blob: a41e97c4fbfedc33bbeb4615eb053d1a198f20ca [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2002 - 2005 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.printing.internal.util;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import org.eclipse.draw2d.Graphics;
import org.eclipse.draw2d.SWTGraphics;
import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Rectangle;
import org.eclipse.gef.LayerConstants;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.core.preferences.PreferencesHint;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.editparts.DiagramEditPart;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.internal.pagesetup.PageInfoHelper;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.internal.pagesetup.PageInfoHelper.PageMargins;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.draw2d.ui.mapmode.IMapMode;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.draw2d.ui.mapmode.MapModeUtil;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.notation.Diagram;
import org.eclipse.jface.preference.IPreferenceStore;
import org.eclipse.jface.resource.JFaceResources;
import org.eclipse.jface.util.Assert;
import org.eclipse.swt.printing.Printer;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display;
* @canBeSeenBy %level1
public class DiagramPrinter
implements Runnable {
protected Printer printer;
private Point display_dpi;
private boolean isScaledPercent = false;
private int rows = 1;
private int columns = 1;
private GC gc;
private Graphics swtGraphics;
private Graphics graphics;
private PrinterGraphics printerGraphics;
protected Point printerOffset;
protected Rectangle logicalClientArea;
private float userScale;
* Used when a Collection of Diagram objects are passed in instead of an
* IEditorPart.
protected Collection diagrams;
* The initial amount that the diagram should be translated, set by
* printToScale or printToPages which calls drawToFitRowsColumns.
private Point translated = null;
* The hint used to find the appropriate preference store from which general
* diagramming preference values for properties of shapes, connections, and
* diagrams can be retrieved. This hint is mapped to a preference store in
* the {@link DiagramPreferencesRegistry}.
private PreferencesHint preferencesHint;
private IMapMode mm;
* Creates a new instance. The following variables must be initialized
* before calling <code>run()</code>:
* <li><code>printer</code></li>
* <li><code>display_dpi</code></li>
* <li><code>diagrams</code></li>
* @param mm <code>IMapMode</code> to do the coordinate mapping
public DiagramPrinter(PreferencesHint preferencesHint, IMapMode mm) {
this.preferencesHint = preferencesHint; = mm;
* Creates a new instance. The following variables must be initialized
* before calling <code>run()</code>:
* <li><code>printer</code></li>
* <li><code>display_dpi</code></li>
* <li><code>diagrams</code></li>
* @param mm <code>IMapMode</code> to do the coordinate mapping
public DiagramPrinter(PreferencesHint preferencesHint) {
this(preferencesHint, MapModeUtil.getMapMode());
* @return <code>IMapMode</code> to do the coordinate mapping
protected IMapMode getMapMode() {
return mm;
* Sets the columns.
* @param columns
* The columns to set.
public void setColumns(int columns) {
this.columns = columns;
* Sets the diagrams.
* @param diagrams
* a Collection of Diagram objects
public void setDiagrams(Collection diagrams) {
this.diagrams = diagrams;
* Sets the display DPI.
* @param display_dpi
* The display_dpi to set.
public void setDisplayDPI(Point display_dpi) {
this.display_dpi = new Point(display_dpi.x, display_dpi.y);
* Sets the printer.
* @param printer
* The printer to set.
public void setPrinter(Printer printer) {
this.printer = printer;
* Sets the rows.
* @param rows
* The rows to set.
public void setRows(int rows) {
this.rows = rows;
* Sets the scaled percent.
* @param scalePercent
public void setScaledPercent(int scalePercent) {
this.isScaledPercent = true;
this.userScale = (scalePercent) / 100.0f;
* Prints the contents of the diagram editor part.
public void run() {
assert null != printer : "printer must be set"; //$NON-NLS-1$
if (!(printer.startJob("Printing"))) { //$NON-NLS-1$
assert diagrams != null;
Iterator it = diagrams.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Object obj =;
//the diagrams List is only supposed to have Diagram objects
Assert.isTrue(obj instanceof Diagram);
DiagramEditPart dgrmEP = PrintHelper.createDiagramEditPart((Diagram) obj, preferencesHint);
boolean loadedPreferences = PrintHelper.initializePreferences(dgrmEP, preferencesHint);
assert dgrmEP.getViewer() instanceof DiagramGraphicalViewer;
IPreferenceStore fPreferences = ((DiagramGraphicalViewer)dgrmEP.getViewer()).getWorkspaceViewerPreferenceStore();
doPrintDiagram(dgrmEP, loadedPreferences, fPreferences);
* Prints to scale or prints to rows x columns pages
private void doPrintDiagram(DiagramEditPart dgrmEP, boolean loadedPreferences, IPreferenceStore fPreferences) {;
if (isScaledPercent) {
printToScale(dgrmEP, loadedPreferences, fPreferences);
} else {
printToPages(dgrmEP, loadedPreferences, fPreferences);
private void initialize() {
assert null != printer : "printer must be set"; //$NON-NLS-1$
this.gc = new GC(printer);
this.swtGraphics = new SWTGraphics(gc);
this.printerGraphics = createPrinterGraphics(swtGraphics); = createMapModeGraphics(printerGraphics);;
this.logicalClientArea = Rectangle(
* Usually, the printable area is less than the page.
* This method returns the offset for each x margin and each y margin.
* x margins are left and right
* y margins are top and bottom
* We'll assume the left and right offsets are the same and the
* top and bottom offsets are the same.
* @return Point with x and y offsets
protected Point getPrinterOffset() {
if (printerOffset == null) {
int offsetX = this.printer.getBounds().width
- this.printer.getClientArea().width;
int offsetY = this.printer.getBounds().height
- this.printer.getClientArea().height;
// assume half on each side
offsetX = (int) (getMapMode()
.DPtoLP((int) (offsetX / 2.0f * display_dpi.x / printer.getDPI().x)) / userScale);
offsetY = (int) (getMapMode()
.DPtoLP((int) (offsetY / 2.0f * display_dpi.y / printer.getDPI().y)) / userScale);
printerOffset = new Point(offsetX, offsetY);
return printerOffset;
* Print the diagram figure using specified scale factor.
* @param dgrmEP the DiagramEditPart that will be printed
* @param loadedPreferences true if existing prefs could be loaded
* successfully, false if not and defaults are being used. This parameter
* is important to obtain the correct page break bounds.
* @param fPreferences the preferenceStore that could either contain
* existing preferences or defaults
protected void printToScale(DiagramEditPart dgrmEP, boolean loadedPreferences, IPreferenceStore fPreferences) {
assert null != printer : "printer must be set"; //$NON-NLS-1$
Rectangle figureBounds = PrintHelper.getPageBreakBounds(dgrmEP, loadedPreferences);
//translate to offset initial figure position
translated = new Point(-figureBounds.x, -figureBounds.y);, translated.y);;
//calculate the number of page rows and columns
org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Point pageSize = PageInfoHelper.getPageSize(fPreferences, false, getMapMode());
float fNumRows = (figureBounds.height * userScale)
/ pageSize.y;
int numRows = (int) Math.ceil(fNumRows);
float fNumCols = (figureBounds.width * userScale)
/ pageSize.x;
int numCols = (int) Math.ceil(fNumCols);
PageMargins margins = PageInfoHelper.getPageMargins(fPreferences, getMapMode());
adjustMargins(margins, userScale, getPrinterOffset());
GC gc_ = new GC(Display.getDefault());
FontData fontData = JFaceResources.getDefaultFont().getFontData()[0];
Font font = new Font(printer, fontData);
try {
//print the pages in row, column order
for (int row = 1; row <= numRows; row++) {
for (int col = 1; col <= numCols; col++) {
drawPage(gc_, dgrmEP, fPreferences, figureBounds, margins, font, row, col);
} finally {
//must dispose resources
* Draw the header and footer
* @param gc_,
* a graphics context that is not null which this method will use
* for figuring ouyt the font's extent
* @param figureBounds,
* Rectangle with the bounds of the figure
* @param rowIndex,
* int
* @param colIndex,
* int
protected void drawHeaderAndFooter(GC gc_, DiagramEditPart dgrmEP, Rectangle figureBounds,
Font font, int rowIndex, int colIndex) {
int width = this.logicalClientArea.width;
int height = this.logicalClientArea.height;; //draw text, don't make it too small or big; / userScale);, -translated.y);
String headerOrFooter = HeaderAndFooterHelper.makeHeaderOrFooterString(
WorkspaceViewerProperties.HEADER_PREFIX, rowIndex, colIndex,
+ (width - getMapMode().DPtoLP(gc_.textExtent(headerOrFooter).x))
/ 2, getMapMode().DPtoLP(HeaderAndFooterHelper.TOP_MARGIN_DP));
headerOrFooter = HeaderAndFooterHelper.makeHeaderOrFooterString(
WorkspaceViewerProperties.FOOTER_PREFIX, rowIndex, colIndex,
+ (width - getMapMode().DPtoLP(gc_.textExtent(headerOrFooter).x))
/ 2, height - getMapMode().DPtoLP(HeaderAndFooterHelper.BOTTOM_MARGIN_DP));; //for drawing the text
* This method paints a portion of the diagram. (The area painted
* representing one page.)
* @param gc_ a graphics context that is not null which this method will use
* for figuring ouyt the font's extent
* @param dgrmEP the DiagramEditPart that will be printed
* @param fPreferences the preferenceStore that could either contain
* existing preferences or defaults
* @param figureBounds the page break bounds we'll have to offset by
* @param font the Font to print the header or footer with
* @param rowIndex index of row we're printing
* @param colIndex index of column we're priniting
protected void drawPage(GC gc_, DiagramEditPart dgrmEP,
IPreferenceStore fPreferences, Rectangle figureBounds,
PageMargins margins, Font font, int rowIndex, int colIndex) {
org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Point pageSize = PageInfoHelper
.getPageSize(fPreferences, false, getMapMode());
int width = pageSize.x, height = pageSize.y;
int translateX = -(width * (colIndex - 1));
int translateY = -(height * (rowIndex - 1));
int scaledTranslateX = (int) (translateX / userScale);
int scaledTranslateY = (int) (translateY / userScale);
int scaledWidth = (int) (width / userScale);
int scaledHeight = (int) (height / userScale);
scaledTranslateX += ((margins.left * colIndex) + (margins.right * (colIndex - 1)));
scaledTranslateY += (( * rowIndex) + (margins.bottom * (rowIndex - 1)));
drawHeaderAndFooter(gc_, dgrmEP, figureBounds, font, rowIndex, colIndex);;, scaledTranslateY);
Rectangle r = new Rectangle((scaledWidth - margins.left - margins.right)
* (colIndex - 1) + figureBounds.x, (scaledHeight - - margins.bottom)
* (rowIndex - 1) + figureBounds.y, scaledWidth - margins.left - margins.right,
scaledHeight - - margins.bottom);;
* Print the diagram figure to fit the number and rows and columns
* specified by the user.
* @param dgrmEP the DiagramEditPart that will be printed
* @param loadedPreferences true if existing prefs could be loaded
* successfully, false if not and defaults are being used. This parameter
* is important to obtain the correct page break bounds.
* @param fPreferences the preferenceStore that could either contain
* existing preferences or defaults
protected void printToPages(DiagramEditPart dgrmEP,
boolean loadedPreferences, IPreferenceStore fPreferences) {
assert null != printer : "printer must be set"; //$NON-NLS-1$
Rectangle figureBounds = PrintHelper.getPageBreakBounds(dgrmEP,
org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Point pageBounds = PageInfoHelper
.getPageSize(fPreferences, getMapMode());
Rectangle translate = new Rectangle(Math.min(0, figureBounds.x), Math
.min(0, figureBounds.y),
Math.max(pageBounds.x, figureBounds.width), Math.max(pageBounds.y,
// do not include margins
org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Point pageSize = PageInfoHelper
.getPageSize(fPreferences, true, getMapMode());
// there's usually a difference between the total page area and the
// actual printable area
int offsetX = this.printer.getBounds().width
- this.printer.getClientArea().width;
int offsetY = this.printer.getBounds().height
- this.printer.getClientArea().height;
pageSize.x -= offsetX * columns;
pageSize.y -= offsetY * rows;
float vScale = ((float) (this.rows * pageSize.y)) / translate.height;
float hScale = ((float) (this.columns * pageSize.x)) / translate.width;
this.userScale = Math.min(hScale, vScale);
// translate to offset figure position
translated = new Point((int) (-translate.x * userScale),
(int) (-translate.y * userScale));, translated.y);;
PageMargins margins = PageInfoHelper.getPageMargins(fPreferences, getMapMode());
adjustMargins(margins, userScale, getPrinterOffset());
GC gc_ = new GC(Display.getDefault());
FontData fontData = JFaceResources.getDefaultFont().getFontData()[0];
Font font = new Font(printer, fontData);
try {
// print the pages in row, column order
for (int row = 1; row <= rows; row++) {
for (int col = 1; col <= columns; col++) {
drawPage(gc_, dgrmEP, fPreferences, translate, margins,
font, row, col);
} finally {
// must dispose resources
* Return scale factor between printer and display.
* @return float
private float computePrinterDisplayScale() {
assert null != printer : "printer must be set"; //$NON-NLS-1$
assert null != display_dpi : "display_dpi must be set"; //$NON-NLS-1$
Point dpi = printer.getDPI();
float scale = dpi.x / (float) display_dpi.x;
return scale;
* Disposes of the resources.
private void dispose() {
if (graphics != null) {
graphics = null;
if (printerGraphics != null) {
printerGraphics = null;
if (swtGraphics != null) {
swtGraphics = null;
if (this.gc != null) {
this.gc = null;
* Creates the <code>MapModeGraphics</code>.
* @param theGraphics
* the <code>PrinterGraphics</code> object
* @return the new <code>MapModeGraphics</code>
protected MapModeGraphics createMapModeGraphics(Graphics theGraphics) {
return new MapModeGraphics(theGraphics, getMapMode());
* Creates the <code>PrinterGraphics</code>.
* @param theGraphics
* the <code>Graphics</code> object
* @return the new <code>PrinterGraphics</code>
protected PrinterGraphics createPrinterGraphics(Graphics theGraphics) {
return new PrinterGraphics(theGraphics, printer, true);
* Gets the preferences hint that is to be used to find the appropriate
* preference store from which to retrieve diagram preference values. The
* preference hint is mapped to a preference store in the preference
* registry <@link DiagramPreferencesRegistry>.
* @return the preferences hint
protected PreferencesHint getPreferencesHint() {
return preferencesHint;
* Adjust the given PageMargins by the scale and offset
* @param margins PageMargins to adjust
* @param scale margins will be scaled by this amount
* @param offset to adjust margins by
protected void adjustMargins(PageMargins margins, float scale, Point offset) {
margins.left /= scale; /= scale;
margins.right /= scale;
margins.bottom /= scale;
margins.left -= offset.x;
margins.right += offset.x; -= offset.y;
margins.bottom += offset.y;
// this is more readable than doing Math.min for all the above
if (margins.left < 0)
margins.left = 0;
if (margins.right < 0)
margins.right = 0;
if ( < 0) = 0;
if (margins.bottom < 0)
margins.bottom = 0;