lt;/includes&gt;
* &lt;excludes&gt;
* &lt;exclude&gt;com.example.internal.*&lt;/exclude&gt;
* &lt;/excludes&gt;
* &lt;additionalArguments&gt;
* &lt;additionalArgument&gt;-windowtitle "The Window Title"&lt;/additionalArgument&gt;
* &lt;additionalArgument&gt;-nosince&lt;/additionalArgument&gt;
* &lt;/additionalArguments&gt;
* &lt;/javadocOptions&gt;
* &lt;/configuration&gt;
* </pre>
@Parameter(property = "javadocOptions")
private JavadocOptions javadocOptions = new JavadocOptions();
* Options for creating the toc files.
* <ul>
* <li><tt>mainLabel</tt>, specifies the main label of the toc file (default: "API Reference")
* </li>
* <li><tt>mainFilename</tt>, specifies the filename of the TOC file (default:
* "overview-summary.html")
* </ul>
* Example configuration:
* <pre>
* &lt;configuration&gt;
* &lt;tocOptions&gt;
* &lt;mainLabel&gt;My own label&lt;/mainLabel&gt;
* &lt;mainFilename&gt;myOverviewSummary.html&lt;/mainFilename&gt;
* &lt;/tocOptions&gt;
* &lt;/configuration&gt;
* </pre>
@Parameter(property = "tocOptions")
private TocOptions tocOptions = new TocOptions();
* Set this property to true to skip the generation of the Eclipse TOC files.
@Parameter(property = "skipTocGen", defaultValue = "false")
private boolean skipTocGen = false;
* The output location of the toc file.<br/>
* This file will be overwritten.
@Parameter(property = "tocFile", defaultValue = "${}/tocjavadoc.xml")
private File tocFile;
@Parameter(property = "", readonly = true)
private String projectBuildSourceEncoding;
private BundleReader bundleReader;
private DocletArtifactsResolver docletArtifactsResolver;
@Component(role = TychoProject.class)
private Map<String, TychoProject> projectTypes;
public void setTocOptions(TocOptions tocOptions) {
this.tocOptions = tocOptions;
public void setSourceTypes(final Set<String> sourceTypes) {
this.sourceTypes = sourceTypes;
public void setScopes(final Set<String> scopes) {
this.scopes = scopes;
public void setJavadocOptions(final JavadocOptions javadocOptions) {
this.javadocOptions = javadocOptions;
public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException {
getLog().info("Scopes: " + this.scopes);
getLog().info("Output directory: " + this.outputDirectory);
getLog().info("BaseDir: " + this.basedir);
if (this.cleanFirst) {
getLog().info("Cleaning up first");
// if no encoding is set, fall back to ${}
if (javadocOptions.getEncoding() == null) {
final JavadocRunner runner = new JavadocRunner();
final GatherManifestVisitor gmv = new GatherManifestVisitor();
visitProjects(this.session.getCurrentProject().getDependencies(), this.scopes, gmv);
final GatherSourcesVisitor gsv = new GatherSourcesVisitor();
visitProjects(this.session.getCurrentProject().getDependencies(), this.scopes, gsv);
getLog().info(String.format("%s source folders", gsv.getSourceFolders().size()));
for (final File file : gsv.getSourceFolders()) {
getLog().info("Source folder: " + file);
final GatherClasspathVisitor gcv = new GatherClasspathVisitor();
visitProjects(this.session.getCurrentProject().getDependencies(), this.scopes, gcv);
final Collection<String> cp = gcv.getClassPath();
getLog().info(String.format("%s classpath deps", cp.size()));
for (final String ele : cp) {
getLog().info("CP: " + ele);
// Setup toc writer
final TocWriter tocWriter = new TocWriter();
try {;
if (!skipTocGen) {
} catch (final Exception e) {
throw new MojoExecutionException("Failed to run javadoc", e);
private void cleanUp() throws MojoExecutionException {
if (!this.outputDirectory.exists()) {
try {
} catch (final IOException e) {
throw new MojoExecutionException("Failed to clean output directory", e);
private void visitProjects(final List<?> dependencies, final Set<String> scopes, final ProjectVisitor visitor)
throws MojoExecutionException {
for (final Dependency dep : (List<Dependency>) dependencies) {
getLog().debug("Dependency: " + dep + " / scope=" + dep.getScope());
final String scope = dep.getScope();
if (scopes.contains(scope)) {
visitDeps(dep, visitor, scopes);
private interface ProjectVisitor {
public void visit(MavenProject project) throws MojoExecutionException;
private class GatherSourcesVisitor implements ProjectVisitor {
private final Set<File> sourceFolders = new HashSet<>();
public void visit(final MavenProject project) {
if (JavadocMojo.this.sourceTypes.contains(project.getPackaging())) {
for (final String root : (Collection<String>) project.getCompileSourceRoots()) {
getLog().debug("\tAdding source root: " + root);
final File rootFile = new File(root);
if (rootFile.isDirectory()) {
public Set<File> getSourceFolders() {
return this.sourceFolders;
private class GatherManifestVisitor implements ProjectVisitor {
private final Set<File> manifestFiles = new HashSet<>();
public void visit(final MavenProject project) {
if (JavadocMojo.this.sourceTypes.contains(project.getPackaging())) {
this.manifestFiles.add(new File(project.getBasedir(), "META-INF/MANIFEST.MF"));
public Set<File> getManifestFiles() {
return manifestFiles;
private class GatherClasspathVisitor implements ProjectVisitor {
private final Set<String> classPath = new HashSet<>();
private BundleProject getBundleProject(final MavenProject project) throws MojoExecutionException {
TychoProject projectType = projectTypes.get(project.getPackaging());
if (!(projectType instanceof BundleProject)) {
return null;
return (BundleProject) projectType;
public void visit(final MavenProject project) throws MojoExecutionException {
final BundleProject bp = getBundleProject(project);
if (bp != null) {
for (final ClasspathEntry cpe : bp.getClasspath(project)) {
cpe.getLocations().forEach(location -> this.classPath.add(location.getAbsolutePath()));
public Set<String> getClassPath() {
return this.classPath;
private void visitDeps(final Dependency dep, final ProjectVisitor visitor, final Set<String> scopes)
throws MojoExecutionException {
final MavenProject project = findProject(dep.getGroupId(), dep.getArtifactId());
if (project == null) {
getLog().info(String.format("Did not find project %s in reactor", dep));
getLog().debug("Adding sources from: " + project);
getLog().debug("Scanning dependencies: " + project.getDependencies().size());
visitProjects(project.getDependencies(), scopes, visitor);
getLog().debug("Done processing: " + project);
private MavenProject findProject(final String groupId, final String artifactId) {
getLog().debug(String.format("findProject - groupId: %s, artifactId: %s", groupId, artifactId));
for (final MavenProject p : this.reactorProjects) {
if (!p.getGroupId().equals(groupId)) {
if (!p.getArtifactId().equals(artifactId)) {
return p;
return null;